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Chapter 761 Persuasion

"When does the party start?"

"What party?" Albert asked doubtfully.

"Of course it's a gathering of the Defense Association. Did you forget this on purpose?" Shanna stopped and turned to stare at Albert. She almost put her head in front of him and asked what Albert was.

I didn't forget this on purpose.

"After everyone else heard about this, they all planned to attend the party." Shanna said as she walked, "They are all asking you when will you start?"

"Don't tell me that by others you mean a large group of girls!" Albert asked tentatively.

Shanna snorted and couldn't help laughing, "Isn't it bad to be popular with the girls?"

"They can be troublesome sometimes."

"If the girls heard this, I don't know how sad it would be." Shanna looked like you really don't know what to do.

"You won't go around talking nonsense."

"Oh, of course there are some girls." Shanna quickened her pace and followed Albert, and said to herself: "Most of them are fifth grade students. The defense association mainly helps everyone get good grades in the Defense Against Dark Arts exam.

Relatively excellent results.”

"That's good. But...I can't find a suitable gathering place for the time being." Albert said helplessly, "I'm not sure if Professor McGonagall agrees with us using the empty classroom in the castle."

"If that doesn't work, what are you going to do?" Shanna frowned, thinking hard about how to solve this problem.

Before arriving at the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, she still couldn't think of a suitable solution.

"Can we be in the auditorium?"

"Definitely not, we need enough space to practice magic." Albert shook his head and rejected, "Believe me, if we practice magic in the auditorium, Professor McGonagall will definitely put me in confinement."

"But isn't your wizard card club in the auditorium?" Zanna asked confused.

"That's different."

"Okay, but we don't have much time. It's already March now, and there are less than three months left." Shanna suddenly understood why Albert was reluctant to become a defense association, the party venue

It is a trouble that is difficult to solve in itself.

"Okay, don't worry, you can always find a solution to the problem." Albert comforted him.

"Well, I'll leave this to you."

After Albert said that he would solve it, Shanna guessed that Albert had already prepared a plan.

This guy definitely didn't say anything on purpose. It's really irritating.

After taking a few deep breaths and re-adjusting her emotions, Shanna raised her hand and knocked on the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

"Mr. Anderson, Miss Wilson, are you okay?" Lu Ping was a little surprised, probably not expecting someone to visit him at this time.

Albert found that Lupine's face was pale and his clothes were baggy. He looked like he had just been sick.

"Professor, we heard that you are sick." Zannah held up the basket with desserts and flowers.

"Thank you, do you want to come in and sit for a while?"

Professor Lu Ping smiled very kindly and did not expect that students would come to visit him.

The three of them chatted about what happened in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class yesterday. Lupine probably also understood the reason why the two came to visit him. They were obviously worried about the O.W.Ls' Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, or it could be said that the Gryffindor students were worried about the O.W.

Ls's Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, so the two of them came to visit him.

"Don't worry, in the next few classes, I will teach you the key points of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, so that you can have enough time to review this class during Easter." Lu Ping comforted him.

I was not disappointed by this, but rather pleased that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was indeed a mess.

"Miss Wilson, do you have any other questions?" Lupine saw that Zannah was hesitant to speak.

"Professor Luping, maybe it's rude of me to say this, but have you ever thought about resigning early or changing positions." Shanna hesitated for a moment, then asked.

"Resign early, why?" Professor Lu Ping was very surprised.

"This course is cursed. I think you should also know this. Almost no professor can stay in this course for more than one year." Shanna said seriously, "Resigning early has proven to be a way to get rid of the curse.

The best way.”

Professor Luping was silent, looking at Shanna who was a little nervous and Albert who was very calm, and smiled and said: "I know there is a curse, but I feel that resigning now is irresponsible to everyone."

"Maybe you think this is ridiculous, but have you ever learned about the situations of your previous Defense Against the Dark Arts professors?"

Albert helps Lupine find out about his predecessor.

"When we first entered school, the person who taught us Defense Against the Dark Arts was Professor Brod. He learned about the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor when he first took up the position, and he mentioned to us his intention to resign early in the first class of the semester.

"Things." Albert recalled: "Professor Broad is currently known to be a professor who is still safe and sound after serving as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Professor Rowena Smith in the second year was a very good wizard. Later, he disappeared without warning. Everyone was looking for him everywhere. His whereabouts are still unknown. Many people said he was dead."

"In the third year, Professor Quirinus Quirrell was said to be possessed by a mysterious man on the back of his head. He died in the dungeon at the end of the semester and turned into a pile of ashes. Potter was the last witness."

"Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, who is in the fourth year, is a liar. He has become a fool inexplicably. He is now being treated at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies. It is said that he will have to spend the rest of his life under the care of others.


"I think the so-called curse is not a rumor, let alone a coincidence. I never think that coincidences will last for decades." Albert's meaning is actually very obvious.

"Actually, everyone sincerely hopes that you can stay and serve as our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Shanna bit her lower lip and said a little nervously and excitedly: "But everyone doesn't want anything to happen to you because of this. Sorry, although this is very painful.

I'm sorry, but there are some things I can't help but..."

"No, please don't say that." Professor Luping was not angry because of this. He just smiled and said to the two of them: "I will think about it carefully. You are right. This curse is indeed a bit... scary."

"Do you think Professor Lupine will resign early?"

After leaving the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, Shanna asked Albert curiously.

"No." Albert shook his head.

"Why, knowing that the curse is so terrible, doesn't he worry at all that he will follow the same path as his predecessors?" Shanna was very confused. If it were her, she would have resigned a long time ago.

"Perhaps Professor Luping has a reason why he has to stay!"

Albert actually knew that it was useless to say what he just said, but he still said, "We have already done everything we can do. What Professor Luping will choose in the end is not something you and I can decide."


Shanna sighed and seemed a little depressed.

"I've already decided where to party." Albert changed the topic.

"Oh, where is it?"

"It will be kept secret for now. Please help me calculate how many people plan to join our club. I will let you know when the time comes."

"No problem." Shanna thought of another thing and suggested: "It's best to fix the time then. Choose a time on Saturday or Sunday when everyone is more free."

"Then eight to nine o'clock on Saturday night." Albert thought for a moment and said, "It just so happens that the school library closes after eight o'clock."

This chapter has been completed!
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