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Chapter 957 Acting Explosion

Just when a decisive battle broke out in the depths of the maze about who was "more sinister and cunning", the bored audience outside the maze were talking in low voices. Just like the second event, everyone could only stay outside and patiently wait for the competition.


Not being able to see what is happening in the maze at this moment undoubtedly greatly reduced the audience's enthusiasm for the finals, because there was no viewing experience at all.

Isobel and Nia were sitting at the family table waiting patiently. As if to hide their anxious mood, Isobel was combing Tom's hair. The fat cat who knew nothing was yawning carefree.

Enjoy Nia feeding.

At the referee's seat not far away, Dumbledore squinted his eyes and looked above the maze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Just now, green sparks rose above the maze.

This is not a good sign.

"What's wrong?"

Amelia Bones noticed Dumbledore's reaction and asked doubtfully.

"There is a green spark." Dumbledore said suddenly.

"What's wrong with the Green Spark?" Scrimgeour, as an Auror, was more perceptive than others in many ways.

"The signal for help is a red spark." Dumbledore didn't think the warriors would get such a small thing wrong.

"Nothing signaled by green sparks?" Scrimgeour asked, frowning.

"No." Dumbledore shook his head.

"What's wrong with the green spark?" Fudge thought the conversation between the two was incomprehensible.

Just as everyone was waiting to fall asleep, a silver monster flew across the night sky, circled gracefully above everyone's heads, and then landed near the podium.

"what is that?"

There was a burst of whispers in the stands, and the audience's attention was attracted by the silver gryphon.


Amelia Bones looked at the patron saint in front of her with interest. Just when she was about to ask, the patron saint suddenly opened her mouth and spoke in Albert's calm voice.

"I was attacked. Moody was a fake. Everyone was controlled. Harry could be in big trouble. I wasn't hurt."

After the silver griffon delivered the message, it disappeared completely. It took the spectators in the stands a long time to realize what had happened.

Dumbledore drew his wand and stood up.

"Who's the patron saint?"

Scrimgeour also took out his wand. Auror's experience told him that something bad happened in the maze.

"Mr. Anderson's patron saint."

Dumbledore pointed his wand at his throat and shouted: "Quiet, please keep quiet, professors, maintain order."

"Scrimgeour, Madam Maxime, Severus, would you mind accompanying me into the maze?" Dumbledore greeted the three of them and walked quickly towards the depths of the maze.

Fudge and Amelia Bones looked at each other in confusion, but in the end they did not follow into the maze. They knew very well that someone was needed to help maintain order outside.


Scrimgeour looked at Grindylow who was stabbed to death by an earthen cone, the solid stone bridge in front of him and the red hats swallowed up by the hedges, and he couldn't help but frown deeply.

"It should be Mr. Anderson who did it. He is the only one who can do such exaggerated things." Snape did not think other warriors had this ability.

"Do you know which way to go?" Madam Maxime asked Dumbledore, who was leading the way.

"I don't know. I think it shouldn't be difficult to find him by following Mr. Anderson's footsteps."

At this moment, a red spark suddenly rose into the sky.

"It seems that Mr. Anderson is also worried that we can't find the right way." Dumbledore quickly walked towards the direction of the red sparks.

Halfway through, they saw a burned-out passage and a burnt blast-ended snail with a hole in its head.

"He did this too?"

Even though Scrimgeour didn't recognize the Blast-Ended Skrewt, he could tell that it was dangerous, yet it was burned to death.

"It should be Devil's Flame." Snape glanced at Dumbledore and reminded, "It seems that that guy has indeed learned a lot of dark magic recently."

Everyone was on alert, but they soon realized that their vigilance was completely unnecessary, because all dangers were resolved by Albert.

They found three professors who were tightly bound by spells.

"If I were you, I wouldn't take off their restraints easily."

A voice suddenly sounded, causing Snape, who was about to go over to check, to stop. His eyes caught a glimpse of a plant in the corner, and his face trembled slightly.

"Then Moody is an impostor. He is probably Peter Pettigrew or Barty Crouch Jr. pretending to be someone else."

"Mr. Anderson?" Dumbledore raised his wand and asked loudly.

"Professors Flitwick and McGonagall were under the Imperius Curse. Of course, Mr. Krum and Miss Delacour were also the same. They immediately used the Avada Kedavra as soon as they saw me, so after making sure that they were freed from the Imperius Curse,

It's best not to let them go before the Imperius Curse is under control. Also, I didn't see Harry Potter, I suspect he has disappeared. As for Hagrid, he probably hasn't figured out what happened yet."

"Do you have evidence? Why are you hiding?"

Scrimgeour pointed warily at the location of the sound with his wand.

I can't help it, this situation is a bit weird.

"You'd better take the time to find Harry Potter. He may not be at Hogwarts anymore. He should have been sent away by the impostor through some means. I suspect that the Death Eaters need Harry to catch him.

To resurrect the mysterious man with something that looks like Potter's body, you'd better wake up the impostor as soon as possible and find out from his mouth where Potter was taken. Otherwise, you'll be late and you may have to help Harry Potter collect the body.


"Severus, please bring me the most powerful Veritaserum and a powerful recovery potion." Dumbledore's face became extremely gloomy.

"Did you just say that other warriors were also controlled by the Imperius Curse?" Madame Maxime frowned and asked, "Where is Fleur?"

"Go along the passage in front and you will be able to see Miss Delacour and Mr. Krum. However, you'd better not wake them up before they release the control of the Imperius Curse." Albert's

The voice sounded again.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Scrimgeour frowned, dissatisfied with Albert's hiding his head and tail.

As the only insider, it was obviously necessary for him to explain the matter clearly to everyone.

"I'm going to get the trophy first. I think the students at Hogwarts will probably want me to take that thing back. For other things, we can meet outside and talk about what happened here."

"Wait! And you are like this, how can we believe what you say."

Just when Scrimgeour was about to walk in the direction of the sound, he saw a spell flying towards him. He quickly waved his wand to deflect the spell, but a series of spells flew towards him, leaving him barely able to hold on.


After Scrimgeour blocked all the spells, he was thrown away by a force and slammed into the hedge behind him. His hands and feet were immediately entangled by countless vines, and even his mouth was sealed. Then he

A stun spell flew out of the dark passage and hit Scrimgeour, who was still struggling, completely eliminating his threat.

The most shocking thing is that the moment Scrimgeour's wand fell from his hand, it was pulled by a force and flew towards the dark passage.

"Ah, this..."

Mrs. Maxim glanced at Scrimgeour, who was pinned to the wall by a series of spells. The expression on his face was a bit strange. She knew that Albert Anderson was a very powerful wizard before, but now she knew what this guy was.

How awesome it is.

No wonder a group of people who wanted to kill him were defeated by Albert Anderson.

"Of course you don't have to believe it, because I don't believe you either."

"Tonight, I've had enough attacks, I've had enough people throwing Avada Kedavra at me, so don't do anything that makes me think suspicious, otherwise I can only temporarily treat you as being under the Imperius Curse.

Control the unlucky bugs and temporarily eliminate your threat."

The voice sounded a little cold, and he was obviously dissatisfied with Scrimgeour's reckless behavior.

"Be safe, we'll meet outside. You'd better come out quickly so as not to worry others." Dumbledore did not blame Albert for his drastic approach, but turned his head and said, "Mrs. Maxim, please go find Grams."

Mr. Lum and Miss Delacour, take them out of the maze first, and we can talk about other things after we get out."

"Okay." Mrs. Maxim agreed and walked quickly towards the front passage.

After Madame Maxime left, Dumbledore waved his wand, lowered the subdued Scrimgeour from the hedge, and woke him up again.

"What the hell!" Scrimgeour's face looked extremely ugly.

"Okay Mr. Scrimgeour, you'd better not continue to irritate Mr. Anderson. He has been attacked one after another. Now everyone thinks the other is suspicious. It is definitely not a wise move to irritate him rashly." Dumbledore sighed,

warned, "Believe me, no one wants to spend months in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies."

Dumbledore naturally didn't believe that Albert would be irritated. He probably hated the formality of the Ministry of Magic and had no intention of accepting the investigation at all.

"Where is my wand?" Scrimgeour asked with a dark face.

"It was taken away by Mr. Anderson using the Flying Curse. I think it will be returned to you." Dumbledore comforted.

"You actually believe what he said." Scrimgeour glared at Dumbledore dissatisfied.

"No questions asked." Dumbledore waved his wand and levitated several professors. "He actually had a premonition that the third project would be life-threatening early on. I didn't take it seriously at the time."

"He had a premonition?" Scrimgeour asked, frowning.

"The fortune teller is always particularly keen in certain aspects, that's why he is safe and sound now, but our impostor is not very lucky, he hit his head and got a bloody head." Dumbledore paused and his eyes dropped.

On Moody's wrist.

He used magic to levitate the bracer.

"What's this?"

"I think this thing is probably...a portkey."

The expression on Dumbledore's face was slightly strange, "This should be the escape route he left for himself. Obviously, this fake gentleman also knows that Mr. Anderson is not easy to mess with, and we almost let him escape from under our noses."


"Can this thing help us find Harry Potter?" Scrimgeour asked.

"I'm afraid not. If it were me, I would probably teleport to a temporary stronghold and then apparate there. This would prevent people from easily tracking me." Seeing the caution of the fake Professor Moody, Dumbledore had no hope of being able to pass through the door.

The key found Harry.

"This guy is very unlucky," Scrimgeour said suddenly.

"Yes, it's unfortunate." Dumbledore agreed. "He obviously found the wrong opponent."

If it had been anyone else, this counterfeit would have probably escaped and would not be lying here.

When Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick and Professor Moody were carried sideways out of the maze, the students in the stands were really shocked. Everyone thought that the three professors died in the maze.

"They were just temporarily knocked out."

Dumbledore's voice sounded above the Quidditch pitch so that everyone could hear it clearly, lest they cause unnecessary panic by making random guesses.

"What about the rest?"

Amelia Bones looked at Scrimgeour with a gloomy face.

"Still inside, Madame Maxime will lead the warriors out of the maze."

"Who can tell me what happened? Who attacked the patrol?"

Fudge looked at the three professors being carried out of the maze sideways, and his face became extremely pale. He looked at Dumbledore uneasily, and then at Scrimgeour, who had a gloomy face.

"I'm afraid you have to ask Mr. Anderson about this." Scrimgeour said almost through gritted teeth: "I'm afraid only he knows the specific situation best."

"Where is Mr. Anderson?" Fudge asked.

"Mr. Anderson went to get the trophy."

Dumbledore handed over Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick to Madam Pomfrey who hurriedly arrived, and did not forget to warn: "Minerva and Filius are probably controlled by the Imperius Curse, please leave them alone for the time being."

Wake them up."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "The Imperius Curse?" Fudge's voice could not help but rise a little higher.

"This is impossible."

Amelia Bones knew very well the true abilities of Professors McGonagall, Flitwick and Moody, and it would be difficult to control them using the Imperius Curse, let alone under Dumbledore's nose.

"Professor Moody is a fake. I'm afraid the real Moody has been hidden by him." Dumbledore's face was so gloomy that he almost cried out.


Fudge was confused.

"That guy should be Barty Crouch Jr." Albert's voice came from the entrance of the maze.

"Who is where..."

Fudge was startled and almost instinctively pointed his wand at the entrance of the maze.

However, he obviously set a wrong example.

A ray of red light suddenly hit Fudge, knocking him away. The wand in Fudge's hand made an arc in the air and fell into Albert's hand.

"Peter Pettigrew is not as smart and cunning as this guy, nor does he have the strength and courage." Albert put Fudge's wand into his pocket and reminded him coldly, "Also, don't point the wand at me.

Thanks, I hate having a wand pointed at me, it makes me think you want to use Avada Kedavra on me."

The audience was stunned by Albert's clean and neat disarm of the Minister of Magic's wand.

"What the hell are you doing!"

"Don't point your wand at me."

Amelia Bones also flew backwards like Fudge, and was also disarmed. The clean movements made people wonder how many times Albert had done it, five, six or more times?

"There are no enemies of yours here, Mr. Anderson." Dumbledore reminded with a raised eyebrow.

"Who knows if they were controlled by someone using the Imperius Curse?"

Everyone was stunned. The Minister of Magic was controlled by the Imperius Curse?

"It's easy, isn't it? Barty Crouch Sr. is a ready-made example."

"If you have been ambushed and had Avada Kedavra thrown at you, you will become as paranoid as me. At least, I am still alive, and everyone else fell to the ground. It is obvious that what I did was

Correctly, otherwise you'll be talking to my corpse."

Albert looked at the people who were hostile to him with careful eyes, seeming to consider whether to let them sleep for a while.

"I suggest you give them some Veritaserum later. This will make it easy to figure out whether they are in the same group."

Albert's eyes were so cold that Fudge swallowed all his anger back into his stomach. It was not a look he was looking at a person, but a look at a bed bug.

Scrimgeour looked at Fudge, who was almost mad. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Just like Dumbledore said, this man is now a bit neurotic towards anyone who is hostile.

"what on earth is it?"

"What's going on?" Albert repeated, "It's probably a conspiracy against Harry Potter!"

"A plot against Harry?"

At this moment, Hagrid and Madame Maxime carried the unconscious Krum and Fleur out of the maze respectively. They happened to hear Albert's words and their tone of voice could not help but rise a bit.

"Harry Potter is missing. I don't know where the other party has taken him. You can use veritaserum to torture the impostor yourself."

"It's great that you're okay."

Isobel and Nia trotted towards Albert, and stepped forward to give him a big hug. The Triwizard Tournament trophy that was originally floating beside Albert was thrown to the ground casually like garbage by him.

Didn't even take a look.

"Don't worry, it's just a nasty bed bug." After giving Nia a hug, Albert looked at Isobel who was relieved, smiled and gave her a long kiss.

"If I were you, I would not touch that trophy rashly. That thing was turned into a door key by Barty Crouch Jr., and God knows where it will be taken."

However, it's already too late.

When Amelia Bones bent down to pick up the trophy in front of her, her whole body was teleported away.

"Bones, damn, what the hell is going on?"

Fudge looked at the place where Amelia Bones disappeared, his mouth wide open in shock.

"I don't know, but Ms. Bones should be fine."

"Is everything okay? But she..."

"This should be a trap prepared for me or Dumbledore." Albert explained impatiently: "Only an idiot would put a lion into a flock of sheep, and Barty Crouch Jr. is obviously not the one.

Such an idiot, otherwise he would have been exposed long ago instead of hiding until now."

"Flock of sheep."

Scrimgeour found this metaphor ridiculous. He actually heard someone compare Death Eaters to a herd of sheep?

However, looking at the five people lying on the ground, Scrimgeour was not going to make any comments about this.

"Notify the Auror office and ask them to send out manpower to find the whereabouts of Bones. If this person is really Barty Crouch Jr., we'd better send him to a place where scum belongs." Fudge said angrily.

After leaving, he didn't even ask Albert to get his wand back. He obviously felt very insecure here.

"I helped you catch a fugitive, remember to give me his bonus." Albert reminded.

"If he is really the fugitive you say he is," said Scrimgeour.

"If you use the flashback spell to examine the wands, you will find that many wands have been cast on Avada Kedavra." Albert used the flashback spell on Professor McGonagall's wand.

The breathtaking green light that continued to bloom on the wand made everyone present feel terrified. It had obviously been used more than once.

Albert took out another one, proving that this wand had also been used with Avada Kedavra, and the third one had a similar situation.

Well, even Dumbledore was silent, because both Barty Jr. and Professor McGonagall almost used Avada Kedavra as a normal spell.

No wonder Albert had such a big reaction.

If it were him, the situation would probably not be much better.

"I don't blame Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, but... I think the Ministry of Magic will definitely not let him spend the summer vacation after draining all the information about the impostor. To be honest, I am not a particularly tolerant person.

Especially when someone is trying so hard to take my life, you can't expect me to be tolerant of the other person, do you understand what I mean?"

"We will soon figure out his true identity and let Aurors search for the whereabouts in the maze." Scrimgeour took the three wands thrown by Albert and added: "If this guy is a fugitive, I

I don’t think he even has a chance to rot in Azkaban Prison.”

"I need to find a place to rest. I hope you can rescue Potter. Good luck to you, Professor." Albert led Isobel and Nia towards the castle, leaving a group of people stunned.

As for the winner of the Triwizard Tournament, no one cares.

"Aren't you going to the campus hospital?" Madam Pomfrey shouted to Albert.

"No, I'm going to find a place to rest where no one will disturb me."

"You're pretending to be the same thing?"

After leaving the Quidditch pitch, Isobel asked doubtfully, "What the hell are you doing."

"You must act strong, otherwise they will keep harassing you and questioning you about the maze." Albert said helplessly, "They are a group of people who bully the weak and fear the strong. As for offending Fudge, it doesn't actually matter. Anyway, that guy will step down soon.

Amelia Bones will be dead in two years, and Scrimgeour won't live for a few more years."

"How do you know?" Nia asked curiously.

"In the next few years, there will be turmoil in the magical world, and the ministers of magic are a bunch of unlucky people." Albert smiled and said to Nia, "Let's go, I'll take you to the airport. It's safest to leave tonight."

This chapter has been completed!
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