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Chapter 954 The Third Project

The dinner was more sumptuous than usual, but Albert ended the meal in a hurry without eating much and returned to the dormitory to make final preparations.

After dinner, everyone would go directly to the Quidditch pitch, leaving no free time for him to make final preparations.

To be honest, this arrangement is very unreasonable, but it is the fact.

When Albert put on his fire dragon suit and prepared to return to the hall, Dumbledore happened to stand up from the staff table and raised his hand to signal everyone to keep quiet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes, I will invite everyone to the Quidditch pitch to watch the final event of the Triwizard Tournament." Dumbledore's eyes swept across the hall, looking at several warriors.

After staying for a moment, he finally fell on Albert, who had just returned to the hall, and continued: "Now, warriors, please follow Mrs. Bones to the Quidditch pitch."

Albert glanced at the other warriors, turned and walked out of the hall.

Amelia Bones saw the extremely gorgeous fire dragon suit on Albert, frowned and asked: "What are you..."

"An advertisement for Fengya Wizard Clothing Store." Albert shrugged and said, "I wore this thing in my first project, and it obviously didn't violate the rules of the competition."

Amelia Bones' frown deepened. She felt that Albert could easily win the Triwizard Tournament even if he didn't wear this extremely exaggerated outfit. There was also an advertisement for the Fengya Wizard Clothing Store.

what's going on?

Why didn't anyone tell her about this?

Amelia Bones still hoped that the game would be as fair as possible, especially when Albert already had the advantage, but in the end she did not express any opinion on this matter. This was obviously Ludo

Bagman's legacy.

When the warriors followed Amelia Bones into the Quidditch pitch, they were shocked to find that the place had completely changed.

Twenty-foot-high hedges surrounded the edge of the Quidditch field. The warriors entered right at the entrance of the maze. It seemed that in order to create a gloomy and dark atmosphere, the game was deliberately scheduled to be held after dinner.

The dark maze passage looks a bit intrusive.

Spectators arrived soon after, and soon the stands were filled.

Many of Albert's acquaintances and friends were in the stands to cheer him on.

The banner "Albert must win, Hogwarts must win," was once again hung in the air by people, as if they were worried that due to poor visibility at night, others would not be able to see the words on the banner. Those letters were related to the griffin.

The portraits shone with magic.

The choir of Hogwarts seemed to be here to add to the fun. They played sparse music, making one suspect that they were here to make up the numbers.

Amid the excited voices of the audience and the sparse music of the choir, Dumbledore, Hagrid, Professor Moody, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick entered the Quidditch pitch in order.

As if to tell everyone that we are patrol members, the four professors all wore wizard hats with flashing red stars, which looked extremely funny. Hagrid seemed to hate hats like that and wore a thick velvet vest with red stars printed on it.

"We have arranged for four professors to patrol outside the maze."

Professor Dumbledore continued to preside over the game. He glanced at the several warriors and motioned them to look at the professors around him. Then, he called the several warriors to his side and told him: "If you encounter difficulties,

If you want to be rescued, shoot red sparks into the sky, and someone will come to help you soon, do you understand?"

The warriors nodded together.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the last competition of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin!"

Dumbledore stood on the podium next to him, pointed his wand at his throat, and let the magically amplified sound spread throughout the Quidditch pitch.

"The warrior who gets the trophy first will win the competition." Dumbledore continued to explain the rules of the game to everyone: "The order in which the warriors enter the maze will be determined by the scores of the previous two games. Now, let me report the current results.


"Albert, Albert, Albert..."

Before Dumbledore could make a formal announcement, cheers and shouts erupted from the stands.

"He's so popular."

Bill was surprised at Albert's popularity. There were a large number of flags and banners in the stands for Albert, while Harry's supporters were extremely few. Even Fred and George were waving one.

Special flags to cheer for Albert.

"However, that outfit is really handsome." Bill's attention was attracted by the gorgeous fire dragon suit on Albert's body.

"That's a fire dragon suit worth several thousand galleons." Ron's tone was sour. He also wanted to take a photo wearing that gorgeous outfit.

At the family table, Nia and Isobel were both waving to Albert.

"Albert Anderson - 100 points, first place, Hogwarts School!" Dumbledore announced after the noise subsided.

"Harry Potter - 85 points, second place, Hogwarts School!"

Compared with the popular Albert, Harry had almost no supporters, which made Mrs. Weasley a little aggrieved.

"Don't be angry mom, the most important thing for Harry now is not to win the championship, but to wait safely until the end of the game." Ron quickly comforted him.

"Victor Krum - 75 points, third place, Durmstrang Academy!"

Krum received significantly more applause and cheers than Harry. This is the benefit of being an international star. He also has many fans at Hogwarts.

"Fleur Delacour - 65 points, fourth place, Beauxbatons Academy!"

Furong's beauty made her popular among boys, and many of them were willing to give her applause and cheers.

"Okay, Mr. Anderson, after my whistle sounds, you can choose an entrance to enter the maze." Dumbledore looked sideways at Albert and started counting down, "Three - two -!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After a short whistle sounded, Albert was not in a hurry to enter the maze, but turned to look at the stands, smiling and waving to Isobel and Nia,

Then, amid everyone's cheers and screams, he walked into the maze without any rush or slowness.

This scene made Klum's parents very depressed. Who is the Quidditch star?

"Did it get filmed?"

In the stands, Mike Dabo, who was dressed very flamboyantly, was asking the photographer next to him. He thought Albert was really handsome in the scene just now, and he was so handsome as he seemed to have everything under control.

"Ok, I can guarantee with my profession that after these photos are released, a large group of girls will be completely obsessed with him, and Mr. Anderson will definitely become the object of countless people's attention." The photographer said excitedly.

About thirty seconds later, Harry randomly picked an entrance and walked in.

As soon as you enter the maze, the entrance will automatically close.

Harry had no intention of breaking his agreement with Sirius and planned to stay where he was until the game was over.

However, this maze seemed not to let Harry stay and wait, because the hedges on both sides of the passage showed signs of closing.

Shouldn't he be asked to wait for the game to end on the outside?

Looking at the gradually closing maze, Harry cursed in his mind and was forced to quicken his pace to avoid being swallowed by the closing hedge.

After the four warriors entered the maze one after another, the fake Moody, a patrol member, also started his own actions. He could easily locate the warriors through his magic eyes. The mudblood was not in a hurry to crack the maze, but took his time.

Walk slowly, as relaxed as a walk in the park.

"Something weird."

Barty Jr. immediately noticed something was wrong. He could tell that something was wrong with Albert. He was walking slowly like this. He didn't look like he wanted to get the trophy and win the game, but instead seemed to be waiting for him on purpose.

"By the way, that Mudblood is a fortune teller, and he knew that the third project was dangerous very early on." Little Barty murmured and analyzed, "Since you dare to do this, it means you have confidence in yourself."

"What a arrogant and annoying person. Do you really think that divination and predicting what you see are the results? That thing is not reliable at all." Little Barty was not angry, but was very happy to see Albert move slowly and gave him

Enough time.

"You're going to regret this."

Little Barty looked at the patrol member not far away, quietly raised his wand, pointed at the back of another patrol member, and whispered: "The soul is out of body!"

"I won't let you even have a chance to regret it!" Little Barty looked at the shaky figure in front of him, knowing that the other person was resisting the control of the Imperius Curse.

He did not give the opponent a chance to break free from the Imperius Curse, and once again strengthened the control of the Imperius Curse.


Little Barty's face became even more ferocious. He looked at Albert's position and murmured, "I will make you have no chance to regret!"

This chapter has been completed!
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