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Chapter 708 Details

The first round of the Magic School Potions Championship gave Albert the feeling more like taking a practical exam.

The result was naturally the first.

At this moment, at the referee's seat, President Bernard was announcing to everyone that the second round of competition would begin in three days.

Although the content of the competition was not announced, Professor Slughorn told Albert the content of the second round on the way back to the bar.

"Contestants need to go deep into the magic garden to collect potion ingredients within 10 hours, and return with the ingredients found within the specified time, and use the found ingredients to prepare a potion." Professor Slughorn did not agree.

Wang warned, "Most of the players from other schools already know the specific content of the second round. I suggest you leave yourself a way out first and make sure that the raw materials you collect can be formulated into a potion before considering other issues.


"In addition to collecting the raw materials, you need to leave time for preparing the potion, at least an hour and a half. I have seen people being eliminated because they did not have enough time to brew the potion."

"I see."

Albert nodded and thanked Professor Slughorn.

Although he already knew the content of the subsequent competition, Professor Slughorn did his best to help him in order to enable him to win the competition.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a beard and sallow cheeks came to Albert, raised his hand to greet him in a friendly manner, "This should be our first official meeting, Mr. Anderson. I am

Damocles, Damocles Belby."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Bellby." Albert shook hands with the other party.

"A great game, very exciting, you probably didn't notice Bernard's expression!" Damocles was very satisfied that Albert easily crushed the other contestants, "I heard Hutok said you still have

The elation agent has been improved, and if you use it in competitions, I dare say Bernard won't find a reason to deduct your points."

"No, if President Bernard doesn't want me to give me full marks, he can always find a suitable excuse. The situation will not change because of certain things." Albert was not angry because of the referee's favoritism, and there was no expression on his face.

Change, "Who let President Bernard's grandson also come to participate in the competition?"

"It seems that you have guessed the reason." Damocles nodded and said, "Everyone is actually very disgusted with his approach. Many people are waiting to see you take away the golden crucible."

"I'm working on it."

"Britain has missed the golden crucible for several years, but I believe you will definitely be able to win the final championship." Damocles was very confident in Albert.

"Mr. Anderson, you don't need to be so humble. You should be more confident. Everyone believes that you will bring back the golden crucible for Hogwarts." Professor Slughorn said.

"Long time no see Mr. Slughorn, I thought you had retired." Damocles greeted Mr. Slughorn. The relationship between the two parties could only be considered average.

"Dumbledore can't leave for now, so let me help lead the team." Professor Slughorn warmly invited, "Would you like to sit in the bar for a while? Mrs. Selina is here too. I remember you are too.

Get to know her."

"No, I have other things to do, so I won't disturb you." Damocles declined with a smile, turning his head to Albert and said: "This is a rare opportunity, see more, learn more, you

There will definitely be many unexpected gains. Especially the library here, no herbalist or pharmacist should miss it.”

"I will."

Just as Albert was about to ask where the library was, Damocles had already turned around and walked away.

"That person just now was Mr. Damocles Belby who invented the wolfsbane potion?"

At the door of the bar, Catherine led the team over. Looking at the leaving figure of Damocles, she curiously asked Albert.

Although Katherine felt that Wolfsbane potion was too expensive and its effects were a bit useless, she also did not deny that it was a great invention that spanned the ages.

"I didn't expect you to actually know each other."

"Yeah." Albert nodded and said no more.

In the next few days, the Magic Garden Club will organize a team to take the contestants to visit the village's greenhouse and introduce the precious plants cultivated in the greenhouse to everyone in more detail.

This time, instead of watching from a distance through the glass windows outside the greenhouse, we went directly into the greenhouse to observe and explain at close range.

"This is the sniffing magic plant, an extremely rare and popular magical plant."

The herbal expert who led the team was a tall witch. He was pointing to a plant with leaves that glowed like copper and introduced to everyone, "The sniffing magic grass is named after sniffing. Ancient wizards liked to use them as currency."

"The sniffing grass in the greenhouse is artificially cultivated, which is very difficult and not easy to survive. At present, the wild sniffing grass may only exist in magic gardens in the world. If you encounter it when you enter the magic garden, it is best to

It is best not to pick or destroy it, otherwise you may be immediately disqualified from the competition." the witch warned.

The main reason for bringing the players here to visit is that we don’t want a few people to cause damage to some precious magic plants after entering the magic garden.

"What's the use of sniffing magic grass?" Valeria, a blonde girl from Russia, asked curiously.

"Currently, the most well-known use comes from Zygmunt Bache, the author of "The Book of Potions", who researched the phantom smelling grass. The phantom smelling grass can be used to brew potential potions." The witch mentioned Zygmunt Bache.

His expression was particularly complicated when he named his name. The latent potion invented by Zygmunt Bacchi was indirectly one of the reasons why the sniffing grass was on the verge of extinction.

When "The Book of Potions" first appeared in front of the world, it caused a sensation.

A magical potion that can enhance a wizard's magical power has an unparalleled attraction for any pure-blood wizard.

The sniffing magic grass, which was already on the verge of extinction, has completely disappeared from the world, leaving only the sniffing magic grass in the magic garden.

In order to prevent anyone from reaching out to the magic garden, the sniffing plant is regarded as a cherished protected plant by the International Federation of Wizards. It is strictly protected and finally prevents this precious plant from becoming extinct.

"Potential potion?"

The red-haired boy from the United States had a strange expression. He knew about this potion and had even taken a bottle.

Potential potions are all good, but they are too expensive. Now he finally knows why.

"Don't try to sniff the magic grass, unless you want to be on the blacklist of the magic garden." The witch glanced at the red-haired boy and said coldly: "Someone has done this before, but I think he must have regretted it."

"No, he has no regrets!"

I don’t know what the herbal experts here would think if they knew that inferior quality scented magic grass had been cultivated in the United States and used in the production of potential potions.

Today, Albert has become more knowledgeable. In addition to sniffing magic grass, he also saw many rare plants.

For example, the "life extension grass" discovered in the Andean plateau area in the 13th century is said to be most likely one of the main raw materials of the legendary elixir of life.

The type is a bit like ginseng, the main effective part is the rhizome, so it is actually more suitable to call it longevity root.

"It is said that the Peruvian side has been completely extinct. At present, there are only magic gardens..."

It's a pity that most of the plants here are endangered plants, so we can only look at them helplessly, with no hope at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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