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Chapter 765 Hogwarts Tutorial Class

Several people appeared in a remote corridor on the seventh floor of the castle, coming in advance to check the location of the secret passage Fred mentioned last time.

"The entrance is right here."

The four of them stopped in front of a portrait of a middle-aged wizard. After Albert used the map to confirm that there was no one around, Fred immediately took a step forward and said the password to the portrait: "Sneak around."

The wizard in the portrait raised his index finger to his lips, made a shushing gesture towards a few people, and then rotated the frame open to reveal the secret passage hidden inside.

The entrance is very secret, hidden behind the portrait of Edgar Straug. A special password is required to open the secret passage, which fully meets Albert's requirements.

"This command is more like what we are doing now." Lee Jordan joked.

"You are the only one who talks too much."

The three of them looked at Albert, waiting for his further action.

Albert placed a heavy book in his backpack on the ground, took out his wand from his pocket, and tapped the front of the book three times.

The book suddenly unfolded, and a door slowly rose in front of everyone's eyes, just embedded in the passage, as if there really was a secret room here.

"How cool, when did you make this thing?" Lee Jordan stretched out his hand and knocked on the door in front of him. No one else could have guessed that this was actually a book.

"This is just a test object, similar to a wizard's tent." Albert simply said, "I call this thing a fairy tale house."

Several people couldn't wait to push the door open, and what they saw in front of them was... darkness.

"Close your eyes, I'm going to light the lamp." After reminding Albert, he raised his wand and released a few balls of light. The whole room lit up instantly, and the space inside the door was much larger than the classroom.

"The Seamless Stretch Spell always brings us unexpected surprises." George exclaimed that they also used the Seamless Stretch Spell to expand space at home and use it for the development of joke props.

"It's just empty." Fred looked around and said, "We need to move something in there."

"It has been prepared for a long time. Everything is here."

Lee Jordan smiled and put down the box in his hand. Inside were the items they had transferred from the Room of Requirement a while ago.


"While you were at Quidditch practice."

Albert took out his pocket watch from his pocket, glanced at the time on it, turned to George and said, "Please go outside and wait for the others, in case they don't know how to get in."

"No problem, leave it to me!" George took the map handed over by Albert and asked doubtfully: "Why not make the map more detailed?"

"It's enough if it can be used. To make it like the Marauder's Map, it will take a lot of time." Albert motioned to Fred and Lee Jordan to come over and help set up the scene.

The room soon had a large number of cushions, a blackboard and many armchairs, as well as several magic dolls for students to practice magic.

"I think everyone will be surprised." Fred arranged the armchairs in an arc around the blackboard.

"It's really nice here. George said this is your secret base?"

After Shanna entered the room, she immediately looked around and complained to Albert, "You should have told me earlier, because you made me worry that I wouldn't be able to find a suitable gathering place."

"After all, this is our secret base." Lee Jordan said with a smile, "Originally we didn't want other people to know about this place, but later we decided to use it as a party place."

"I didn't expect there was such a place in school." Angelina sighed softly.

"There are many secrets hidden in Hogwarts school. As long as you dig out, you can always find some unexpected surprises." Fred blinked and said, "This secret room actually has other secrets."

"What secret?" Angelina was also aroused curiosity.

"This secret room will only appear at a specific time."


"You will know later."

"A specific time?"

"What magic are you going to teach us today?" Aaliya walked to the magic doll, fiddled with the fake wand on the doll's hand, and turned to ask Albert, who was setting up the scene, "Speaking of which, where did you get this from?


"This is a teaching tool for a certain Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Albert paused and continued, "After the professor left his post, the things were thrown into the storage room of Hogwarts. We found the storage room at first.

When I was there, I discovered that these magic dolls can be used to practice magic."

"Storage room? Do you mean the dungeon?" The girls were surprised. They had never heard of such a place in Hogwarts Castle.


"Actually, I think it's more appropriate to call it a garbage dump. Most of the unused things in Hogwarts are thrown away there." Lee Jordan said, "The things there are piled up like mountains, and many of them are unusable."

"Actually, I'm more curious about what it is?"

After Cedric said hello to Albert, he looked up and looked at the luminous objects hanging in the air. There were several similar objects in this room, providing sufficient light source for the entire room.

"A magic prop that can be used to provide lighting. You can call it a magic lamp." Albert introduced.

Cedric seemed to have guessed something. He looked at Albert in shock and said with admiration, "I think this is a great invention."

George closed the door of the room at the end and said to Albert, "Everyone is almost here, we can start."

Albert counted the number of people. There were about a dozen students. In addition to the fifth-year students from Gryffindor, some fifth-year students from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff also came, but the number was very small.

Some of them were acquaintances that Albert knew.

"Okay, take a seat!" Albert motioned for everyone to sit down.

"Aren't you going to teach us magic?" A Hufflepuff boy next to Cedric noticed that Albert seemed to be planning to teach them, and couldn't help asking.

"Alger, the reason why we come here to gather is so that we can get better results in the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam." Cedric gave his friend a look, signaling him not to interrupt and waste other people's precious time.


"What I'm going to talk about tonight is the key point of the exam." Albert looked around at everyone and suddenly had the illusion that he had become a professor. He continued, "Of course, Professor Luping may talk about what he thinks is the key point in class.

, but this does not affect your listening to me once, just to strengthen your memory."

"Why don't you just practice it?" a famous Ravenclaw girl raised her hand and asked.

"The Defense Against the Dark Arts exam not only includes practice, but also a written test. Okay, don't interrupt me anymore, we'd better hurry up." Albert ignored her and continued, "According to the test papers I collected,

The content of ordinary wizard level examinations throughout the ages has basically not changed much..."

Albert shared with everyone his understanding of the ordinary wizard level examination and what he considered to be the necessary content after reading the test paper.

The so-called key points of the exam are not boring. After Albert finished speaking, he would always come up with corresponding test questions. Everyone could not help but abandon their distracting thoughts and listen to him attentively.

"...the five characteristics of werewolves. The defense against the dark arts written examinations in the past have tested students' understanding of werewolves. I think the reason for this question is more because the Ministry of Magic cannot determine whether werewolves are lurking around us. They hope

We can distinguish and stay away from these dangerous dark creatures."

"I'm curious, where did your test questions come from?" the Ravenclaw girl asked again.

"As long as you are willing to spend Galleons, it is not difficult to get the O.W.Ls test papers of recent years." Albert took out three pieces of parchment from his backpack and said to everyone, "Okay, today's party is over.

I estimate that 80% of you won’t be able to write down these things with a pen, so I’ve simply organized them for you. The contents are on parchment. You can circulate them yourself when you go back!”

With that said, Albert handed the parchment to Cedric of Hufflepuff and Katrina of Ravenclaw.

"Why only questions?"

"What I just talked about is in "Dark Force: Self-Defense Guide". You can just draw it and memorize it yourself." Albert said calmly, "Actually, the scope of the O.W.Ls exam is "Dark Force: Self-Defense Guide".

"Self-Defense Guide", there is still no question that exceeds this book, so you don't have to worry about the exam being too difficult. As long as you review in the right direction, you can definitely get high scores in the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam."

"At the next gathering, we will practice defensive spells and spell-breaking to ensure that everyone can pass the practical exam. Before that, I suggest you memorize everything I said today. You should start reviewing anyway!

"After Albert finished speaking, he added, "I will let someone notify you separately of the time of the next gathering."

"Albert, do you teach other classes?" Shanna asked expectantly.

"There is only Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Okay, everyone, please leave this room in an orderly manner. Lee Jordan, please arrange for them to leave in an orderly manner." Albert said to Lee Jordan.

"It was very detailed and great." Katrina deliberately stayed behind to talk to Albert. "Have you ever considered joining the school as a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?"

"I never thought that this course is very evil. I never thought that I could resist the curse." Albert rejected it simply.

"If we charge them for unannounced tutoring, I think many students would be willing to pay for it." Katrina knew the value of the parchment in her hand. She turned over the test papers for so long, and Albert concluded it easily.

Here are the key points of the exam.

"Forget it, I never do thankless things." Albert shook his head, "Besides, I am no longer short of money."

"This is really weird coming from your mouth." Katrina rolled up the parchment and put it in her pocket. She smiled and looked at the crowd in front of her who was gradually leaving. "I think many people must regret not coming today."

"At least, no Slytherin students will come."

After everyone left, Albert raised his wand to extinguish the light above his head. After closing the door, he turned it back into a book and stuffed it back into his backpack.

In the corridor outside, everyone was still waiting to say goodbye to Albert.

"The next party should be faster. I can't wait." Cedric smiled and asked, "By the way, do you mind if I bring more people over next time?"

"I don't mind, as long as I'm not here to cause trouble." Albert said.

"Goodbye, Teacher Albert."

I don’t know who spoke first, but everyone started cheering together, bidding farewell to Albert in a slightly teasing tone, and giving him the title of teacher.

"Teacher Albert?" Fred teased.

"I don't want to be a teacher, and I'm not old at all," Albert said.

"Does the teacher have anything to do with Lao?" George asked with raised eyebrows.

"Albert is indeed one year older than us, so he is indeed older than us." Fred pointed this out clearly, and also took the topic astray.

"You will soon be envious, why aren't you one year older than me?" Albert said mysteriously.

"Oh, don't keep tempting people!" Lee Jordan put his arms around Albert's neck and said, "Have you predicted something again? Tell me honestly."

"Humph, you will know next semester, just wait and see!"

This chapter has been completed!
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