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Chapter 636 They are going to be in trouble

The news that Professor Dumbledore was temporarily dismissed by the school board was like a hurricane sweeping through the entire Hogwarts castle.

Compared with the attack that happened not long ago, the temporary loss of Dumbledore, the backbone of the group, made everyone feel even more frightened and uneasy.

The school has been temporarily handed over to the vice-principal, Professor McGonagall.

To be honest, Professor McGonagall also had nothing to do about the current situation. In order to prevent the school's situation from completely deteriorating during Professor Dumbledore's departure, Professor McGonagall had to make a series of arrangements.

She organized the professors, prefects and ghosts in the school to patrol the corridors at night and check for any abnormality in the castle.

By the way, Albert's Hufflepuff friend Truman was kicked out of the patrol team because Gabriel Truman was a Muggle wizard and was more likely to be attacked than others.

For this reason, Truman complained to Albert about this matter, but it was obvious that he was happy that he did not have to participate in night patrols.

In order to prevent the attack from happening, Professor McGonagall required all students to return to the common room of their college before six o'clock in the evening, and students were not allowed to leave the dormitory building after this time.

Classes must be escorted to the classroom by a teacher.

Quidditch training and games have been postponed indefinitely, and all activities have been stopped.

However, what struck Albert as most outrageous was that no student was allowed to use the bathroom without the company of a professor.

Professor McGonagall was doing her best to prevent the attack from happening, but Albert knew that if Tom Riddle really wanted to launch a new attack, such an arrangement would be meaningless.

During this time, every teacher in the school had a serious face, with the exception of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Lockhart believed that the danger had passed.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he even openly reassured his students that the criminal (Hagrid) had been arrested and the danger had passed.

In fact, many people know that Hagrid was taken away by the Ministry of Magic, but few people would regard him as the murderer.

To borrow a sentence from a certain Slytherin student: If that stupid guy becomes the heir of Slytherin, Slytherin will probably jump out of the coffin in anger when he finds out!

However, Lockhart still vowed to tell everyone: If the Minister of Magic is not 100% convinced that Hagrid is guilty, he will not take Hagrid away.

"Do you think Hagrid was responsible for the attack?"

Zannah took advantage of Lockhart's boasting on the podium and turned to ask Albert, who was sitting behind her.

In order to prevent Lockhart from being harassed, the back row seats of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom have become the preferred seat for most students who hate Lockhart.

"Do you think other professors are idiots?" Albert casually flipped through the books he borrowed from the library and said without raising his head, "If Hagrid is really the real culprit of the attack, why should Professor McGonagall

Going to such great lengths to arrange for professors to patrol and escort everyone to class?"

"Especially when I go to the bathroom, I actually need the professor's company." Fred couldn't help complaining, "This is outrageous. Could it be that I am impatient and have to wait for the professor to be free? If Snape doesn't let me go,

Do I have to hold it in forever?"

"Perhaps we should bring a chamber pot with us?" George said without thinking. "If we are really attacked, just pour it on it. Maybe we can scare the monster away, which is more effective than an amulet."

"He's really annoying." Zannah whispered, looking in the direction of the podium. Lockhart had the audacity to hint to everyone that he had long thought Hagrid was not a good person.

"When do you think he's going to have bad luck?"

Lee Jordan asks the questions many people want to know.

Everyone knows that the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is cursed. Every year, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor encounters some bad luck, so he can no longer stay in the school as a professor. In the past two years, it has been even worse. One has disappeared and another has died.


Many students who hate Lockhart are maliciously speculating whether he will follow in the footsteps of the previous two.

"I don't know." Albert looked up at Lockhart on the podium and said calmly: "If he doesn't resign in advance and run away, he will definitely not be able to escape."

"Do you think he really doesn't know?" Angelina listened to what Lockhart said on the stage and began to wonder if there was something wrong with the other person's IQ.

"No, of course he knows. How could Lockhart not know something that everyone can see at a glance?" Albert sarcastically said: "He just pretended not to know. He said those things intentionally, but

If you want to attract everyone's attention, don't you think someone looks like a peacock in full bloom?"

"Maybe his patron saint is a peacock!" Fred guessed.

"Stop joking, how could he master such advanced magic as the Patron Saint?" George immediately retorted.

For some reason, everyone thought George's words made sense.

"I just hope this matter can end soon!" Shanna muttered, holding the amulet she bought from Kenneth in her hand.

Finally, after class, Albert planned to go to the kitchen. He had to find a house elf to help take care of the hound Fang.

If Harry was expected to take care of Fang, Hagrid might not be able to find his hound when he returned from Azkaban.

"You can ask the professor for help." Shanna suggested. She admired Albert very much. If it were anyone else, she would have forgotten about Hagrid's dog.

"We'll go with you."

Fred and George looked at each other, preparing to accompany Albert to the kitchen to prevent him from being in danger if he acted alone.

Of course Lee Jordan will not be absent.

The four of them cast the Disillusionment Charm on themselves and prepared to sneak to the kitchen. On the way, they almost ran into the team led by Snape.

They temporarily hid in the secret passage behind the tapestry to avoid a head-on collision with Snape. The Disembodiment Curse was not omnipotent, and there was a high chance that the Professor would see through it.

"Sir, why don't you apply for the position of principal?"

Malfoy's voice gradually faded away from outside the tapestry: "I will tell my father that you are the best teacher here, and he will definitely be happy to vote for you."

"The Malfoys are still so disgusting."

After Snape led the team away, the four of them came out of the secret passage. Fred looked at the direction the team left and said, "I heard that it was old Malfoy who brought the signature of the school board to remove Dumbledore."

“Are all school directors idiots?”

Lee Jordan couldn't understand what they were thinking. If even Dumbledore couldn't prevent the attack, who else could, Snape?

"Of course they are not idiots." Albert stopped and looked at the Marauder's Map, "80% of them were threatened."

"Threatened by Malfoy?"

"For example, I know so-and-so, or mentioned someone's name."

"Mystery man?"

"Of course it can't be the mysterious man. No one dares to have anything to do with the mysterious man now." Albert revealed the answer directly, "For example, Fenrir Greyback."

"They actually compromised like this." All three were dissatisfied with the fact that the school directors had no responsibility at all.

"No one wants to risk their family and children."

Albert came to the picture of the big fruit bowl, stretched out his index finger and gently scratched the big green pear.

The three of them were silent.


No one wants to risk their child being attacked by a werewolf.

"However, no one is willing to be threatened. Lucius Malfoy will have to pay a price for doing that. You just wait and see. I dare say that his position as school director is over!" Albert told Malfoy.

The Fujia family made a verdict.

"That's great!"

Fred and George both wanted to see the Malfoy family suffer.

Albert opened the door and walked into the kitchen with his friend. He quickly found the house elf Carla and asked her to take care of Hagrid's teeth. The house elf Carla was also happy to help Albert.

When they left the kitchen, their pockets were stuffed with cookies and pies.

After six o'clock in the evening, Gryffindor students had no place to go. The common room was quickly filled with people, and everyone gathered together in twos and threes to chat and play games.

Albert and the others also occupied a corner of the common room and held a simple tea party there. They took out the cookies and pies they got from the kitchen in the afternoon and shared them with everyone.

Ginny was watching everyone playing wizard cards and was in a bad mood.

"Have you noticed that the taste of the pies has become a bit strange recently!" George stared at the fillings in the opened pie and handed the other half to Albert who was making milk tea.

"I like this kind of pie. It's very sweet and the fillings are delicious." Ginny ate the red bean paste cake and took the milk tea and half a piece of red bean paste cake from Albert, not forgetting to say thank you.

"That's bean paste." After Albert poured everyone a cup of milk tea, he picked up his own cup, took a sip, and introduced in a leisurely manner, "It's made by boiling soybeans, adding sugar and mashing them.

The fillings taste very good.”

"Sounds delicious?"

Fred was discussing the new wizard card effects with Lee Jordan. He heard them chatting about pies and joked with a smile, "Did you give Kara the house elf some weird recipe again?"

"Strange?" Albert asked back: "Isn't the red bean paste cake delicious?"

"It's delicious," George said after taking a sip of milk tea and putting down the cup, "but it will make you a little tired after eating too much."

"Eat too much?"

Fred and Lee Jordan both looked over here, their eyes falling on the oil paper bag containing bean paste cakes, and they immediately became angry. All the bean paste cakes inside were eaten by that bastard George.

"Asshole, you actually ate it all by yourself, and we haven't eaten yet!" Fred angrily reached out and pulled at George's mouth, trying to make him spit out his portion.

Lee Jordan quickly snatched the red bean paste cake that George had just broken into two halves.

"Do you want it?"

He noticed Albert's gaze, and after hesitating for a moment, he seemed to want to pass the half he grabbed to Albert, but his action didn't seem sincere.

"No, I've eaten it." Albert looked at Lee Jordan's actions and said angrily, "You can eat it yourself!"

Lee Jordan quickly took a bite of half the pie and immediately declared its ownership.

"Asshole, won't you give me half?" Fred saw Lee Jordan shamelessly take a bite, and he was so angry that he wanted to hit him.

What a careless friend!


Ginny gave Fred the other half of the bean paste cake that Albert had just handed to her, which calmed him down.

"This tastes very strange. It tastes better than bacon stuffing. I really don't know where you got so many recipes."

"One of my uncles gave me a recipe, which is said to be a dessert from the Far East."

Albert didn't lie, it was a recipe that Uncle Charlie helped him collect. Since Charlie's milk tea shop became a hit, he accepted Albert's suggestion and began to collect an extensive collection of delicacies from various countries to expand the scope of his store.

As for food, he even plans to open a shop specializing in selling delicacies from various countries in the future.

While several people were drinking tea and chatting, Harry and Ron appeared out of nowhere.

"Where did you get the pie?" Ron asked in surprise, looking at the people drinking tea and chatting leisurely.

"Of course it's in the kitchen. The house elf enthusiastically gave us a bunch. Do you want a piece? There are many more here." Fred handed a piece of meat-flavored pie to Ron.

"You actually sneaked into the kitchen?" Ron said vaguely after taking a bite of the pie.

"I'm going to ask the house elves in the kitchen to help take care of Fang. Hagrid is now taken away by the Ministry of Magic, and no one helps feed his dog." Albert glanced at Harry and said calmly:

"We can't let Yaya go hungry like this!"

Harry suddenly felt his cheeks burning, as if he had been slapped hard, and an inexplicable shame surged into his heart.

Before Hagrid was taken away by the Minister of Magic, he asked them to help take care of his teeth, but he turned around and forgot about it.

"I want to talk to you!" Harry looked into Albert's eyes and added: "Can we talk to you alone?"

"Is there something you can't let us know?" Fred muttered.

The other students around him pricked up their ears and were very interested in the conversation between Harry and Albert.

"Private matters related to Hermione." Harry added in his mind: And Hagrid.



"Okay, this is not suitable here, go to my dormitory!" Albert had already guessed what Harry wanted to say to him. He picked up the tea cup unhurriedly, drank all the milk tea in the cup, and stood

Get up and lead the way towards the dormitory stairs.

Harry followed quickly.

"What do you think they are going to talk about?" Fred looked at the two people leaving and muttered in a low voice, "They actually plan to keep it secret from us."

"I don't know, actually I'm also very curious." George blinked and raised his hand to follow him.

"I think it's best not to disturb them." Ron knew what Harry wanted to talk to Albert and didn't want anyone else to disturb them.

However, it's too late.

After Fred, George and Lee Jordan looked at each other, they got up and followed them secretly.

Albert really didn't want others to eavesdrop, as they wouldn't be able to hear anything at all. Eavesdropping now, as in the past, was just for fun.

Ginny and Ron looked at each other and followed.

This chapter has been completed!
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