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Chapter 46 Iron Armor Curse

Three feet of ice cannot be frozen in one day.

The bad relationship between the Weasley twins and Filch is indeed not without reason.

Yesterday, all night long, George and Fred got together to discuss how to take revenge on Filch and make the old guy feel weak. Finally, even Lee Jordan came over to discuss the matter.

The results of it.

The three of them stayed up late and couldn't get up in the morning.

In the end, Albert returned to the dormitory after breakfast and woke them up one by one to prevent them from being late for their morning herbal medicine class.

"So sleepy." George covered a yawn, holding a piece of bread in his hand and eating as he walked.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have discussed those nonsense with you." Li Jordan wiped out the piece of bread in his hand, stared at the untouched piece of bread in Fred's hand and asked, "If you don't want to eat, give it to me.

I'm not full."

"Who says I won't eat it?" Fred quickly put the piece of bread into his mouth, took a bite, and asked, "Do you want more?"

Li Jordan looked at Fred with disgust, turned his head and stopped looking at him.

"By the way, after you talked for so long last night, what plans did you make?" Albert asked casually.

"We're going to throw a few dung bombs at Filch's office door." Fred was a little excited when he talked about this.

"That's it?" Albert felt speechless for a while.

You guys discussed it all night and this is what you got?

On their way to Greenhouse No. 1, they suddenly heard a scream coming from the aisle in front. Several people looked at each other. When they walked over, they found Peeves floating in the sky with an ink bottle in his hand.

Blowing ink beads at passing students.

Someone was very angry and threw paper balls at Peeves, trying to drive him away.

Peeves easily dodged the ball of paper and chuckled at him. In order to retaliate against someone throwing something at him, Peeves actually sprayed ink from his mouth and smeared the other person's face.

The man's face was almost angry, but there was nothing he could do about Peeves. In the end, everyone could only cover their heads with books and quickly ran through the corridor.

"Peeves, are you a ghost?" Albert looked at the naughty man in front of him. This was the first time he saw Peeves. This guy had a pair of evil black eyes and a big mouth.

He is very small and wears a hat with bells on his head.

The two sides looked at each other clearly, he is a guy full of bad taste.

"What do you think?" Peeves stared at Albert and the four of them, with an evil smile on his lips, which made several of them feel numb.

"Obviously not, the ghost can't pick up the inkwell!" Albert pulled out his wand and waved it forward, shouting: "Armor for protection!"

A large amount of ink was thrown at the four people, but it was blocked by Albert's iron armor spell.

Even Peeves was stunned, he actually missed it without even thinking about it.

"Nasty little devil." After the ink bottle was deflected by the Iron Armor Curse, Peeves made a rude gesture towards Albert and flew away.

"No wonder everyone hates Peeves." Li Qiaodan looked at the traces of ink splattered on his body and almost went crazy.

"Clean it up!" Albert raised his wand and pointed at the ink on the ground. The descaling spell made most of the ink disappear.

"Actually, there is no need to clean up. Maybe we should leave more footprints in the corridor." The twins looked at each other and stopped Albert happily. Anyway, it would only be Filch who cleaned the corridor, and Peeves was the one who caused all this.

The culprit has nothing to do with them at all.

"Forget it, let's go!" Albert couldn't help shaking his head, "Be careful not to be late."

"How did you do that just now?" When he came to the entrance of Greenhouse No. 1, George curiously asked what the spell was about.

"You're talking about the Iron Armor Curse!" Albert looked around at the students crowded at the entrance to Greenhouse No. 1. Most of them had been killed by Peeves, and there were traces of ink on their clothes.

"Iron Armor Curse?" Fredno murmured thoughtfully, "I seem to have heard it somewhere."

"The Iron Armor Curse is a relatively practical defensive spell that can block most physical and magic spells." Albert explained casually. He had already seen Professor Pomona Sprout coming this way. Everyone automatically

Make way for a passage and let the Head of Hufflepuff open the door of Greenhouse No. 1.

"Where did you learn it?" Li Qiaodan asked curiously, "You know a lot of spells."

"I found this in an extra book I purchased. I found it very practical and learned it. It took a lot of time." Albert told a little lie. The Iron Armor Curse was directly mastered by spending experience.

After all, there's no harm in mastering a magic spell that can protect you.

"It must be difficult for us. Having said that, you actually learned it, it's really cool." When George walked into the greenhouse, his face was full of admiration, "As long as you learn it, you don't have to worry about anyone giving it to you.

It's a curse."

Albert couldn't help but rolled his eyes. According to the standard of Hogwarts students, that is, novices pecking each other.

"What's wrong with you?" Cedric Diggory, standing opposite Albert, looked at his classmates covered in ink in shock.

"It's Peeves. He just spilled ink on the corridor. You're lucky, that guy just left." Fred replied angrily, and his pants were also splashed with ink.

"Opening "Thousands of Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms", our lesson today is to give you a general understanding of what the herbal medicine class teaches and what you should learn from this class." Pomona Sprout

She was a short, fat witch who always had a kind smile on her face. In the first lesson of the herbal medicine class, she taught them about some of the herbs in the book and their uses.

Albert feels that herbalism is similar to Muggle botany. Students need to learn how to care for and use plants, and understand their magical properties and applications.

Many plants are used as ingredients in potions and medicines, while others have unique magical effects.

Of course, the representative one is Bai Xian.

Baixian is a plant with magical properties that can be used to make potions and also has a strong healing effect.

Pomona introduced to them that because not all wounds can be treated through magic, Bai Xian made a great contribution to the treatment.

A long time ago, wizards knew how to use fresh blood to treat themselves. They would directly chop the fresh blood into pieces and apply it on the wounds.

As for today's wizards, they will mention the essence of Bai Xian. Just a little bit can effectively treat wounds, and the wounds treated by Bai Xian will not leave scars.

The only regret is that there are not many wild fresh flowers left in the wild, and most of them need to be cultivated artificially. How to take care of fresh flowers is one of their main courses this semester, and it is also a must-take exam for them.

This chapter has been completed!
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