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Chapter 563 A burst of analysis as fierce as a tiger

The next day, in the auditorium, students were all talking about Mrs. Norris's attack, and some even suspected that Harry Potter was the mysterious heir of Slytherin.

However, most Slytherin students sneered at such a statement. They did not think that the heir of Slytherin would be someone like Harry Potter.

Even Albert's analysis in the Gryffindor lounge last night began to spread in the school. Some people believed it, but more people didn't believe it and thought he was just talking nonsense.

On the other hand, the few copies of "Hogwarts: A School History" in the school library were all borrowed in the blink of an eye, and the queue of people who wanted to borrow them was already two weeks away.

Facts have proved that there is indeed a legend of the Chamber of Secrets circulating in Hogwarts Castle. The one who attacked Mrs. Norris was most likely the monster in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, and the target of that monster was probably the Muggle wizard in the school.

, which is the so-called noble cause of Salazar Slytherin.

In short, rumors were flying around the school, and the Muggle wizards who knew Albert became suspicious.

There is no way, they have all heard that Albert can predict, and what comes out of that mouth is extremely accurate, whether it is good or bad.

Anyway, everyone began to consciously follow other companions, fearing that if they were left alone, they would become the target of monster attacks.

Harry, Hermione and Ron felt very uneasy about this. They were at the scene last night, and Harry heard some sounds that no one else could hear, so Hermione went over to Albert when she saw him early in the morning.

Discussing this matter with him, in her opinion, Albert is more reliable and knowledgeable than Harry and Ron, and may know something.

"Dumbledore said that Mrs. Norris was not dead, but was petrified." Hermione briefly told what happened after being taken to Lockhart's office last night.

"Petrified?" Albert asked: "Dumbledore can't directly remove Mrs. Norris's petrification?"

"No, Dumbledore said that you need to wait for the mandrake roots to mature and create a potion to remove the petrification."

"Powerful recovery agent." Albert couldn't help but curled his lips. Dumbledore could buy this powerful recovery agent from the outside world. With the principal's connections, it was impossible not to buy it. Even Albert could prepare it for himself.

Several bottles of powerful restoratives.

Albert didn't believe it if Dumbledore didn't think of this or wanted to save some money. It was actually very doubtful that a powerful recovery agent was not used to wake up the petrified people in the later stage.

After all, as long as you use a powerful recovery agent to wake up the petrified students, you can get some information, and Albert really can't think of a suitable reason not to do that.

However, Dumbledore never did that, but chose to wait for the Mandrake roots to mature, which must have been intentional.

Perhaps, Principal Dumbledore wanted to take this opportunity to force out the Slytherin heir who was hiding behind the scenes, and to find the specific location of the legendary Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, so as to completely eliminate this hidden danger.

Otherwise, Albert didn't think it was a good idea to wait for the mandrake to mature. After all, it would take at least half a year for it to mature.

A cat is fine, but the student holding the camera is a little unreasonable. As long as it can wake people up, it will definitely not be difficult to learn from the other party that the monster in the secret room is a basilisk.

"What's wrong?" Hermione noticed that Albert was distracted and asked, "Did you find something?"

Several students around him gathered around to listen to Albert's analysis. Although it was a bit like listening to Albert bragging, it did not hinder their gossip.

"It seems that it must be a very advanced black magic, so Mrs. Norris was petrified." Albert said a little absent-mindedly.

"Do you think it was the heir to the Chamber of Secrets who petrified Mrs. Norris?"

"I think he is not the heir." Albert said his analysis, "It is impossible for ordinary students to do this. Using advanced black magic requires strong magical power as support, otherwise it will not be possible to perform at all.

The effect of the spell may even directly fail."

"Dumbledore also said something similar." Ron appeared out of nowhere, nodded and said, "The principal believes that ordinary students simply cannot do this."

"So, if we rule out that it was done by the heir, it can only be done by the monster in the secret room. As far as I know, the Medusa in Greek mythology can do this. Well, it is the Gorgon."

"As we all know, there is no such creature as Medusa in the magic world." Some students who couldn't stand Albert couldn't help but ridiculed.

Albert ignored it and continued, "As far as I know, there are no magical creatures or dark creatures that can petrify a cat. But I still prefer it to be done by some kind of monster. This monster is also related to Si

There are very close ties to Letling."

"Why didn't the heir of Slytherin do it?"

Angelina, who had just come over, couldn't help but interject and asked. She was not a Muggle wizard, so she was not very worried about being attacked, but she also wanted to hear Albert's analysis.

"I'm afraid students don't have such ability." Albert glanced at the uneasy Ginny Weasley and continued: "It is possible for Professor Snape to do it. After all, he is the wizard with the deepest research on black magic in the school.

, but it’s obviously unlikely.”


"Silly, Snape was attending the dinner in the Great Hall at that time."

"So, you guys who didn't go to the hall for the Halloween dinner are suspicious."

As he said that, Albert turned his attention to Hermione again, but obviously it couldn't be you, because there should be only one heir, and the three of you were together at the time.

"If Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets really exists, why has no one discovered its existence for a thousand years?" This time it was Kenneth Toller who asked the question. This guy came to discuss with Albert whether

We need to cooperate to sell a wave of amulets.

"The heirs of Slytherin must have discovered it. There must have been more than one heir of Slytherin for thousands of years, but they helped hide the entrance." Albert reminded: "Otherwise, it is impossible for the secret room not to be discovered, after all.

Over the past thousand years, the school has been renovated several times.”

"I feel that all the other professors combined are not as reliable as Albert."

"They just don't want to cause panic. I'm afraid they are already investigating secretly." Albert shook his head and said: "After all, the castle is not big, but it is not small. It may not be easy to find the hidden secret room, otherwise

How can there be a so-called secret room legend?"

"What did you find?"

"I have vague clues, but I need more clues." Albert looked at Hermione and asked, "Are there any other secrets?"

"It's what I told you last time." Hermione said it tactfully. She didn't say that Harry heard that voice again. After all, in the wizarding world, hearing a voice that others can't hear is not a good sign.

"Well, I understand." Albert stood up and walked towards the outside of the castle.

"Where are you going?"

"Go to Hagrid. Maybe he will know what kind of monster can petrify Mrs. Norris. After all, he has more research on that thing." Albert made an excuse for himself casually. He had already thought of how to give Deng

Bledo explains that the monster in the secret room is the basilisk.

This chapter has been completed!
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