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Chapter 492 The Story of Quirinus Quirrell (End)

Through a letter from the Minister of Magic, Quirrell successfully deceived Dumbledore out of school. He knew it was time for him to take action. He had never been more prepared than now.

The first step in guarding the Philosopher's Stone is Hagrid's three-headed dog Lu Wei. According to the information purchased by Hagrid and Quirrell themselves, it only takes a piece of music to put Lu Wei into a deep sleep.

After easily defeating Lu Wei with the harp, Quirrell couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He opened the trap door on the ground, looked at the deep tunnel below, and began to recall the information he had purchased.

The second level is the devil's net set up by Professor Sprout.

Quirrell almost didn't hesitate and jumped down the tunnel. When he was about to land, he cast a shock-absorbing spell on himself and landed gently on the devil's net.

Those damn plants start to become active after sensing prey.

Quirrell waved his wand to create flames, which dispersed all the devil's net around him, and he soon succeeded in breaking free from the devil's net.

How on earth do you know these secrets if you sell any information?

Has that guy already been here?

Is that guy Dumbledore's disguise to deceive himself into taking the bait?

As he walked down the corridor, Quirrell's mind was full of doubts. He had already heard the voice. It was the key to flying in the third level. He needed to grab a rusty door-shaped key.

Quirrell saw the keys flying in the sky, the broomstick, and the locked door.

After using the unlocking spell and counter-opening spell to no avail, I had no choice but to get on my broom and fly into the air to start a capture operation.

Rushing into the dense array of keys, Quirrell tried his best to catch and fish them out, but the keys enchanted by Professor Flitwick dodged so fast that Quirrell almost went crazy with anger.

It should have been a level that could be passed quickly, but it took Quirrell half an hour to finally grab the key, forcefully stuff it into the keyhole, and open the door to enter the fourth level: Wizard's Chess.

Quirrell's own level of wizard chess is only average.

However, he didn't panic at all. The letter sent to him contained tips on how to pass the wizard chess.

He didn't even think about trying it himself, but directly took out the strategy guide from his pocket, which was the steps that Albert used to clear Wizard Chess last time. He played the chess step by step and easily passed the giant chessboard array carefully arranged by Professor McGonagall.

"It's money well spent."

Quirrell said to himself when he looked at the fifth level he had arranged.

The troll security guards weren't actually dangerous. Their biggest problem was the stench, so Quirrell cast a bubble spell on himself.

Of course, Quirrell himself also has his own ideas on how to train trolls, otherwise trolls would not be included as the fifth level.

Of course, when Dumbledore asked him for help, he suggested renting a troll security guard from the goblins to protect things.

When Quirrell entered the room, he immediately waved his wand at the troll.

I saw many bumps appearing on the monster's head. It kept scratching its own head, and finally used the wooden stick in its hand to knock on the bumps. Not only did it knock out big lumps, but it also staged a scene of killing itself.

Knocked out comedy.

After passing the troll, the next step is Snape's logical reasoning riddle.

Quirrell glanced at the contents of the parchment on the table and felt a little pain in his head. He had little exposure to logical reasoning and had no talent in this area.

If you want to answer it, it will probably take a lot of time.

However, this time, Quirrell knew the answer directly. He chose the smallest bottle, drank the potion inside directly, and then passed through the black flames to reach the seventh level assigned by Dumbledore.

According to the information sold to everyone, Dumbledore hid the Philosopher's Stone in the Mirror of Erised. The best way is to pack the mirror away with him and study it later.

But how to move it away blatantly?

What's more, Quirrell spent so much time just to get the Philosopher's Stone, and he couldn't wait any longer.

In the Mirror of Erised, Quirrell saw that he had obtained the Philosopher's Stone, and that he had also obtained the power and status he deserved. Those who had once laughed at him were trembling at his feet.

"But where is the Philosopher's Stone hidden?"

Quirrell knocked along the surrounding mirror frames with his hands, but found nothing. He did not give up and checked again and again, but still could not find the place where Dumbledore hid the Sorcerer's Stone.

Even though he was close at hand, he would never tolerate his failure, and neither would his master Voldemort.

"What's going on with this mirror? What function does it have? Help me, Master!" Quirrell had to ask the Dark Lord for help.


Voldemort was very dissatisfied with Quirrell's incompetence. He looked at the magic mirror and said: "Dumbledore cast some kind of magic on the Mirror of Erised and hid the Sorcerer's Stone in the mirror. The Mirror of Erised can be seen by others."

If you want something you want, you need someone else to help you take it out of the mirror. A wizard who desires the magic stone may not be able to take it out of the mirror."

"But at this point in time, where should we find other people?"

Quirrell was quite helpless. He suddenly discovered how reliable the method given by the guy who said he could sell any information was.

If you had followed the other person's advice from the beginning, you wouldn't have wasted a lot of time.

"Give up your incompetent idea, what's the use of stealing the magic mirror," Voldemort was quite dissatisfied with Quirrell's incompetence.

Just when Quirrell was about to pack up the entire magic mirror and take it away, he heard footsteps coming from not far away, and the famous Harry Potter actually appeared here.

Quirrell smiled, very happily!

Because stupid Potter actually thought that Snape wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone.

It seems that my performance was very successful.

Of course, it has a lot to do with Snape not really seeming like a good person.

Quirrell easily controlled Harry, brought him to the Mirror of Erised, and showed off his deeds endlessly. He also longed for someone to share these with him, and liked to see the expression of disbelief on Potter's face.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Anyway, after getting the magic stone, he will no longer let the other party live in the world.

If you want to blame, blame him for being too nosy.

"What did you see?" Quirrell asked expectantly.

"I saw myself winning the House Cup for Gryffindor," Harry replied, but another voice sounded in the room.

He is lying!

"Tell me the truth, what did you see just now?" Quirrell pointed his wand at Harry's head, almost blinding him.

"Let me come and talk to him... face to face..."

The Dark Lord was also interested in defeating Potter, but this made Quirrell feel frightened and uneasy.

Every time the Dark Lord consumes his energy, Quirrell's life will be greatly weakened.

The blood of the unicorn did make Quirrell immortal, but his life was still being consumed continuously. He was just immortal. Now Quirrell is getting weaker and weaker.

The Dark Lord is truly a Dark Lord, easily seeing through Harry's lies, and finding the Philosopher's Stone that Dumbledore had hidden - right in Harry's pocket.

Although Quirrell didn't know how Dumbledore did it, he didn't want to know at all, as long as he could get the Philosopher's Stone.

The Dark Lord did not seize the Philosopher's Stone immediately, but instead tried to lure Potter to be loyal to him. There is no doubt that he failed.

Moreover, Harry Potter actually rushed towards the black flames by himself, which was extremely stupid. Didn't he know how terrifying those flames were?

"Get him, quickly!" Voldemort screamed angrily.

Harry Potter is dead when he dies, but he will never tolerate the other party destroying the Sorcerer's Stone as well.

Quirrell, who was well prepared, immediately rushed forward and knocked Harry to the ground. He sat on Harry Potter's body, grabbed the other's neck with both hands, and prepared to strangle the savior to death first.

"My hand - my hand!" Quirrell was horrified to find that where his skin came into contact with Harry's, countless blisters began to appear, as if they had been burned by fire, and were bright red.

"Fool, use magic to kill him, hurry up!"

Voldemort's harsh voice echoed in Quirrell's mind.

When Quirrell was about to use magic to kill Harry, the other party desperately touched Quirrell's skin with both hands, causing him to scream in pain and unable to use magic.

As long as you kill Harry Potter and kill him, you will be able to get the Sorcerer's Stone, realize your wish, and have the power and power you want, and you will be just a little bit away from success.

Quirrell desperately tried to push away Harry who was grabbing him, but the severe pain almost completely overwhelmed his reason.

Finally, Quirrell felt someone pull the unconscious Harry Potter away from him.

Dumbledore, he is back.

The moment Dumbledore appeared, Voldemort realized that he had failed, and his incomplete soul broke away from Quirrell's body, fled into the distance, and soon disappeared.

Voldemort's departure was almost the last straw that crushed Quirrell. With his departure, Quirrell's life was about to be extinguished like a candle in the wind.

Even the cursed life given by the unicorn's blood cannot prevent death from coming.

Quirrell fell to the ground, looking at the direction where Voldemort was escaping. Dumbledore's figure was reflected in his pupils, and his lips moved lightly, "You liars!"

This chapter has been completed!
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