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Chapter 756 The level gradually grows

After learning from Albert that Sirius Black might be disguising himself as a black dog, Fred, George and Lee Jordan often spent their free time wandering outside the castle, trying to meet him around Hogwarts.

Black the black dog, but this approach is undoubtedly in vain, Albert never thought that Black would appear around the castle when there are many people.

If Sirius Black's Animagus form is a cat, there is no need to worry about arousing suspicion. After all, there are really many students who bring pet cats to school. It is normal for a few cats to wander around the castle, but Hogwart

The appearance of another dog around the castle seemed very suspicious, because except for Hagrid, who had a hound named Fang, almost no students at Hogwarts would bring dogs to Hogwarts.

However, Fred, George and Lee Jordan never gave up searching for Sirius Black.

"What are you doing?"

Albert and Isobel had just come out of Mrs. Puddy's Teahouse when they saw three suspicious-looking guys coming out of the alley.

"We are looking for the black dog you mentioned last time." Fred blinked at Albert and said, "Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be here."

"Let's go first, so I won't disturb your date." George pulled Fred towards Zuko's joke shop.

"Oh, don't tease him, and don't scare him away." Albert warned. When he turned his head, he found Isobel looking at him.

"Children are always curious." Albert explained with a shrug.


"Let's go over and buy some snacks. What do you want to eat?" Albert changed the subject and pointed to the Honey Candy Shop not far away.

"Have you told them?" Isobel was a little surprised that Albert would actually tell others these things.

"They are my friends and my helpers. Don't worry, for their dreams, I don't think they will mess things up." Albert said confidently.

When the two were about to enter Honeydukes Candy Store, they were attracted by a sudden scream.

Draco Malfoy seemed to have been greatly frightened and was running desperately, with Crabbe and Goyle following behind him.

Albert stopped and looked along the street. His eyes fell on Malfoy, who was running wildly, and he raised his eyebrows slightly.

Suddenly, Malfoy's left foot seemed to be tripped by something, and he leaned forward, face down, and fell heavily to the ground in the posture of a dog chewing mud.

That handsome face had extensive scratches, and his nose was bleeding from the fall, almost disfiguring it.

The situation of Goyle and Crabbe was not good either. In order to avoid Malfoy who fell down, they also fell to the ground.

The three people's sudden fall immediately attracted the attention of other students on the street.

People gathered around, pointing at the three people who fell to the ground and whispering.

In fact, there were many people who were gloating about this misfortune, especially Ron Weasley, who also came in a hurry. After seeing Malfoy who fell, he laughed so much that he almost shed tears.

"Oh God, Draco, are you okay!"

Several Slytherin girls ran over and helped Malfoy, who was a little stunned.

Isobel glanced at Albert beside her, as if asking if he had done it just now. After all, Isobel had seen Albert causing little trouble for Malfoy more than once.

Albert shook his head and said that this matter had nothing to do with him. He pushed aside the crowd and walked forward and asked: "What happened here?"

"Harry, I saw Harry's head floating in the air." Malfoy said in horror.

After hearing Malfoy's words, Fred and George guessed what happened.

George immediately sneered: "Mr. Malfoy wants Harry to die early, so he sees Harry's ghost."

"Maybe, his head was broken." Ron said sarcastically.

"Okay, don't hang around here. Who is willing to lend a hand and take them back to the castle?" Albert looked around and asked, "The scratches on their bodies need to be treated by Madam Pomfrey, and they may also need a glass of sedative."

Most students clearly have no plans to return to Hogwarts just yet.

At this moment, Ron raised his hand and said, "I can take the three of them back."

"We can too." Fred, George and Lee Jordan all expressed their willingness to "escort" the Malfoys back to Hogwarts Castle.

"Go away, I don't need your hypocrisy."

Malfoy reached out and touched the wound on his cheek, his expression twisted in pain. He pushed away the crowd angrily and limped towards the outside.

A Slytherin girl quickly chased after him, seeming a little worried about Malfoy's situation.

"I have to go back and tell Harry the good news."

Ron said hello to the others and left in a hurry. He had to return to the castle before Malfoy.

Isobel frowned and said: "This is not good."

"The three of them will become Death Eaters in a few years." Albert was silent for a moment, then lowered his voice and said, "Their father is like that. You will be able to see relevant news in the newspaper in the future."

This time, Isobel was silent.

"Honestly, to deal with unfriendly bad guys, you don't need to be too friendly to them."

Albert picked up a small bag of sizzling bees and said calmly, "Hagrid's hippogriff will soon be sentenced to death, and that guy is the culprit."

The two of them did not continue the topic. After buying snacks, they went to the Hogsmeade cabin.

The house has been completely rebuilt, and although nothing has changed on the outside, the inside of the house has undergone earth-shaking changes.

After the house elf Bit's careful decoration, the room became warm and comfortable, and a roaring fire was burning in the fireplace.

The living room is covered with soft carpets, and there are several comfortable sofas. There is also a large bed in the master bedroom. All the furniture in the room was purchased by Albert for help by Herb.

Then, the house elf used magic to put it into the storage box made by Albert, and brought it here directly from the warehouse.

Now, Albert tries to fold and cut the room, trying to hide another room.

It's like having two floors, and only those with permission can enter the real house.

After all, it would be too suspicious to simply disappear a house out of thin air. Even if it is disguised, it still cannot be hidden from a powerful wizard.

Therefore, Albert planned to use the Red Loyalty Charm to completely hide the other part. Then, let the house elves live in the outer layer for a few days to create traces of someone living here.

However, this is a big project. Fortunately, Albert is not alone, otherwise he would not know how long it would take to complete it.

This chapter has been completed!
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