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Chapter 505 Gaining insights again

The train stopped for supplies at a station on the outskirts of Berlin, the capital of Germany. Under the confused and puzzled eyes of the conductor, Serra and Albert ended their long journey around Europe early, dragging their suitcases.

"Mr Harry Heath."

The flight attendant quickly stepped forward to stop the two people who were about to leave, and reminded them kindly, "This is Berlin, Germany, and your destination has not been reached yet."

"I know this is Germany," Serra said, "but we are going to get off the bus here early."

The two walked forward under the stunned eyes of the flight attendant.

Before leaving, Albert vaguely heard the flight attendant muttering from behind, probably saying something like "What a waste of galleons."

If the ticket is only for Germany, it probably won’t cost half the Galleons.

However, Albert didn't feel bad at all because he spent money that was not his own.

Sierra took Albert into an old-looking grocery store next to the station.

The place was dirty and small, reminding Albert of the Leaky Cauldron.

There was a stooped old woman sitting at the counter of the grocery store. After hearing the doorbell, she raised her head and looked towards the door, and suddenly gave them a very strange smile.

"Long time no see, Harry Heath, what brought you here?"

"I just stopped by to visit an old friend." Sierra said with a smile.

"Does that include me, an old woman?"

"Of course, Adeline."

"You're still as bad at lying as before." The old woman chuckled.

"We need to borrow the transfer gate to go to Widbes Village." Sera said the purpose of coming here.

This place is still some distance away from the village of Wydbess where they want to go. Unlike Diagon Alley, which is right behind the Leaky Cauldron, you can go in directly by opening a door in the backyard of the bar.

transfer door.

From the name, you can probably guess the purpose of that thing.

It was really worth the trip and I saw a lot of interesting things along the way.

Sure enough, the world is full of wonders.

Albert soon saw with his own eyes the so-called transfer door, which was an old stone door embedded in the wall. It looked like a relief stone door left here for decoration.

"Follow up!"

Sierra stepped forward, as if she was hitting the wall with Albert.

The next moment, the two of them walked directly through the stone door.

This scene is a bit like pushing luggage past the stone wall of King's Cross Station 9, but the effect is different.

When walking through the transfer door, Albert felt like he was thrown into a washing machine and felt dizzy. He was still not used to this feeling.

At least, using the disappearing cabinet is much more comfortable than this.

The two of them walked out of the stone door one behind the other, and no one on the street paid attention to their appearance.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either."

Sierra seemed to know what Albert wanted to say, and took the lead to speak to stop him.

"The transfer door is an ancient technology left behind by wizards long ago. It has been completely lost now. I think its principle may be similar to the disappearing cabinet. I don't know much about other things."

"The transfer door is a bit outdated, but it is still worth studying in depth." Albert was very interested in that door, and even Sera could see it.

"It's obviously more convenient to travel using the Floo network," he said with a smile.

While talking, the two walked through the stone-paved streets and came to a park with a fountain. Albert even saw a few children playing around by the fountain.

"Welcome to Widbes." Sera said with a smile, "Isn't it a little surprising?"

"It is indeed a bit different. The feeling here is completely different from the wizarding town in England." Albert raised his head and looked around.

The town of Widbes directly subverted his understanding of wizard towns.

"That's because the town of Widbes is still very young." Serra explained with a smile, "It has been rebuilt."


"The Muggle war affected this town." Serra explained to Albert as she walked. "Many houses were bombed and had to be renovated. Later, they renovated the town.

This is no longer the old town of Widbes."

Oh, it turned out to be an air raid!

It’s not impossible to understand if you think about it carefully.

After all, this place is located on the edge of Berlin, so it is normal to be bombed, and this town is larger than expected.

Thanks to the wizards from various countries who are very good at hiding, they were able to carve out a large area on the edge of the capital Berlin as a wizard village.

Albert believed that the German Ministry of Magic must have spent a lot of time and energy to successfully hide this village.

Wizards do have the Invisible Stretch Spell that can expand space, but the essence of the Invisible Stretch Spell is only to expand the original space, and most magic will gradually lose effectiveness over time, making it difficult to maintain for a long time.

"This place is indeed more spacious and prosperous than Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade." Even Sera had to admit this.

"If the Ministry of Magic is willing to spend a lot of time and Garonne repairing Hogsmeade, the village will not be too bad." Albert said.

"Unfortunately, that is impossible."

"There are two wizarding towns in Germany where Muggles do not live." Serra introduced to Albert. "The other is located in the Black Forest in the south. It is similar to Hogsmeade. It is old and unwilling to maintain.

It will become like that, and so will people."


"There is a commercial street over there that specializes in selling things." Sierra pointed to the lively east street of the town and said, "However, it is not time for you to go shopping yet. We need to visit my old friends first."

As he spoke, the old man led Albert into a remote alley, and finally stopped in front of an old-looking house, and raised his hand to gently knock on the wooden door.

There was a sound of footsteps in the room, and the door was opened from the inside.

"Sela, I didn't expect you to come to Germany."

The person who opened the door was also an old man. Compared with Sera who was wearing formal clothes, he looked a little slovenly. This may have verified what he just said.

"Your grandson?" The old man's eyes quickly fell on young Albert, and he asked curiously: "He is still an apprentice. He looks very good."

"Not the grandson, Jonas." After giving the old man a simple hug, Sierra pointed at Albert and introduced, "This is Albert, I think you know who he is."

"Oh my God, who is it? He is smaller than I expected." Jonas looked at Albert up and down, took a step back, gave up the position at the door, raised his hand and invited: "Come in, everyone."


"This is Jonas, my old friend." Sierra introduced to Albert, "If you need something special, you can buy it from him."

"Hello, Mr. Jonas." Albert said in French.

"Your French is really good, Mr. Anderson." Jonas looked at Albert in surprise, not expecting that the other man could speak fluent French, "much better than my grandson."

"Mark, come here." Jonas shouted upstairs in German, and soon there was a sound of footsteps coming downstairs.

"Grandpa, what's the matter?" The young man came down from upstairs in a hurry.

Sierra glanced at Albert and felt a little want to laugh. He knew what Jonas meant, but this old friend obviously misunderstood something.

The old man had no intention of correcting this small mistake. He believed that Albert could solve it by himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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