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Chapter 936 Egoist

At this moment, Fred, George and Lee Jordan all looked at Albert, and they all couldn't open their mouths in surprise.


It was really hard for George to imagine that Professor Flitwick actually planned to teach Albert about the dark arts.

"Well, Professor Flitwick is actually not opposed to using dark magic to deal with enemies. As long as it is not abused, there will be no problem." Albert still underestimated the influence of dark magic.

All three hope that Albert can teach them black magic after he learns it.

"You also want to learn?"

"Of course, why not learn? Wouldn't it be better to learn more things? And we also believe that Professor Flitwick will not teach you messy black magic."

"The Explosion Curse is indeed not some messy black magic." Albert said noncommittally.

"Don't you know this spell?"

"So the Explosive Curse is black magic?" Lee Jordan asked innocently.

"This spell is indeed black magic. It is much more powerful than the crushing spell. Peter Pettigrew once used this spell to blow up a street." Albert looked at the three people in confusion and explained, "It's very powerful when you use it."

Usually it's because your current magic power is not strong, and there is another reason, just like some people can't kill people by chanting the Avada Kedavra Curse."

"No wonder the blast spell we use is so weak." George muttered, "What is Professor Flitwick going to teach you?"

"How to use the explosion curse flexibly, and the advanced use of the explosion curse."

Hearing this, the three of them couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, because they couldn't learn many of Albert's tricks, such as the simplest glowing spell, the technique of making the light ball float away from the wand, they couldn't do it, even this

If you can't do the simplest things well, you can't even think about the difficult ones.

If Albert wants to learn black magic, he can choose from the books in the restricted area, which contain a large number of books on black magic.

This is one of the benefits of being a warrior in the Triwizard Tournament.

Of course, even if he is not a warrior, Albert can still use the books in the restricted book area at will.

If possible, Albert would like to create his own magic spell, but it is really difficult to take this step, even if there is a panel.

It’s not like Albert didn’t expect to complete the task of obtaining designated skills and try to get a talent similar to spell creation.

However, spell experimenting is a very dangerous job. As far as Albert knows, many wizards have died because of it, and Isobel's father is one of them.

The mysterious man might be one of them. Albert suspected that the Dark Lord's transformation into that ugly person might be related to the spell.

However, Albert is not in a hurry. It is such a dangerous job. If he has money in the future, he can set up a research institute and recruit a group of wizards to help him avoid thunderstorms.

It is euphemistically called promoting the younger generation.

Of course, I can only think about this kind of thing now. The most important thing now is to get through the current difficulties.

If he didn't want to cause trouble and stayed near the entrance of the maze, Albert believed that the fake Moody couldn't do anything to him. After all, Dumbledore was outside, and the fake Moody would definitely not dare to cause trouble for him.

Sure enough, he was still too greedy. If he didn't want to solve the task in one go, he might not need to take such a huge risk.

Sure enough, greed is the original sin.

Although a world without You-Know-Who would be the best, without the external pressure of Voldemort, there probably wouldn’t be so many related tasks. Normally tasks are not common, and even if they are triggered, you won’t have much experience.

Is this considered a coexistence of danger and opportunity?

Unfortunately, after this wave of mysterious people, it may be difficult to find similar opportunities in the future.

Although there is still a large amount of experience and skill points stored, this thing is not worth spending at all!

Just as Albert sighed, an owl threw the envelope in front of him. Then, it landed on the table and ate the cornflakes in Albert's bowl without waiting for an invitation.

"This guy is really rude." Albert didn't care, and reached out to touch the owl's head. Then he picked up the envelope, glanced at the sender, and found that the letter to him was actually Percy, who had been unlucky a while ago.


Percy described his current situation in the letter. Due to Barty Crouch Sr. being controlled by the Imperius Curse, he has been under investigation by the Ministry of Magic. The unscrupulous officials from the Ministry of Magic asked him a lot of questions.

Things, and put the blame on his head. Anyway, everything was his fault. As you can imagine, Percy almost lost his job, or he already lost his job. He was temporarily suspended by the Ministry of Magic for investigation.

, he cannot be reinstated until the results of the investigation come out. As for when the results of the investigation will come out, there may never be any results.

Albert saw the paper full of grievances and couldn't help but shake his head.

Whether Percy was looking for someone to talk to or to gain sympathy, Albert could understand what the other person meant when he wrote this letter.

He wrote a reply directly to the other party. As for what Percy planned to do, that was his own choice. However, Albert suspected that he would still follow his old path. After all, he was the assistant to the Minister of Magic. No matter how he looked at it,

It's a good resume.

If you want to get promoted in the Ministry of Magic, although your connections are important, your resume is equally important.

"Here, here is this month's manuscript."

A voice came from the side. Hermione stood beside Albert at some point, handed a few pieces of parchment to Albert, put down three Galleons and said, "Sirius gave me five Galleons."

royalties, and several letters from readers. If you want to read them, they are all here."

"That's the royalties you earned yourself."

Albert didn't ask for the three galleons, he picked them up and put them in Hermione's hand,

"You also contributed a lot to our manuscript fees."

"I am not short of three galleons." Albert put away the manuscript and reminded kindly: "I suggest you don't read letters from readers. Most readers will not write to you, and those who will write to you will not be anything.

Good thing."

"How do you know?" Hermione asked in surprise.

Albert was quite speechless.

What did you write? Do you really have no clue?

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Most wizards are not interested in such articles at all. The wizards who are willing to write letters, except for a very small number of supporters, the rest will be nothing.

You can even think about it with your knees.

"If you really want to watch it, show it to others first. Potter or Weasley are both good choices. They will watch it for fun. If the content is good, you can watch it again. If the content is terrible, just watch it.

Just burn it so you won't feel uncomfortable."

Hermione did not use her own name directly in the novels serialized in the magazine, but used her middle name "Jane". This was Albert's suggestion to avoid someone sending her bad letters like last time, or even

Howler letter.

Don't tell me, there are such guys.

After much hesitation, Hermione finally accepted this kind reminder. After all, some people's letters were not so friendly. She had experienced this a few times before, and there was no need to make herself suffer.

"By the way, Sirius is coming over to teach Harry Defense Against the Dark Arts over the weekend. Do you want to come with him?" Hermione asked suddenly.

"Potter asked you to invite me?" Albert asked in surprise. He didn't think Hermione would invite him on her own initiative.

"No, Sirius asked me to ask you in the letter." Hermione shook her head and said, "He didn't know where he heard that you were planning to publish a Defense Against the Dark Arts book, and he said he wanted to communicate with you about it.


"No, I may be busy recently," Albert stuffed the folded parchment paper back into Percy's envelope, changed the names of the recipient and sender, and restored the opened envelope to its original shape, letting the owl

Take the letter to Percy.

"You are saving money. Whose letter is this?" Fred was stunned by Albert's saucy operation. How could he still do this?

"A letter to Percy," said Albert.

"What did that guy write to you for?" Fred and George both looked at him curiously.

"That unfortunate guy was recently suspended from the Ministry of Magic. He is full of grievances and depression and wants to find someone to chat with." Albert looked at Hermione and said, "I remember that your relationship with Percy is not bad."

"We have different opinions on house elves." Hermione said it euphemistically, but the meaning was already obvious.

The two had a falling out over house elves.

"They had a falling out because of Crouch's house elf!" George explained to Albert as he looked at Hermione's leaving back.

"Oh, is that the house elf named Winky in the kitchen?" Albert suddenly said: "That's not surprising. After all, Percy has to flatter his boss, otherwise he won't be promoted in the future."

"Pfft! Hahaha, you are right, Percy did try his best to please his boss, but..." The Weasley twins laughed extremely badly, "Crouch remembered his name wrong, I remember it seems

It's called... Weatherby, yes, it's called Weatherby."

"Speaking of which, we didn't know that your relationship with Percy was so good, and that guy actually wrote to you and chatted?"

"That guy was stopped, probably because he wanted me to help him find a job at the Ministry of Magic."

"Can you still introduce others to the work of the Ministry of Magic?" Fred and George were both surprised. They did not expect that Albert actually had such a relationship in the Ministry of Magic.

"After all, I have met a lot of people. It is okay to introduce a job, but it will definitely not satisfy Percy, so I asked him to wait and he will get a satisfactory job soon," Albert explained.

"What satisfying job?" George asked.

"Assistant to the Minister of Magic," said Albert.

"Can that guy Percy really become an assistant to the minister?" Fred was very surprised.

"Of course it can, under certain conditions."

"What conditions?" George frowned. He really couldn't imagine what circumstances would make Percy suddenly become the assistant to the Minister of Magic?

I always feel like it's not a good thing.

"You will know later. This is a good opportunity for him. I think he will not give up." Albert thought for a while and said.

"That's right, that guy is very ambitious." Fred muttered, "If necessary, I don't even doubt that he will dump the whole family to the Dementors."

"Although Percy is indeed a refined egoist, at least he has a clear mind and knows what to do." Albert comforted softly.

"Exquisite egoist, your words are as sharp as ever, Percy is just that kind of guy." Fred agreed with Albert's assessment.

"Actually, you don't have to evaluate Percy like that." Albert said softly, "It's normal. There are so many similar guys in Europe. Look at the students in Slytherin. Most of them are like this. The entire Hogwart Most of the students in Ci are."

"I don't think you are." Lee Jordan interjected.

"Why do you think I'm not one?" Albert felt a little funny. It should be said that most of the guys who can be called time travelers are similar.

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