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Chapter 825 Tidbits

"George, George, where are you? Come and read the headlines of today's Daily Prophet." Fred's shout rang out in the kitchen.

"Early in the morning, what are you yelling and screaming over there?" Mrs. Weasley, who was feeding chickens in the courtyard, glared at her frizzy son with her hands on her hips.

"Mom, look at the headlines of today's Daily Prophet." Fred handed the newspaper to his mother and said excitedly: "Albert actually won the Barnabus Finkley Award for Excellent Spellcasting Techniques.

, do you know what the award is?"

"It would be great if you could make people worry-free like Albert." Mrs. Weasley took the newspaper, looking like she hated iron.

"You should compare your precious son Percy with Albert." Fred curled his lips and said, "George and I are just what you picked up from the fields."

"How dare you talk back? Do you want to make me angry to death?"

Mrs. Weasley looked at Fred who had disappeared in a flash, and her eyes fell on the newspaper in her hand. It read clearly: The youngest winner of the Barnabus Finkley Gold Medal for Excellent Charming Techniques in history was born.

Underneath the headlines was a photo, in which Albert held the trophy in both hands, with a medal around his neck and a confident smile on his face.

"Mom, have you seen today's newspaper?" Percy's voice came from the kitchen.

"Here it is, Fred just took it out." Mrs. Weasley walked to the kitchen window and stuffed the newspaper in.

Percy took the newspaper, glared at George who was snickering next to him, and then caught a glimpse of Fred who had just turned a corner and entered the kitchen.

"Hey, you should stop mentioning Albert in front of your mother. She always likes to compare us with him." George reminded his twin brother with gloating, "She always talks about other people's children."

"I should have studied hard if I had known." Fred regretted a little. Ever since their O.W.Ls results were mailed home, their summer vacation had become very bad.

Albert once reminded them that if their O.W.Ls results were not good, their summer vacation might not be easy.

Alas, next time I must block that guy's mouth before he opens his mouth. Every time he talks about those nonsense, he will say something and hit something.

"I wonder how much prize money the champion will get this time?"

George walked behind Percy, stared at the newspaper for a long time and said, "Actually, I'm more curious about how much he earned this time."

"It shouldn't be much, one or two thousand Galleons at most." Fred had heard Albert talk about bonuses. Most international champions can get a good bonus.

"No, you must not have paid attention just now. It was written in the newspaper that the Spanish Bullfighting Daily lost tens of thousands of galleons due to gambling." George read it carefully a few times and said: "Do you think that with Albert?

With his character, will he give up this opportunity? I dare say he will definitely bet on himself to win the final championship, and God knows how many galleons he won on the bet.”

Percy's eyes fell back on the front-page news and found records of interviews with reporters. For example, some people were preparing to file a formal complaint to the International Federation of Wizards, and they even lied about someone using Felixir during the competition.

in an attempt to prevent young wizards in the UK from winning prizes.

What attracted the most attention to British wizards was probably Albert's tidbits. Those shameless reporters reprocessed Albert's answers and even directly distorted the meaning.

Percy put down the newspaper. He felt that the best thing Fred and George had done in their lives was to meet Albert. There was no doubt that Albert, who had always been generous to his friends, reached out and gave them a hand.

At least people's future won't be too bad.

In fact, from Fred's words, it's only one or two thousand galleons at most, it's not difficult to see their attitude towards money.

"This is an international award, a very important one. It is said that it is easy to win the championship, but it is difficult to win the gold medal, and all wizards who win the gold medal will eventually become great wizards." Percy recalled, "

It is said that Dumbledore once won this award."

"As expected of Albert." George couldn't help but sigh: "I always feel that winning the award is as easy as drinking water for him."

"He's going to attend the International Alchemy Congress, maybe he can win another prize by then." Fred had great confidence in Albert and was sincerely happy that he won the prize.

"What's wrong Hermione?" Mrs. Granger found her daughter frowning at the newspaper.

"Albert won the prize." Hermione spread the newspaper on the table. Mr. Granger and Mrs. Granger leaned their heads together and saw the headlines at a glance.

The Grangers still remembered that their daughter once said that the handsome young man in the photo was a senior who cared for her very much in school, and was also the first friend Hermione made in school.

"You should be happy for him." Mr. Granger was a little confused and didn't understand why his daughter was frowning.

"The newspapers are reporting nonsense again," Hermione pointed out Albert's gossip: "I remember the last time he won the International Wizarding Chess Championship, the reporters were also writing gossip in the newspapers."

For some reason, Hermione got very angry every time she saw those reporters reporting gossip about Albert in newspapers.

The whole school knew that Albert had a girlfriend, and they were very close to her.

"You have to know that those newspapers dare to write anything in order to sell newspapers, because many people like to read these gossips." Mr. Granger looked at his daughter, blinked and said, "But that's true.

He is a very good boy."

"Excellent, no, I think genius is more appropriate." Hermione corrected.

"I remember that Mr. Anderson often gives you gifts." Mrs. Granger smiled. She thought Hermione might like that handsome boy.

Genius, handsome, rich, and gentle, who wouldn't like a boyfriend like this?

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Hermione suddenly noticed that her family were looking at her, and asked in confusion: "What are you staring at me for?"

"I remember that you seem to be buying dresses this semester. There should be a dance. He might invite you to dance." Mrs. Granger reminded with a smile, "Seize the opportunity."

"What are you thinking about? Albert already has a girlfriend." Hermione looked at the handsome boy in the newspaper and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Watch what I do?"

Isobel found that her sister was staring at her with a strange look.

"You actually know how to dress up carefully?" Katrina looked at the beautiful Isobel, and she didn't understand why she was dressing up carefully. Could it be that she was going on a date with Albert?

"No, I didn't sleep last night, so I dressed up a little." Isobel asked casually: "Do you want to come with me to pick up Albert?"

"Why pick him up?" Katrina was even more confused.

"Didn't you read today's newspaper? He just came back from Spain." Isobel pointed to the newspaper on the table.

Katrina picked up the Daily Prophet on the table and immediately saw the guy holding the championship trophy. Then she quickly glanced at the headlines and looked up at Isobel, "Aren't you angry? Then

This guy obviously loves you, but he's still hooking up with other women outside."

"That's just something the reporter deliberately fabricated for the sake of newspaper sales." Isobel said nonchalantly, "I was chatting with him last night."

"I won't go." Katrina was not interested in asking for trouble.

"I'm leaving."

Katrina looked at Isobel's leaving back, then picked up the newspaper on the table and began to study it, "On purpose? Not necessarily. If nothing happened, those reporters would definitely not write like this."

Albert had no idea that he had been arranged by reporters again.

Having just stepped out of the International Floo Fireplace, he felt the food in his stomach was churning. He hadn't slept all night, which made Albert feel very uncomfortable, as if he was motion sick.

"are you OK?"

Bud noticed that Albert's face was slightly pale and asked worriedly.

"It's okay. I stayed up late last night and now I'm back using this thing. I feel a little uncomfortable." Albert said that he was okay. He then said to Bud, "I have to go to the Leaky Cauldron first. Isobel is over there.

wait for me."

"You can just use the fireplace here to go to the Leaky Cauldron!" Bud said to Albert with a smile, "There's no need to waste time walking there."

"Then I'll go back. See you another day, Mr. Bard. I really want to thank you this time." After Albert expressed his gratitude to Bard again, he took out Floo powder from the jar and sprinkled it into the fireplace.

Step into the rising green flames and head directly to the Leaky Cauldron.

When Albert came out of the rotating fireplace again, the spinning dizziness almost made him fall.

In a daze, it seemed that someone reached out to support Albert. When he came back to his senses, he found that the person was Isobel.

"I didn't keep you waiting long, did I?" Albert asked with a smile.

"No, I've only been here for five minutes." Isobel reached out and hugged him, "Welcome back."

"Are you wearing makeup?" Albert looked at his girlfriend in surprise.

"Does it look good?" Isobel asked with a smile.

"It looks better than before." Albert said honestly.

"Are you going to Hogsmeade now?" Isobel asked, holding Albert's hand.

"Well, it's faster to go back there. The side effects of using the international floo network are a bit serious. I have to lie down and rest for a while."

"Don't make any noise, let me sleep a little longer?"

Albert opened his eyes tiredly and found Nia sitting next to his bed holding Tom, brushing his face with her cat tail from time to time.

"Get up and eat." Nia asked doubtfully, "Didn't you sleep last night?"

"Well, I chatted with Isobel all night." Albert covered his yawn again, lazily got up from the bed, glanced at the trophies and medals on the table, and said to his sister: "I'll bring you some

I got a gift, did you see it?"

"You mean records?" Nia asked.

"Well, it is said that she is a famous singer in the European magic world." Albert pointed to the door and motioned for Nia to go out because he wanted to change clothes.

"The singer is very beautiful and has a nice voice, but the songs are not good." After Nia left the bedroom, she leaned against the wall next to the door and talked to Albert, "I feel that the aesthetics in the magic world are relatively average."

She didn't forget the record that Albert gave him last time. It was said to be a famous song in the wizarding world, and it seemed to be called "You Stole My Pot, But You Can't Get My Heart." Since that time, Nia

I don’t have high expectations for songs from the magical world.

"This is the disadvantage of a small number of people. If the number of people is large, more excellent works will emerge." Albert said with a smile: "If there are no songs I like, I will give them to others."

"Well, I'll keep one, and you can give the rest to others!" As Nia followed Albert to the restaurant, she suddenly asked: "What is your relationship with Miss Yanila? Why did the newspaper say...


Before Nia could finish her words, she was interrupted by Albert.

"Newspaper companies need to sell their newspapers, so those reporters always like to make up all kinds of tidbits to attract other people's attention." Albert looked at his sister and said, "I remember telling you about this before, look.

You have to be smart when reading newspapers, otherwise you will easily become a fool."

"I remember you once said that if a lie can deceive others, there must be some truth in it." Nia stared at Albert and asked: "I am more curious, what is the truth in this newspaper? And

, Aren’t you afraid that Isobel will be angry and jealous?”

"Isobel is a smart girl, and smart girls are usually more willing to trust their own judgment and will not easily believe these rumors." After Albert said hello to Luke and Sansa, he began to sit down and eat.

"That Miss Yanila is actually the daughter of a bar owner, and the game was held in that bar."

"Why is the game being held in a bar?" Nia was confused and obviously couldn't understand what the operation was.

"It's more of a hotel than a bar." Albert said while eating: "The owner of that bar, Ms. Diana, donated money to the competition, and the gold medal was sponsored by them, and the bar owner's daughter

He happens to be a very famous singer, so he will be a special guest to award the winner."

"An advertisement?" Nia understood, "But what does this have to do with you marrying her?"

"This has something to do with some rumors about the bar." Albert cut his fish steak, raised his head and said, "Well, it is said that it is a bar owned by a vampire."

"Wait, you mean that Miss Yanila is a vampire?" Nia was surprised.

"There is vampire blood, but it should be very weak." Albert put down his knife and fork and directly revealed a big secret, "It is rumored that the descendants of that bar are basically women, and they like to find gold medal winners as partners.

That’s why there was that news in the newspaper.”

"Is it true?" Nia asked curiously, "That beautiful singer came to you."

"Really." Albert nodded and said, "However, I refused, after all, I already have a fiancée."

"Does Isobel know about this?" Nia thinks these vampire ladies are really special. Most of the wizards who can win the award should be very old. People like Albert are definitely endangered species.

"She knows." Albert said calmly.

After dinner, everyone sat in the living room, petting the cat, watching TV, and chatting about what happened in Spain until late at night, when everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

Albert asked Sheila, who had returned from foraging for food, to send gifts to Fred and George. He actually bought another set of records, and he gave the signed set of records given by the champion to Isobel.

After watching the owl fly away, Albert walked into the vanishing cabinet and headed to the house in Hogsmeade, then took out the time turner and went back to a few hours ago.

When he came to the hall, he found Isobel in her nightgown listening to music and flipping through the latest issue of the Daily Prophet, waiting for him to come over.

"You still look sleepy."

"It's not because I chatted with you all night last night and picked you up again today. I lay down for a while in the afternoon and basically didn't sleep much." Isobel covered her yawn and rested her head on Albert's shoulder.


"Then go to bed early!" Albert felt that he was also infected by Isobel's sleepiness, and couldn't help but yawned.

"That Miss Yanila is a very beautiful girl." Isobel whispered.

"She has partial Veela blood, so it's normal to be beautiful." Albert picked up Princess Isobel.

"However, Miss Yanila's charm is not as great as expected." Isobel said softly, "Or, she herself is actually quite resistant to doing that. After all, she is a stranger she has only known for a few days."

"why would you say so."

"Because if she didn't hesitate, she would definitely strike first!" Isobel put her arms around Albert's neck, put her mouth to his ear, and whispered, "I will never give you any chance to refuse.

, I’ll push you down first. After all, that’s what her family does, so how could she not be able to deal with you in her own place?”

"You're right." Albert suddenly felt that what Isobel said made sense.

"She actually prefers that you take the initiative. There are relatively few bold girls after all. If you take the initiative, she will agree half-heartedly." Isobel chuckled, "However, I am actually more curious about your reason for rejecting her.


"Why do you want to know this?"

"It's just out of curiosity. After all, people are coming to your door. It should be difficult for ordinary men to resist." Isobel was really curious.

When Albert told her about this, she was really surprised. She didn't expect that Albert would tell her directly about it.

"You're not angry."

"Actually, I'm quite angry." Isobel put her arms around Albert's neck and asked, "Why?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Albert asked after putting Isobel down.

"Lies." Isobel said without thinking.

"Because I don't want to make you sad."

"I like this answer." Isobel kissed him on the cheek and chuckled, "What is the truth?"

"To be honest, I don't think it's worthwhile." Albert was silent for a moment, and then said: "If something happens to Yanila, my fiancée may be gone, and I may only meet a satisfactory person in my life."

"Besides, you are so smart. I think even if I can hide it for a while, I won't be able to hide it from you forever. We will live together in the future, so there is no need to mess up our lives because of this matter. What's more, you are also very beautiful. I

I feel that I really don’t need to take this risk, even though Yanila is indeed beautiful, it still makes me a little tempted.”

"It's really like what you would say, rational, and also likes to weigh gains and losses." Isobel whispered softly as she huddled in Albert's arms like a kitten.

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