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Chapter 959 Invitation from the Order of the Phoenix

At night, London Airport.

Albert and Isobel came here to see their families off.

"Are you really not going to leave together?"

Although he had already guessed the answer, Herb couldn't help but ask before leaving.

"No, we don't plan to leave the UK just yet. Please be safe on the road." Albert hugged his family before leaving.

"Help keep an eye on Albert and don't let him mess around." Daisy took Isobel's hand and whispered: "Also, take the time to have a child. Anyway, you don't have any pressure, and there are people to help take care of the child.


"I'm the one in the family who doesn't need anyone to worry about the least." Albert complained. He was the most reassuring person in the family, yet these people dared to slander him like this.

"It's just that you don't have to worry about it." Nia has not forgotten what happened tonight.

"Although Albert is always calm and calm, in fact he is still a big kid at heart." Daisy whispered to Isobel, "Sometimes just coax him like a child."

"Ahem, don't listen to their nonsense."

"I know." Isobel covered her mouth and chuckled.

"This is for you." Albert was too lazy to argue with them pointlessly, and took out a box from somewhere and handed it to Nia, "The key is the silver card I gave you last time. Open it.

Then, just put the silver card on top."

"Don't let anyone find it, the instruction manual is inside." Albert continued to warn, "It contains the gift I gave you, as well as the beauty potions you and your mother use. The quantity is enough for you to use for several years."

"Thank you." After Nia put the box away, she gave Albert a big hug, kissed his cheek and said, "I knew you were the best to me."

Watching the Anderson family dragging their luggage towards the registration office, Albert did not leave immediately. Instead, he found a place to eat nearby and chatted with them on his mobile phone until the family boarded the plane to leave the UK.

Isobel put her head on Albert's shoulder, looked at the plane flying away above her head and said, "They're gone!"

"Yeah, they're gone!" Albert retracted his gaze and looked sideways at Isobel: "Let's go back, we're a little tired today."

"Well, go home!"

The two quietly walked towards the deserted alley and disappeared without warning.

While Albert and Isobel were enjoying a moment of peace at home, Hogwarts School was still in chaos.

A frustrated Fudge took the Aurors and Dementors to regain the situation.

However, he missed it. No one knew where Albert was, and Dumbledore was missing. According to Snape, Dumbledore went to save Harry.

Now the whole school is almost in chaos. The vice-principal, Professor McGonagall, is still lying on the hospital bed, along with Professor Flitwick and two other warriors who are also controlled by the Imperius Curse. The dying Professor Moody is also

Found and now under the care of Madam Pomfrey.

Fudge also received a bolt from the blue news. The fake Moody was Barty Crouch Jr. After he was given Veritaserum, he explained everything clearly. The purpose of taking Harry away was to resurrect Voldemort, and now

I'm afraid it has been successful.

Resurrection of Voldemort?

Oh my God, this is a huge joke.

This will destroy all his efforts over the years, which is something Fudge cannot accept and will never admit.

Because he knows very well what the consequences will be if he admits it.

Of course, Fudge also knew very well that no one could lie after taking Veritaserum. Once Barty Crouch Jr. was sent to the Wizengamot court for trial, he simply couldn't believe what would happen.

This situation must be prevented.

Fortunately, this is not difficult.

Fudge took advantage of Dumbledore's absence to have the Dementors search the entire castle and found Barty Crouch Jr., who was imprisoned and guarded by Hagrid.

The next step was very simple. Fudge asked the dementors to give Barty Crouch Jr. a fatal kiss to ensure that he would not have the chance to do anything that might harm the wizarding world.

As long as Barty Crouch Jr. cannot be brought to trial in the Wizengamot Tribunal, Dumbledore will be unable to convince others, because it is impossible for a dead person to prove that Voldemort has been resurrected.

However, before Fudge could be happy with his wit, he heard the news that Harry Potter was back. The famous savior seemed to have been horribly tortured.

Not long after, Dumbledore brought back the news that Voldemort had been resurrected, and provided Scrimgeour with the address of Voldemort's resurrection, which made Fudge almost twist his nose with anger.

That night, there was a lot of unpleasantness between the two parties, and Fudge and Dumbledore were finally kicked out of the school hospital by Madam Pomfrey who couldn't bear it anymore.

But... what does this have to do with him, Albert Anderson?

The next day, after a good night's rest, an energetic Albert returned to Hogwarts to clean up the mess. As soon as he appeared in Hogwarts Castle, he received the admiration of countless people, not because he did anything for Hogwarts.

Gwartz won the Triwizard Tournament, but not only did he see through Barty Crouch Jr.'s disguise, he also fought back fiercely during the opponent's dragnet, knocking everyone over.

Those were the notorious Death Eaters, as well as two professors and two warriors from the school. Normally, when people encounter this kind of situation, they would definitely be dead. Look at Harry who was kidnapped with almost no resistance.

·Potter will know.

Everyone couldn't wait to know how Albert turned defeat into victory in a desperate situation, and wanted to know how he knocked down five people by himself.

"As we all know, Porter becoming the fourth warrior has its own problems." Faced with everyone's inquiries, Albert said calmly, "Some people want to harm Porter, and the third project is their last chance.

, now that we know there may be a dark wizard in the maze, those who are not careful will deserve it even if they die."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "After I entered the maze, I no longer trusted other people, at least in the maze." Albert explained, "Because I knew who kidnapped Potter.

People definitely don’t want the third project to end soon, so that person will definitely attack other warriors.”

"Until I encountered an ambush from Miss Delacour. She used the Disguise Charm to hide and wanted to attack me, but I discovered and subdued her."

"Later, when Mr. Krum saw me, he threw the Avada Kedavra at me, and I realized that he wanted to kill me."

Facing the shocked students, Albert said calmly, "The two unsuccessful sneak attacks made me realize that there is something wrong with Professor Moody, because only his magic eyes can find my location, and he dares to attack me."

If I take action, it means that he has already dealt with the other patrolling professors."

"In fact, he actually wanted to surround me, but I cleared the maze faster than he expected, which caused a loophole in the surrounding network." Albert continued under the awed gazes of the surrounding students, "I also realized

At this point, I took the initiative to go back to trouble him and catch him off guard. The plan was successful."

"How did you find the fake Professor Moody?" A Hufflepuff girl couldn't help but ask.

"If you knew the tracking spell, you wouldn't ask this question. The impostor obviously forgot to put an anti-tracking spell on himself." Albert shrugged and said, "I found him and disrupted his rhythm.

He was completely subdued. To be honest, that guy is quite dangerous, he likes to throw around the Avada Kedavra."

Although Albert said it easily, no one could laugh. They had not forgotten the scene when Albert walked out of the maze last night. His murderous look shocked many people, including the Minister of Magic and the Magic Law Firm.

The Director of the Executive Department asked him to disarm him.

This strong strength, smart mind, and brave and decisive style make people awe and admire.

In the end, Albert was unable to finish the story in the maze because someone handed him a note. Under everyone's resentful gaze, Albert walked towards the principal's office.

After knocking on the wooden door of the principal's office, Albert found that the person who opened the door for him was actually Sirius Black.

"Thank you for saving Harry." Sirius was very grateful for Albert's suggestion. No one expected that the socks Black gave Harry were actually portkeys.

"No, it was Mr. Headmaster who saved Harry." Albert said.

"You are always so humble." Dumbledore appeared out of nowhere.

"I heard that you had a falling out with Fudge last night?" Albert asked, changing the subject.

"Fudge doesn't want to admit about Voldemort. He is too obsessed with his power." Dumbledore shook his head and said, "I can't convince him."

"Sometimes, you have to be right even though you know it is wrong. This is politics." Albert said lightly, "Fudge is a weakling and cannot bear the fact that the mysterious man is resurrected. Neither the wizards in the Ministry of Magic can bear it."

Because no one wants to believe it and wants to see their beautiful life become a mess. So, this matter can only be said by you? "

"You always see things so clearly." Dumbledore smiled and handed a bag of galleons to Albert. "By the way, I'm afraid you won't be able to count on your bonus and the championship award ceremony."

Albert didn't pay attention to this, took the money bag and stuffed it into his pocket, and asked the question he was more concerned about: "Where is the mysterious man resurrected, next to old Tom Riddle's grave?"

"No, I laid an ambush around Riddle's grave last night." Sirius borrowed the invisibility cloak from Harry and wanted to ambush Peter, but the guy didn't show up.

"In a very remote place, probably because he was worried about an accident, Voldemort asked Peter to dig up Old Tom's bones very early." Dumbledore suddenly asked, "You care about this matter."

"I'm just curious about whether the future I see will change," Albert explained.

"Honestly, Voldemort and I were really shocked when we saw Harry being teleported away suddenly. Who would have thought that the socks under his feet were portkeys?" Dumbledore said in a joking tone, which belonged to both of them.

His thoughts jumped so fast that Sirius couldn't keep up with their conversation.

"Even the mysterious man probably wouldn't check Potter's socks or underwear to see if they are the door keys!"

"I bet no one has ever done that."

"He is the savior after all, and he has good luck." Albert suddenly said, "By the way, I plan to hide. Do you mind if I take a house elf from the Hogwarts kitchen?"


"No, another one."

"If you can get its consent, I have no problem with it, but this is not a good example." Dumbledore was a little disappointed, knowing that Albert clearly rejected his invitation.

"By the way, Albert, do you want to join the Order of the Phoenix?" Seeing that Dumbledore didn't invite Albert, Sirius asked about it for him.

"A secret organization established specifically to fight Voldemort?" Albert asked rhetorically.

"That's right." Sirius nodded, "Dumbledore established it."

"Are you also a member?" Albert continued to ask.


Sirius felt that if Albert joined the Order of the Phoenix, they would gain great advantages.

"I won't join a strange club that I don't know about, even if it seems nice."

"You should believe Dumbledore." Sirius didn't expect that Albert actually refused.

"Of course I trust Professor Dumbledore, but I trust my own judgment even more. I know exactly what will happen next, and I can also provide you with some help, but... with all due respect, where is your headquarters?" Ai

Bert suddenly asked.

"No. 12 Grimmauld Place, Dumbledore, you can use that place, I won't mind." Sirius turned to Dumbledore when he heard that the Order of the Phoenix didn't have a headquarters yet.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "It seems that you haven't even prepared a gathering place." Albert shook his head and said: "An organization established in a hurry is not reliable.

Like a sieve, there aren’t even any secrets.”

He raised his hand to interrupt Sirius, and continued, "I know that the Order of the Phoenix once existed, but this society is like this now, especially if your opponent is a lunatic like the mysterious man, it will be even more dangerous. There is no strictness.

Without reliable protection, your members will be as fragile as paper. The Dark Mark may float above their homes at any time. Don't expect the kindness of the mysterious man. The greatest mercy of that guy is probably to use Avada Kedavra to send people away.


There was an eerie silence in the principal's office.

"Is Peter Pettigrew once one of your members?" Albert suddenly asked.


Sirius almost said this through gritted teeth.

"When the life of his family is held in the hands of a mysterious man, he will betray his best friend in order to survive for himself and his family." Albert reminded kindly, "What if a second Peter appears?

You are not even prepared for anything, and you have made many mistakes."

"This is a war, not a child's play."

"We know this is a war." Sirius said a little irritably.

"No, you don't know. Don't think your opponent is too stupid, let alone become a fool like Fudge, who actually brings political ideas to this matter. The mysterious man is not a politician, but an advocate

A dark wizard who owes his power to himself, his style is to kill the Minister of Magic and replace him with an obedient puppet."

"I won't let this happen." Dumbledore said firmly.

"Cornelly Fudge causes no less trouble than Voldemort's puppets." Albert said meaningfully, "If I were you, I would find a way to get him out and replace him with Amelia Bone.

When Si came on stage, I remember she had a grudge against Voldemort, and it was not a small one, so she was more suitable than the others."

Sirius was stunned by Albert's words. He never expected that this person was going to directly drive Fudge away and replace him with a new minister.

"This is difficult." Dumbledore shook his head.

"No, it's not difficult." Albert looked deeply at Dumbledore and said, "Fudge will leave next year at the latest, but you can let him leave early, before he causes more trouble."

"You seem to dislike Fudge very much?" Sirius asked curiously.

"A guy who is a drag, believe me, no one will like him."

Before turning to leave, Albert took out a two-way mirror from his pocket and handed it to Dumbledore.

"If anything happens, you can contact me through this. I can help you a little, but let's forget about some things!"

"You knew he wouldn't join?" Sirius picked up the double-sided mirror and looked at Dumbledore and asked.

"No, I don't know, but you have to try your luck. Sometimes, as long as you are willing to give something, you can usually get something in return." Dumbledore said meaningfully, "Mr. Anderson has always been a simple and easy-to-understand person."

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