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Chapter 844 'Defense Guide'

"Good morning Sirius, where have you been?" Lupine poked his head out of the kitchen, looked at Sirius who had just entered the tent, and asked doubtfully, "Why do you look unhappy?"

"I just went to see Ludo Bagman, and that guy only paid me half of the galleons last night." Sirius didn't like Bagman at all when he tried to default on his debt.

"When did you place your bet?" Lupine looked at Sirius in shock, never expecting that his old friend was secretly gambling. This was not a good thing.

"I thought you would care more about how much I won." Sirius pulled up a chair and sat down, smiling as he put his legs on the table, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Okay, how much did you win?" Lupine asked helplessly.

"About...a thousand galleons." Sirius said.

"How much?" Lupine's eyes widened in disbelief.

"A thousand galleons," Sirius repeated.

"Stop gambling, just stop it when you're done!" Lupine ignored the black smoke that was slowly rising from the pot and tried to persuade his old friend. He really couldn't understand why Sirius wanted to risk gambling. He deserved it if he lost.

What should I do? If I can win a thousand Galleons, how many Galleons do I need to bet on?

"Bagman didn't have enough galleons to pay me, so he suggested that I continue to bet." Sirius glanced at Lupine, who looked slightly gloomy, and said casually: "I have already agreed, those galleons are all anyway.

It doesn’t matter if I lose everything I earn, not to mention I won’t necessarily lose.”

Lupine was silent. He also knew that he was not qualified to preach to Sirius, so he finally said: "Don't be too greedy, just accept it when it's good." Then he turned back to the kitchen and continued to make breakfast.

"Losing, will I lose? No, I won't lose."

A weird smile appeared on Sirius's face. He didn't think he would lose, and the Galleons were actually not all his money. Half of it belonged to Albert.

In fact, Sirius doesn't like gambling either, but yesterday he met with Albert, and the two of them reached some agreement in private, which is known as: If you have money, everyone will make it together.

Well, they did make a lot of galleons, and the unlucky Bagman lost a lot of galleons.

However, Sirius had no sympathy for Bagman.

If Ludo Bagman hadn't tried to lure him into betting, Sirius might not have agreed to Albert.

Okay, this is a lame excuse. From Sirius's point of view, why not earn Galleons when you are guaranteed to make a profit?

Not an idiot.

Moreover, from what Albert said, Ludo Bagman was not reliable, otherwise Albert would not have asked him to take back at least half of the Galleons after he won the bet.

"Good morning, Sirius." Harry appeared in the dining room with his yawn covered, sniffing the burning smell in the air, and said in surprise: "It's rare to see Professor Lupine burn the rice. By the way, you were in the restaurant just now.

What to talk about."

"Nothing Harry." Sirius didn't want Harry to get into the habit of gambling, so he changed the topic and said, "Lupine and I have planned to start a defense against the dark arts magazine called "Defense Guide"."

After preliminary discussions with Lupine, Sirius planned to accept Albert's proposal to open a magazine related to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Considering that Lupine once served as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, he has a natural advantage in the field of defense against the dark arts, and Sirius has also fought against dark wizards, so he is considered a relatively good profession.

Working in a field that you are good at and like makes it easier for people to maintain enthusiasm, invest more energy, and achieve success.

Of course, it is not easy to open a magazine store. Neither Lupine nor Sirius have experience in this area.

Who will be the editor-in-chief?

If you open a store rashly and enter a field that you are not good at, you are likely to stumble, and it is not surprising that you may even lose a lot of money.

"Magazines like Witches Weekly and Transfiguration Today?" Hermione asked Sirius curiously.

"Well, if it's just the two of us, it will be about once every half a month." Sirius nodded, "There will be some content related to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Remus should be better at this aspect. He used to be a Dark Arts

Professor of Magical Defense, and I can also help him think of other ways."

Harry and Hermione looked at each other.

To be honest, they were not very optimistic about Sirius starting a magazine, let alone becoming the editor-in-chief.

"What do Professor Lupin think?" Hermione asked Professor Lupine who was busy in the kitchen.

"I think the probability of losing money is relatively high. Knowing Defense Against the Dark Arts and starting a Defense Against the Dark Arts magazine are two different things." Lupine is not as optimistic as Sirius. Neither of them has rich management experience, so they may mess things up.


"Speaking of opening a store, I still admire Albert. He started spending money to support Fred and George in opening a store very early." Ron covered his yawn and sat next to Harry, "From the beginning to now

I don’t know how many Galleons have been invested in it, and I thought their store would be a hit from the beginning.”

"Perhaps, he has already done divination." Harry said without thinking, "Sirius, if you want to open a shop, you can go to Albert and do divination."

"Harry, there are limits to divination," Hermione said, not agreeing with Harry's point of view.

"Are you really planning to start a weekly magazine?" Lupine asked as he brought the food from the kitchen over and looked at Sirius who was thinking seriously.

"Even if you lose all the Galleons you win, you won't feel bad at all."

This was actually one of the reasons why Sirius agreed to help Albert. He needed to find an excuse to convince Remus to help start the magazine.

Otherwise, he would never agree, and an unexpected fortune is undoubtedly the best excuse, with the slogan "it won't hurt if you lose everything anyway".

"Losing money? I think you can ask Albert for help. As long as the price is right, he will definitely be willing to help." Ron suggested.

According to him, Fred and George had very clear ideas and plans for opening a store, and most of these were given by Albert. Moreover, Albert often wrote articles for magazines, and he obviously had a clear idea of ​​how to arrange the content of the magazine.

Knowing better than them, if it were Albert, he would definitely be able to provide them with many constructive suggestions.

However, how to persuade Albert to help is actually a relatively difficult task. If you want Albert to help, you must naturally give the other party enough benefits, but Gallon Albert will obviously not take it seriously.

, so what should we do to convince him?

In the end, it was Ron's words that woke up Sirius. There was a big difference between his own industry and other people's. If Sirius could get Albert to join him, the other party would naturally not watch the store lose money.

, I think I would be willing to give them a hand.

Sirius's purpose was just to find Lupine a job. As long as he didn't lose money, he could actually accept it.

This chapter has been completed!
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