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Chapter 983 Umbridge in action

Compared to those trash talkers, Umbridge undoubtedly knows how to please her superiors better. If she can help Fudge get Harry Potter fired, she believes that she can gain Fudge's trust and be appointed by him.

With heavy responsibility.

As for other things, they are just minor issues.

If you want to mobilize the dementors in Azkaban, you must first obtain the transfer order approved by Fudge, which is not a difficult task.

In order to attack Dumbledore, Fudge opened the door to those he trusted, which also allowed Umbridge to easily find loopholes.

That same day, Umbridge hurried to Azkaban with the transfer order.

In order to avoid leaving unfavorable evidence, Umbridge did not use the Ministry of Magic's ship, but used Apparition and flying broomsticks to go directly to Azkaban Prison, which countless wizards had avoided.

The location of Azkaban is cleverly hidden by wizards. Ordinary wizards don't know its specific location at all, and no one is interested in it. But this matter is not a secret within the Ministry of Magic, um

Rich easily pulled up the files he needed.

The defenses of Azkaban Prison are actually not as tight as imagined. No dark wizard would be able to escape from the prison, because there are a large number of dementors stationed on the island, and wizards who dare to rob the prison will most likely become the food of the dementors.

Umbridge, who was completely soaked by the storm outside the island, cursed and came to the dark island in the center of the storm.

As soon as she arrived over the island, she was horrified to find that the Dementors were coming towards her. Umbridge quickly summoned the Patronus to give herself some confidence.

Yes, patron saint.

It is really hard to imagine that Umbridge, who is not very skilled in magic, actually successfully summoned a physical Patronus.

This is also what Umbridge is most proud of. She worked hard for this for a long time before she succeeded.

In the magical world, it is generally believed that only those with pure hearts can summon a Patronus. The benefits of summoning a physical Patronus are also obvious. He can become the director of the Office for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic at the age of thirty, except for Um.

Richie has stolen the merits of many of her colleagues and is good at pleasing her bosses. Her physical guardian angel is also a bonus. She always claims to have mastered this magic before leaving school.

When the Dementors surrounded Umbridge, even the Patronus around her could not bring much sense of security to Umbridge. She took a breath of cold air and quickly reached out and took it out of her pocket.

With the order of the Minister of Magic, he loudly shouted his intention to the dementors.

The dementors stopped their movements and floated quietly on the spot, waiting for Umbridge's orders.

Seeing this scene, the fear on Umbridge's face quickly faded, and her face was filled with confidence again. She bossily selected two dementors and asked them to perform the so-called secret mission: to drive away Harry Potter.


As long as Harry Potter was forced to use magic by the Dementors, Umbridge believed that Fudge would be happy to seize this opportunity and have Hogwarts expel Harry Potter directly.

As for being attacked by dementors?

Don't be kidding, Cornelius Fudge will never admit that there are dementors outside the control of the Ministry of Magic, let alone admit that the Ministry of Magic sent dementors to attack Harry Potter. Even if he guesses the truth, he will never admit it.

I will pretend not to know.

Blaming all of this on Harry Potter's delusion is very consistent with the setting that there is something wrong with the other party's brain.

However, Umbridge actually got one thing wrong. The Dementors were willing to obey her orders more because they wanted to leave Azkaban.

The number of prisoners here cannot fill the stomachs of the dementors, and going out on business has always been a favorite job of the dementors.

After receiving Umbridge's order, the two dementors had the right to operate in the Muggle world. They did not go to trouble Harry immediately, but ran to areas with dense Muggles.

Keep filling your stomach with muggle joy.

Wait until they are full before fulfilling Umbridge's orders.

As a result, a thrilling attack was quickly staged near Privet Drive.

The situation was even more tragic than expected. Under the influence of the Dementors, Harry was unable to summon his Patronus at all, and was directly pressed to the ground by the Dementors and rubbed away, sucking away a large amount of happiness.

If Umbridge hadn't repeatedly ordered the dementors not to kill Harry Potter, the savior might have had his soul sucked away by the dementors.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Albert couldn't help but wonder if it was because of his relationship that Harry Potter became so eccentric that he couldn't even deal with the Dementors?

Fortunately, Harry Potter finally had the protagonist's halo explode, successfully summoned the Patronus, drove away the dementors, and rescued his cousin Dali.

"Master, why don't you help Harry Potter?"

When the house elf Carla handed the camera to Albert, she asked her doubts.

"I'm helping Harry Potter." Albert said with a smile: "With the photos inside, Potter shouldn't be in big trouble next. As for the dementors, he needs to solve it by himself. The only way to get

Only through training will Potter be able to take a further step. Sometimes you either help him or you are kind to him."

The house elf was confused and felt that what Albert said seemed to make sense, because Harry Potter had indeed successfully overcome the difficulties.

Moreover, the house elf also believed that even if Harry Potter really failed to summon the Patronus, his master would reach out to give Harry Potter a hand in the end, so that the dementors would not really harm him.

Harry Potter.

"Okay, let's go back, and don't tell anyone about this." Albert glanced in the direction of Harry Potter, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. He was looking forward to the scene of Harry Potter's trial.


On the other side, after being notified by her assistant, Umbridge's face seemed to bloom like a chrysanthemum. She quickly read the document on the parchment, raised her head and said to her assistant, "Since Harry Potter has been

It's a violation of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. Please follow the rules of the Ministry of Magic."

Mafalda glanced at her boss, said nothing, turned around and walked away to deal with the matter.

She actually heard some rumors and thought it was suspicious because the spell Potter used was a patronus.

Who would use the Patronus Charm in front of Muggles?

She didn't think Potter was stupid.

Her intuition told her that this matter might have something to do with her boss, but these were not matters that Mafalda should be concerned about. She only needed to fulfill her responsibilities.

After her assistant left, Umbridge immediately went to inform Fudge of the good news, and also let Fudge know about her efficiency.

Fudge looked very excited when he got the news.

"you sure?"

"Yes, Mr. Potter used the Patronus Charm in a Muggle neighborhood not long ago in front of a Muggle." Umbridge put the parchment in front of Fudge. "He has violated it many times.

According to the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, the Ministry of Magic has the right to expel the other party."

"I think Dumbledore will be surprised." Fudge said happily.

"It's best to make this matter a solid case before Dumbledore reacts." Umbridge reminded, "For example: send representatives to Harry Potter's residence to destroy Harry Potter's wand."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, just follow the normal legal procedures of the Ministry of Magic." Fudge said happily.

The expression on Umbridge's face suddenly froze.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the minister's office.

"Minister, Dumbledore will discuss Harry Potter with you in ten minutes." After Percy knocked on the door and came in, he said to Fudge, "He seems to think there is something wrong with this matter, and he also said that he has mastered the power of soul-catching."

If there is no evidence that a monster attacked Potter, the Ministry of Magic has no right to fire Potter or destroy his wand."

"Dementors?" Fudge asked in surprise, "Are you sure he's right?"

"No, he did say that, and believed that Potter's use of the Patronus Charm was entirely self-protection and was a permitted and legal act."

"This is impossible, absolutely impossible. I would like to hear what Dumbledore is going to say." Fudge glanced at Umbridge, frowned and said, "What do you think?"

"It sounds a lot like quibbling. Maybe we should let him produce evidence." Umbridge thought for a while and suggested, "We can use the Wizengamot Tribunal to complete Harry Potter's trial, as long as it is slightly advanced.

If Dumbledore accidentally misses the time, we will soon be able to convict Potter."

"Is this really necessary?" Fudge raised his eyebrows slightly.

"No matter what Dumbledore's evidence is, it's best not to let him show it to avoid variables, if you really want to expel Harry Potter." Umbridge's opinion was finally adopted by Fudge.

This chapter has been completed!
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