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Chapter 932 Inexperience

To be honest, the second event of the Triwizard Tournament is definitely thrilling for the four warriors, but for all the spectators in the stands by the lake, it is not very friendly, and can even be said to be a kind of

It was a cruel torture, because the audience had to face the cold wind blowing on the lake for an hour, and they couldn't see anything. In the end, they were left alone, and the second project ended hastily.

Compared with the first project, the viewing experience of the second project is extremely bad, and it can even be said that there is no viewing experience at all.

In any case, this is something that the curious students cannot bear. After the second project, everyone is eager to know what happened under the lake?

As a result, the "warriors" and "hostages" have become the focus of everyone's attention, and only they can help everyone solve their puzzles and restore the entire process of the second project.

Many girls tried to find answers from Albert, but they soon discovered that the genius of Hogwarts was always there, even if they blocked each other during meal time. When Albert introduced the whole thing, he was simple and straightforward.

So white that it makes everyone doubt life.

What does it mean that I know the specific location of the mermaid village, so I dive vertically from the lake to the mermaid village, and after rescuing people, I directly surface back to the surface.

I have a good relationship with the ghosts in school. Weeping Myrtle knows the situation under the Black Lake and helped me find the location of the Mermaid Village.

Well, even Harry is a little skeptical about life.

It turns out that Albert did not find the mermaid village by his own ability, but with the help of Moaning Myrtle. Why didn't he think of it?

He also knew Moaning Myrtle!

When everyone found that no matter how they asked, Albert would reply with the same words like a repeater, they lost interest in asking him.

Instead, it was Harry, Ron and Hermione who became the center of attention.

Ron was probably the happiest of the three. He finally got the attention he had been waiting for, and he loved it. He was more than happy to tell anyone who was willing to listen about his experiences, and he always

Add a lot of details to it.

Although those stories sounded ridiculous, everyone liked to hear Ron tell them. On the contrary, Hermione's version of the hostage being hypnotized by magic was not popular with everyone.

Perhaps, most people are born with a passionate heart!

"Ron Weasley is probably too eager for everyone's attention."

After listening to the story of how Lee Jordan's latest version of Ron fought with fifty fully armed mermaids with his bare hands, and was eventually subdued due to the disparity in strength, Albert gave his reaction to the story in a nonchalant manner.

Evaluation of the whole thing.

"Are you too eager to get everyone's attention?" Fred sat down next to Albert with food in his hands and asked with confusion on his face.

"Your brother must not be taken seriously at home," Albert asked casually while eating steak.

"It's normal for the family to have many children and not be able to take care of them." George admitted this.

"In school, Ron's presence is also not very high, especially as a good friend of the famous savior Harry Potter. Every time others see Harry Potter, he will be left aside." Amber.

Te picked up a piece of potato with a fork and asked himself, "Do you like to be a supporting character? I believe no one likes to be a supporting character, and this time it happened to explode this emotion, so Ron Weasley

Crazy to find a sense of existence for myself.”

"What you say always makes sense." George thought about what Albert meant while eating potatoes, and finally nodded and admitted that what Albert said really makes sense!

"He just looks like an idiot." Fred couldn't help complaining.

Doesn't everyone know that Ron is making up stories?

No, they actually know that there are not many real idiots after all, but so what, this does not prevent them from listening to stories and having fun.

"By the way, isn't Professor Dumbledore willing to buy fireworks?"

"The principal said we need to think about it." Fred and George exchanged looks, looking a little depressed.

"Then I won't buy it." Albert was not too surprised. The price of fireworks is not cheap. One hundred galleons of fireworks is already 10% of the championship bonus. As the principal of Hogwarts, Dumbledore needs it more.

Be careful with your budget, after all, Hogwarts' teaching expenses can only be considered average.

"The price of your fireworks is too expensive, it's just a scam!" Lee Jordan said angrily: "A hundred galleons are gone with a bang. It's not like there are too many galleons and there is no place to spend them, so why waste it like this?


"I do need some large fireworks." Albert's words stunned the Weasley twins. Before they could react, he continued, "After we graduate from school next year, this is the first gift I will give you.

A large order. However, the price of the fireworks must be kept low. One hundred galleons is too expensive. How many galleons did it cost to make the same kind of fireworks you did last time?"

"Less than ten galleons." Fred's voice became lower and lower.

"What do you look like? It takes a lot of time and effort to make fireworks like that, otherwise it wouldn't be so expensive. Do you know how long we made the fireworks last time?" George muttered.

"Then let's get fifty galleons each." Albert glanced at the twin brothers and immediately decided on the matter, "I will tell you what type of fireworks to make when the time comes, and how many to make, when the time comes

Besides, it won’t be too little anyway.”

"Could it be..."

George seemed to have thought of something, suddenly looked up at Albert, and opened his mouth in surprise.

"What?" Fred asked doubtfully, unable to react for a moment.

"Where do you think that thing is needed?" George asked, as a way to give them a heads up.

"Big celebration!" Lee Jordan answered for Fred. He seemed to know what was going on, and also looked at Albert in surprise.

Fred was not an idiot. He quickly guessed something and his expression became quite complicated.

"Decided so quickly?"

"Yes, it's decided, in the summer after graduation."

"So urgent?"

"Are you in a hurry?" Albert tilted his head and asked, "Isn't this something that has been decided a long time ago?"

"What to decide?" Hermione asked, holding the food opposite Albert. She couldn't stand Ron anymore. How dare that guy brag to the girls about his duel with the mermaids?

Of course, there was another reason, that is, those guys who were so overwhelmed by envy and jealousy were teasing her all day long about the fact that she had become Krum's beloved treasure.

"It's a major event in life. You'll know it when the time comes." Albert glanced at the three good roommates and signaled them not to spread rumors about it.

"By the way Hermione, have you ever offended Rita Skeeter?" Lee Jordan asked, changing the subject.

"What, who did you offend?" Hermione raised her head and looked at Lee Jordan in confusion.

"Rita Skeeter, the reporter from the Daily Prophet." Lee Jordan took out a copy of "Wizard Weekly" from nowhere, pushed it to Hermione across the table, and reminded, "The

Thirty-two pages, short text under Harry’s color photo.”

Hermione raised her eyebrows slightly, took the magazine, turned to the page where Lee Jordan was talking, and quickly found the short article.

"Harry Potter's secret heartbreak?" Hermione read out softly and quickly scanned the following content:

...After losing his parents, fourteen-year-old Harry Potter thought he was finally at Hogwarts, with his girlfriend, Hermione Granger, who was born in a Muggle family.

Found emotional solace

...Krum has apparently become smitten with the cunning Miss Granger, whom he has invited to Bulgaria for the summer, insisting that he has "never felt this way about another girl."

...She probably made an aphrodisiac, she is quite clever...

People who have good intentions for Harry Potter hope that the next time he shows his true love, he will choose a more worthy candidate.

"This is the best Rita Skeeter can do." Hermione threw the magazine on the table contemptuously, disdainful of Rita Skeeter's actions.

Albert reached for "Wizard Weekly" and quickly turned to the page: Harry Potter's Secret Heartbroken History.

"You can't believe this shit!" Hermione looked at Albert who was reading the article and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"The key is not whether I believe it or not, but whether others believe it or not. You may be in trouble next time." After Albert read the entire article, he did not forget to remind Hermione.

"Trouble, is it just this crap?" Hermione didn't care at all how Rita Skeeter planned to smear her. Anyway, her family didn't read this stuff, and there were countless similar articles in the Muggle world.

"Yes, trouble." Albert repeated softly: "Rita Skeeter's article will make many wizards mistakenly think that you are playing with Harry and Krum's feelings."

"That's it!" Lee Jordan shrugged and added: "This matter will spread in the school soon. Don't underestimate the power of rumors."

"How can anyone believe this stupid thing? It's all a fabricated story anyway?" Hermione really couldn't understand why someone could be so stupid. "Don't they all have brains?"

"Hermione, most people are numb and stupid, or they don't actually care about the truth of the whole thing. People only care about the fun, and Rita Skeeter makes up stories to make people happy." Albert

He kindly reminded, "Next, I'm afraid there will be a lot of people keen to send you letters to greet you. The last person to enjoy this kind of treatment was Hagrid. However, that idiot Hagrid obviously didn't listen to my advice and burned the letters directly.

So I was sad for a long time.”

"If I were you, I would not open letters rashly, especially letters from strangers without signatures. God knows what is hidden inside. It would be best to just throw them into the fire and burn them."

Hermione opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Hermione was very angry about what happened to Hagrid. She never expected that Rita Skeeter actually planned to use that method against her.

"Thank you Albert, I don't think that woman will succeed." Hermione thanked Albert and left in a hurry.

"This girl is really unwise." Fred looked at Hermione's leaving figure and couldn't help but shook his head.

"She just doesn't know how powerful Rita Skeeter is yet." Lee Jordan changed the subject and asked, "By the way, did you see the announcement on the bulletin board?"

"What announcement?"

"The date of the Apparition exam is posted on the notice board. Before the first exam (April 23), students over the age of seventeen can sign up for special training in Hogsmeade (with strict supervision).


"Great, then we will be able to use Apparition at will soon." Fred and George showed excited smiles on their faces.

"Don't be too happy. The Apparition exam is very strict. You still need to train hard to pass the Apparition." Albert directly poured cold water on the two of them, "You will definitely not be able to pass with your current Apparition level.


"If none of us can pass the exam, who else can pass the Apparition exam?" Fred was very confident in himself.

"I'm so envious of you!" Arya appeared where Hermione was sitting just now and said a little depressedly: "I think the possibility of passing it in one go is really low."

From the time I started taking the Apparition class last month to now, this class is still so difficult, so difficult that many students begin to doubt life. After a few classes, many students have developed feelings for Vicky Tycross and his three D's.

There was a serious backlash, so Mr. Wicky Tekros got a lot of bad nicknames.

"Be patient and confident, these are important factors for the success of magic." Li Qiaodan suggested, "You can first participate in the special training in Hogsmeade, and then decide whether to take the exam.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "You're right," Aaliya muttered, "You have to try it and don't give up easily."

"Do you know the content of the Apparition exam?" Shanna asked curiously.

"It seems that you apparated directly from the entrance of Hogsmeade to a designated location at the end of the village." Fred said to everyone, "I don't think it is difficult to pass the exam."

"The distance feels a bit short. The difficulty of Apparition is related to the distance. The possibility of Apparating from the school gate to somewhere in Hogsmeade is higher." Albert didn't think the Apparition test would be that simple, and the Ministry of Magic was there.

The Apparition exam is quite rigorous.

"By the way, when will the special training for Apparition begin?" Angelina muttered.

"After the Apparition course is over, it is said that students over 17 years old can go to Hogwarts to participate in special training, which should allow you to try Apparition outside the school."

"I think we need more training." Alia said gloomily. "I think the three D's of Shithead are not there at all, and the training time of one hour is too short, and we usually don't use other training methods.

Opportunity, it is too difficult to learn to apparate in just twelve hours."

"Did you learn how to solve splits from Professor McGonagall?"

Several people couldn't help but look at Albert. They all hoped that Albert could practice Apparition with them and pass the Apparition exam in one go.

"I've learned it, but it's quite a risky thing. I think it's better not to try it." Albert said helplessly.

"Why? Didn't you learn it?"

Several people were surprised. In their eyes, Albert was almost omnipotent.

"Because I lack experience in dealing with splits, I don't have the confidence to ensure everyone's life safety. Even if I learn how to deal with splits, it will be useless." Albert is very self-aware, and he does not want to risk everyone's life safety.

At this moment, Albert suddenly remembered a very serious problem. The lack of experience was not only the experience of dealing with the split, but also the experience of fighting.

Although Albert thinks that his strength is not weak and is more than enough to deal with Aurors, this time, he has to face the extremely vicious dark wizard. He feels that it is necessary to strengthen himself. After all, a beautiful life has just begun. If it really

If you accidentally lose your life, you will suffer a big loss.

Moreover, since he replaces Digory, he needs to face the risks that Digory may have to face.

Three candidates popped up in Albert's mind: Principal Dumbledore, Professor Flitwick and Professor Brod.

He thought he should pay a visit to see who was willing to help teach him combat skills and help him gain more combat experience.

Of course, it would be better if Dumbledore was willing to help, but it's unlikely.

After much thought, Albert decided to act as a sniper and try to deceive Principal Dumbledore. Maybe he would succeed?

People always need dreams.

This chapter has been completed!
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