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Chapter 484 During the date

After the bell rang at eleven o'clock in the evening on the bell tower, the few lighting torches that were still lit on the walls on both sides of the castle corridor began to gradually go out, and the quiet corridor fell into darkness again.

Suddenly, a faint voice came from somewhere, as if someone was talking in the corridor.

No, it should be said that someone was actually talking in the corridor.

A pale light appeared out of thin air in the darkness, causing dissatisfaction and criticism from the wizards in the surrounding portraits who were preparing to sleep.

"It seems to be very lively tonight." Isobel stopped and listened to the whispers in the distance. She turned to her boyfriend and said, "It doesn't matter if we date another day."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, with this thing, we won't run into other professors." Albert shook the Marauder's Map in his hand. Naturally, he had to bring important things with him for a night date, otherwise he would be disturbed by others.

Dating is such a bummer.

"That map has a very high magic content." Isobel said as he continued to walk forward. "It used very clever tracking spells, trace spells, and camouflage spells."

"I know." Albert asked, "By the way, can you make one yourself?"

"Can't you do it yourself?" Isobel was a little surprised. In her eyes, Albert was actually no different from being omnipotent.

There's no way around it, this guy basically knows everything, and he knows everything.

"My tracking spell is not very good, and I don't know how to trace the trace spell." Albert shrugged. He was surprised to find that Isobel knew him so well. Sometimes it was a bit incredible to think about it.

However, the natural telegrapher is really powerful!

"I have accumulated a lot of pressure recently." Albert reached out and took Isobel's hand, leading her to continue walking forward.

"Why do you say that?" Isobel asked rhetorically. She used the time turner frequently, which indeed accumulated a lot of pressure. As the O.W.Ls exam approached, the pressure became more and more intense.

"It's just a vague feeling, and you care too much about grades." Albert casually changed the subject, "We went to the Ravenclaw common room to chat. I haven't been to the lounges of other colleges?


"You've already been there last time. It's best not to go at this time. Some Ravenclaw students are still reviewing their lessons." Isobel suggested, "How about we go to the Gryffindor common room?

, I’m also curious about what your lounge looks like.”

"Percy Weasley is probably still reviewing his lessons." Albert said without thinking.

"Are you trying to say that I don't study hard enough?" Isobel glanced at her mouth and took Albert directly to the Ravenclaw common room.

On the way to the Ravenclaw common room, they also encountered many students who were cursing and returning to their respective lounges. There were students from the four houses, and Filch's curses could be heard from further away.

"Did the guard at the hunting ground really raise a dragon?" Isobel asked her boyfriend beside her curiously after everyone else had gone away.

"Well, it's true. I secretly raised a Norwegian Ridgeback."

Because the dragon would be sent away tonight, Albert did not deliberately hide it.

"So, what was rumored a while ago is also true?" Isobel suddenly realized and looked at Albert with a strange look on his face, "Is it because the Ministry of Magic failed to find the dragon during the raid? Is it because you hid it?"

"Well, congratulations, you got the answer right. You are indeed my girlfriend. Here, I will give you a reward." Albert reached out to pick up Isobel's waist and kissed her cheek.

"Actually, I even suspect that this matter has something to do with you from beginning to end." Isobel felt that her boyfriend was always mysterious and knew a lot of things.

"If he helped hide the dragon, this matter is probably directly related to him."

"You can think that I helped Hagrid get the dragon eggs, helped him fulfill his wish to raise a dragon, helped him hide the dragon to avoid surprise inspections by the Ministry of Magic, and finally helped him send the dragon away." Albert said simply. admitted this.

"It's hard to imagine you doing this."

"In my prophecy, Hagrid is destined to get the dragon egg." Albert sighed helplessly, "Raising dragons is Hagrid's dream and his persistence. Even I can't. I might have stopped him from raising a dragon, so I gave him a hand, and we are friends after all."

Of course, there are some things that Albert didn't say. He used the dragon egg incident to get himself a lot of tasks and rewards. This is the most important thing. If he can't squeeze out experience, Albert will basically not intervene and let it go. .

"I understand what you mean." Isobel nodded. She also had her own persistence at the beginning. In order to kill Rowena Smith, Isobel also paid a lot. In the end, she could not let go easily and would not give up. , even if you make some irrational decisions as a result.

While talking, the two of them had arrived at the entrance of the Ravenclaw common room.

"You come or I come."

"It's better if you come, why am I just an invited guest?" Albert smiled and made an invitation gesture, then put his head to Isobel's ear and asked softly, "Bring it secretly How does it feel when your boyfriend enters the common room of your college?"

"What does it feel like?" Isobel repeated: "It doesn't feel like anything. Anyway, you can go in by yourself."

"How about taking me to your dormitory?" Albert suggested with a smile.

"Are you sure?" Isobel's expression became strange and she reminded. "Do you know that Hogwarts has a rigid rule?"

"I know. It was said in "Hogwarts: A School History" that the founders of the school believed that boys were not as reliable as girls. So they enchanted the stairs in the girls' dormitory, but the Big Four didn't think anything of it. Yes, we can enter the girls' dormitory without stepping on the stairs." Albert reminded him with a naughty wink, "I have a broomstick here!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Okay, you win." Isobel said discouragedly: "You'd better not go to the girls' dormitory, the noise will disturb those who are still there. Girls who haven't slept well, if other girls find out that you are planning to sneak into the girls' dormitory late at night... you don't want to know the result!"

"I thought the girls would warmly entertain me for afternoon tea!" Albert joked with a smile.

"If you didn't come at night, it might be possible."

"Good evening, Ms. Grey." Albert greeted the Ravenclaw ghost with a smile, without any embarrassment about being discovered on a date.

"Good evening, if I were you, I wouldn't run around at night." Ms. Gray looked up and down at the two talented wizards from Hogwarts in front of her, "Although many people think that dating after the curfew starts is a romantic thing.


After saying that, Ms. Gray floated away.

"It seems that you are very familiar with this lady."

Isobel began to introduce Ravenclaw House to Albert, but she still insisted that if Albert had come to Ravenclaw, he would not be as adventurous as he is now.

Albert just smiled and said nothing.

During the chat, the two of them talked about some trivial matters at home, and then introduced their families to each other.

Isobel also learned from Albert the reason why he became Wild Smith's heir.


Isobel nodded imperceptibly and said: "At the beginning, I guessed that you might be a descendant of a wizard or a squib. However, I didn't expect that you are actually a direct line of Smith."

"Those are no longer important."

Albert revealed the matter lightly.

Yes, it’s not important anymore!

"However, your sister may be in a little trouble!" Isobel said suddenly: "She now has admiration and attachment for you. To her, you are her own, a very special existence. I am with her

In his heart, he probably thinks of the bad woman who took away his brother, and there is no way he will be liked by her!"

"Don't think too much. When Nia grows up and becomes more sensible, she won't be like that." Albert found that Isobel's statement might be right, but he felt that time could help solve all this.

Everything changes, let alone a young girl.

"Let's go to the observatory. If you're lucky, you should be able to see the Norwegian Ridgeback." Albert suggested with a smile: "You should also be curious about what the little dragon looks like!"

After Isobel agreed, the two left the Ravenclaw lounge together and headed towards the observatory. On the way, they also met Filch, the administrator who was patrolling near the observatory.

After Filch disappeared at the end of the corridor, Albert whispered to Isobel: "Perhaps, you have also noticed that Filch is a squib. As long as the Disillusionment Spell is not too bad, you can easily hide it from him."

"You know quite a lot." Isobel looked at Albert deeply.

"If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find out his identity. Filch has never used magic from beginning to end, not even once, and it is impossible for a Muggle to serve as an administrator at Hogwarts, so he

It can only be a squib."

Isobel looked at Filch's leaving figure and shook her head imperceptibly.

They came to the corridor on the first floor of the Astronomy Tower and found Malfoy sneaking around. They didn't know how he escaped from Filch who was patrolling everywhere.

"Malfoy will definitely be caught, deducted points, and put in solitary confinement." Albert said to Isobel as he started walking up the spiral staircase.

"I heard that you seemed to have made a prophecy for Mr. Malfoy." Isobel asked with interest.

"Well, I did make a prophecy, and that prophecy has now begun to come true." As they spoke, the two of them walked up the steep spiral staircase and opened the wooden door on the top floor of the astronomy tower.

"How are they going to enter Hogwarts?" Isobel looked at the cloudy night sky and suddenly turned her head to ask Albert, "I remember it was mentioned in "Hogwarts, a School History", because the area around the school

Protected by ancient magic, outsiders cannot enter this school directly by flying."

"Then how do you think they got in?" A faint smile appeared on the corner of Albert's mouth, and he looked up to a certain place in the school. The window of the principal's office was still lit with light.

"You mean, the principal let them in?" Isobel immediately realized what was going on, "The principal knows about this?"

"Congratulations, you got the answer right!" Albert said happily, "Actually, I wrote a letter to the principal and briefly explained to him the situation at Hagrid. Since the principal is not prepared to get involved, it means that he actually acquiesced.

It’s because of Potter’s approach.”

"Are you trying to say that all of this was actually what you expected?" Isobel said with a slight eyebrow raised.

"It can be said like this."

"I like your confident look." Isobel kissed Albert's cheek and reminded, "But you should know that not everything can go as you expect."

She didn't want Albert to get too carried away, because sooner or later he would make a mistake and be unlucky.

"Honestly, finding you as my girlfriend was beyond my expectation." Albert put his head next to Isobel's ear and whispered softly: "I really never thought that Hogwarts was still there.

There is a wonderful girl like you."

"So, you started looking for a girlfriend for yourself when you were in first grade?" Isobel covered her mouth and chuckled, but she still liked what Albert said.

"If you are in the same class, I don't have any feelings. Your sister is actually very beautiful, but her personality may not be compatible with mine. Shanna from Gryffindor has a pretty good personality, and she is also a Muggle, so she gets along well with me.

It's pretty good." Albert secretly observed the change of expression on Isobel's face and said desperately, "I think Shanna might like me a little bit."

"What do you think I'm doing?" Isobel couldn't help laughing.

"Are you jealous?" Albert said seriously.

"Jealous, why should I be jealous? What's there to be jealous of? Those girls you mentioned are just poor losers." Isobel said pitifully.

This statement made so much sense that Albert didn't know what to say.

He suddenly understood why Fred, George and Lee Jordan were usually speechless by his words.

While the two were talking, there was a sound of footsteps outside the spiral staircase.

It's Potter and Hermione.

They were whispering about Malfoy being captured and detained.

Just when the two were about to open the wooden door and enter the attic, Albert suddenly felt that his cheek was being held by someone and his mouth was being blocked.

Then, the door was opened, but no one else was seen entering the observatory.

Albert didn't quite understand why Isobel did this.

Suddenly, the sound of the box falling to the ground sounded on the observatory.

The two immediately separated and looked towards the direction from which the sound came.

"Who is there."

The scene suddenly fell into a strange atmosphere.

At this moment, Harry, who was hiding under the invisibility cloak, was a little panicked. They never thought that there would be anyone else on the observatory.

"Potter, the invisibility cloak is good, but I can't see where you are hiding?" Albert lit up his wand, looked at the position of the door with the help of the light from the tip of the wand, and spoke first to break the silence.

"Why are you here?" Harry got out of the invisibility cloak and looked at Albert and asked.

"Sorry to interrupt your date!" Hermione was not an idiot like Harry. When the two came in just now, she caught them kissing.

Students at the school knew that Albert already had a girlfriend, but they had never been seen dating together.

Unexpectedly, the two of them would meet here.

"Isobel is interested in Xiaolong, so I brought her here to try my luck. Besides, don't you think this is also a good date place?" Albert winked at Harry and reminded: "Bo

Special, if you have your own girlfriend in the future, you can bring her here for a date."

Harry was a little embarrassed and even forgot about Malfoy being deducted points and sent to solitary confinement.

"Is this the dragon?" Isobel looked at the little dragon in the crate with interest. This was the first time she saw what a living dragon looked like.

"This guy's teeth are poisonous." Albert took out a pair of dragon skin gloves from the deformed lizard skin bag and handed them to Isobel, not forgetting to remind: "If you want to touch it, remember to wear gloves, I don't want you to get in trouble because of it.

school clinic."

Watching Albert take out the gloves from his pocket, Hermione's expression suddenly became complicated.

"It's so irritable!" Isobel was bitten when she was petting the dragon.

Norbert was moving violently in the box.

"Norwegian Ridgebacks are more aggressive!" Albert drew out his wand and after the spell hit the little dragon, it stopped struggling.

"What did you do?" Hermione asked confused.

"Stun Curse, you probably don't want to be troubled by Filch!" Albert explained casually and changed the subject, "By the way, what were you talking about just now? You seemed very happy."

"When we came over, we saw Malfoy being caught by Professor McGonagall." Hermione said excitedly, "It was that guy who almost caused Hagrid to be expelled from school. He finally got his comeuppance."

"I really want to know what Snape's expression would be like when he saw Professor McGonagall bringing Malfoy to see him." Harry also had a look of gloating on his face.

"Well, it's indeed interesting. I also want to know." Albert turned to look at Isobel, who was rubbing her fingers: "Are you okay?"

"It's still very young!" Isobel sighed: "It shouldn't be a month yet. The dragon is really a very dangerous creature."

While they were chatting, several black dots appeared on the horizon, which should be the friends Charlie mentioned in his letter. They soon landed on the observatory.

"What's wrong with it? It seems to be very lethargic?" A wizard asked as he checked the dragon in the crate and raised his eyebrows.

"I used a stun spell on it to calm it down," Albert said.

"This is not easy. Dragon skin is very resistant to magic." Several other wizards showed surprised expressions. They had also dealt with dragons and naturally understood how difficult these creatures were to deal with.

"Probably because this dragon is still too young and its resistance to magic is not very strong." Albert said casually, "Say hello to Charlie for me!"

"Okay, Mr. Anderson."

Charlie's friends were all cheerful people. After briefly introducing themselves, they began to wrap the rope tightly around the box with the rope they brought. They did not dare to stay in Hogwarts at all, and hurriedly flew away on their broomsticks with the little dragon.


There was no way, if the Ministry of Magic knew that they were illegally carrying a dragon, they would probably be jailed.

"Then let's go first!"

Harry and Hermione both relaxed, waved at the retreating figures, and turned to say goodbye to Albert and Isobel.

Then, they even forgot to bring their invisibility cloaks and went downstairs.

"Why not remind them?" Isobel looked at Albert in confusion.

"Let them suffer a little, so that they will really have a long memory, so that they will not like to run around after curfew in the future." Albert showed an expression of "I am doing it for their own good", which made Isobel speechless.

She always felt that Albert just wanted to see those two guys in trouble. They didn't know how to use the Disillusionment Curse, and they would most likely be caught by Filch when they went down.

A lot of points will be deducted and you will be put in confinement.

It's not hard to imagine what would happen if everyone woke up and were shocked to find that Gryffindor House's scores had dropped significantly.

"You are so mean!"

Isobel looked at Albert who was checking the invisibility cloak and asked: "Is there something wrong?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "It is truly the Deathly Hallows!"

Albert couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This invisibility cloak felt strange to the touch, as if it was woven with water.

"It's very special. You can't tell what it was made of at all." Albert handed the invisibility cloak to Isobel, and then looked at the new task that appeared on the task panel: collect three Deathly Hallows.

After seeing this mission, Albert was speechless for a while.

However, he was quickly brought back to attention by Isobel.

"What are you going to do with this thing?"

"Well, I'll take it and return it to Potter later!" Albert said without thinking.

When they were about to leave the observatory, they heard footsteps coming from the bottom of the spiral staircase.

"Perhaps, Potter revealed our night outing to others." Isobel teased.

"Who do you think it will be?" Albert looked at the visitor, asked himself and greeted him: "Good evening, Principal Dumbledore."

"Good evening, Mr. Anderson." Dumbledore looked at Albert and Isobel, not angry, nor did he blame them for being here in the middle of the night.

"The little dragon was sent away?"

"Already sent away!" Albert handed the invisibility cloak to Dumbledore simply: "Potter forgot to take away the invisibility cloak. I think he regrets that he forgot it on the roof now!


"Yes, they encountered a little trouble." Dumbledore did not reach out to take the invisibility cloak handed over by Albert, but said gently to Albert and Isobel: "I suggest you move the date to

Breaking school rules during the day is always bad, and not sleeping at night is not good for your health."

With that said, Dumbledore turned and left.

"Let's go back too!" Albert said to Isobel with a smile, "Don't be surprised, after all, Dumbledore is very open-minded and easy to deal with."

This chapter has been completed!
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