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Chapter 500: Know how to enjoy life

"Tom, Tom, where are you? It's time to go to bed."

There was a gentle knock on the door of the room on the second floor. Nia opened the door, quietly leaned in, looked at Albert sitting at the desk, and asked, "Is Tom here?"

"It should go to the master bedroom to blow on the air conditioner." Albert said. There are two places in their house with air conditioners, the master bedroom and the living room where Daisy and Herb sleep.

As a cat that likes to enjoy life, after the air conditioner in the living room is turned off, it naturally goes to the master bedroom to use the air conditioner. In Albert and Nia's room, there is only a table fan running.


Before Nia left, she took one last look at Albert and closed the door with her backhand. She went down the stairs and ran to knock on the master bedroom door, "Mom, is Tom over there with you?"

"Tom is here." Daisy pointed to the fat cat on the chair and said.

"Tom, it's time to go back to bed."

The girl quickly picked up the fat cat Tom and returned to her room.

In the magic world, magic that can create ice is relatively rare. At least Albert has not found any magic that can create ice and cold air. Even if the spell contains a freezing spell, it does not actually make objects freeze.

As far as Albert knows, the most effective way to create cold air is dementors. Wherever dementors appear, the surrounding temperature will become extremely cold. Even hot water in a cup can freeze in a short time.

ice cubes.

If dementors can be sealed into containers, maybe magic versions of refrigerators and air conditioners can be created.

The Dementor brand air conditioner is very interesting when you think about it.

"I guess no one would dare to buy it!" Albert laughed at himself.

After all, wizards basically stay away from dark creatures like dementors.

Not to mention having an air conditioner equipped with a dementor at home.

In fact, Albert knew that Florin Fusco's ice cream shop used a magically modified version of the Muggle refrigerator, just like Arthur's flying Ford car.

Magic is sometimes very useful.

As for banning magic on things made by Muggles?

Old Fusco didn't really care.

Anyway, I don’t know. Whether it’s illegal or not is up for debate.

Moreover, old Fusco has a wide range of connections, and basically no one will go out of his way to trouble him.

"What are you thinking about?"

Isobel's voice came from the double-sided mirror.

"I was wondering how wizards spent the hot summer without air conditioning and electric fans?" Albert looked at the girl in pajamas in the double-way mirror and told the other party his thoughts with a smile.

"You are really brave. I dare say that no one except you would think of locking up the dementors and using them as a cooling tool." Isobel reached out and covered her forehead, for Albert's sake.

Bold and helpless.

However, after the previous experience of using the cursed mandrake as a weapon, the girl had no doubt that Albert would one day put it into action.

Dementor Cooler sounds funny.

It will definitely become a joke in the magic world!

"A small number of wizards will cast basic movement spells on the blades to achieve the effect you call a fan." Isobel thought for a while, and then solved Albert's confusion.

"Of course, you can also use the weather modification spell to create a windy environment."

"Where are most wizards?"

"In fact, most wizards are not afraid of heat. They are used to that kind of life." Isobel added, "Especially those dark wizards, who live in gloomy castles and manors, and are covered in

They all exude a chill.”

Of course, Isobel was just joking about the last sentence.

But her words are also very reasonable. Are dark wizards afraid of heat?

No, they are not afraid.

This is probably a cold joke in the wizarding world!

"Is the bubble milk tea delicious?" Albert changed the subject.

Talking about dementors and dark wizards at night is so uninteresting.

"That one is delicious. Katrina likes those elastic black pearls."

Isobel held her chin with her hands, looked at Albert in the double-sided mirror and said: "However, I tried to make it several times using the tapioca flour you sent, but failed. Pearl milk tea is your drink over there.


"Yeah, it's a very popular drink, and some ice cubes are usually added to it." Albert said this, paused, and asked, "I'm more curious, how did the wizard get the ice cubes? Do they

Don’t you need to keep food fresh?”

"This... I'm not sure." Isobel shook his head.

"Most wizards don't care much about how to make themselves more comfortable. They don't even know how to enjoy life like Tom." Albert said helplessly: "They never use magic to improve their living environment."

"It can be seen that you are a person who likes to enjoy life." Isobel said casually.

"No one wants to be frozen in the cold winter, and no one wants to be heated in the warm weather." Albert muttered, "The wizards in the British wizarding world are a bit old-fashioned. I heard that most of the wizards in the United States are...

I am very familiar with Muggle life and know how to make myself live a better life."

"I'm not very familiar with the wizarding world in America."

"You can help me find related magic and teach me when I go to school. It's too uncomfortable not being able to use magic." Albert couldn't help complaining about this matter again, "I don't even dare to bang now.

My own wand, Huttock told me about that toad Dolores. I don't want to deal with the Director of the Misuse of Magic Department at the Ministry of Magic at all. That guy is just a big trouble."

"Okay, but don't have too high expectations." Isobel covered a yawn.

At this moment, an owl flew in through the window. Albert thought it was Snowy coming back, but he didn't expect it to be a gray night owl.

It threw a letter on the table, ate some owl nuts in Sheila's trough, and then spread its wings and flew away.

Fortunately, Sheila wasn't here, otherwise the two sides would probably have fought.

Sheila seems to have something to do today. She flew away by herself. She probably doesn't know where to go to send a message back for her.

"Katrina is here, that's it for now, good night!"

Isobel took a piece of cloth and wrapped it in the double-sided mirror and put it in the drawer next to it.

"Good night."

Albert also put away the double-sided mirror and was about to open Sera's letter when another owl flew in. Sera came back and sent him a letter.

The letter was actually written by Hermione, which surprised Albert.

Hermione said in the letter that she had lost contact with Harry, and Ron had been unable to get in touch with Harry.

Albert naturally knew what was wrong with Harry. The Malfoy house elves intercepted all of Harry Potter's letters.

"He may be in some trouble. Potter's family doesn't seem to like wizards very much. Maybe they don't let Potter reply to his letter and lock up his owl. You know, underage wizards can't use magic." Amber

I wrote some advice to Hermione: "If you still can't contact Potter, you can go to Potter's house and have a look. I think Hagrid should know where Harry lives."

"You can contact Hagrid and tell him that Harry has encountered a little trouble. I think Hagrid will be willing to take a look himself."

After Albert finished writing, he did not give the letter to Sheila. He planned to wait for his owl to recover its strength before letting it deliver the letter.

At this time, another owl flew in and dropped a letter on his table.

Albert picked up the letter with a strange expression, because the letter actually came from the United States on the other side of the ocean.

I don’t have many friends in the United States.

This chapter has been completed!
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