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Chapter 78 Night Tour

At midnight, everyone in the dormitory went to bed.

Fred quietly pulled back the sheets, got up from the bed, walked to George's bedside, stretched out his hand and nudged it twice, making a shushing motion.

George slowly got up, put on his robe again, picked up his wand, and quietly left the room. Fred behind him gently closed the door.

The two walked up the spiral staircase and entered the Gryffindor common room.

There was no one in the lounge, and the fire in the fireplace had burned out. However, the two of them did not leave the lounge immediately, but found an armchair to sit down.

Fred took out the old parchment from his robe pocket and tapped it lightly with his wand, "I solemnly swear that I have done no good."

"Me too." George next to him muttered, and immediately brought the lighted wand over to illuminate the Marauder's Map for Fred.

After constructing the map of the castle, Fred spread the Marauder's Map on the table, and the two began to look for Filch's name. This annoying administrator was in a bedroom next to the administrator's office on the first floor.

He is resting inside while his cat Mrs. Norris is patrolling the fifth floor.

The prankster Peeves was in the History of Magic classroom on the second floor, and Dumbledore was pacing back and forth in the headmaster's office.

"Where's Percy?" George asked in a low voice.

Fred raised his hand and pointed to Percy's dormitory and said, "Sleeping."

"Okay, the night tour begins!" Fred and George high-fived each other, put away the Marauder's Map and prepared to set off.

However, as soon as the two of them climbed through the portrait passage, they were stared at by the Fat Madam: "Where are you planning to go at this time?"

"Night ride, ma'am." Fred grinned.

The fat lady was also stunned. She never thought that someone would talk about Ye Yu so confidently.

"Let's go!" George, who was behind him, reached out and pushed Fred, and the two of them quickly disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

Standing in the dark and silent corridor, the Weasley twins became excited. With the Marauder's Map in hand, the entire Hogwarts Castle would be completely open to them.

As for Filch, there was never any chance of catching them.

"Albert will definitely regret not coming with us on the night tour." Fred said to George happily after confirming Filch's location again.

"I think Albert may have to wait until he learns the Disguise Charm before he is willing to go on a night tour with us." George's tone was filled with excitement that could not be concealed, "However, this is the first time we have used the Marauder's Map.

It’s also good to use alone.”

In fact, the twins are not willing to share the secrets of the Marauder's Map with too many people.

"When we figure out all the secret passages in the castle, we will definitely scare them both." Fred said happily.

During the day, there were some secret passages that they could not try blatantly, but at night there was no one in the castle, so there was no need to worry too much. This was a good opportunity.

Fred took the Marauder's Map and found his way to the front. The corridor was dark and eerie. Every time he turned a corner, he felt his little heart pounding.

This is an exciting feeling!

"Stop!" Fred quickly extinguished his wand and made a shushing gesture towards George behind him.

"What's wrong."

"It's Nearly Headless Nick."

After waiting for about thirty seconds, under the cover of George, Fred lit the wand again to check the location of the almost headless Nick.

"Already gone!" Fred said.

The two of them tiptoed down the stairs and stopped in front of a statue of a knight in armor on the seventh floor.

On the Marauder's Map, an ink dot marked "Fred" was tapping the knight's helmet visor with a wand, and a spell appeared next to it: "Turn a mouth into a door."

The two of them looked at each other and changed their minds?

"Let me try, turn your mouth into a door." After George extinguished the light, he picked up his wand and tapped the helmet visor of the stone knight's armor.

The statue of the knight's helmet suddenly bent down, and his open mask suddenly opened and continued to expand, just like a person bending down and opening his mouth wide. The entrance was large enough for a thinner person to enter.

Fred glanced at the Marauder's Map to make sure no one was around and quickly walked in, followed closely by George.

This is a narrow secret passage, the ground is full of dust and cobwebs,

"I dare say no one has walked on this road for a long time." Fred used his wand to push aside the spider webs in front of him and moved forward with difficulty. The road was going down. There was a door at the exit, a stone door. Fred

When De and George passed through, they found themselves blocked by a wooden door.

"Where is this?" George asked.

"Fourth floor, I remember where this is. After opening some doors, there is a stone door inside that cannot be opened."

"I dare say that this is a single passage." George stretched out his hand and pushed the stone door and said.

Some doors in Hogwarts are not real doors at all, but are just solid walls that look like doors. Now it seems that these are actually doors, and they are also doors of secret passages. However, they can only be accessed from the other side of the door.

Pass through on one side, but cannot enter directly from this side.

George carefully left the wooden door open, and just raised his wand. There was a complaint from the portrait next to him, dressed in sleepy clothes and wearing a nightcap.

"Pay attention, kid, we need to sleep."

"Oh, sorry!" George immediately lowered his wand and said to Fred: "Get out of here first."

"Go this way, I know there is a secret passage here!" Fred quickly led the way, and they stopped at a vase at the corner of the third floor.

George stepped forward and tapped the vase twice with his wand, "Turn left, turn right."

The vase made a slight friction sound, and a black spot suddenly appeared in a landscape painting hanging on the wall next to it. The black spot gradually enlarged, and soon he saw a door. George stepped forward, reached out and grabbed the door handle, and gently touched it.

Pushing, the original photo frame opened, revealing the entrance hidden behind.

After the two of them walked in, they discovered that this was actually a secret passage leading outside the castle. The exit was on the mountain road leading to the dock. The entrance was covered by weeds, and more importantly, no one could

See clearly that there is a secret passage here.

After the twins came out, the mountain wall at the entrance gradually returned to its original shape.

"Who knew there was an entrance here." Fred stretched out his hand and knocked on the rock on the mountain wall. It was so hard that he couldn't imagine that there was a door here.

"How should we get in? Don't tell me that the wind is blowing here all night." George crossed his arms and shivered in the night wind.

"Let me see." Fred glanced at the Marauder's Map. Sure enough, it still taught them how to open the entrance.

"Strike the raised stone three times?" he muttered to himself, looking for the stone described on the map, "quickly open the hole."

A sudden change occurred on the stone wall. A hidden stone wall suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and the stone wall slowly opened.

The two of them quickly got in. The night wind was a bit cold, and George almost caught a cold. He sneezed several times on the way back.

"Are you okay?" Fred asked.

"I seem to have caught a cold." George rubbed his nose and said.

"That's it for today, we have class tomorrow." Fred covered a yawn.

George agreed.

This chapter has been completed!
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