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Chapter 796 What happened to this world?

In the darkness, Sirius opened his eyes and woke up, finding himself lying on a comfortable and soft bed.

Sirius sat up suddenly, raised his head and looked around. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything clearly.

This is definitely not Azkaban Prison.

If the people from the Ministry of Magic catch him, they will definitely let the dementors suck his soul away.

"Where is this?"

Sirius quietly transformed into a black dog so that he could see clearly in the dark.

Lupine was lying on the bed next to him, and Harry and his friends were lying on the bed opposite.

"This is... the campus hospital?"

At this moment, Sirius's mind was in chaos. He couldn't figure out why he appeared in the school hospital, and he was racking his brains to remember what happened before he lost consciousness.

Someone brought him here, but why didn't the other party hand him over to the Ministry of Magic? Even if he was waiting for people from the Ministry of Magic to come over, he needed to be detained alone instead of being thrown into the school hospital without any defense.

"woke up?"

In the darkness, a sudden voice interrupted Blake's meditation.

Sirius twitched his ears, raised his head and looked around again, but still couldn't find anyone who spoke.

"Here, the photos on the table." the voice reminded.

Sirius followed the sound and his eyes fell on the photo on the bedside table. He knew the person in the photo, his great-great-grandfather Phineas Nigellus Black.

"What a troublesome guy." Phineas looked at the approaching dog head and complained, "You actually need me, a deceased person, to help you solve your problem, and can you change back to human form?

I don’t want to talk to dogs.”

Sirius didn't want to pay attention to the nagging person in the photo, and was considering whether to run away now, when Phineas' words brought his attention back.

"If you want to know your situation, just listen to what I have to say. It's much better than just messing around."

"Long story short."

Sirius returned to his human form, took the photo and walked to Lupine's bedside. He picked up his wand from the bed table and created a ray of white light. His eyes swept over the old man's face, and he couldn't help but worry about Lupine's body.

, he looked very weak.

"I found someone to help you clear your name as a wanted criminal, so you can stand here and talk to me now instead of being thrown into Azkaban Prison." Phineas babbled: "Well, you

You can no longer enter Azkaban Prison, and if the Ministry of Magic catches you, you will definitely be killed directly."

"Clear your name?"

Sirius withdrew his gaze from Lupine, looked at the old man in the photo, and asked doubtfully: "What do you mean?"

"Literally," Phineas said angrily.

Sirius seemed to be unable to believe his ears. He suppressed his pounding and asked hoarsely, "This sounds ridiculous."

"While you were unconscious, Mr. Albert Anderson had captured Peter Pettigrew for you and handed that guy over to the Ministry of Magic. By the way, Dumbledore helped clear your name." Feeney

Yas's voice was very calm, but his tone was full of inexplicable pride and emotion, "So, you are no longer a wanted criminal."

Sirius couldn't help but open his eyes wide. This news was so dreamy that he couldn't believe it was true.

"What you need to do now is to transfer five thousand galleons to Mr. Anderson's vault in Gringotts as soon as possible." Phineas warned sternly: "Although I agreed to it for you without permission, don't even think about trying.

Mr. Anderson was kind enough to let you off the hook and save your life and that of your godson Harry Potter. I must thank him properly when I have time."

"What's going on with five thousand galleons?"

Sirius Black was still a little confused, but he remembered the name Albert Anderson, who saved him, saved Harry, and helped catch Peter Pettigrew, clearing his name and restoring his honor.

"Of course it's the price of paying for Mr. Anderson's help. You are not friends, and you don't even know each other. Naturally, the other party cannot help you for free. This price is already very cheap. People should be content with what they have."

Phineas began to tell Black what he knew. Although he didn't know how Albert did it, this did not prevent Phineas from connecting these things together.

"I understand. I will write to Gringotts later and ask them to help transfer five thousand galleons to Mr. Albert Anderson's vault."

After listening to this, Sirius Black took a long time to come to his senses.

Although he ultimately failed to kill Peter Pettigrew to avenge James and Lily, it was undoubtedly the best outcome at the moment. Just like Phineas said, he really needed to thank Albert and thank him for not

Because of 10,000 galleons, he was captured and handed over to the Ministry of Magic in exchange for a bounty; thanks to the other party for saving him and Harry when the dementors surrounded them, so that they did not have their souls sucked away by the dementors and become soulless.

The Walking Dead; thank the other party for forcefully stopping the Auror of the Ministry of Magic, giving him the opportunity to wait for Dumbledore's arrival, and fighting for the chance to clear his name; and thank Mr. Anderson for giving him a brand new life.

This is no longer a mere five thousand galleons to express his gratitude.

As for Mr. Anderson, Sirius had actually guessed who he was.

The student who stared at the black dog in the alley that day, Black was sure was that person.

Although he has not been able to experience the joy of taking revenge, Sirius is still looking forward to a new beginning and a new life!

"Find someone to marry as soon as possible and have a few children. Don't let the direct bloodline of the Black family be cut off. Your brother Regulus is dead, and you are the only one left in the direct line of the Black family." Phineas rambled.

He said: "And remember to thank Mr. Anderson. You are still alive thanks to him. He also had a lot of trouble with the Ministry of Magic because of you."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "What's going on?" Sirius didn't have a good impression of the Ministry of Magic. He was thrown into Azkaban Prison without approval.

"What else could be going on? Peter is still alive and the Ministry of Magic has become a joke. Those guys don't care whether you are innocent or not."

"I see."

Sirius stuffed Phineas's photo into his pocket and walked to Harry with the help of the weak white light on his wand to check on his godson.

The person on the hospital bed to Harry's right began to move. When Ron opened his eyes, he noticed some faint light coming from the left in the darkness. When he turned his head, he saw the figure sitting at the head of Harry's bed.

, the other party just looked up.

In an instant, the figure in front of him coincided with Blake who had broken into the student dormitory with a knife.


A shrill scream rang out in the school hospital, immediately waking up Madam Pomfrey who was resting next door.

"What's wrong?"

Madam Pomfrey, wearing pajamas, hurried into the ward holding her wand.

"Boo, Black!"

Ron raised his unbandaged arm, pointed at Black beside Harry's bed, and screamed in horror: "He is Sirius Black."

"Calm down, Weasley." Madam Pomfrey glared at Sirius who had not slept in the middle of the night with a complaining look. After getting a glass of tranquilizer and giving it to Ron, she explained to him: "Mr. Black is no longer here."

He is a wanted criminal and he is innocent."

In fact, Madam Pomfrey was equally confused when she first learned the news.

Later, Dumbledore explained the matter to her personally, and it took Madam Pomfrey a long time to accept the so-called "truth".

"Sorry, I scared you."

Black was also helpless. He really didn't mean to scare Ron. Others didn't know that he had restored his reputation and still regarded him as a wanted criminal.

"Since you are innocent, why did you break into our dormitory with a knife?" Ron is still worried about that incident.

"I'm looking for your pet, the rat named Scabbers. It's actually a wizard named Peter Pettigrew. That guy's Animagus is a rat." Sirius explained to Ron, who was still a little uneasy.


"Peter Pettigrew has been killed by you." Ron felt ridiculous.

"No, he is still alive and has been imprisoned in Azkaban Prison by the Ministry of Magic. Otherwise, how do you think I can restore my reputation?" Sirius didn't care about Ron's eyes and said hoarsely: "Tomorrow morning you will probably

You can see relevant reports in the Daily Prophet."

Ron was confused. He didn't understand what happened. Why did the whole world change when he woke up?

In fact, it wasn't just him who was confused, the entire school hospital, and even the entire British wizarding world would soon be confused.

They didn't understand how Sirius Black, the vicious fugitive who was wanted by the Ministry of Magic yesterday, turned into a tragic hero who had silently guarded Harry Potter for twelve years overnight.

But Peter Pettigrew, who was once regarded as a hero, is actually still alive and has become the murderer who betrayed the Potter family.

Except for a few who know the truth about the whole thing, others are destined to remain confused for a while after reading the early morning "Daily Prophet."

What happened to this world?

Harry suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the hospital bed. He looked up and looked around, and found that he was in the school hospital. What shocked Harry even more was that there was a slovenly middle-aged man sitting next to him. He looked...

Recognized the other party's identity, Sirius Black.

"Why...are you here?" Harry stepped back uneasily, trying to stay away from Black, and at the same time reached out to touch his wand.

"Sorry, it seems I scared you." Blake looked at his outfit and said helplessly: "Lupine is right, I should change my clothes first before coming to visit you."

"Why are you here?" Harry was still a little nervous. In his mind, Black was still just a vicious wanted criminal.

"I'm free." Sirius handed the newspaper in his hand to Harry and said, "Peter Pettigrew has been imprisoned in Azkaban Prison by the Ministry of Magic, so my reputation has been restored and I am no longer a wanted criminal."

Harry looked at the picture on the front page of the latest issue of the Daily Prophet, then raised his head and looked at Sirius in front of him, opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

To be honest, Harry's mind is in chaos right now. How come the world has changed so drastically as soon as he wakes up?

The once vicious and wanted criminal turned into a tragic hero. The reason why Sirius Black escaped from prison was to protect him, which was completely ridiculous. However, all of this was still true, and Harry could not help but doubt his life.

"It's hard for me to understand your mood." A wry smile appeared on Sirius's face: "Actually, I only learned about this not long ago."

When Sirius first woke up, he found himself lying on the hospital bed in Hogwarts. He even wanted to sneak away. In the end, his great-great-grandfather Phineas, who he had always disliked, explained everything to him.

Knowing that Phineas paid others to clear his name, Sirius also took a long time to accept this ridiculous answer.

"So you are innocent, and Peter Pettigrew is the traitor who betrayed my parents." Harry asked tentatively.

"Yes." Black said guiltily, "I'm sorry, if it weren't for me, Peter wouldn't have succeeded."

"Is Peter Pettigrew really alive? Is he really Ron's rat Scabbers?" Harry continued to ask, he couldn't wait to know the truth.

"Yes, he is still alive." Sirius said softly, "To be honest, I am still confused now. I only found out not long ago that Mr. Anderson caught Peter and helped me restore my reputation."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Mr. Anderson?" Harry asked with a long mouth: "You mean Albert Anderson?"

"Yes, if there is no one else with this name in Hogwarts, it should be him." Sirius said with emotion when talking about this matter.

"Albert Anderson?"

Harry's head was still in confusion, and he listened vaguely to Black's words.

"What happened after I passed out?"

"I'm not sure." After hesitating for a moment, Sirius changed the subject and said, "I wonder if anyone has told you? I am your godfather."

"Yes, I know." Harry said dryly.

"Now that I have restored my reputation, if you want a different home..." Black said while secretly observing the changes in Harry's expression. Although he tried to hide his uneasiness, he was very unsuccessful.

However, Harry did not notice the change on Sirius's face, but was attracted by his proposal.

"Live with you?" Harry's eyes widened in disbelief: "Leave the Dursleys?"

"Yes." Blake nodded and said, "Of course, if you are willing to live with your aunt and uncle, I can understand."

"Are you crazy?" Harry said hoarsely, "Of course I want to leave the Dursleys!"

At this moment, Harry felt that he had been struck by luck. He was finally leaving the Dursleys and living with his parents' best friend, Black.

The excitement actually made Harry feel dizzy. If he told the Dursley family that he was going to live with the wanted criminal they saw on TV, he really looked forward to the expressions on the Dursley family's faces.

However, Harry still hasn't figured out what happened.

Sirius actually didn't know much, so he told Harry what he knew.

"So, Ron's pet mouse is Peter Pettigrew? The reason why Hermione's cat targeted Scabbers was because Crookshanks saw at a glance that Scabbers was not a mouse? So it was not Lupin who helped you invade the castle.

Professor, is it a cat?"

Harry felt that the more he listened, the more ridiculous he felt, especially since Hermione's cat actually helped Black steal Neville's note and help order the owl.

Also, that Firebolt was actually a gift from Sirius.

However, what stunned Harry the most was that the reason why Albert was willing to help clear Sirius's name was actually because Sirius' great-great-grandfather paid him five thousand galleons as a reward to hire him for help.

"Harry, I can chat with you here, thanks to Mr. Anderson. He helped me solve my trouble. It's normal for me to give him a sum of money." Sirius smiled bitterly: "Actually, Mr. Anderson has been targeting me a long time ago.

If he cared about Galleons, he would have handed me over to the Ministry of Magic long ago, but Mr. Anderson did not do that. He seemed to have discovered Peter's existence. Later, he also drove away a large number of dementors.

He saved our lives, and I heard that he and his friends also brought down the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic... In short, Mr. Anderson gave me a whole new life."

Harry listened to Black with his mouth open from beginning to end.

"After Mr. Anderson got the money, it seemed that he distributed it to several friends who were with him last night. I heard that they planned to use the money to open a store to realize their dreams." Sirius was very grateful and admired Albert.

Special, "He also spent a large sum of galleons to hire Lupine, so that Lupine, who had quit his job, could live a decent life for a long time. I will have to take the time to thank him someday."

"I understand." Harry nodded stiffly, "Wait, you said Professor Lupine resigned?"

"Yes, he resigned on his own and should be packing his bags in the office now." Black said softly, "I will leave the school with him later."

"Why?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Snape told everyone this morning that Lupine was a werewolf." Speaking of this, Black gritted his teeth angrily, "If Lupine doesn't resign, Dumbledore will be flooded with owl letters from parents.

In the office, no one wants to let a werewolf teach their children, and he doesn't want to take the chance. If it wasn't for Albert, God knows what would have happened."

Blake continued, "Dumbledore used Snape's Veritaserum to get Peter to tell the truth, and I think for that guy, he lost his best chance of sending me to Azkaban, and thanks to his

I had to use Veritaserum to clear my name, which was undoubtedly a big blow to him, so he did this to get revenge on Lupine."

This chapter has been completed!
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