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Chapter 74 Homework


Before get out of class ended, Professor McGonagall stood on the podium and said to the students in the classroom: "Read Gamp's Basic Deformation Laws and write an abstract. It will be due next Monday."

In the classroom, everyone is whispering about the secret to turning matches into needles, but still only a few people can do it, and most students can only make some changes in their matches.

"You need to hurry up. Next Monday we will practice turning stones into teacups." Professor McGonagall's tone became stern, "If by then, anyone has not completely mastered turning a match into a needle, we will be placed in solitary confinement. I hope

You can work on this. The training time in class alone is not enough for you to master the transformation technique. I hope that no one will need to be detained in my place by then."

As soon as Professor McGonagall left, the classroom was filled with grief. Transfiguration was more difficult than everyone thought and required more effort than other subjects.

In fact, everyone has discovered that there are not many classes at Hogwarts, but there are a lot of homework, and magic requires a lot of time to practice. Most people regret that they didn’t do more on this last week.

What about taking some time?

No one can truly live a relaxed and happy life.

No, there really is a person.

Fred and the three of them all turned their heads and looked at the guy who was packing up the books. Albert had definitely had the easiest time in the entire school year. He had basically finished all his homework, and he was the first to master the Transfiguration.

You need to worry about being locked up.

I still have free time every day to wander around the castle and take photos everywhere.

"What should I do?" Li Jordan reached out and scratched his short hair, looking a little anxious.

"What should I do?" Albert put his backpack on his shoulders and left the Transfiguration Classroom with everyone.

"Homework!" Fred also found that he had too much homework to finish.

"Then work hard and let me see what homework you have." Albert deliberately took out a piece of parchment from his school bag and prepared to read it out in front of the three of them.

However, George quickly grabbed the parchment from Albert's hand, glanced at it and couldn't help but wailed. There were several rows written on the parchment, all of which were their homework.

The amount of them even made George feel like he was about to fall into a quagmire called homework and couldn't get out.

Fred and Lee Jordan also leaned over to take a look, and their expressions suddenly fell. Albert wrote very carefully on the parchment, so careful that he didn't even miss his astronomy homework.

Looking at the expressions on the three people's faces, Albert felt a little want to laugh and suggested: "Let's go to the library later!"

"Well..." Fred said awkwardly, "Can you lend us your homework..."

"For reference." George covered Fred's mouth, and Lee Jordan next to him finished the words for him.

"refer to?"

"Yes, reference."

"Actually, the homework is very simple. When we get to the library, I will introduce you to a few books..." Albert put away the parchment and said to the three of them as they walked, "When the time comes, you can learn something from the books.

, homework and everything are easy to solve.”

"Really?" the three asked happily.

"Of course... it's fake." Albert joked, "I'm going to Hagrid's place for afternoon tea later, will you go?"

"Don't change the subject."

"Yes, yes!"

"Otherwise, you can give us your homework for reference." Fred put his hand on Albert's shoulder and said pitifully: "Besides, you have the nerve to abandon us and go to the sea by yourself.

Would you like to have afternoon tea there?"

"Come with us to the library later. You have to do your homework anyway, right?" George also put his arm on Albert's shoulder.

"Come on, let me help you get your backpack." Lee Jordan smiled and walked at the front of the team holding Albert's backpack, and the three of them took him to the library.

When it comes to homework, if Albert isn't here and he doesn't know how to ask on the spot, the homework efficiency will undoubtedly be higher.

When a few people entered the library, they found that there were already many students inside.

They found an empty seat and started doing homework.

Today's homework in the Transfiguration class is not difficult. It is just to write a summary of Gamp's basic deformation rules. In fact, you only need to read Gamp's basic deformation rules, and then extract the important things and organize them in your own words.

Just a few words and it's done easily.

"Is this done?"

The three of them were all dumbfounded. In less than half an hour, you have finished your homework on Transfiguration?

Moreover, I see that you have been copying things, is this okay?

"What else?" Albert asked rhetorically, "Professor McGonagall asked us to write a summary of Gamp's basic deformation rules. In fact, we just want to find the key points of Gamp's basic deformation rules, extract the main content, and polish it ourselves.


The three of them were speechless immediately. It sounded reasonable?

I quickly kept these words in my mind, and later copied a summary of Gamp's basic deformation laws like Albert.

Fred and the other three continued to immerse themselves in writing the paper for the Charms class. Thanks to Albert's help, they spent less time looking for information and directly read several useful books such as "Achievements in Charms" and "Selected Charms of the Eighteenth Century".

Find the appropriate content in the book and copy it.

A 3-foot paper is not as difficult as imagined.

As for the luminous spell and the extinguishing spell, the three of them have already mastered it, otherwise they would have one more homework to complete.

Professor Flitwick also requires students to master the Luminous and Extinguishing Charms before next week.

After the ink dried, Albert put away the parchment, glanced at the progress of the three of them, and began to memorize a series of timetables on the history of magic. He quite disliked the history of magic. Memorizing those times and characters' deeds was very boring.

Fortunately, Albert's instant memory was good. He read it more and memorized it several times, and he memorized it.

After going over the time, place, characters, and deeds in his head, and making sure that there were no problems, Albert also checked the History of Magic column.

The progress of Fred and the others is actually not slow, and they have already written more than half of their thesis on the 3-foot luminous spell.

Albert looked at the proposal and said: "You'd better write something of your own."

"My own stuff?"

"When you are learning spells, what problems do you need to pay attention to, what problems do you encounter, and how to solve them."

These are all things that I have personally experienced, so there is no need to worry about running out of things to write, it is just a matter of how much content there is.

Before the three of them finished writing the paper on the Luminous Spell in one go, Albert had already returned from Hagrid and did not refuse to lend them his paper for comparison.

"Spare me, I don't want to change it!" Fred stared at Albert's parchment and found that what he wrote was really messy, and finally gave up the idea of ​​revising it.

It's not easy to fill 3 feet of parchment with words.

Moreover, it is the first time for freshmen to write a paper, so the content is a bit messy. I believe Professor Flitwick will not mind too much in this regard.

This chapter has been completed!
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