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Chapter 581 Be patient, patient

Tom Riddle felt inexplicably irritable.

Last time, he controlled a basilisk through Ginny Weasley, attacked a mudblood at night, and successfully tricked Dumbledore and McGonagall.

As a result, on the way to the Room of Requirement, he was attacked from behind.

What made Tom Riddle even more upset was that he had no idea who the person who attacked him was.

The opponent was obviously prepared and grasped the opportunity so well that he was inexplicably hit before he even had time to react.

Since Ginny Weasley invested a lot of energy in the diary and gradually opened her heart to him, Tom's power gradually became stronger, even strong enough to control Ginny Weasley, but he failed

I thought about how the other person slapped him hard when he was at his most proud.

After that time, no one wrote anything in the diary.

Tom Riddle directly lost contact with the outside world and could no longer sense or influence the outside world.

I don’t know how long it took, but someone finally wrote something in the diary again.

Tom Riddle didn't know if this person was the guy who attacked him originally. What was even worse was that this guy did a lot of strange things to his diary.

Then, I tried to communicate with him.

I am Gilderoy Lockhart, Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, recipient of the Order of Merlin, Third Class, and honorary member of the Alliance Against the Dark Arts.

After seeing this passage, Tom Riddle realized that the other party was most likely the guy who attacked him at that time.

Although Ginny Weasley once mentioned that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was terrible, it was obvious that this guy was deliberately hiding himself.

Tom Riddle did not notice Lockhart's presence near the diary. The other person was obviously far away from the diary and was always on guard against him.

Although Tom Riddle was extremely annoyed, he believed that he could deal with this guy. As long as the other party continued to communicate with him in the diary, he would be able to deal with him.

Before Tom could answer, the other person continued writing in the diary:

"I have tested it just now. This diary is a dark magic item."

Tom Riddle understands people's hearts very well, and he knows that the other person is eager to communicate with him, so he is very patient to whet the other person's appetite.

I'm curious, what kind of dark magic item is this, maybe...

Although he had not finished writing, Tom Riddle could already smell a hint of threat from the other party's words.

However, Tom Riddle didn't care. The other party made a stupid mistake. He shouldn't try to study this diary, let alone try to communicate with him.

Tom Riddle knew very well what these self-righteous guys were thinking. After being cool with them for a while, he finally recovered:

"Hello, Gilderoy Lockhart. My name is Tom Riddle. How did you find my diary?"

Tom Riddle wants to take the initiative. Only in this way can he control the direction of the exchange between the two parties and lure the other party...

However, Tom Riddle never thought that what he faced was no ordinary opponent at all.

As soon as Albert looked through the mirror and saw the words that quickly appeared and disappeared in the diary, he immediately realized that Tom Riddle was testing him and trying to control the topic of communication between the two parties, so he immediately controlled the quill to

The diary reads:

"Tom Riddle, I know who you are.

As a student who won the Special Contribution Award fifty years ago, your medal is still placed in the display case at Hogwarts.

Can you tell me what you are now?"

To be honest, Tom was confused at this moment. He didn't expect that guy named Gilderoy Lockhart to think so quickly.

In other words, the other party only intended to ask questions from the beginning and had no intention of answering him.

Should I just ignore the other person?

Tom Riddle kept telling himself that he needed to be patient. After all, Gilderoy Lockhart was very good at dealing with dark wizards, and it was normal to be wary of the diary.

After all, Gilderoy Lockhart believed that the diary was a dark magic item from the beginning, and he should find a way to make the other party relax their vigilance and dispel their suspicions.

"Me? Of course I am Tom Riddle. This is just a diary. Back then, I tried to record my past events in a more permanent way than ink. You can also think that this is just a memory."

Tom Riddle carefully worded his reply to Gilderoy Lockhart's question, or rather to Albert's question.

"You are lying. The diary is a dark magic item. I just tested it with the secret detector."

The other party answered quickly, but it made Tom Riddle feel a stomachache. (Oh, by the way, he has no stomach now.)

At this moment, Tom was even more convinced that this guy had sneak-attacked him.

Therefore, he must have realized that the diary could control Ginny Weasley in some special ways, and the other party tried to communicate with him to figure this out.

However, since the other party pretended not to know to communicate with him, it was an opportunity for Tom Riddle.

"There are always some people who don't want their past events to be known, so I use a diary to record them."

No matter what the other party thinks, Tom Riddle has already planned to continue pretending until the other party tears away the hypocrisy first.

"About the secret room?"

Before Tom Riddle could answer, he continued writing:

"So, when you won the Special Contribution Award, you actually caught the heir of Slytherin?

And what you mean by 'not wanting the past to be known' is who is the heir of Slytherin, where is the Chamber of Secrets, how to open it, and what kind of monster is locked inside?"

Tom Riddle felt very uncomfortable. He felt that he was being led by Gilderoy Lockhart, but he still suppressed his anxiety and replied patiently:

"You guessed it right. When I was in fifth grade, the secret room was opened and monsters attacked several students and killed one.

In the end, I caught the man who opened the secret room, and he was fired, but the monster was still alive, and the man who had the power to release it was not locked up.

The Special Contribution Award was the hush money given to me by the principal, Professor Dippet, who did not allow me to tell the truth. He warned me not to speak nonsense, so I recorded the truth in my diary."

"What you mean by catching the prisoner who opened the secret room is Hagrid, right? He told me personally that you caught him and slandered him as a prisoner."

Tom Riddle suddenly fell silent. He had realized that he was being tricked by the other party. From the beginning, the other party had been teasing him. This was definitely the guy who sneaked up on him.

He didn't directly curse anyone, which shows that Tom Riddle is very well-educated.

All right!

If he hadn't been unable to escape from the diary, the young Voldemort would have drawn out his wand and struck that damn Gilderoy Lockhart with Avada Kedavra.

This chapter has been completed!
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