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Chapter 927 Nose Monster

Missing the best opportunity to kill Peter Pettigrew, Sirius almost went crazy.

Now that Peter Pettigrew had successfully turned into a mouse and crawled into the sewer with the help of Voldemort, he had completely lost his trace. Now it was useless for Sirius to be angry.

Felixir told him that the Dutch Ministry of Magic made such a big fuss and failed to stop Peter Pettigrew, so he might become angry and cause trouble for him.

Sirius did not think about continuing to stay and search for Peter Pettigrew, but he quickly gave up because it made no sense.

After Peter Pettigrew escaped into the sewers, he would definitely not stay in this country. God knows where he would hide.

What's more, Harry's second project was about to begin. Although he asked Remus to help take care of Harry before leaving England, Sirius still felt that he had to go back and keep an eye on him to feel at ease.

Finally, under the urging of the Elixir of Fortune, Sirius inspected Voldemort's baby body, took a few photos of the ugly snake-faced baby, and left in a hurry.

As for Voldemort's baby body, Sirius didn't pack it up and take it away. He had to leave something for the Dutch Ministry of Magic, otherwise his whole work would have been in vain.

After returning to the UK, Sirius immediately contacted Albert through the double-sided mirror, informed him of the failure in sniping Peter, and asked Albert if he had any channels to purchase safe and reliable Felixir.

As for buying the elixir from the black market, forget it. God knows if you will be poisoned if you drink the stuff bought on the black market.


When he learned about this, Albert was really a little surprised.

When Sirius went to kill Peter Pettigrew, he was fully prepared and went with the determination to kill Peter Pettigrew, but he actually missed it?

It stands to reason that it shouldn't be difficult to kill Peter Pettigrew using Felixir.

"It's Voldemort. That guy held me back and let the traitor Peter escape." Sirius hesitated for a moment, but still told Albert the details. He also expected to get news about Peter Pettigrew from the other party, so it would be best to

Don't hide these things.

"Alas, the mysterious man is getting more and more out of his cards now. He actually has the opportunity to give his servant the title of queen. He would never do such a thing before."

After Albert's teasing voice came from the double-sided mirror, Sirius fell silent.

He actually agreed with what Albert said. The mysterious man in the past would not have cared about Peter Pettigrew's life and death, let alone stayed to serve as Peter's queen.

After returning the two-way mirror to Harry Potter, Albert went to do his own thing.

To be honest, he didn't really care about Peter Pettigrew's life or death.

Even for Albert, it would be better for Peter Pettigrew to escape than to be killed by Sirius, because once Peter Pettigrew is killed by Black, God knows what will happen next. If Moody suddenly stops being an undercover agent, he will directly

If he ran away, he would really suffer a big loss.

The next day, the disturbance caused by the Dutch Ministry of Magic appeared in the Daily Prophet. They directly lodged a diplomatic protest with the British Ministry of Magic to protest against Sirius's "illegal behavior."

There was no way, even after so much effort, they failed to stop Peter Pettigrew. The Dutch Ministry of Magic had lost all face, so they could only pass the blame to Sirius and directly list Sirius Black.

Blacklist from the Dutch Ministry of Magic.

If Sirius had run away later, he would probably have been detained by the Dutch Ministry of Magic and scapegoated.

Of course, Rita Skeeter got the latest and most powerful news from Black. The photo of Voldemort's baby taken by Sirius before he left also severely ridiculed the incompetence of the Dutch Ministry of Magic in the newspapers, which made the Dutch Ministry of Magic incompetent.

The wizards in England know what they are like.

As for Voldemort, Rita Skeeter didn't mention a word, but put up the photo provided by Sirius.

There was no way, Rita Skeeter actually didn't want to publish the photos, but she also knew that even if she didn't do it, and the Daily Prophet didn't do it, there would always be someone else who would do it. Sirius also has his own magazine, and he would wait for the magazine to come out.

, she will definitely have to be scolded again.

In fact, the most believable part is Sirius's photo of Voldemort's baby corpse. After all, there are pictures and the truth. The ugly appearance of the baby can really scare children to tears.

After receiving the protest from the Dutch Ministry of Magic, Fudge almost became angry. He thought about using this matter to cause trouble to Sirius, but who knew that Sirius himself explained the whole thing clearly first, and also took the blame?


No matter how you look at it, the whole thing has nothing to do with him.

All right.

After all, Sirius was only providing information about the whereabouts of Peter Pettigrew, and he did not force the Ministry of Magic to capture Peter Pettigrew.

As long as you are not a fool, you can see that Sirius used conspiracy to get rid of Peter Pettigrew with the help of the Dutch Ministry of Magic. However, the Dutch Ministry of Magic messed up the matter and finally passed the blame to Sirius in order to save face.

Having made it so clear, Fudge would naturally not go to trouble Sirius.

He still wanted to lose face after all, not to mention that he had not broken up with Dumbledore, so there were some things he couldn't do.

The photo provided by Sirius Black in the Daily Prophet caused a discussion at Hogwarts.

There is no way, Voldemort's baby appearance is too ugly. In Fred's words: I have never seen any child look like this. Those who didn't know thought that this child was often slapped in the face, so that the whole body was damaged.

Every face was smashed.

Although these words were completely ridiculed, the baby's flat snake face is still very topical. I have never seen any child look like this.

Is this really a baby?

Among the students at Hogwarts, there are indeed many students who have seen the Boggart transform into Voldemort, and now they have seen the appearance of the mysterious man as a baby, and they have begun to gossip about the secrets of the mysterious man.

Many people are curious, Hogwarts will actually admit the other party to the school?

Are you really not afraid of scaring other students?

Look at the baby in the photo, he will probably be frightened to death when he grows up.

He has no nose!

I don’t know which attentive classmate pointed out this cruel truth. Whether it was the flat snake-faced baby or the mysterious man transformed by the Boggart, they all had no nose.

News that the mysterious man actually has no nose began to spread in the school.

After Moody learned the news, his face was almost turned upside down with anger.

However, what made Moody most angry was that that bastard actually gave the Dark Lord the nickname "Noseless Monster". If he knew who did it, he would definitely let him experience the Cruciatus Curse.


News about the noseless monster soon spread privately in Hogwarts Castle.

Even though Hermione thought it was bad, Harry was definitely one of the people who was most willing to use this title.

As for awe of Voldemort?

Sorry, how could a first-year savior who dared to confront Voldemort have such respect for the noseless monster?

In fact, many people find this title very interesting. As for who invented it?

Most people think it is Harry Potter, and only the savior Potter has the courage to give such an insulting nickname to the mysterious man.

Harry, who was inexplicably lying on his back, didn't refute. Anyway, he was already locked in a fight with Voldemort. Isn't it normal to give him a nickname?

At least, the noseless monster can reduce everyone's awe of Voldemort better than titles such as You-Know-Who, Dark Lord, and Voldemort.

He liked Albert's comment on this nickname very much: Isn't this pretty good?

Most students in Slytherin don't think this is anything interesting. Every time they hear a student talk about the noseless monster, they will look on with cold eyes, as if to say that when the Dark Lord comes back, you will all be in bad luck.

Little Barty, who was disguised as Moody, was almost furious by this incident. He would never tolerate others insulting the Dark Lord he most admired.

However, Moody couldn't stand up and stop other students because it was too wrong and not like what Moody would do.

So no matter what he wanted to say, Moody could only hold it back.

Since the news about the noseless monster spread, Moody's face has become gloomier (his face is actually quite ferocious), and the portions of his three meals have been reduced.

Finally, Moody finally couldn't hold it in any longer and mentioned this matter when he was giving Harry a Defense Against the Dark Arts class:

"I've heard some news recently, and I have to remind you of some things. Don't ignore his danger. I don't want you to relax your vigilance because of the nickname, take it as a joke, and end up losing your life.


Although Moody's words successfully silenced Harry, he was still unable to stop this trend.

These rumors really have nothing to do with Harry.

Rumors about the noseless monster were constantly being unearthed. Those gossipy and awe-inspiring rumors began to spread in Hogwarts, and soon became a topic of after-dinner chat among many students.

It turns out that the noseless monster is not a pure-blood wizard at all!

It turns out that the noseless monster used to look very handsome, and he also had a nice nose!

It turns out that the noseless monster also served as a prefect and president of the student union while attending Hogwarts!

It turns out that the noseless monster is really the heir of Slytherin!

It turns out that the noseless monster was really a genius before!

It turns out that the noseless monster almost became the Minister of Magic!

More and more gossips about noseless monsters appeared like spring weeds and spread rapidly in Hogwarts Castle. Even the Slytherin students were shocked.

Now, everyone is curious, how did the handsome student council president, an outstanding Hogwarts student who claimed to be the Minister of Magic within ten years, turn into a noseless monster that countless people fear?

Moreover, they always feel that these rumors are becoming more and more familiar to them.

There seems to be a student in Hogwarts who fits these rumors.

Albert is not a pure-blood wizard, and he is handsome and handsome. He has also served as a prefect. As for the president of the student union, that will definitely happen sooner or later, and no one will question it.

Although Albert is not the heir to Slytherin, he is indeed an out-and-out genius, and he is also said to be expected to become the Minister of Magic within ten years.

So, someone out of curiosity came to ask Albert:

How did such a genius become the Dark Lord?

After all, they have so many similarities, maybe the genius can better understand the genius' thoughts.

Now some people are worried that one day Albert will also turn dark and become the third generation Dark Lord. They always think it will be a very terrifying thing.

"The difference between a genius and a madman is only one thought."

When asked about this matter, Albert said calmly: "The name Voldemort actually means flying away from death. In other words, the mysterious man probably wants to live forever. A person who wants to live forever,

What else could he be but a lunatic?"

A crazy genius is actually not far away from becoming a devil, let alone an extreme lunatic.

And the mysterious man spent his college life in a relatively extreme environment like Slytherin, which made him, who originally lacked care, become cruel after being frequently exposed to black magic. His form and practice were also seriously influenced by Slytherin, resulting in

The former genius turned into a fearsome Dark Lord.

Albert's analysis was shocking, but when everyone thought about it carefully, they all felt that it made sense. The only ones who protested were probably the Slytherin students.

They were dissatisfied with Albert's description of Slytherin as the stronghold of dark wizards.

However, this is a cruel fact that cannot be disputed. Not only the Dark Lord, but also most of the Death Eaters came from Slytherin House.

It would be an understatement to say that it is the lair of a dark wizard.

Just when all the students in the school were involved in the controversy about the noseless monster's nickname, Albert was having fun in the library. He clicked on the task panel to view the new task he had completed: nickname.

Drawing a lottery number for the Dark Lord is a big deal. The task rewards are naturally many, and experience and skill points are naturally essential. You can also get a designated skill from Voldemort. The only trouble is that the hatred value of this wave is a bit high.

A full twenty points made Albert dare not receive the reward now, for fear that after Voldemort was resurrected, he would immediately come to trouble him.

However, the mission rewards can be saved for later. Anyway, after Voldemort is completely defeated, there is no need to worry about drawing hatred.

"You seem to have encountered something happy?" Katrina asked, staring at Albert.


"Are you ready for the second project?" The girl hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Is the baby Isobel?"

"I don't know. However, I actually want to choose one from Fred, George and Lee Jordan." Albert actually told Professor McGonagall directly about this matter, but Professor McGonagall said that it depends on the organizer.


"A while ago, everyone was actually a little worried that one day you would suddenly become the third generation Dark Lord." Katrina said suddenly.

"I'm not interested in being the Dark Lord." Albert said with disgust.

"I actually never worry about this." Katrina looked at Albert up and down, "However, you are indeed very good at bewitching others, all the tricks that the Dark Lord is good at."

"Dumbledore is very good at persuading others." Albert shrugged and said, "I want to live the life I want more. The Dark Lord is too tiring, and everyone is shouting to beat me."

This chapter has been completed!
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