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Chapter 516 Potential Potion

The difficulty in making potential potions is actually the phantom smelling grass.

This magical plant, once used by wizards as currency, was already a very rare magical plant in Zygmunt Bache's time.

After Zygmunt Bacchi discovered the potion potential of the Phantom Smell Grass, he pushed this precious magical plant to the brink of extinction.

Today, four centuries later, wizards can only see the Phantom Smell Grass in magical gardens in Europe.

In fact, wizards have also studied how to grow phantom-smelling grass. After all, if there is money, there will be a market, and if there is a market, people will try it, just like raising runes for selling snake eggs.

However, even magic garden herbalists have never mastered the method of growing phantom-smelling grass. This magical plant is quite delicate.

American herbalists once spent a lot of money to "acquire" several phantom-smelling grass seedlings from the Magic Garden. They spent a lot of manpower and material resources to finally feed them, but the planting failed because the leaves of the phantom-smelling grass did not

It won't shine like copper.

What they planted was not phantom smelling grass, but some kind of strange plant.

Later, the alchemist studied those strange plants, and finally obtained some extracts from the liquids of those plants, and created potential potions through the hands of the potion master.

Nicholas told Albert about the history of the American Potential Potion, and it seemed that he was also one of the participants.

The most ridiculous thing is that the law of the Magic Congress of the United States prohibits the production of potential potions, but senior officials of the Magic Congress at the time knew about this and supported the experiment. It is said that the cost of the drug exceeded 10,000


That was thirty years ago.

At that time, Grindelwald had made a mess in Europe, otherwise he might not have been able to obtain the seedlings of the Phantom Smell Grass.

"Potential potions are banned by the magic world." Albert guessed the reason.

"Yes, it's prohibited, and it's a felony. According to your British magic world's laws, it would be the kind that would lead to Azkaban prison." Nicholas looked very strange, "After all, if it is not prohibited, the phantom smelling grass in the magic garden will

Iā€™m afraid it will be stolen in a few days.ā€

"I understand, so you changed its name."

"Well, it's called a magic enhancer now." Nicholas said with a smile, "Of course, no one dares to sell it openly."

"After taking this medicine, the body will experience temporary discomfort, such as fever, weakness, dilation of blood vessels, and rapid heartbeat. You need to have a certain amount of endurance to endure pain." He kindly reminded, "Of course, as long as you get through it, you'll be fine.


Albert opened the sealing wax directly and poured the potential potion into his mouth.

There was no feeling at first, but after the medicine entered the throat, it was like drinking some terrible poison.

There seemed to be a fire burning in his throat. Albert pinched his neck with his hands and coughed violently.

Sierra raised her eyebrows and looked at Nicholas.

"This is a side effect of drinking the potential potion." Nicholas said calmly: "Kathleen was also like this at the beginning."

Soon, Albert's temperature began to rise, and Nicholas put a bag of ice on his forehead to cool his head.

The heartbeat is obviously accelerated, the blood is rushing in the blood vessels, and the whole person seems to be in a blazing fire, with the illusion of going directly to heaven.

This bad feeling lasted for about ten minutes before gradually weakening and finally returning to normal, but Albert's body and clothes were completely wet with sweat.

"The reaction after taking the potential potion was a bit intense." Albert took a deep breath, "I almost thought I was going to die."

"The effect should be very good!" Nicholas asked.

"Effect?" Albert felt the changes brought about by drinking the potion. He fiddled with it a few times in the void, and a light ball floated above his palm. "The magic power has indeed become stronger."

Wandless and silent spell!

Nicholas' eyes couldn't help but narrowed. Although the luminous spell was just a simple spell, many famous wizards couldn't do it to the level of Albert.

"It seems that the effect is very good."

"No, I can only say that the effect is okay. My own magical power is stronger than most wizards." Albert extinguished the light ball in his hand, "We'll talk about it later. I'll take a shower first, so

Very uncomfortable."

"I've asked Jack to prepare it for you." Nicholas said.

The bathroom here is very large, expanded by the Traceless Stretching Charm, much like the prefects' bathroom at Hogwarts. The water temperature is just right. Albert lazily leans on the edge of the bath, opens the skill panel, and checks the effect of taking the potential potion.


In fact, after taking the potential potion, he did feel that when he used magic, his magic power did become significantly stronger.

It's really an unexpected surprise that the wizard's bloodline has reached level 5, but the skill level 5 doesn't seem to be the peak.

If he didn't use skill points, he really didn't dare to think about how much experience an ordinary fifth-level skill would consume. It would be a bottomless pit.

Although the magic power has indeed become stronger, his personal strength has not become much stronger. He still needs to master more magic and carry out professional training.

When she came out of the bathroom, Sierra was chatting with Nicholas in the hall. Kathleen also came, looking curiously at Albert up and down, as if she wanted to see something from him.

"Are you good at potions too?" she suddenly asked.


"I have prepared the ingredients for the Baffy Brain Refreshing Potion for you." Katherine still doesn't believe that Albert can refine the Baffy Brain Refreshing Potion. In a sense, this thing is even more difficult than Fuling.

The dose is still high.

"I have Mr. Huttok Dagworth's improved formula here." Albert noticed the confusion in several people's eyes, but did not hide it, "I gave him some suggestions last time."

"You give advice to a Potions Master"

Kathleen couldn't believe her ears.

"What, is there a problem?"

"no problem."

"This potion should actually be still being improved, and the materials are slightly different." Albert picked up the quill and wrote the required materials on a piece of parchment.

Katherine picked up the parchment, glanced at it and said, "Wait a moment, I will help you prepare it."

After saying that, she turned and left.

"You have to follow Nico's path." Nicholas also realized something and reminded with a frown, "Nico's success is because he has the magic stone and enough time, so he can be proficient and even achieve extraordinary achievements in many fields.


"Many people have said this to me." Albert took a sip of black tea and said calmly, "Actually, I never thought about becoming the next Nico."

Nicholas looked at Serra, hoping that the other party would give Albert some good advice.

"Actually, Albert has only been in contact with the magic world for a few years. He is the most genius wizard in hundreds of years." Serra explained, "So, I believe he has such talent and ability."

"A few years, it's impossible, you mean he is a No-Maj wizard." Nicholas was a little dazed. He couldn't understand why the heir of Wild Smith became a No-Maj wizard.

"Actually, I don't quite understand this matter, but Albert is indeed the heir of Wild Smith. The fact that he is here and signed a contract with your granddaughter is the best proof." Sierra actually didn't know, but

Later, he simply stopped thinking about it. To him, it didn't matter whether Albert was a Muggle wizard or not.

"Do wizards marry No-Majs?" Nicholas had already figured it out automatically.

It is indeed impossible in the American wizarding world, but Albert was born in England. In the British wizarding world, wizards are allowed to marry No-Majs, so it is not surprising to grow up in a No-Maj world.

This chapter has been completed!
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