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Chapter 717 The murderer is myself

"Honestly, I've never seen the contestants who come to the Magic School Potions Championship be so united."

Behind the bar counter, Selina looked up at the young wizards gathered together, poured a glass of mead for her old friend Slughorn, and said with emotion.

Albert has become the absolute core of the crowd, and only he can bring the contestants together, but not everyone can be as good at various languages ​​as he is, and can communicate with students from all schools without any barriers.

"I suddenly understood that Dumbledore asked Mr. Anderson to participate in the competition."

Professor Slughorn's words contained a hint of schadenfreude that could not be concealed. There are some things you can do secretly, but you cannot say them out, let alone see them in the light, or be exposed to the public.

All schools know that players in the Potions Championship have cheated in the past generations. It can be said that cheating is the tradition of the Potions Championship, but everyone will not tell it to the outside world, and they cannot say it. It is fine if they know it in their hearts.

As a result, it's better now.

This scandal was directly exposed by Albert, completely exposing the dark side of the Potion Championship to the players' eyes, and completely detonating their anger.

If no one stands up, other players may choose to swallow their anger and keep all their depression and dissatisfaction in their hearts. After all, there are only a few people who dare to challenge authority.

Albert's approach caught the other party off guard. Even President Bernard did not expect that things would turn out like this.

Because some people stood up to express their dissatisfaction, others naturally did not intend to endure it, especially after knowing that the winner of this competition had been appointed by President Bernard to his grandson.

Making them even more intolerable.

They are all leaders of their age, how could anyone not be a little arrogant?

Who wants to be played like a monkey by others?

Not even the competition side!

Since you have all booked the championship, then everyone is still competing with each other, so you might as well just go back and forget it.

The students who can come to participate in the Magic School Potions Championship have something to do with it. There are not many real geniuses, and potions require not only talent, but also sufficient training.

Now that they have a common enemy, the players have become more united than expected.

Everyone can become friends.

No one is stupid now.

They are all contestants from the same class. When they enter the field of potions in the future, the other contestants will be their connections.

After all, everyone is scattered around the world, and there is no conflict of interest.

The contestants were drinking and cursing the organizers and referees of the Potion Championship. Bernard's grandparents became the objects of disgust and contempt among the contestants.

Two Beauxbatons students even started picking up gossip about their own players.

Fortunately, Guy Bernard secretly followed President Bernard out of the Magic Garden after the second round of the competition, otherwise he would have been so angry that he would have been raised to heaven.

As for the black guy from Wagadu who attacked others in the second round, he has been accepted by everyone again. After the match, the guy immediately apologized to Albert and Valeria, and his attitude was very sincere.

Albert once asked him why he attacked the patrol member. The black boy said that he didn't want to be eliminated. There would be no problem in erasing the other person's memory anyway, but he didn't expect that he would fall into his hands in the end.

Albert didn't pay much attention to the other party. He attacked him sneakily, but he let him take the blame. In the end, he won. There was nothing to complain about. In fact, speaking of this, he might have to thank him.

However, Valeria has always been brooding about her elimination and has not forgiven the other party.

The black guy wasn't angry either. He had no hope of being forgiven by the other party, but it was still necessary to correct his attitude and make his position clear.

It was because he didn't want to be charged with assaulting Guy Bernard and stuffing Ariote leaves into his mouth.

If you haven't done it, you haven't done it. You can't blame it on him.

He really doesn't take the blame.

Who attacked Guy Bernard has become an unsolved mystery.

The range of attackers is not large, they must be among the other seven contestants, or the eight patrol members.

All contestants' wands have been thoroughly inspected, and they believe they may have been secretly made by a patrol member who disliked President Bernard.

Finally, at Albert's suggestion, everyone raised their glasses to the unknown hero.

Isobel had already guessed who did it.

What a patrol member is, that's nonsense. Adults rarely do such irrational things in a fit of enthusiasm.

No matter how she looked at it, Isobel felt that this matter was very much like Albert's style.

Stealth, neatness, no tail left behind, and no one knows who did it.

More importantly, the Wagadu Magic School player didn't lie.

Everyone thinks that except for the players from Wagadu Magic School, it is difficult to find players who know how to use wandless magic.

This is a loophole.

Albert is undoubtedly the most suspicious. Although Isobel is not sure whether he can cast spells without a wand, she feels that with Albert's ability, it is not difficult to achieve this level. No one knows his limit.


Only Albert, who likes to tell the truth as lies, can tell the truth with his eyes open and deceive everyone.

"How does it feel to be the center of everyone?" Isobel closed the door and looked at Albert hugging her with a smile.

"I don't like the excitement, and I don't like to be the center of everyone, but it's better to get them all on board than to be alone."

Albert did not deny it, and was not surprised that Isobel guessed that he did it.

Isobel knew Albert very well, and after hearing that he was attacked by a player from Wagadu, the eighth grader had already begun to doubt.

"You are really a bad guy."

"There's nothing wrong with being the bad guy."

Of course, Albert didn't attack Bernard out of interest or because he couldn't stand the shady story. He was not that boring.

To put it bluntly, it is still a question of interests.

Albert is bound to win the potion championship, but Bernard's grandson blocks his way.

Naturally, I kicked the stone that was blocking it away.

However, after Albert played a dirty trick on Bernard, he found that there was an additional task on the task panel to "uncover the secrets of the Potion Championship", and the rewards were extremely rich. Naturally, Albert would not let go of this incidental good thing easily.

After that, he completed the task incidentally, and directly lifted the fig leaf of the Potion Championship.

Other players definitely can't stand it.

Again, geniuses are somewhat arrogant.

Now that someone is rushing to the front, the people behind naturally have no worries at all, not to mention that they have been tricked by the other party. In this case, if they can hold back, they will not call them young people.

The so-called referee team has become like that after losing that awe-inspiring aura of authority.

"The only thing left is the third round the day after tomorrow. Have you already known the specific content of the third round?" Isobel felt that this kind of thing was very possible.

"Well, the content is to brew a magic potion, and the raw materials will be provided by the competition."

"I always feel like something is wrong." Isobel said.

“This round of competition places more emphasis on innovation.”

"That's why that guy was kicked out?"

"His advantages are so great that he probably started preparing for it during the summer vacation."

Although Albert was very confident in himself, considering that the referee team might suppress the score, he simply eliminated this biggest competitor.

"What potion are you going to brew?"

"Baffy Brain Refresher." Albert said without thinking.

"It's an adventure."

Isobel naturally understood what Baffy's Brain Refreshing Potion was, and she also knew how difficult it was to brew this potion, which was not inferior to Fuling's Potion. There should be no mistakes in the brewing process, otherwise the pot of precious potion would become

Into a pile of poison.

"I will not fail." Albert said confidently, and he planned to use Hutok's improved Bafe brain-reviving agent.

As he said, the third round actually focused more on the innovation of potions than brewing potions.

Albert had contributed a lot to the improvement plan of Baffy Brain Refresher.

The danger of the improved Baffy brain-refreshing agent will be greatly reduced. He believes that the difficult innovation is enough to make all referees shut up.

Of course, this is also the carrot he dangled in front of the donkey.

This chapter has been completed!
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