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Chapter 747 Peters Story

The door to the dormitory was slammed shut, the voices of Harry and Ron gradually faded away, and the room fell into a dead silence.

After an unknown amount of time, a mouse crawled out from under the bed, rushed to the table and started chewing on the snack packaging bags, devouring the snacks that Harry and Ron brought back from the Honeydukes candy store.

Banban prefers human food to food prepared for mice.

This eating style is related to Banban's past as a human.

Yes, this rat named Banban was once a human, not a rat.

Although he has lived in the body of a mouse for more than ten years, he was also a wizard, a wizard named Peter Pettigrew.

Yes, he has the same name as Peter Pettigrew, who was killed by Sirius Black and eventually received the Order of Merlin, First Class. In other words, Peter Pettigrew is his past.

If someone says that, he must be crazy.

Everyone thought Black was crazy, and Peter also hoped his former friend was crazy.

However, not only did Black not let the dementors go crazy, his mind was very clear, and he was even clear enough to find traces of himself in a newspaper.

After Sirius Black escaped from prison, Peter knew that Black was not crazy. Especially from the information he heard from Mr. Weasley, he knew that all the signs before Black escaped from prison showed that the other party had discovered that he was still alive, so he ignored him.

All escaped from Azkaban and tried to break into Hogwarts Castle to kill himself.

All this is so crazy, and Sirius Black has already tried it once. Although he failed, Peter knows Sirius Black, and that guy will never let him go easily.

The seemingly tightly protected Hogwarts Castle is not as safe as it appears. Black knows the location of most of the secret passages in the castle and can easily enter the castle through the outer guards.

This made Peter Pettigrew always worried, fearing that Black would suddenly appear that day and kill him.

Even if Sirius Black had a clear mind, he wouldn't need to take the risk of killing Peter, but would just force Peter to restore his original shape and let everyone know that Peter Pettigrew was still alive, then he would be in serious trouble.

"This is all your fault!"

Peter looked at the photo of Mr. and Mrs. Potter on the bedside table, and the hatred in his heart slowly grew. He had been pretending to be a mouse for more than ten years, but how many more decades are there in his life?

He hated it all.

Looking at the dancing Potters in the photo, Peter fell silent.

He remembered that when he was still in school at Hogwarts, the power of the mysterious man had spread throughout the British wizarding world. Every time the Dark Mark appeared above a house, it meant that someone was murdered by a Death Eater.

It was Britain's darkest period.

Peter actually knew that James had always believed that the Dragon Pox disease in his family was related to the Death Eaters. Because they were unwilling to surrender or remain neutral, those Death Eaters murdered James' relatives in a despicable way.

Infecting people with dragon pox was a very popular method of murder in those years. It is said that the only Muggle minister in the British wizarding world died from an attack of dragon pox.

At that time, Peter persuaded Potter to take Lily to leave England and stay away from those dangers, but James refused and even yelled at him: "I don't want to be a coward, nor will I hide. The mysterious man cannot make my family surrender.

Don’t try to make me give in, I will resist them until the end.”

At that time, the power of the mysterious man was simply not something they could fight against.

The four of them had just graduated from school and joined the Order of the Phoenix, the anti-Mysterious organization formed by Dumbledore.

In fact, Peter didn't really want to join the Order of the Phoenix. He just wanted to live peacefully, but he eventually joined the Order.

Peter hated Potter's so-called bravery. What good could there be in fighting the most evil demon in history except losing his own life?

Isn’t one’s own life more important?

Does he intend to put Lily who follows him into danger?

If they die, they don't even have a future, so what's the point.

Everyone said that the mysterious man was afraid of Dumbledore, but the situation was still not optimistic, and Dumbledore didn't have much energy to protect them.

Well, after joining the Order of the Phoenix, Peter realized that the noble cause of the Order of the Phoenix was to try to save more people, and then fight against the mysterious man together.

But what does that have to do with him? Could he put his own life on the line just to save innocent lives?

Peter sincerely dislikes the Order of the Phoenix.

Especially after joining the Order of the Phoenix, Peter has always been worried. He is afraid that Voldemort will show up at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix one day. He is afraid that one day when he goes out to perform a mission, he will be caught by the minions of the mysterious man, tortured severely, and eventually lose his child.


However, the nightmare soon became reality!

Voldemort appeared at his door. Fortunately, when Peter went back, he didn't find the Dark Mark floating above their house.

Voldemort did not kill Peter and his mother, but gave him a choice.

Surrender or die.

Or maybe Voldemort thought this was a good opportunity to plant a spy in Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix, so Peter and his mother survived.

If he hadn't joined the Order of the Phoenix, perhaps this wouldn't have happened, and his mother wouldn't have been affected by it.

However, there is no if.

At first, Peter actually thought about asking Dumbledore for help, asking Dumbledore to save his mother, and asking Dumbledore to hide them, but Peter knew very well that betraying Voldemort would only lead to death.

However, what shook him was what the Death Eaters showed him.

Whether it was the Ministry of Magic or the Order of the Phoenix, many of the informants they thought were providing intelligence were actually Voldemort's people, and his power spread throughout the British wizarding world. All this made Peter feel extremely desperate.

He knew he had no choice.

"What's the benefit of rejecting it? Are you impatient with your life?"

Peter Pettigrew did not forget what he said when delivering a message to Ludo Bagman.

Ludo Bagman was obviously much smarter than him, and used his relationship with August Rookwood to get a job at the Ministry of Magic.

It is impossible to play Quidditch for a lifetime. A better choice after retirement would be to become a Quidditch coach, but entering the Department of Magical Sports and Sports of the Ministry of Magic is obviously a better choice.

And he was not branded with the Dark Mark. Just like Peter, even if he was accused of delivering information to Voldemort in the end, he could still find excuses for himself.

After that conversation, Peter Pettigrew completely compromised. He also wanted to gain some benefits for himself through Voldemort, as did many wizards who were loyal to Voldemort.

When helping Voldemort collect information about the Order of the Phoenix, Peter did not do his best and only revealed some less important information to Voldemort.

In fact, Peter did not have access to very important information.

Later, Voldemort learned about a certain prophecy, and James' son was the person in the prophecy. After learning that the Potter family was going to hide, Voldemort asked him to become Potter's secret keeper, and promised that someone would give him a secret after the incident was completed.

The Ministry of Magic has arranged a good location.

In fact, Peter already knew that even if Voldemort did not promise those things, he would have no choice.

Voldemort's power is at its peak, the Ministry of Magic has long been infiltrated by Death Eaters, and all the efforts of the Order of the Phoenix are of little use.

After he betrayed the Order of the Phoenix and his former friends, there was no other choice, and Peter had no courage to betray Voldemort.

He doesn't want to die yet.

Everything went better than expected. Peter told James that he was not as brave as Black, Lupin, and James. The situation was getting worse. He was very scared and wanted to hide abroad, but he was very scared.

Lupine and Black said that he was a coward, so Peter hoped to become the Potters' secret keeper, and then he could hide openly, somewhere where the mysterious man and the Death Eaters could not find him.

James agreed and apologized to Peter.

"It's already too late, I can't look back." Peter turned back to his human form, looked at the photo of the Potters, and murmured.

Black will never give up easily, he will definitely break into Hogwarts Castle again and try to kill himself.

Before Blake is caught again, he has to pretend to be dead once. The crazy cat happens to be chasing him, which is a good opportunity for him.

Peter put the few cat hairs he collected on the ground, bit his palm, smeared the blood on Ron's sheets, and then turned into a mouse again and slipped away.

This chapter has been completed!
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