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Chapter 976 Death of Wormtail

After all, the current situation is actually a situation that Albert has brought about and is willing to see.

If he hadn't known that the Death Eaters would not have enough time to lay dangerous traps against him, Albert would not have rashly come to participate in the International Wizarding Duel Competition.

Although he was not afraid of the Death Eaters, he was afraid of being plotted against him. Obviously, he could not expect the Death Eaters to challenge him in a one-on-one fight. Even Gryffindor would be so stupid as to rush into a trap when he knew there was a trap ahead.

Wouldn't be so reckless.

Oh, maybe Harry Potter does, the Savior is really on top and anything can happen.

At the moment, Albert's safety is not a problem. He lives in a simple way and does not leave any chance to the Death Eaters. Therefore, even if the Death Eaters want to kill him, they have to take risks, and the success rate of taking risks is usually very low.

It's high, and the ideas are very elusive. Plus, if Albert planted spies in the Death Eaters' ranks, how could he be tricked? Isn't it a good idea to direct and act on your own and do missions to gain experience?

The soul-stealing curse that has been upgraded to the fourth level, coupled with its own strong magical power, is really not difficult to control a person in a short period of time without letting the other party see the flaw.

Unless Voldemort comes to kill him personally, there is really nothing that can threaten Albert's life.

Of course, even if Voldemort does show up, Albert is confident that he can protect himself.

But... is this possible?

It's almost trivial. Doesn't the Dark Lord have no face?

Now is obviously not the time for Voldemort to be exposed. Albert had already figured this out before he dared to come and participate in the International Wizarding Duel Competition.

As for Death Eaters who are not fully prepared, they really don't pose much of a threat.

Just now, Albert used the human trace spell to easily find the dark wizards scattered around the stadium. Because the barrier to expel Muggles had been deployed long ago, the surrounding Muggles had been cleared out by the Spanish Ministry of Magic, and there would be no muggles at all.

The melons stay here, and the Ministry of Magic employees and Aurors responsible for patrols actually have their own fixed patrol ranges.

Naturally, most of the remaining wizards active around the stadium were Death Eaters and members of the Order of the Phoenix.

To be honest, the Human Trace Spell is a very practical spell, and it is not easy for others to detect and prevent. Even if you want to block it, it is very difficult.

At this moment, the dark wizard Carter was rushing towards the five people who were "sitting in command", and by the way, he lured a group of people from the Order of the Phoenix over. He didn't know what the people from the Order of the Phoenix were doing, but he hadn't even looked for them until now.

The last five people were in trouble, and Albert was ready to push them.

However, what Albert didn't know was that Sirius and his group were looking confused now. They had already found the whereabouts of Peter Pettigrew through Mad-Eye's magic eye, but the current situation was a bit strange.

The Death Eater minions who were originally distributed around the gymnasium and were responsible for creating and causing chaos were all quietly knocked down. This seemed strange.

"This guy's name is Sang Xi. He hangs out in Fandan Lane all the year round. He likes to do shady things. As expected, that guy has won over these scumbags."

Mad Eye Moody recognized the identity of the man in front of him at a glance. As an Auror for many years, he speculated, "Judging from his facial expression and the direction in which he fell, he should have been attacked from behind. There was no fight left here."

The traces are the best proof. In other words, this man was knocked down before he even had time to react."

"That Mr. Anderson did it, but isn't he still participating in the International Wizarding Duel Competition?"

No one could figure out who knocked them out.

The unknown is scary.

Especially knowing that someone was hiding in the dark and watching them made everyone feel even more uneasy.

Even the elite Aurors of the Ministry of Magic would not be able to defeat so many people quietly without leaving any traces of the battle.

"I'm sure it was Anderson who did it. How on earth, who knows? And, is it important?"

Sirius is really very confident in Albert. He doesn't want to care about who did this kind of thing now, because this kind of thing is not important at all. In Sirius's view, killing Peter Pettigrew will complete the relationship with Albert.

The special agreement is the most important.

If Moody hadn't said that there were other wizards around Peter, Sirius would have committed suicide long ago, so how could he waste time here.

"Okay, stop being suspicious, let's go find Peter."

"What if it's a Death Eater conspiracy?" Lupine said with a frown, although he also felt that this possibility was unlikely.

"The Death Eaters have just arrived. They are even later than us. How can they have so many conspiracies and calculations." Sirius said impatiently, "Anyway, Peter must die today."

"Don't be reckless, Sirius."

"I trust my intuition more, and I don't intend to throw away such a good opportunity. If you want to avenge James, just follow me, or don't stop me." Sirius stuffed the last elixir into his mouth.

Inside, he walked directly outside. He had had enough of these people's procrastination.

Conspiracy, how can there be so many conspiracies?

If there was really a big conspiracy, Albert had escaped earlier, how could he be here.

"Why did Mr. Anderson help Sirius kill Peter Pettigrew?" Emmeline Vance asked curiously, "Do they have any grudge?"

"Because Peter Pettigrew also wanted to kill him." Lupine thought of the news that Snape brought them and speculated, "As for the reason, it is probably that Peter was caught by Albert."

"I think Peter Pettigrew went to his house!"

Arthur thought he had guessed the reason. If someone wanted to do harm to his family, he would probably want to kill him.

"There's something going on. It seems like someone is coming. Follow him quickly."

Mad-Eye suddenly interrupted the low-pitched conversation of several people and urged them to move quickly.

At this moment, the members of the Order of the Phoenix were not the only ones who were confused. The five-person team responsible for "sitting in command" also stared at the pocket watch in their hands with bewildered faces. Their eyes moved outside and continued to look at the pocket watch in their hands.

How can it be!

No one is actually executing the plan. Is there a collective failure?

They are not attacking the stadium, but creating some chaos outside. After creating the chaos, they can escape without risking their lives at all.

But, what's going on now?

What about smoke?

Where's the noise?

What about the explosion?

Not at all, it was eerily quiet outside.

As long as the five people are not fools, they can all realize that the situation is not good, and it is impossible for everyone to lose control collectively. What has obviously happened?

Could it be that members of the Order of the Phoenix are up to something?

However, even if the members of the Order of the Phoenix wanted to collectively subdue the dark wizards scattered around the stadium, it would not be an easy task. They did not believe that anyone could subdue the group of guys under them without making any noise.

After much hesitation, the five of them were still ready to go out together to check the situation outside. They had to figure out what was going on outside.

If you are scared away like this, God knows what kind of punishment you will get if you go back.

However, before they could go out, there was a rapid knock on the door.

The five people looked at each other and raised their wands to point at the entrance of the door.


"It's me, Carter. The plan is over. Mr. Malfoy asked me to tell you to leave as soon as possible." Carter's cold voice came from outside the door.

"Did the plan succeed?" Peter Pettigrew asked warily.

"I don't know. I successfully used the Avada Kedavra, but I'm not sure whether the Mudblood died, because I was knocked unconscious by the Auror and narrowly escaped through the Portkey.

You'd better retreat to the UK as planned as soon as possible and don't let the Spanish Aurors block you. Those guys seem to be offended. Anyway, I informed you and left first."


"What's up?"

The door was opened from the inside, and Selwyn frowned and asked, "Have you seen anyone else when you came from outside?"

"Others? No, I was just wondering why your place is so quiet. I thought you would help me create chaos as planned." Carter couldn't help complaining, "If you can attract those Aurors,

I won't be knocked unconscious."

"It's not our fault. Others didn't create chaos as planned." Avery was alert to the surroundings, but after making sure there was no one around, he turned to Carter and said, "Come with us to check the situation. I remember there are a few guys.

It’s very close to our side.”

When a few people hurried over, they found that the division of labor had been clearly defined, and the wizard responsible for releasing the smoke actually fell to the ground unconscious.

Several people felt a chill. They had never felt this way before, even when they faced dementors.

"He just fainted. It was probably a member of the Order of the Phoenix who did it. Be careful around you." Selwyn bent down to check the man's condition. After discovering that the man was just knocked down by the coma spell, Selwyn immediately raised the alarm.

However, it's already too late.

A bunch of spells flew towards them, and the two people standing outside were directly hit by the spells and fell to the ground unconscious.

"Damn it!"

Peter Pettigrew regretted very much, regretting why he had not left as soon as possible, especially after seeing two old friends, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, appearing.

Just when Peter Pettigrew was about to abandon the others and flee, an explosion suddenly occurred around him, throwing all their bodies away.

When Peter struggled to get up from the ground and shook his head vigorously, before he had time to apparate, Sirius, Lupin, Mad-Eye and other members of the Order of the Phoenix were already rushing over.

Both the timing and the strength of the attack were quite astonishing. Sirius actually succeeded in delaying the escape of Peter Pettigrew and the other Death Eaters.

"Old man, long time no see."

Sirius raised his hand, smiled and waved hello to Peter Pettigrew, like an old friend who just met him and never wanted to see him again.

However, the smile on Sirius' face made Peter feel creepy.

No one would care about a dead person. Sirius Black looked at Peter Pettigrew now as if he were looking at a dead person. The smile on his face was obviously not because he saw his old buddy, but because he knew his old buddy.

I'm going to apologize to James and Lily soon.


Peter Pettigrew screamed. He looked at the people in front of him in fear. Without any hesitation, he directly pressed the Dark Mark on his arm, trying to summon the mysterious man to save the situation.

"Okay, I won't talk about old times anymore, James and Lily are still waiting for you, don't keep them waiting!" Sirius smiled, raised his wand, and used the Avada Kedavra on Peter Pettigrew.

The green light of death passed over the head of Peter Pettigrew, and the guy actually turned into a mouse and tried to slip away in the form of an Animagus.

However, how could Sirius let his enemy slip away in front of him?

He waved his magic wand and pulled back Peter Pettigrew who was trying to escape.

At this moment, the battle in the room had begun, or it couldn't even be called a battle. Several people who were outnumbered were subdued.

"I originally wanted you to die with dignity, so that James and Lily would not recognize you." The smile on Sirius' face became brighter, "However, since you plan to die as a beast, then

go to hell!"

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, it's not my fault, I was forced to do it." Peter released the Animagus transformation and returned to his original appearance.

Unfortunately, his plea did not win any sympathy.

There was only Lupine's cold face and Sirius's captivating smile.

He has been waiting for this day for too long.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Sirius raised his wand and struck Peter Pettigrew directly with Avada Kedavra.

After being hit by the green light of death, the fear on Peter Pettigrew's face completely froze, and his eyes lost their expression. His body leaned back and fell heavily to the ground.

he died!

Killed by Avada Kedavra.

Before he died, Peter Pettigrew was still pleading.

Killing his enemy with his own hands, Sirius suddenly burst into laughter, laughing so hard that tears almost came from the corners of his eyes. He...finally helped James, Lily and Harry take revenge with his own hands.

"Are you okay?" Lupine asked worriedly.

"good, very good."

"How to deal with these guys?" Dedalo Digg glanced at the downed Death Eaters and suggested, "Why don't we kill them all together so that they don't come out to harm others again."

"Leave it to them, maybe the prison is where they should stay." Mad-Eye turned his magic eye and found that an Auror had noticed something was wrong here and was quickly coming here.

"It's time to withdraw, yes, we still need this..."

Sirius walked to the window and released a Dark Mark over the stadium, "Guess how the Daily Prophet will report this."

A few minutes later, Aurors from the Spanish Ministry of Magic rushed to the scene, fully displaying their fine traditions, and successfully captured a group of dark wizards who had been knocked down.

Of course, for their own merit, none of the Aurors told the truth.

Soon after, Albert received official news that the Spanish Ministry of Magic had found the dark wizard who tried to murder him, and they also rescued the unlucky kid who had been kidnapped.

Therefore, the person who tried to assassinate Albert was an impostor.

In order to shirk their own responsibilities, this incident was defined as an attempt by the Death Eaters to assassinate Albert Anderson. The reason was naturally that they did not want to see a Muggle wizard become a dueling champion.

This chapter has been completed!
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