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Chapter 947 Bottleneck

The Ministry of Magic is rarely efficient in its work, issuing licenses faster than expected.

Towards the end of May, the Ministry of Magic asked owls to deliver letters to all students who had passed their Apparition exams.

What makes people laugh or cry is that after opening the formal-looking letter, only a small card came out, which was somewhat similar to a business card from a previous life.

Albert checked it carefully and found no traces of magic on the small card. It was just a very ordinary small card, not even anti-counterfeiting.

After all, it is the Ministry of Magic, so it is not strange to go through a formality.

Albert stopped paying attention to the matter and put the small card away, but in order to prevent the Ministry of Magic from tampering with it, he used a strong shielding spell on the small card, then threw it into a special box and locked it up.

It is impossible for the Ministry of Magic to locate his location through the small card.

Anyone who has asked Albert to do similar things will naturally be prepared to judge others by himself. This is the benefit of rich experience.

This matter was quickly put aside, and he continued to study how to improve his strength. This was the priority.

In the past month, Albert has devoted more energy to asking Professor McGonagall for advice on transfiguration in order to better improve his strength.

Professor McGonagall's use of transfiguration was refreshing to Albert and gave him a lot of inspiration.

Unfortunately, he was never able to trigger a new mission, which made it difficult for Albert to get the maximum benefit from Professor McGonagall's teachings, and he could only enrich his own fighting style.

Albert missed the days of studying with Professor Flitwick very much. The feeling of rapid progress in all aspects was really fascinating. He had also hoped that Professor McGonagall could bring him the same progress as Professor Flitwick, but however

Some things are destined to never be repeated again, and the gap is really huge.

Regrettably, Albert also knew that some things could not be forced, so he had to devote more energy to studying wizard duels and Professor Flitwick's dueling techniques, trying to completely master the two skills and use them in the next battle.

, further strengthen one's own strength.

However, the deeper he studies, the stronger he gets, and the more he feels that there is an invisible ceiling blocking his room for further advancement. He is still growing, but it is no longer possible to make a dramatic improvement.

What it is, Albert doesn't know.

Perhaps, I may have encountered the legendary bottleneck of cultivating immortals and practicing martial arts.

However, Albert had a hunch that he only needed to go one step further to reach Dumbledore's level. He believed that if he could go one step further, Fake Moody would definitely not be able to pose any threat to him.

Insufficient accumulation, lack of experience, or other reasons?

Albert didn't know either, but he finally realized why it was so difficult to break through the bottleneck.

It is a pity that the panel does not clearly indicate how to break through this invisible bottleneck. It is really frustrating to have an unknown road ahead.

He suspected that it had something to do with experience, accumulation and knowledge.

If you can get Dumbledore's guidance or fight with the opponent, you may be able to find a way forward.

To be honest, Albert knew that he was inflated and was actually preparing to duel with Dumbledore.

It's just crazy.

However, this is the best way at the moment.

It doesn't matter if you are defeated by Mr. Principal, it's all about learning lessons.

Moreover, one cannot be undefeated forever. Defeating in Dumbledore's hands is undoubtedly safer and allows him to recognize the gap between the two sides.

If one day you are defeated by a dark wizard or a mysterious person, it will really be over.

As for the blow caused by failure, it doesn't matter.

If you can't even face failure, don't think about taking a step further and moving to a higher level.

If you give a rough classification to wizards, Albert is probably at level four, and he is among the elite among the elite. Unfortunately, it is not easy to reach the top.

The young wizards who have just arrived at Hogwarts belong to the first level.

They are all rookies among rookies, or some mediocre people. They don't have much magic themselves, and they are even worse in combat.

Most of the junior students belong to this level, and the trio of saviors who have not been trained by Sirius and Lupin also belong to this level.

Wizards who have learned some magic and are barely capable belong to the second level.

They have more or less mastery of some magic, but do not know any special skills. Students in fifth grade and above at Hogwarts, and even most wizards in the magical world are in this range, and most of the employees in the Ministry of Magic are also in this range.


They look mediocre and have little strength themselves.

The three saviors trained by Sirius and Lupine have also reached this level, and the three good roommates are also at this level.

They have mastered a large number of magic spells, can skillfully use silent spells, and are more powerful than ordinary wizards. They belong to the third level.

They can be regarded as the social elite, maybe school professors, or some powerful experts in the magical world, but they still have not been able to find their own way.

Even though it looks great, in reality it is just like that.

High-achieving graduates of Hogwarts barely reach this level, and most of the Aurors in the Ministry of Magic are also at this level.

Sirius and Lupine, and even most of the Death Eaters are also at this level.

Albert used to be at this level, but he had already reached level four a while ago.

Wizards who have gone their own way and have gone far on this path belong to the fourth level.

They can skillfully use silent spells and even some wandless magic, and can quickly cast spells to subdue most enemies. Under normal circumstances, a one-on-one duel can defeat anyone at the previous level (those killed by Avada's Kedavra Curse)

Doesn’t count).

Wizards who have reached level four are all the elite in the wizarding world. Snape is also at this level, as well as Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, and Mad-Eye Moody (Moody has inconvenient legs and feet) who once captured dark wizards.

It's a drag, otherwise it would be at this level).

If Barty Jr. and Bella hadn't been imprisoned in Azkaban for more than ten years, they would probably have reached this level.

Albert broke through to this level with the help of Professor Flitwick. In other words, he is a top level three person with a deep accumulation. Professor Flitwick's special training, plus the bonus of panel skills, allowed him to easily

Easily goes one step further.

If neither party uses Avada Kedavra, it is actually not difficult to defeat Barty Jr., but Albert is still afraid of being killed by Barty Jr. with Avada Kedavra, even if he is ready to cheat by drinking the Felixir when the time comes.


Dumbledore is level five.

They are all very powerful. The small group of people who stand at the top of the entire magical world, including Nico Flamel, Grindelwald and Voldemort, are all at this level. They are extremely powerful in every aspect and in every field.

Albert is very new to Level 5.

Maybe, when he has accumulated enough experience, he can easily take that step; maybe in another thirty to fifty years; maybe he will never be able to take that step.

To this end, Albert needs to absorb more of other people's experience, use other people's experience for his own use, shorten the learning opportunities, and thereby quickly enhance his own strength.

He once asked Bard for help, hoping to gain more combat experience from this old man, but it turned out that Bard's strength was far inferior to Professor Flitwick.

Of course, it may also be because he is old. After a friendly discussion between the two parties, Bud believed that Albert did not need anyone to teach him fighting skills at all, because not many wizards could beat Albert, even

With his current level, if he were to participate in an international dueling competition, as long as he didn't foul himself and get eliminated, it would be difficult to find an opponent.

The so-called duel champions are probably at the top level of the third level. As for the fourth level wizards, they are really uncommon, because most of them have won this glorious title when they were young.

"I don't know why you are anxious. Maybe you should be more confident in yourself. I dare say that not many people in the entire magic world are your opponents." Bard comforted Albert in this way, and also used his combat experience, style and skills to

Tell Albert.

Although Bud didn't think Albert needed these things, and was even more speechless about Albert's so-called lack of experience.

In fact, most wizards do not have rich combat experience, not even as much as Albert.

Perhaps, a small number of battle-hardened Aurors are considered experienced. After all, they often need to deal with illegal dark wizards, so Bud recommended Mad-Eye Moody to Albert.

He actually didn't understand why Albert didn't go to Moody. He believed that Moody's half-life experience could definitely satisfy Albert's desire for experience. And he must also know this, but he didn't learn from him. Could it be that

got rejected?

Of course Bud didn't know that Albert rejected the other party.

The guy who teaches at the school is a fake and can't give Albert any help.

Albert didn't dare to deal with Barty Jr., for fear that after Barty knew his true identity, he would feel that he couldn't defeat him and run away.

Although this possibility is not high, if Barty Jr. comes up with a more vicious way, he will be in big trouble.

After all, the dark wizard has Avada Kedavra and the Unforgivable Curse. This is the dark wizard's greatest confidence.

What if little Barty finds someone to deal with him?

In the novel, Barty Jr. uses the Imperius Curse to control Krum and ask him to help Harry eliminate dissenters.

Albert suspected that Krum would throw the Avada Kedavra at him.

The Unforgivable Curse is always feared, especially the Killing Curse. Krum's magical power is definitely enough to kill a wizard.

Albert actually practiced the Unforgivable Curse with rats. It's like the nuclear bomb in his previous life. You can use it, but you can't live without it.

If it's really a last resort, he doesn't mind using it.

Having said that, fake Moody can actually disguise himself as Moody. Albert was a little worried that he didn't have enough compound potions a while ago, but now it seems that Barty Jr. has obviously contacted Voldemort and obtained the materials.


Albert actually didn't care what happened.

Even with him as a butterfly, certain things still happen.

Voldemort's comeback is inevitable.

As long as you don't confront the opponent now, it will be fine.

He also knows that his mentality is not very good, and he is greedy for life and afraid of death, but that is human nature, who is not afraid of death?

Well, Mr. Principal is probably not afraid. He is a truly brave man who dares to face his own death.

This chapter has been completed!
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