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Chapter 670 Moon Face

Just after a day's work, Lupine dragged his tired body back to his home, made some simple food in the kitchen, and then threw himself on the old armchair.

Lupine looked very tired. When he closed his eyes and rested, he recalled the letter he had received a while ago, in which Principal Dumbledore invited him to serve as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts.

Although the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was unlucky, Lupine was still grateful for the principal's invitation. It was undoubtedly a respectable job for him.

However, Lu Ping did not reply to Dumbledore immediately. Even though the other party had already mentioned in the letter how to eliminate the potential danger of werewolves to students, he still did not want to cause trouble to the principal. Even Lu Ping knew that Professor Dumbledore was looking for him.

There is no suitable Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Lupine is a dangerous werewolf who is rejected and disgusted by wizards in the magical world, making it difficult to find a suitable job.

In fact, wizards are not willing to pay werewolves. It should even be said that wizards are not willing to be associated with a dangerous werewolf, lest they suddenly suffer an unreasonable disaster one day.

Lupine can now only find a job in the Muggle world, but it is still quite difficult. Even if he has good Muggle studies, no company is willing to hire an employee who needs to take a few days off every month.

Therefore, Lu Ping could only find some odd jobs to make ends meet.

After hastily finishing his dinner and placing the washed dishes on the shelf, Lupine sat down to read the Daily Prophet, which was his daily simple entertainment activity.

Halfway through reading the headlines, Lu Ping discovered that the headlines in the "Daily Prophet" had actually changed. This was a rare occurrence. Unless there was important urgent news, the "Daily Prophet" would not replace the headlines.

"What happened recently?"

Lupine muttered and re-read the headlines, but he was quickly startled by the picture on the headlines, and he immediately recognized the person in the prison uniform in the picture.


Lu Ping put his hands on the table and stood up suddenly. The chairs under him were knocked over by him, but Lu Ping didn't care at all. He stared directly at the headlines of the "Daily Prophet" and quickly read the headlines above.


Blake is out of jail!

Sirius Black actually escaped from Azkaban prison.

The Ministry of Magic is currently on the hunt for Black.

That night, Lupine couldn't sleep well. He didn't understand why Black escaped from Azkaban Prison at this time.

What exactly did he want to do and how did he do it? You must know that no one has escaped from that infamous prison to this day.

In the next few days, Lu Ping kept paying attention to this matter and was absent-minded while working.

At some point, he heard some kind of rumor: Black was looking for Harry and wanted to kill him.

Later, Lupine saw Harry Potter inflating his aunt in the Prophet's Newspaper, and he immediately felt bad because the timing was so bad.

Lupine settled the temporary work and went to the Leaky Cauldron to inquire about the news, where he secretly met Harry.


Harry looked exactly like James, and his eyes looked like his mother's.

Lupine didn't dare to look at Harry anymore. James and Lily's son was still alive, that was enough!

I ordered a cup of the cheapest ale at the bar, chatted a few words about Blake with the bar owner Tom, and left in a hurry.

Everyone is discussing this matter, Black's wanted notices are posted everywhere, and people are terrified and uneasy about Black escaping from Azkaban Prison.

If all the other dark wizards imprisoned in Azkaban prison escape, then most of the wizards in the British wizarding world will probably not be able to sleep at night.

Lupine was hesitant. He knew that it would not be easy for Sirius to harm Harry under Dumbledore's protection, but as a former friend of Black, Lupine knew Black better than others and knew that Black was very fond of Hogwarts Castle.

Understand if...

Maybe, he should tell Dumbledore the secret that Sirius is an Animagus!

In the end, Lupine didn't do that, not because he was keeping Black's secret. It was because Lupine didn't want Dumbledore, the only one willing to accept him and give him a chance, to know that he had betrayed his trust and stayed with his friends on the full moon.

Wandering around the school at night.

It is very dangerous for a werewolf running around in the dark night. What if the werewolf accidentally bites someone?

Lupine hid this secret because he knew that he was too cowardly and did not have that kind of courage.

Finally, Lupine wrote a letter to Dumbledore asking if Hogwarts still needed a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Professor Dumbledore quickly replied and agreed to Lupine's application.

Due to the terrible experiences of Defense Against the Dark Arts professors in recent years, no wizard in the British wizarding world has ever thought of taking this honorable job at Hogwarts.

There's no way, it's too unlucky!

Look what happened to the exes.

Professor Ronald Smith is still missing, there are no clues, and everyone thinks he is dead.

Professor Quirinus Quirrell died directly in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Even the famous Gilderoy Lockhart was sent to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries not long ago for treatment. It is said that he was turned into a fool who knew nothing and will never be cured.

Who can guarantee that they will not become the next unlucky guy?

Even if there are wizards who are not afraid of the so-called curse, they will think that this position is too unlucky.

After successfully applying for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Lupine was preparing for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's course while keeping an eye on Black's whereabouts.

Lupine knew very well how bad this class was, and even if Professor Dumbledore hadn't written to him briefly outlining the situation of this class, it wouldn't be difficult for him to guess.

Back then, when I was studying at Hogwarts, the teacher for this course would change every year, so everyone could only learn something piecemeal, and not all Defense Against the Dark Arts professors were that reliable.

Fortunately, Lupine is fully qualified for this job.

He has good attainments in the defense of dark magic. He has received some Auror training, has also participated in confrontations with mysterious people, and has rich experience in fighting dark wizards.

Only by putting all his energy into work can Lu Ping get rid of the guilt in his heart.

If Sirius Black's target is really Harry, he will definitely invade Hogwarts. When the time comes, Lupine will catch him personally and let Black tell him personally.

Why be a traitor!

More than ten years ago, Lupine failed to stop it, but now, he will stop Black from harming the last person in the Potter family, and personally avenge James, Lily and Peter.

This chapter has been completed!
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