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Chapter 897 Harry realizes

The news that Luna won the Wizarding Card Club championship and was able to dance with Albert at the dance spread like a gust of wind in the school. Compared to this, the news about the Wizarding Card Club activity room seemed to have been ignored by people.

For Luna, who didn't care about other people's opinions, this matter was nothing, but Hermione, who lost to Luna, was very annoyed because she almost won.

"Yes, it's a pity. It was only ten galleons." Ron also regretted that Hermione missed the Wizarding Card Championship.

It's just that the things they regret are different.

"Harry, have you decided who to take to the ball?" Hermione ignored Ron and asked Harry sideways.

"Not yet." Harry's face turned red again when he mentioned this.

"It seems that you already have someone you want to invite. I suggest you act quickly, lest the girl you want to invite is invited by someone else first." Hermione noticed the strange reaction on Harry's face and couldn't help but

Ginny sighed softly, thinking that there was probably no hope.

Ron used a knight to kill Harry's king, looked up and said: "Harry, Hermione is right, we should take action."

"Who are you going to invite?" Harry asked curiously.

"I don't know. I hope to find a beautiful dance partner. Is there anyone you want to invite?"

Ron was also confused about this matter. He wanted to invite Fleur, but he didn't have the courage.

"A beautiful dance partner?" Hermione asked sharply, "You mean the Beauxbatons Champion? That would be a good idea, if she is willing to agree."

Ron seemed to have been exposed. His face turned red and he said, "I would rather go alone than end up dancing with an ugly creature."

"Ugly?" Hermione was so angry at Ron's words that she even had to stutter a little when she spoke.

Harry suddenly felt that the atmosphere around him was a little uncomfortable. Just as he was about to interrupt, he heard Hermione say sharply: "It seems that you just want to invite a beautiful girl and only care about her appearance?"

"That's basically correct." Ron shrugged, "Don't look at me like that Hermione, don't you girls also like pretty boys like Digory? There's nothing wrong with boys liking pretty girls, isn't it fair?

?And, don’t you yourself also want to be Albert’s dance partner? I dare say that 90% of the girls in Hogwarts want to be his dance partner. As a result, he knew about this a long time ago and found it for himself in advance.

Alright, dance partner."

"By the way, do you know who his dance partner is?" Harry looked at Hermione who was shaking with anger and quickly changed the subject.

"I heard from Fred that Albert plans to invite his girlfriend back to be his dance partner." Ron glanced at Hermione and said, "Their relationship is very good, and other girls don't have any chance at all."

"I know this very well. You don't need to remind me." Hermione got up and left angrily.

"I really don't understand why she's angry. Girls like pretty girls, why aren't we allowed to like pretty girls?" Ron complained as he looked at Hermione's leaving back, "Everyone has their own choice. That's fair, isn't it?


"You're right, it's fair. It's a pity that you're not handsome enough, otherwise you will definitely be able to find the beautiful girl you are looking for." Fred and George happened to pass by. After hearing Ron's words, they put their hands on his shoulders.

, said with a smile, "After all, even a guy like Percy found a girlfriend."

"Harry, have you not found a dance partner yet?" George asked in surprise as he looked at Harry.

"No," Harry said dryly. He was now very tired of people mentioning the ball to him.

"Then you'd better speed up, otherwise the good girls will be picked out." Fred interrupted to remind.

"From your tone, it sounds like you have found a dance partner." Ron raised his eyebrows and asked, "Would you mind telling us who you plan to go to the Yule Ball with?"

"Angelina." Fred replied without thinking.

"You've invited her?" Ron asked in surprise.

"Yes, I invited Aaliya." George reminded: "So, if you don't hurry up, you will soon be left without a dance partner, and Harry, you have to go up and lead the dance. If there is anyone you want to invite,

People, don’t be shy, hurry up and give it a try.”

"Yes, don't be embarrassed Harry. As early as the second grade, that guy Albert got the girl who was recognized as the smartest and most beautiful girl in Hogwarts at that time." Fred patted him with a smile.

He patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "If you want to find a beautiful girlfriend and become a winner in life, you have to be as shameless as Albert."

"The most beautiful girl?" Ron was very surprised, but he was even more surprised that Albert actually found a girlfriend in the second grade.

God, how old was he then?

"Of course she is the most beautiful one. There were many people pursuing McDougal at that time, including Percy." Fred revealed some shocking news to them.

"Percy also pursued Albert's girlfriend?" Ron's eyes widened.

"Yes, they are in the same class." Fred made no secret of his gloating, "However, Percy became a shameful loser and was reportedly rejected directly."

"Later, the news came out that Albert and McDougal were dating, and Percy was still sad for a long time." George had no pressure at all to use Percy's sad things as a topic for small talk. He shrugged and reminded

He said, "I bet that with your current attitude towards finding a dance partner, you will definitely not be able to find one. Don't say I didn't remind you, little Ronnie, you have to be more mature, otherwise no girl will like you."

"Don't call me that name," Ron said angrily.

Fred and George teased their hapless brother and then turned back to the dormitory.

Their words reminded Harry that even if Ron didn't have a dance partner, it didn't matter, but he needed to start dancing with other warriors first!

Therefore, he must have a dance partner, otherwise he will definitely make a fool of himself and become the laughing stock of the entire Hogwarts students.

Dance partner?

The figure of Ravenclaw Seeker Cho Chang came to Harry's mind.

He knew that he had to take action as soon as possible. If he didn't take action, Qiu Zhang would definitely be invited by others.

In the next few days, Harry was thinking about how to invite Qiu Zhang, because he found that there were four or five girls around Qiu Zhang all the time, which made him embarrassed to go and talk to him.

Even Ron and Hermione noticed Harry's unusual reaction.

"Harry must have someone he wants to invite?" Ron said firmly

"I just hope Harry can be braver." Hermione said, looking at Harry's leaving figure.

"Do you know who it is?" Ron asked.

"I don't know, but I know that Harry must have a crush." ​​Hermione glanced at Ron and asked, "Harry has already started to take action, so when will you work up the courage to invite Miss Fleur?"

"It's none of your business." Ron said angrily, "You should consider who you go with first?"

"I've found a dance partner." Hermione glanced at Ron, turned and walked away.

"She must be lying." Ron looked at her back and said expressionlessly.

"I thought Hermione was going to go with you." Neville was a little depressed, "Maybe we will be without a dance partner by then!"

This chapter has been completed!
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