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Chapter 592 'Common Mistakes in Apparition and How to Avoid It'

It was very warm in the house. The house elf had lit the firewood in the fireplace in advance, and the thick curtains kept the cold air out.

After a few people entered the house, the house elf served them hot black tea and desserts. This house elf was not Bit, and obviously the heirs of the Weddell Smith family would have a house elf who would serve them loyally.

After Albert sat down, his eyes immediately fell on the pamphlet on the table. He picked it up and read the name on the pamphlet softly: ""Common Mistakes in Apparition and How to Avoid It"?"

These pamphlets were obviously "professional books" prepared for him and Isobel.

"I'm fairly familiar with Vicky Tycross. Oh, by the way, Wicky Tycross is an employee of the Apparition Testing Center of the Ministry of Magic. He has been the instructor of the Apparition class at Hogwarts all year round. What are you going to do next?

Deal with him." Mr. Mogg took a sip from his tea cup and explained with a smile: "It takes about three months (February to April) from the time students at Hogwarts are exposed to Apparition to passing the exam, and there are twelve classes.

, if you don’t pass the exam when you are in school, it will be very troublesome to pass the exam later.”

While listening to Mr. Mogg's introduction to Apparition, Albert and Isobel opened "Common Mistakes in Apparition and How to Avoid It" and distractedly read the contents.

The first page of "Common Apparition Mistakes and How to Avoid them" states this:

Apparition is a convenient way to travel, but it also has certain dangers. When wizards Apparate, they usually make loud noises, which can easily arouse the suspicion of Muggles. Therefore, do not perform Apparition blindly.

You should be cautious and make sure there are no Muggles around before Apparating. Using Apparition on the road requires professional training. You must pass the Apparition examination of the Ministry of Magic and hold an Apparition certificate to legally use Apparition. Otherwise, it is illegal.

"This is a pamphlet issued by the Ministry of Magic. They will give it to you when you are learning about Apparition. The content in it is very practical. I suggest you memorize the content in it. It should not be difficult for you."

Mr. Mogg seemed to have guessed what Albert was thinking, and said with a smile: "Well, there are indeed a lot of guys in the magic world who have failed the Apparition exam. Of course, even if you fail the Apparition exam, you can still Apparition."

At this point, Mr. Mogg shrugged and reminded, "Of course, you'd better not take any chances. If you cause trouble, you will need to face a high fine from the Ministry of Magic. And if you cause big trouble, you will also be fined."

Throw him into Azkaban Prison for a while.

"Common Apparition Mistakes and How to Avoid It" clearly states that to perform Apparition in the British wizarding community, you need to first take a test from the Department of Magical Transport. Only after passing the test and obtaining a license can you legally Apparate.

Of course, not many people take this seriously.

As for high fines?

If you are unlucky enough to split up, you might be dead before the Ministry of Magic arrives to cause trouble.

Well, the reason why the Ministry of Magic requires wizards to apparate with a license is actually because they are worried that wizards will apparate into Muggle banks and steal the money inside.

Well, as far as Albert knew, the thief Mr. Mundungus often did this kind of thing, although he never robbed a Muggle bank.

"In his first exam, Charlie Weasley appeared five miles south of his original target, and landed on top of a poor old lady who was shopping." Albert smiled as he followed the two.

A person shares interesting things he knows.

At that time, Charlie was often laughed at by Fred, George and even the entire Quidditch team.

"This kind of thing is not uncommon, it just means you haven't received enough practice." Mr. Mogg looked at Albert and said, "Although I don't know how you mastered phantom appearance, I still recommend practicing phantom more.

Get visible and get used to the feeling.”

"It's difficult?" Isobel asked with raised eyebrows.

"It's very strict. Most students need to take the exam twice to pass, and some even need to come back to take the exam again after graduation." Mog stood up, walked towards the entrance hall, turned to the two of them and said, "Well, look.

After that, let’s start practicing apparation. Generally, the closer the distance, the easier it is to succeed.”

"Isobel, you need to Apparate from here into the circle."

With that said, Mr. Mogg led the two of them to an open space outside the wooden house. There was a wooden circle placed there. Apparently the house elf had just put it on it. There were also the house elf's footprints on the ground.

Mr. Mog turned his head and looked at Albert and said, "You should show Isobel a demonstration first."

"All right!"

The sound was quickly drowned out by the "crackling" sound, and Albert suddenly appeared in the wooden circle.

It's perfect, and there are no splits. It just doesn't seem to be fully adapted to the side effects of Apparition. This is why although Apparition is very convenient, it is not the most popular way of traveling in the magical world.

"Practice a few more times, and you can take the exam." Mr. Mogg nodded in agreement. Although the farther the phantom distance is, the harder it is to control it, he still believes in Albert's ability.

"It's your turn!" Albert stood next to Mog and said to Isobel with a smile.

Isobel began to spin gracefully on the spot, and then... suddenly lost her balance and fell into the snow.

"Shut up, don't laugh." She got up in embarrassment and glared at Albert who was suppressing the smile on his lips.

"You can ask Uncle Mog to take you to experience Apparition a few times, and then try it yourself. That's how I learned it." Albert suggested. He felt that Isobel should be allowed to experience Apparition first, which would help her quickly.

It is beneficial to learn this magic.

"I will succeed." The girl reached out and patted the snowflakes off her body.

The second try was no better than the first, the third was just as bad, and on the fourth, Isobel finally succeeded.

Well, half the battle is won.

Albert noticed that some of Isobel's red hair was left on the snow, which looked very conspicuous.

"I succeeded." Isobel started to vomit, but she was still very excited.

"No, it's separated." Albert pointed to the hair on the ground and said, "Fortunately, it's just hair."

"It's not good at all." Isobel said that her hair was missing, and she suddenly felt depressed.

"It's already very powerful. It's difficult for ordinary people to succeed in a short period of time." Mr. Mogg comforted him casually. He stepped forward and waved the wand. There was a loud "bang" and the girl's red hair was connected again.

gone back.

"Splitting is usually due to lack of determination. You must always focus on the target, don't panic..." Mog turned to look at Albert again, "Maybe, you can wander around by yourself, by the way, don't run too far.

Far away, and don’t apparate into crowded places.”

"No, I'll just stay here with her." Albert didn't intend to leave. This was most likely Isobel's rare dark history.

"You should take some time to adapt to Apparition, and remember not to stray too far from Hogsmeade, otherwise you will get into trouble." Mr. Mogg warned.

"Go, go." Isobel waved Albert to leave quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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