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Chapter 94 Treasure house?

As we all know, beating a boss means experience and loot.

Of course, the premise is that you are not killed by the boss, and your own life is also at stake.

How to smoothly transform the Dark Lord into experience is definitely a technical job.

The unlucky Quirinus Quirrell is a good example of a negative example. This talented young wizard was too naive and too conceited. He actually imagined that he could learn more magical skills from Voldemort and put them into practice.

, and put his own life on the line.

Compared with Voldemort's remnant soul hiding in no corner, starting with his Horcrux is undoubtedly a simple and effective way to harvest experience, and the best Horcrux to find is the Ravenclaw who stayed in the Room of Requirement.

of crown.

Albert is convinced that as long as he can find Ravenclaw's crown, he will definitely be able to inspire one or two panel tasks, or more, which means experience and skill points.

After harvesting the fruits of the mission, you can also sell Dumbledore a favor and get some benefits from this old man who has lived for a century.

As for how to explain it to Dumbledore?

Actually, it's very simple - just say it was discovered by accident.

Yes! A chance event with a small probability.

When Fred and George were avoiding Filch during their night out, they accidentally broke into the Room of Requirement, and then used this clue to further dig out the method of entering the Room of Requirement.

After finding the Room of Requirement and realizing the wonders of the room, Gryffindor's character naturally would not give up exploration and experimentation. While conducting various tests on this magical room, he discovered this place, and

While exploring here, I accidentally heard whispers and murmurs, and followed the sounds to find the suspected black magic item.

The rest is easier to solve, just tell Dumbledore about it and say that he found something that looks a bit like a Ravenclaw diadem.

Then move the other party here, and everything is settled.

Albert really didn't believe Dumbledore, because every word he said was true, and the words woven from a bunch of truths were naturally true.

According to speculation, Dumbledore should also know about the existence of the Room of Requirement and even know how to enter it, but he just never thought that Voldemort's Horcruxes would be hidden here.

The only troublesome thing about this matter is how to choose the right time. The time to tell Dumbledore must be right. This is very important.

Of course, the premise of all this is to find the crown of Ravenclaw, and there are enough benefits for Albert to take the risk.

As for, no benefit?

No good, just talk about it.

Albert took a deep breath. The sight he saw in front of him was really amazing. He raised his camera and took a photo.

"My photography skills are getting better and better." Albert glanced at the photo, stuffed it into the pocket of his robe, and then cautiously walked towards the pile of crumbling broken furniture in front of him, passing through the dusty

I picked up a Wolf Fang UFO on the table. This thing has been here for too long and has completely lost its magic power.

Putting the Wolf Fang UFO back on the table, Albert raised his head and his eyes fell on the books stacked not far away.

He walked a few steps quickly, came to a pile of books, and pulled out a book from it.

It is not difficult to tell from the cover that this is a book called "Magic Potions and Potions". The Potions Professor he once owned was Snape, because there is a bat drawn on the front page of the book and it is also marked with Severus Snape.

) abbreviation: Professor ss.

There are many pictures in this book, and some of the pages are stained and even have signs of being torn. It can be seen that the previous owner of this book did not cherish it very much.

On the right side of the stack of books are several rusty armors. Next to the armors is a weapons rack with several rusty swords and a bloodstained axe.

Albert's eyelids jumped because the mask of the armor in front of him suddenly moved. A short, iron-green creature that looked a bit like a little devil came out of the armor. Its eyes were staring at Albert, and he was about to open his eyes.

A red light flashed past the wings behind him, and the unlucky little guy fell back into the armor again, making a crisp sound.

Albert put away his wand and looked at the blood-stained ax again, guessing what it had chopped.

However, he quickly withdrew his gaze and wandered through the passage between the garbage piles, observing the things near the tall garbage piles around him, including some worn-out furniture, boxes, chairs with one leg missing, old brooms, broken

Bats, unwanted old newspapers, tattered school uniforms, and other unidentifiable debris.

Maybe something here is evidence that a student failed to cast a spell, maybe a table with missing legs was thrown here by the house elves who were trying to maintain the dignity of the castle.

Albert even saw some burned crucibles, abandoned herbs, and some old broken bottles, the potions in them had solidified; however, there were still some bottles sealed with wax.

Glowing an evil green light.

The garbage channel has reached the end, and there are two roads on the left and right.

Albert stopped and his eyes fell in front of a giant monster specimen. This thing was very big. It had probably been processed and had no stench.

Perhaps, a certain professor once used a giant monster specimen to teach students.

To be honest, when he walked in and took a closer look, the troll still gave him an inexplicable sense of oppression, especially the wooden stick in its hand, which looked extremely lethal.

If you drop it with a stick, it will become cold accidentally.

However, as long as he was careful enough, Albert believed that with the magic he now mastered and his understanding of giant monsters, it would not be a problem to bring down a giant monster.

However, making a specimen of such a huge giant monster is not an easy task, especially when it comes to deodorizing, disinfecting, and embalming the giant monster. How much time do people have to do this?

As soon as Albert took his eyes away from the troll, he found a new task popping up on his panel:

Fearless challenger.

You found a specimen of a mountain troll and felt a sense of oppression from that huge body. As a brave Gryffindor student, please try to defeat a giant monster to show your bravery.

Reward: 3000 experience.

Albert was speechless for a moment. Where should I go to find a troll? And why should I challenge a troll to prove Gryffindor's bravery?

Could it be that I have a wrong understanding of Gryffindor's bravery? Or is it that Gryffindor's bravery has always been reckless?

Albert resisted the desire to complain and comforted himself in his heart: A thousand readers will have a thousand Hamlets.

Everyone has a different understanding of courage.

However, it is not bad to be able to activate panel tasks. After all, it is good to have tasks to give you experience, so don’t give it up in vain.

As for where to find the troll?

When Harry Potter enters school, that is, when Albert enters third grade, he can just borrow a troll and use it.

This chapter has been completed!
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