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Chapter 963 Order of the Phoenix Meeting

News of Percy's falling out with his family quickly spread to Fudge. Just as Percy expected, Fudge did not give up on him because he could no longer fulfill the task of monitoring his family and Dumbledore, and gave him to the Assistant Minister's post.

Drive away from the position.

After all, Percy had fallen out with his family over this matter, and had already proven his loyalty to the Ministry of Magic and his loyalty to Fudge with practical actions. Letting Percy spy on his family was just an idea that Fudge came up with on a whim. He needed something more.

A loyal and reliable assistant to help handle the heavy work to prevent Dumbledore from planting spies around him. Percy, who has proven himself loyal, is undoubtedly trustworthy and worthy of recognition in terms of ability, at least Fudge thinks so.

As for what the actual situation is, it's really hard to say.

After Percy fell out with his family, the Weasley family rarely mentioned Percy anymore.

Fred, George, Ginny and Bill did not tell their families about their suspicions. No matter how they explained it, they could not hide that Percy betrayed his family for his own benefit and in order to advance further in the Ministry of Magic.

Choose to side with Fudge.

After Percy ran away from home, the Weasley family decided to join the Order of the Phoenix.

In order to ensure the safety of their family, the Weasleys, after obtaining Sirius's consent, planned to move to No. 12 Grimmauld Place to settle temporarily. At that time, they could help station the temporary headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, and also help take care of Harry.

daily life.

"Sirius, can we also join the Order of the Phoenix?" George put down his fork and asked tentatively.

"No, you are still young!" Mrs. Weasley crossed her hands and stared at her son dissatisfied.

"We are adults," Fred complained, "and Professor Dumbledore once personally invited Albert to join the Order of the Phoenix."

"Really?" Ron raised his head in surprise.

"Of course it's true. Why did I lie to you? If you don't believe me, ask Sirius, he must know." Fred slowly stuffed the last piece of potato into his mouth.

"Yes, but Mr. Anderson is an exception." Lupine explained, "Members of the Order of the Phoenix only recruit wizards who have reached a certain age and graduated from Hogwarts, and you don't have the ability like him."

"You shouldn't involve children who are still in school." Molly Weasley glared at Sirius and Lupin a little angrily, and then looked at her husband for support. Mrs. Weasley said to Amber

I still like Te very much and don't want him to take risks.

"So, Albert is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix now?" Ron asked in surprise.

"No, he refused." Sirius shook his head.


Everyone was surprised, they never expected that Albert would refuse Dumbledore's invitation.

"Why did he refuse?" Ginny asked curiously.

No one answered, because at this time, there was the sound of things being knocked down outside the corridor, followed by a series of curses.

Not long after, the door to the hall was pushed open, and a blond witch walked in and greeted everyone: "Good evening. I received a message saying that there is an important meeting tonight."

"Have you had dinner?" Mrs. Weasley changed the subject.

"not yet."

"Then sit down and eat together!"

Tonks hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement. It was true that she hadn't eaten yet and had just hurried over after get off work.

"Sirius, why did Albert reject Dumbledore's invitation?" Hermione brought the topic back to the topic. She wanted to know the reason.

"That's the famous Albert, right?" Tonks sat down and asked curiously after hearing Hermione's words.

"He believes in Dumbledore, but he doesn't trust the Order of the Phoenix." Sirius shrugged helplessly and said, "That guy thinks that the Order of the Phoenix is ​​just a loose organization, not reliable enough, and not safe enough. He also suspects that some members of the Order of the Phoenix may

There will be traitors mixed in..."

"Traitor, Albert suspects a traitor, I mean Albert thinks there is a traitor in the Order of the Phoenix." George was startled by Sirius' words.

"Traitor, how could there be a traitor?" Tonks asked doubtfully, "There are no traitors in the Order of the Phoenix. Everyone was summoned by Dumbledore. They are all a group of trustworthy partners."

"Albert's intuition has always been very accurate. If he thinks there may be a traitor in the Order of the Phoenix, this is not a good sign." Fred frowned, looking a little uneasy.

There was no way, their whole family basically joined the Order of the Phoenix.

If a traitor really shows up, then he won't have to be killed immediately.

"Don't worry, Dumbledore thinks that the members of the Order of the Phoenix are trustworthy." Tonks immediately recalled the members of the Order of the Phoenix and thought that this was unlikely.

"No, Albert's premonitions have always been accurate and almost never went wrong." George also frowned.

"I think he refers to someone!" Sirius pointed out, "That guy has a good relationship with the professors in the school, except for someone. Obviously he doesn't trust..."

"Sirius." Lupine interrupted with a frown, "Dumbledore thinks he can be trusted."

"But Albert's premonitions have always been accurate. He doesn't trust Snotlout, just like he never trusted that fake Moody. He thought there might be something wrong with him from the beginning." Sirius did not dwell on this matter and continued.

: "However, thanks to him reminding us that Dumbledore used the Fidelity Charm on this place not long ago, the Order of the Phoenix headquarters now is completely different from last time. It is tighter and safer."

"Who are you talking about?" Fred and George looked at each other, and both looked at Sirius, "This matter is very important."

"Fred, George." Mrs. Weasley looked at her son dissatisfied.

"Mom, you don't know, Albert's premonitions have never been wrong." George ignored Mrs. Weasley's stern look and warned: "Don't underestimate Albert's premonitions, otherwise you will pay the price, Harry

It’s a ready-made example.”

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "What does this have to do with Harry?"

A tall, dark-skinned wizard quietly opened the restaurant door and walked in.

"Good evening Kingsley, would you like something to eat?" Mrs. Weasley stood up and greeted the other party.

"No, I've already eaten." The wizard named Kingsley looked at the twin brothers and asked curiously: "Can you tell us about this?"

"Before the third event, Albert had a premonition of the danger coming. He believed that the matter was related to Harry, and suggested that Harry stay at the entrance of the maze and stay within Dumbledore's sight to wait for the end of the game." George

They looked at each other and told everyone what they knew: "Professor Dumbledore also knew about this, but in the end they didn't take Albert's reminder seriously at all, which ultimately led to Harry being captured."


Ron and Hermione looked at each other, they also knew this matter, and Harry's training from Sirius and Lupin was related to this matter.

"I heard that Albert Anderson is a master of prophecy." Kingsley looked at Fred and George, "Is this true?"

"Master of Prophecy?" Tonks was shocked. They all knew what that meant.

It has been a long time since a new master of prophecy appeared in Britain.

"His predictions are indeed very accurate, with almost no mistakes." Fred and George said in unison. As Albert's roommate, he knew Albert's prediction ability better than anyone else.

"It is a great pity that he was not invited to join the Order of the Phoenix." Sirius noticed that everyone was looking at him and continued: "He had predicted the arrival of this day a long time ago, and had even determined that Fudge would be ousted.

As well as the upcoming Azkaban prison break, he also predicted... the downfall of the Ministry of Magic."

"Okay, don't discuss these things in front of the children. And you guys, go back to your room to do your holiday homework after eating, don't stay here." Mrs. Weasley was about to drive people away, and there would be more to come.

It's not appropriate for members of the Order of the Phoenix to come here for a meeting and let the children hear something they shouldn't hear.

Mrs. Weasley was right, more and more members of the Order of the Phoenix came here, and they were all informed by Dumbledore that there was something important happening today.

"What happened to the downfall of the Ministry of Magic?"

This news really shocked everyone.

"I don't know. Anderson thinks that in a few years, Fudge's successor will die at the hands of Voldemort, and the entire British wizarding world will usher in its darkest moment. The Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts will be controlled by Voldemort, and Muggles will be born.

The wizards will be persecuted, and Harry will become a wanted criminal by the Ministry of Magic." Sirius handed several pieces of parchment to Kingsley and said, "This is his prophecy."

"Are you sure you're not joking?" Kingsley looked at the content on the parchment, frowned and said, "Dumbledore will definitely not allow this to happen."

"Who knows!" Sirius didn't want to believe these predictions, but he didn't think Albert would be joking.

"Prognosticators are a group of mysterious guys, but considering his level, to be honest, there are basically no mistakes. At least, I asked him to predict it, and it was very accurate."


"Next, we plan to release the information in the parchment." Sirius showed a malicious smile: "I think Fudge will probably go crazy!"

"You plan to publish this in the "Defense Guide"?" Tonks asked curiously. She felt that if this article was published, the entire magical world would probably explode on the spot. She reminded: "Fudge will not tolerate this.

This magazine will continue to be published.”

"It doesn't matter. We will provide the magazine privately to those wizards who have ordered the magazine, and will also set up a radio station to broadcast to other wizards." Lu Ping comforted. He also knew that it was inevitable that the magazine would be blocked, but... "The situation is not the same.

Too bad, when people find out that the wizarding world is in chaos, they'll think of our magazines and radio stations."

As far as Lupine knew, these were suggestions given by Albert. It is no wonder that Dumbledore wanted to recruit Albert to join the Order of the Phoenix.

In some aspects, Albert is better, more professional, and more thorough than them.

"What are you discussing?"

Moody walked through the corridor and into the hall, scanning the people who were talking.

"Anderson's prediction." Tonks said excitedly: "He thinks Fudge will step down next year and get out."

"Oh, this is really good news. I think Dumbledore will be very happy?" Moody pulled up a chair and sat down and said, "I heard that he did not agree to join the Order of the Phoenix."

"He thinks there may be a traitor among us. Don't look at me like that, Remus. I was there at the time." Sirius shrugged and said, "At the beginning, Albert suggested that Dumbledore mobilize his forces to oust Fudge early.

, let Amelia Bones become the Minister of Magic. You also know that Amelia Bones' brother... He believes that replacing a minister who is beneficial to us can greatly weaken Voldemort's power, although

It's surprising, but it's a good idea, and at least Amelia Bones won't hold us back."

"So, that thing is true. Everyone said that Dumbledore is trying to seize the position of Minister of Magic." Tonks' eyes widened in surprise, and even his face changed.

"No, Dumbledore didn't agree." Sirius shook his head and said, "He thinks this is very difficult, but I think if Anderson dares to make this suggestion, he must be sure to oust Fudge, otherwise he would not mention it at all.


"No wonder Fudge went crazy," Tonks muttered.

"Some people think that Anderson is at least in contact with most of the top management of the Ministry of Magic." Kingsley recalled some rumors he had heard, "Later, the Wizengamot held a meeting for the British Youth Representative to allow him to join the Wizengamot.

meeting, and voted to force him to become an alternate for the Wizengamot."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "What an exaggeration." Tonks muttered.

"That guy has many magical things. For example, the parchment in your hand is the manuscript he asked Rita Skeeter to help write." Sirius reminded, "It is said that he thinks Rita Skeeter is more beautiful.

Good at writing these articles.”

"It's incredible how he did it."

Everyone present was surprised, they knew exactly who Rita Skeeter was.

"I don't know, he is always so powerful."

The discussion about the prophecy did not continue. More and more members of the Order of the Phoenix rushed to the headquarters, and the dining table was quickly filled with people.

Tonks is excitedly sharing the good news that Fudge may be stepping down next year.

"Where did you get the news?"

Everyone is very curious. It would be great if Fudge could step down. That guy will only cause trouble for them now.

"A master of prophecy. As for his identity, you can ask Dumbledore if he is willing to tell that person's identity."

Sirius did not reveal the news about Albert to everyone, and he also told others to shut up.

"Is this stuff accurate? Many prophets are liars."

"I asked him for divination, and it was very accurate."

Before they could continue discussing the prophecy, Dumbledore arrived, looking a little hurried and tired.

"I summoned you to ensure Harry's safety." Dumbledore looked at the members of the Order of the Phoenix who were staring at him and said straight to the point: "We need to prepare sentries to ensure Harry's safety."

"Do you think Death Eaters will attack Harry?" Sirius asked first: "Perhaps, we can take him to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, where it is safer."

"No, Harry is safer staying with his Muggle relatives. The ancient magic left by Lily is still protecting him. Voldemort and his minions can't do anything to Harry, but we need to ensure that others will not harm Harry.

Do something. You should know very well what Fudge has been doing recently. He is eager to get hold of Harry. If they want to deal with Harry, they can also use the power of the Ministry of Magic, so we need to ensure that Harry will not encounter

If you get into trouble, don't leave any chance for Fudge."

"So, we need sentries to take turns to ensure Harry's safety. Of course, Arabella will help keep an eye on Harry, but you should also know her situation."

"Why don't you just tell him? I think Harry should be able to..." Sirius was interrupted before he could finish his words.

"Harry is not as mature as you think, especially after what happened." Dumbledore said softly.

"I need to know what Voldemort plans to do."

As he spoke, he looked at Snape.

"I haven't received any news yet." Snape raised his head and said, "If the Dark Lord takes any action, I will definitely receive the news as soon as possible."

"I need to find out what he is looking for as soon as possible?" Dumbledore nodded and said, "Arrange the sentry matter as soon as possible. Alastor, I leave this matter to you."

"No problem." Moody nodded in agreement.

"By the way, Hermione and Ron are here, right?" Before leaving, Dumbledore looked at the Weasleys.

"Yes, they are here, what's the matter?" Mrs. Weasley was a little nervous.

"I have something to tell them about Harry." Dumbledore soon met Hermione and Ron.

"I hope you can keep it a secret from Harry and don't tell Harry anything important when you write the letter. The owl is not safe and may be intercepted along the way." Dumbledore looked at the two of them and said, "It's best not to let him know.

Harry knows everything, okay?"


"Okay, we promise." Hermione raised her foot and kicked Ron.

"I promise I won't write to Harry casually or say anything important," Ron said.

"Very well, remember your words." After receiving the assurance, Dumbledore left in a hurry.

"Poor Harry, I think he will go crazy when he finds out." Ron muttered softly after returning to the room.

This chapter has been completed!
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