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Chapter 68 I want to go

"Grandpa Luke, Grandma Sansa, we are here to see you!"

As soon as the car door was opened, Nia ran out of the car like the wind, opened her hands and threw herself into Luke's arms.

"Long time no see Nia, how have you been since school started?"

"No, school is so boring." Nia pouted and complained, "I want to go to Hogwarts."

"Nia is not old enough yet, she has to wait for two years." Luke said some comforting words, looked up at the Herbs, "Let's talk inside the house."

Sansa looked at her granddaughter and asked: "Nya, did you miss me?"

"Grandma Sansa, I miss you so much." Nia threw herself into the old man's arms, causing Sansa to giggle.

"Albert asked the owl to send something back, I think..." Herb was interrupted by Luke before he finished speaking.

Luke looked up and looked around, looked at the Herbs again and reminded, "If anything happens, let's talk about it inside the house."

"Albert also asked the owl to send us some things, were you looking at them just now?" After entering the house, Sansa smiled and said to the Herbs: "I really didn't expect that the drinks consumed by wizards would taste so strange."

"Don't leave your cat in the car." Luke turned to remind Herb.

"I'll take it with me." Daisy carried the cat carrier into the house and closed the entrance door with her backhand.

In the living room, Sheila was resting at the table, eating the owl nuts that Albert had put in the box.

As soon as Tom was released from the cage, he jumped on the table and glared at the owl. The two sides were getting ready for a fight.

"Don't make trouble, Tom." Daisy reached out and picked up Tom and put him on her lap.

"Are these also the things Albert sent back?" Herb put the big box on the table and his eyes fell on the opened box next to it.

"You don't know your son yet." Daisy glanced at Herb, "Even if you forget, he will never forget."

Albert has always been Daisy's pride!

What, other people’s children are good?

Nonsense, who said that?

Children from other people's families are not as good as children from one's own family.

"But where did Albert buy these things? He didn't go to school like Hogwart or something." Sansa was puzzled. These things must not be sold in the school.

"It should be through Owl mail order." Herb knew very well how capable Albert was, and this was not the first time that he shopped from Diagon Alley in London through Owl.

"Can you open the package?" Nia asked impatiently.

"Of course." Herb said with a smile.

The package was only delivered this morning. However, after discussing with his family, Herb still planned to share this happiness with his parents, so the family hurriedly drove over.

There was a piece of rolled parchment in the package, tied with a red ribbon, and next to it was a paper bag with a photo written on it. There were also a few bottles of drinks and some snacks underneath.

Nia picked up the paper bag and opened it and found that it was filled with photos taken by Albert. There were sorting numbers behind the photos.

The first photo is of the red Hogwarts Express.

"The parchment and photos are also here." Sansa handed the pile of photos to Daisy, picked up the parchment and introduced, "Albert said this is the Hogwarts Express, used to transport children to Hogwarts.

Gwartz goes to school."

"I didn't expect wizards to go to school on steam locomotives?" Daisy picked up the photo and looked at it carefully, and couldn't help complaining, "You can't find this kind of antique in the UK."

With that said, Daisy handed the photo to her husband and took out a bottle of...pumpkin juice?

"It looks like it should be a drink." She opened the pumpkin-shaped lid on the glass bottle, poured some into the cup, and took a sip.

"How was it?" Herb asked.

"It tastes a little weird." Daisy poured the remaining pumpkin juice in the bottle into other cups and distributed it to other family members in the living room.

Nia took the cup and took a sip, her little face wrinkled slightly, "The taste of this juice is so strange, it doesn't taste as good as the juice sold outside."

After Herb finished drinking, he blinked and said, "I can't say it tastes bad, but it does taste weird."

"I've almost forgotten this smell." Luke sighed with nostalgia in his eyes.

Nia drank the pumpkin juice in the cup, pointed to the butterbeer in the box and said, "I want to drink this!"

"But this seems to be...beer?" Daisy looked at the word butterbeer on the label and was a little confused. She didn't want her daughter to drink alcohol at this age.

"It doesn't matter, we just drank this. It's not like beer, and it doesn't have much alcohol. It's more like a drink, otherwise Albert wouldn't have sent it back." Luke comforted softly, "It tastes a little bit like

Greasy butter candy."

Luke poured some of the newly opened butterbeer to Herb and Daisy, letting them taste it first before deciding whether to give it to Nia.

"It does have a strong buttery aroma," Daisy smelled it and took a sip. The taste was smooth.

"It says that butterbeer is very popular in the wizarding world, just like the soda here. Although it's not unpleasant to drink, it still tastes a bit weird."

"Why do wizards like to drink this kind of stuff?" Nia pouted her mouth and took another sip.

"Drink less, there is still a trace amount of alcohol in it." Daisy reminded.

"At least let me finish the butterbeer in the cup." After Nia drank the rest of the butterbeer, her interest in the magical drinks was greatly reduced.

"There is only a trace amount of alcohol in it. As long as you don't drink too much, there will be no problem even if you are a minor." Herb comforted him, but after being glared at by his wife, he shut up obediently. He knew how much Daisy cares about her children.

Education is very important.

Other items in the box were also taken out and placed on the table, and the rest were all snacks bought for Nia.

Nia opened the chocolate frog and took a bite, not knowing what she was thinking.

Daisy untied the ribbon and handed the rolled parchment to Herb, asking him to read the contents of the letter.

This letter introduces Hogwarts Castle in great detail.

From the freshmen crossing the lake to passing through the oak gate of Hogwarts Castle and stepping into the auditorium for the Sorting Ceremony, this letter reveals to them little by little the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The enchanted roof and the entrance to the kitchen below the hall are actually a fruit painting. Through the moving stairs, you can talk to the talking portraits in the corridor.

There are also various magical secret passages in the castle, pranks on the stairs, ghosts living in the castle, walking knight armors, classrooms, long corridors, and the gatekeeper of the Gryffindor lounge.

:Fat woman.

Enter the Gryffindor common room, go through the stairs to the dormitory where they live, and meet your three roommates.

This six-foot-long letter introduces Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to the Anderson family in detail. Together with the map and photos, it makes people feel like they have visited Hogwarts Castle in person.

Nia leaned on Daisy's shoulder and muttered: "I want to go too!"

This chapter has been completed!
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