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Chapter 753 Speculations and Possibilities

"Sirius Black broke into Gryffindor Tower with a knife and attempted to assassinate Harry Potter?"

Albert stretched out his hand to cover a yawn and listened to Fred, George and Lee Jordan telling what happened in the middle of the night. He tilted his head and looked at the intact portrait passage and asked: "How on earth did Blake get there without a password?"

Breaking into the Gryffindor common room?"

"Longbottom wrote the password on a piece of paper, but when it was lost, the piece of paper was picked up by Black." Lee Jordan took out a handful of Toad Mints from his robe pocket and gave them to everyone. He opened one and put it away.

He put it into his mouth and said vaguely: "You were not there at the time, and you didn't see Professor McGonagall's angry look. Your voice was trembling with anger."

"Some time ago, Longbottom seemed to have said that the piece of paper with the password was lost." Albert stretched out his hand to touch Tom who was taking a nap at the table, looked up and looked around the crowded common room and asked, "Speaking of which, you guys probably haven't slept all night.

Come on, what are you doing here if you don’t go back to catch up on your sleep, waiting to hear whether Black was caught?”

"Yes, everyone is here waiting for news, do you think Blake can slip away again?" Fred brought a cup of hot milk tea with a strong milk aroma, and also held a small plate of the remaining egg milk from last night in his hand.


"The chance of catching Blake is slim." Albert said without hesitation, "If the professors can really catch Blake, I think you will definitely receive the news as soon as possible."

"Actually, I'm more curious about why Black didn't kill Ron to silence him and continued to look for Harry?" George asked the doubts in his heart.

"Do you really want your brother to be killed by Black?" Lee Jordan couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"As early as twelve years ago, Black liked to kill innocent people indiscriminately." George pointed out this clearly, "Faced with five sleeping boys, Black would have killed all of them. A person who is blinded by hatred,

Seeing that he is about to succeed in revenge, I don't think he will give up such a good opportunity easily."

"Perhaps, Blake is worried that he will be blocked in the castle. Once everyone is awakened, it will be difficult for him to leave the castle." Angelina also participated in this discussion.

"I don't think Blake is afraid of death. If he was really afraid of death, he wouldn't risk breaking into Hogwarts Castle to assassinate Harry. Everything about this tonight is weird." Shanna agreed with George. She didn't either.

I feel that a person full of hatred will be afraid of death, "Don't forget, your brother said that Black held a knife, which means that Black did not have a wand. A wizard without a wand cannot exert his true power at all. This is almost

It was Black's only chance for revenge, but he gave up."

"As long as he kills everyone in the room, Black can definitely grab the wand. I believe that a criminal who can escape from Azkaban Prison will definitely have a way to escape from Hogwarts Castle before the professors can react."

"He must kill everyone in the hospital, and he may also meet the teacher..." Angelina also felt that her reasons were becoming more and more untenable.

"If I were Sirius Black, I would blow up the window and jump out of the window to escape." Albert pointed to the window next to him and said: "It would be too stupid to try to get out through the portrait passage. If Black is so stupid, I think

He was captured by the Dementors a long time ago."

"But at least there is..."

Alia suddenly stopped talking. She also realized that to a wizard, the height of seven or eight floors was obviously nothing. Harry fell from a high altitude last time and was unharmed.

The worst-case scenario is death. Is a desperado like Black really afraid of death?

Obviously not afraid.

"There are indeed a lot of suspicious things about this matter, and thanks to this, nothing happened to Ron." Fred said, looking at Ron who was describing the whole incident last night to others.

"There are many ways to solve doubts. Now I ask, you answer, tell me all the reasons you can think of, no matter how ridiculous they are." Albert waved his magic wand and conjured a notebook and a book out of thin air.

A pen.

"first question:

Why do you think Black didn't kill Ron, or even everyone else in the dormitory, instead of giving up revenge on Harry?"

The pen automatically writes this paragraph in the notebook.

"Don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately?" Angelina said first, "Or are you worried that when other students wake up, you will be blocked in the castle?"

"What about you?" Albert asked the others.

Others frowned and thought, but still couldn't figure out the reason. This matter was really suspicious.

"Perhaps, Black is actually a good person. He actually came to give Potter a gift, but he just couldn't find Harry's bed." Fred made himself amused when he said this.

"Could it be that his mind is confused, and his first instinctive reaction is to run away, just like most people's first reaction when encountering danger is to turn around and run away." Lee Jordan felt that his reason was the most likely, "

After all, Black has been hunted by Dementors and Aurors, so it is not surprising that he would react like this."

Albert recorded all this with a pen and continued, "If I were Blake, I would never give up such a good opportunity."

"Maybe Black didn't actually come to kill Harry, or that his target wasn't Harry?" George tried to dig out more possibilities.

"Blake broke into Harry's dormitory and obviously had some purpose. If his target wasn't Harry, what could it be? It obviously couldn't be Ron, otherwise his throat would have been slit."

"Don't forget, Dad once said that Black said when he was sleeping: He is at Hogwarts. Who do you think he is referring to? Harry? No, this is just our speculation." George continued, "The only one

What is certain is that the target Black wants to kill is in that dormitory."

"How do you think Black got the password?" Albert added: "To be honest, I don't really believe that Longbottom threw the password around and Black happened to get it. This seems too coincidental. In this world

There aren’t that many coincidences.”

Fred, George and Lee Jordan looked at each other and seemed to have thought of something: "You mean Blake has helpers in school?"

Everyone looked a little uneasy, this guess was very close to the truth.

"That person tampered with Longbottom's memory?"


"Longbottom is very forgetful and is not easily spotted."

"Do you think it's possible for Black to disguise himself as a professor in the school?" Shanna said: "As far as I know, there is a magic potion called a compound potion that can make a person look like another person."

"Who do you think is more suspicious?"

"Professor Lupine." Shanna said without thinking: "Although he is a good professor, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor always does something every year, and he is new."

"The compound potion can do it, but brewing it is very time-consuming." Albert wrote this down and continued to ask: "Does anyone else have any other ideas?"

"Become a small animal, like someone's pet?"

"If Blake could turn into a cat, he wouldn't need to use a password. Of course, it could also be a disguise."

"Does anyone have a new pet?" Angelina asked.

"Hermione's cat," said George, "and he's still chasing Ron's mouse."

"So, Blake disguised himself as Hermione's cat to actually hunt down Ron's mouse?" Zannah felt very ridiculous when she said this.

"How did Blake enter the castle?" Albert asked again.

"Secret passage!" Fred, George and Li Jordan said in unison.

After several other people looked over, they lowered their voices and said, "It must have been through a secret passage. I don't think he would break into the castle in a big way."

"Use a broomstick," Angelina said.

"Or turn into a bird and fly into the castle," Zannah speculated.

"Or use some weird magic. After all, no one knows whether he learned any tricks from the mysterious man?" Aria reminded.

"Last point, how did he hide it from the dementors?"

"Disillusionment Curse?" Fred shook his head after saying this, because Dumbledore had said at the beginning that invisibility magic was ineffective against Dementors.

"Did the dementors let him out on purpose?"

"He's pretending to be someone, or something?"

Everyone was silent. They remembered Zannah's speculation just now, that Black was hiding in Hogwarts disguised as someone?

"But how did he escape from Azkaban Prison?"

"Actually, to judge whether a professor is suspicious, you only need to see if they often pick up a bottle and drink it. The compound potion usually only lasts for an hour, so he must drink the compound potion frequently to avoid exposing himself."

"No." "No." "No."

"In my impression, no professor has ever done this."

Everyone searched their memories and shook their heads. In fact, this kind of thing cannot be hidden, at least it cannot be completely full.

"Then it's unlikely that he's pretending to be a professor. He should have a helper."

"Okay, let me summarize." Albert quickly glanced at the notes and said, "What is certain is that Black really wants to kill someone, and that person is in Hogwarts, in Harry's dormitory.

This time Black escaped from Azkaban Prison. He knew some secret passages in the castle that even Filch knew, and he could easily enter and exit the castle without being noticed by others. Black had an assistant in Hogwarts School who could help him.

The password to the Gryffindor common room was obtained, and Black was able to use some kind of disguise to hide himself from the Dementors."

"I think we are very close to the truth. We only need to narrow down the scope and find the person Black wants to kill or his helpers to uncover the truth."

"Other than Harry, I really can't think of anyone else Black wants to kill."

"But Blake gave up killing others." Shanna reminded, "Assuming Blake is a good person, who would he want to kill?"

"How could Black be a good person?" Aria thought this was ridiculous. "If he was a good person, how could he be imprisoned in Azkaban Prison for more than ten years? If he was innocent, the first thing to do when he escaped would be

The purpose is to prove one's innocence and clear one's grievances, not to come to Hogwarts to kill people."

This chapter has been completed!
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