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Chapter 540 Who is Queenie?

Albert's relationship with the Potters was only average, and he had no intention of staying to watch Ron spit out slugs. He quickly got up and left Hagrid's hunting lodge, preparing to go back to find the ghosts in the castle to inquire about Ron.

Hart's story.

Halfway through, Albert met Fred, who was panting and running towards him. This guy was still holding the Marauder's Map in his hand. He seemed to have come here specifically to find him. After seeing him, he hurried over.

Breathing heavily, he said, "Something happened to Lee Jordan!"

"What's going on?" Albert was stunned, frowning slightly and looking at the panting Fred, "Don't be anxious, speak slowly."

"When George and I returned to the dormitory after training, we found that Lee Jordan's behavior was a bit abnormal. What should I say?" Fred took several deep breaths and tried to calm himself down. "He seemed to be sick.

The whole person looks... very abnormal, you'd better go back and have a look."

"Why didn't the person be sent directly to Madam Pomfrey for treatment?" Albert believed that Madam Pomfrey could cure the person in the blink of an eye as long as it was not a difficult or complicated disease.

"Lee Jordan didn't want to go, so I asked George to keep an eye on him and then hurried over to find you." Fred explained helplessly.

"You should just use the coma spell to knock the person out, and then carry the person to the medical room." Albert sighed. Of course he went to a doctor when he was sick. He was not omnipotent.


Fred was speechless for a moment, having never thought that Albert would be so violent.

Although this is indeed the simplest and crudest solution, as friends of Lee Jordan, the Weasley twins still need to maintain their friend's face.

If Lee Jordan was really carried out of the dormitory sideways like this, this incident would probably spread throughout Hogwarts in a very short period of time, causing a huge sensation.

By then, they will be able to steal the show, but Lee Jordan will be in trouble and will definitely become the laughing stock of everyone.

"Mrs. Pomfrey is a professional therapist." Albert guessed Fred's concerns at a glance, shook his head speechlessly, and reminded, "Did you learn the Disguise Charm in vain?"

Fred was stunned for a moment, obviously he had never thought of using the Disillusionment Curse. Perhaps in the twins' view, the problem could be easily solved by just calling in Albert.

"What's going on with Lee Jordan now?"

After following Fred back to the common room, Albert listened to Fred's account of Lee Jordan's current situation.

"I don't know. I'm afraid I have to watch it before I know."

To be honest, Albert was really speechless. Fred didn't know when he used him as a blue robot cat, thinking he could solve everything by himself?

When did I leave such an impression of omniscience and omnipotence on my roommates?

"But there must be some reason why that guy became like that." Albert stepped over the portrait of the Fat Lady, passed through the crowded common room, and walked along the spiral staircase toward the dormitory.

"There are three possibilities."

"Three kinds?"

"Lee Jordan's current appearance is all pretended by himself. Or maybe he was given some kind of magic potion or even under some kind of spell."

"He doesn't look like he's pretending." Fred didn't think that Lee Jordan was pretending to be stupid and toying with him. As for being cursed, the possibility of being cursed was not high.

It was really hard for Fred to imagine that anyone would come to their dormitory specifically to use a spell on Lee Jordan.

This is how much hatred you have to have to do something like this.

Someone gave me some kind of magic potion? It probably doesn't seem that big.

In fact, Fred hasn't completely recovered yet, his mind is still in chaos, and he doesn't have much thought to consider the three hypotheses put forward by Albert.

Anyway, let's leave these messy things to Albert. With his ability, he can definitely solve the problem easily.

When the two opened the door and walked into the dormitory, George immediately greeted them, "You are finally back. Lee Jordan was talking about Queenie just now, and he seemed to be in a daze."

"Do you know who Queenie is?" Albert asked.

The Weasley twins shook their heads together, obviously they didn't know who Queenie was?

"Are you okay?" Albert turned his head and looked at Li Jordan, who was sitting on the bed with his hands around his knees. His eyes fell on the open chocolate frog box on the bed, and he raised his eyebrows slightly, with an expression on his face.

It became a little subtle and he wanted to laugh.

"are you OK?"

"I am fine."

"Just ate a piece of chocolate frog?" Albert picked up the box and asked softly, "Do you have anything else to eat?"

"Yeah!" Li Jordan looked confused.

"Are you thinking about Queenie right now?" Albert continued to ask, wanting to confirm his suspicion.

"Queenie...she doesn't seem to know me." When Lee Jordan mentioned this name, there was a hint of decline on his face.

"what happened?"

Fred and George felt that Albert must know what happened to Lee Jordan.

"Maybe he was addicted to a love drug?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a red light suddenly flashed in the room, knocking Li Jordan down.

"How could someone give Lee Jordan a love potion?"

Both Fred and George could clearly see the shock and disbelief on each other's faces, "No, the things were sent to you. I suddenly understood why you always gave those snacks to other people."

"Speaking of which, this guy is really unlucky."

George laughed so badly that so many people ate the snacks given by Albert, but in the end, only Lee Jordan was affected.

"Who is this Queenie?" Fred was more concerned about this issue. Someone actually wanted to use a love potion to soak Albert.

"If it's to pick up Albert, then this person is most likely a student in the school." George's mind started spinning quickly.

"I don't know." Albert shook his head and said, "Among those letters yesterday, was there a sender named Queenie?"

"I don't know, I have no impression."

"What should we do now?" Fred looked at Lee Jordan who was knocked down by the coma spell, "Let him go crazy until the medicine wears off?"

"The longer the love potion is left, the stronger the effect will be, and it will not be so easy to lose its effectiveness in a short while." Albert has not prepared an antidote for the love potion, so sending the person to the school hospital is the best option. It's just that

The common room was crowded and it was difficult to bring people to the campus hospital.

"Do we really need to take the person to the campus hospital?" Both of them were still hesitating whether to do this.

"Forget it, you just watch him here, I'll go find Madam Pomfrey and get the antidote to the love potion myself!"

Considering his friend's face, Albert still planned to go to the school hospital to find Madam Pomfrey.

Of course, the main thing is that a new task has appeared, which is to help Lee Jordan get rid of the intoxicating drug, so Albert is looking for Madam Pomfrey to find the antidote, which should be regarded as helping Lee Jordan get rid of the infatuating agent.

This chapter has been completed!
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