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Chapter 853 The vest fell off

The Thestral carriage stopped in front of the oak gate of the castle. Fred, George and Lee Jordan got out of the carriage one after another. They all raised their wands and umbrellas to block the rain above their heads, and looked at the group of top leaders with interest.

Students hurried towards the castle in the heavy rain.

Albert easily picked up a Hufflepuff girl who accidentally fell to the ground, and walked into the castle with Zannah who was waiting for him.

"I read in the newspaper that something happened during the World Cup." Shanna frowned as she looked ahead at the students who were shoving each other and screaming.

"Something bad did happen." Albert raised his wand and tapped the water bomb thrown by Peeves, turning it into a deflated balloon. "Okay, Peeves, don't be here."

There is trouble here."

"Nosy brat!"

Peeves, who was floating above everyone, made a rude gesture towards Albert, chuckled, took out two water bombs from nowhere, threw them towards the densest part of the crowd, and then in a

He screamed and flew away with a weird laugh.

"Peeves is still so bad." Shanna looked at Peeves's leaving figure and shouted to the soaked students, "Enter the auditorium and don't crowd in here."

"How did you do that?" A boy came over and asked.

"What to do?"

Albert glanced sideways at the boy with light brown hair and a strong Irish accent.

"Make Peeves obey."

As we all know, Peeves doesn't buy into anyone except Bloody Barrow and Dumbledore.

"I can't make Peeves obey." Albert shook his head and said, "Go in, the sorting ceremony should start soon."

The auditorium is still the same as before, but the school has specially decorated it to welcome the banquet of the new semester.

The college table was already full of chattering students, and Fred, George and Lee Jordan reserved an empty seat for him. When Albert and Zannah passed by, the Weasley twins were talking about Quidditch with Angelina

About the World Cup final.

"I'm so hungry." Lee Jordan said to Albert, holding a knife and fork in his hand and looking longingly at the golden plate in front of him, "I really hope they can quickly carry out the sorting ceremony."

"I was nearby at the time." Alia said depressingly about the riots that occurred at the World Cup: "Those evil guys wearing hoods and masks controlled four poor Muggles and set fires everywhere to cause commotion.

The tents were burned down. I really don’t know what the people at the Ministry of Magic were doing to let this happen, and they didn’t even intend to compensate for the financial losses. My father was so angry that he sent Fudge a shouting letter.

I think it was a mistake by the Ministry of Magic. There were Ministry of Magic officials nearby at the time, but no one went to stop the riot, and in the end they let the guys go."

"I know about this." George said some of the information he knew. "Percy told me that many wizards were lying about their property losses in an attempt to get money from the Ministry of Magic. After registration, the Ministry of Magic found that they needed

I paid a large sum of galleons and decided not to do anything at all..."

George's voice was masked by the thunder outside the castle, and a fork-shaped lightning flashed across the ceiling above everyone's heads.

At the entrance of the auditorium, Professor McGonagall led the first-year students into the auditorium. When the freshmen crossed the lake earlier, they were drenched in heavy rain and were trembling all over. However, the painting style of a famous freshman was different from others. He

Wearing Hagrid's moleskin coat, he looked very excited, as if he had just won a Quidditch match.

The freshmen all stared blankly at the worn wizard hat placed on the triangular stool in front of them.

The moment the Sorting Hat began to sing, everyone was stunned, and the originally noisy auditorium gradually became quiet.

After an unheard song of the Sorting Hat ended, the familiar sorting ceremony officially kicked off.

It was a very boring ceremony, but as a prefect, Albert needed to spend time memorizing the new members of Gryffindor House. The boy wearing a sea fighter cloak brought some novelty to Albert

He was telling people about how he fell into the lake and was rescued by a big squid.

"It seems that our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor hasn't come to school yet." George touched Albert with his arm and pointed to the empty seat on the teacher's seat.

"Maybe I'm late for something."

"This kind of thing should be relatively rare."

"Who knows what grades the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor needs for his advanced class?" Shanna is still depressed because her Defense Against the Dark Arts only got a good grade.

"As long as you get good grades in most courses, you are allowed to take advanced classes." Angelina consoled her. She felt that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this semester would definitely be surprised by the number of students taking advanced classes.

"I hope there will be a great professor. What you can learn in this class depends entirely on the professor's teaching level." Aria believes that everyone's poor defense against black magic has a lot to do with the professor. "If there is another Loha,

With a professor like that, I think it doesn’t matter whether I take advanced courses or not.”

"Don't worry, this semester's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is a powerful character. It is said that he is a retired Auror." Lee Jordan, who was eating chicken legs, happily shared the good news with everyone.

"Albert, what courses do you plan to take?" Shanna asked Albert, who was engrossed in eating.

"The initial five courses include ancient runes and arithmetic divination." Albert said after swallowing the pork chop in his mouth and taking a sip of pumpkin juice.

"We are taking the same advanced courses," Shanna said.

"By the way, we haven't congratulated you for winning two world-class awards." Angelina raised her goblet towards Albert.

"There is also a third-level medal of Sir Merlin." Zannah also raised the goblet.

"In total, you have won four heavyweight championships so far." Aria also raised the goblet towards Albert, "Perhaps, you can win another Triwizard Championship this time.


"Your deeds should be recorded in "Hogwarts: A School History" for future students to admire." Fred and George also raised their goblets.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Here's to our genius." Lee Jordan raised his glass and said.

At this moment, there was another deafening thunder outside, and the door of the auditorium was slammed open.

A strange man appeared at the entrance of the auditorium and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

A fork-shaped lightning flashed across the ceiling, illuminating the stranger's face. It was a scarred veteran, with scars from the war still remaining on his face. He looked particularly ferocious, and the most disturbing thing about this man was that he

s eyes.

Yes, prosthetic eyes.

The strange man has a fake eye, and it actually moves up and down, left and right, which makes people uncomfortable.

"I suddenly understood why he had the nickname Mad-Eye." Fred muttered softly.

"It's really suitable." Li Jordan nodded in agreement, "Maybe we can learn some useful knowledge this semester."

"What do you think?"

George is asking Mad-Eye if Moody is fake.

"I don't know, but it should be a magic eye with special effects." Albert looked at Moody with interest, thinking about how to "borrow" the magic eye to study, the kind of magic that can see through disguises, invisibility and power.

The technology of see-through is actually very practical.”

Everyone else seemed to be stunned by the strange man's appearance, and they all stared at him intently.

Moody was indifferent to everyone's reaction, and walked directly to Dumbledore, shook his hand like an old friend, the two whispered a few words, and sat down on the empty space on his right at Dumbledore's signal.

On the seat.

?Dumbledore happily introduced the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to everyone, but except for him and Hagrid, almost no one in the auditorium applauded the new professor.

Moody didn't care about this. He pulled out a plate of sausages and ate them with the knife in his pocket, as if the tableware on the table were coated with poison.

The habit developed by Aurors over the years made Moody instinctively look at the students in the auditorium with his magic eyes.

"What do you think he's drinking?"

When Albert saw Moody take out a curved wine bottle from his traveling cloak and take a big sip, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

"It's definitely not pumpkin juice," Fred said firmly.

"I don't think it's pumpkin juice either." George immediately agreed.

"Of course it's not pumpkin juice." Lee Jordan exchanged glances with his friends around him, and they all felt that Moody was indeed suspicious.

If you don’t know, it’s normal to think that the curved bottle contains wine, but since all four of them are doubting Moody’s identity, then the curved bottle may not necessarily contain wine.

"What are you talking about?" Angelina was confused by the four people's words.

"Okay!" Dumbledore looked at everyone with a smile, "I want to make a few announcements."

No one really paid attention to the principal's notice. The content was basically the same every year: Filch prohibited items used by students, prohibited everyone from entering the Forbidden Forest, and students below the third year were not allowed to visit Hogsmeade.

"I would also like to inform you with great regret that there will be no Quidditch match this year." Dumbledore waited for the noise to quiet down before continuing, "However, I am very happy to tell you that the Triwizard Tournament will be held this year.

Held at Hogwarts. The principals of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will lead their carefully selected competitors, and the ceremony to select the warriors will be held on Halloween..."

After all, there are only a few students who know in advance that the school will hold the Triwizard Tournament. After hearing that "in addition to winning honor for their school, individuals can also receive a thousand galleons in prize money," many students' eyes lit up and their faces were filled with smiles.

They all say "I want to participate".

Who would give up an opportunity to gain honor and wealth?

The auditorium was suddenly filled with whispers, and countless students were imagining themselves becoming Hogwarts warriors.

"I know you are all eager to win the Triwizard Trophy for Hogwarts," Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued, "This summer, we have done a lot of work to ensure that every warrior will not

Life is dangerous. However, the participating schools and the Ministry of Magic agree that only students over the age of seventeen are allowed to register. Because the competition events are still very difficult and dangerous, no matter how many precautions we take, students under the sixth and seventh grade are

It’s impossible to deal with it.”

After hearing Dumbledore's words, many students immediately protested angrily, saying that they wanted to participate in the selection of warriors, as if they would definitely be selected as warriors as long as they participated.

However, Fred, George and Lee Jordan, who heard these protests and complaints, tried not to laugh out loud. They all felt that those who were protesting angrily were stupid.

"What's wrong with you?" Angelina asked doubtfully.



"There is only one warrior!" Alia said meaningfully.

"Ahem." Albert told Aria to shut up and stop attracting fire to himself.

So, they understood.

There is only one warrior, and as long as Dumbledore has his mind right, he will definitely make Albert the warrior.

Who can compete with Albert? Let’s book this in advance, okay?

"The delegation from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive in October and spend most of this school year with us." Dumbledore had to raise his voice to suppress the complaints of others, "I

I know that you will be warm and friendly when foreign dignitaries stay at the school, and you will wholeheartedly support the warriors of Hogwarts."

Finally, Dumbledore ended the dinner amidst the noise and sent all the students back to sleep.

"Actually, I think the age line is useless. Young wizards will definitely not be selected." Hagrid felt that doing so would be unnecessary and would make other people unhappy. "I think those children probably just want to enjoy participating.

During the selection process of the warrior, when they come to their senses, they will find that the warrior of Hogwarts will definitely be Albert."

"Hagrid, the champion hasn't been chosen yet," Professor McGonagall reminded, although she actually thought the champion should be Albert.

"To be honest, I'm more worried that other schools will ask for Mr. Anderson to be banned from participating in the Triwizard Cup." Professor Flitwick also felt that Albert's participation in the Triwizard Cup was indeed a bit bullying.

"Mr. Anderson is also a student at Hogwarts. It is completely reasonable for him to become a warrior and participate in the competition." Professor Sprout is looking forward to the reaction of other schools.

"It seems that our school's warrior has been selected." Moody, who was talking to Dumbledore, raised his eyebrows slightly.

Listening to the professors' opinions on this matter, little Barty suddenly felt that the situation was not good.

However, what's even worse is that someone is trying to take off his vest.

"That Moody is definitely a fake."

In the dormitory, the foursome were discussing whether Moody was true or false. They all believed that the thing in the curved bottle was a compound potion.

In fact, they had suspected that Professor Lupine was Sirius in disguise last year, but later they did not discover that Lupine had the habit of drinking from bottles, and Moody obviously had such a habit.

"What do you think the other person's purpose is for coming to school disguised as Moody?" George was the first to ask the question.

"His target may be Harry." Fred guessed.

"Why?" Lee Jordan asked.

"It's always right to blame Harry for anything you don't understand. For example, the other party actually came to murder Harry." Fred said.

"Murdering Harry, this is definitely the stupidest way I have ever seen." George shook his head, "Murdering Harry under Dumbledore's eyes, how stupid is he to do that?"

"Perhaps, he will find other ways, such as using the Triwizard Tournament to kill Harry." Fred said.

"Albert is the warrior." George reminded.

"What do you think about this?" Lee Jordan ignored the Weasley twins' useless arguments.

"I don't know, but it should be related to Harry." Albert gently stroked Tom's head and said meaningfully, "If Moody is fake, the target is definitely Harry, and his plan must be related to the Triwizard Hegemony.

It’s about the game.”

"Maybe, he has a way to make Harry a warrior." Fred expressed his opinion.

"Can it be predicted?" George asked.

"Prophecy is not omnipotent, but...well, I have predicted that I will indeed become a warrior of Hogwarts." Albert did not intend to expose Barty Jr.'s purpose for the time being.

"So, you actually thought that guy was fake from the beginning?" Listening to Albert's tone, the three of them were sure that Moody was probably fake.

"You can't talk nonsense without evidence, not to mention that the other person is an old friend of the principal." Albert reminded, "Maybe it won't take long for Dumbledore to realize that something is wrong with that guy and figure out that he is here disguised as Moody.

What does Hogwarts do."

"That's right, after all, it's Dumbledore. Sometimes I even think that the principal actually knows everything." The three of them obviously didn't think that Dumbledore would be easily deceived.

This chapter has been completed!
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