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Chapter 52 The Marauder's Map

"Fred, George, what are you doing here?" Albert pretended to be surprised and looked at his roommates who were sticking their butts out and mopping the floor.

"Mopping the floor," Fred said dryly.

"Speaking of which, I didn't know you had become so hard-working." Lee Jordan looked at the twin brothers with a look of gloating. Dung bombs are not easy to clean, especially since Filch didn't give them any detergent and only used mops and rags.

It's impossible to clean at all.

"This is the result of throwing dung bombs into the corridor." Filch, who was nearby, said to the people who stopped to watch, "Don't think you can get away with it if you do bad things."

"Don't worry, I will ask for leave for you in Defense Against the Dark Arts." Albert reached out and patted the twins on the shoulders, comforting them.

"Why do I always feel like you're a little gloating about your misfortune?"

"Is there any?" Albert turned his head and looked at Li Jordan and said, "No, who asked them to throw dung bombs in the corridor and Filch caught them?"

"I thought they would secretly throw dung bombs into the corridor." Li Qiaodan was also puzzled. Wasn't this causing trouble for himself?

Of course Albert knew the reason. If Filch was not around, he wouldn't mind using the descaling spell to help them reduce the trouble. Unfortunately, Filch was watching from the side and he was not allowed to do that.

It took Fred and George several hours to completely remove the traces of dung bombs left in the hallways and offices.

For this reason, they also missed lunch.

The two of them, who had sore backs, only went to the kitchen to get a sandwich, and now they were sitting under a tree to eat.

"Where's the stuff? What did you get? Don't say there's nothing." George stuffed all the sandwiches in his mouth and looked at Fred, waiting for the other person to take out the prohibited items he got in the drawer.

"I got it. Look, it's the stuff." Fred took the envelope out of his pocket and handed it to George.

"What is this?" George looked at the old-looking envelope and turned it over. There was no sender. There were two sentences written on the envelope: I solemnly swear that I have done no good. The prank is over!

"Look what's inside?"

George quickly opened the envelope and found a large, square, and very old piece of parchment inside.

Well, it's just a piece of parchment with some age.

However, there was nothing written on the parchment.

"What is this?" George looked at his brothers in confusion. They could all feel that there was some secret on this parchment, otherwise Filch would not have put it in a confiscated and highly dangerous drawer.

"Do you need a password?" Fred suddenly remembered the two sentences on the envelope, "I solemnly swear that I have done nothing good."

"Idiot, wand, use a wand." George took out his wand and pressed it against the parchment. "I solemnly swear that I have done no good."

Ink lines began to appear where the wand had just touched, converging with each other on the parchment like a spider web, crossing each other, and then began to extend to every corner of the parchment.

"You actually need a password!" The twins' faces showed unconcealable excitement.

Sure enough, there is some secret hidden in this parchment.

"Look what is this?" Fred stared at the surface of the parchment and found a row of writing beginning to appear on the top of the parchment:

Suppliers of magical mischief makers: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs proudly present the Marauder's Map.

"The Marauder's Map?" the twins read in unison, "this old parchment is actually a map."

"George, look, the ink spots on the parchment can actually move." Fred was surprised when the twin brothers shared their discovery.

"Nonsense, otherwise why would it be called the Marauder's Map?"

The two came together to study the secrets of the Marauder's Map, and soon discovered that the map detailed the specific locations of Hogwarts Castle and various secret passages, as well as the passwords to open the secret passages.

Finally, there is no need to worry about not being able to open the door after finding the location of the secret passage.

Most importantly, it also marks each person's location with ink dots.

Albert came out of the library and seemed to be preparing to return to the lounge. Filch was on the fourth floor, and the prankster Peeves was on the sixth floor.



"You say it first..." the two said in unison, and couldn't help laughing after confronting each other.

"Then, let's talk together."

"Night Tour."

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing again.

"When we go out at night in the future, we don't have to worry about being caught by Filch even if we don't have the Disillusionment Curse."

"Yes, it's great. There are many secret passages up there that we haven't discovered yet."

"Quickly try another password." Fred reminded him. He held his wand against the map and whispered, "The prank is over."

The next moment, the traces on the parchment gradually disappeared, and within a few seconds it turned back into a blank old parchment.

"The traces were actually erased!" George said in surprise, "The maker really thought a lot."

"If everyone knows that there is such a thing, it will definitely spread to everyone." Fred thought for a while and said, "It should be to prevent others from seeing the secret of the parchment."

"Tell me, has Filch discovered how to use this parchment? He knows the location of so many secret passages better than all the students." George raised his doubts, "Also, why did he put the parchment in the drawer?

If it were here, I would definitely carry it with me."

"I don't know, no matter, anyway, the Marauder's Map now belongs to us, why don't we tell others." The others here in George refer to Albert and Lee Jordan.

"No more for now." After thinking about it, Fred shook his head and said, "The fewer people know about it, the better."

"Don't forget, Albert knows about this." George suddenly said, "He must know what we took from Filch."

"But if we don't tell him, he definitely doesn't know there is such a thing." Fred raised his eyebrows.

In fact, the two of them didn't mind sharing the Marauder's Map with others, but they were also worried that some big mouth would make them lose this good thing.

"Don't think too much, let's go and see other secret passages first." The twins looked at each other and left arm in arm.

"Who are the makers of this Marauder's Map: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs?"

"I think they should be former students of Hogwarts." George raised his hand on the head of the light statue and quickly opened a secret passage.

"Hurry up, someone is coming this way." Fred reminded him as he stared at the map.

After the two hurriedly entered the secret passage, the statue was restored again.

"Where does this secret passage lead to?" George made his wand glow. Unfortunately, he had not fully mastered the glowing spell, and it would suddenly go out after walking for a while.

"Fifth floor. Fred couldn't help but complain, "You haven't mastered the glowing spell yet!"

"Say it as if you already have it."

This chapter has been completed!
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