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Chapter 988 Expectations

Along with a gust of breeze, the early morning sunlight sneaked through the gap between the lifted curtains and sprinkled on the big bed in the master bedroom.

Albert, who had a busy night last night, was still sleeping soundly, but Isobel beside him had already woken up and was staring sideways at Albert's peaceful sleeping face, seeming to admire his sleeping appearance.

"Time to wake up."

Isobel pushed Albert's shoulder gently, but the latter did not respond.

She stretched out her slender green-white fingers again and poked Albert's cheek. Albert, who was still sleeping, opened his eyes in a daze.


Albert reached out to cover his yawn and closed his eyes again.

Isobel leaned out of the bed and let the sheets slide off her snow-white skin. She stretched, leaned over and said to Albert, who was still trying to fall back asleep, "You promised to get up and accompany me for morning exercise."

"You can ask Katrina."

Albert reached out his hand to cover his yawn again, turned over and wanted to go back to sleep.

"I think you also need to exercise, which will help you maintain your figure and physical fitness." Isobel looked at Albert who was about to be lazy, kissed his forehead and said, "Besides, didn't you say you have to get up early if you have something to do today?"

In the end, Albert failed to be lazy. Under Isobel's supervision, he got up, brushed his teeth, changed his clothes and went to the yard to exercise.

A breeze blew by, and the courtyard was filled with the faint fragrance of flowers. It was quiet, warm, and comfortable. Compared with the noisy magical world outside, this place was like a paradise.

The house elf Kara had prepared black tea in advance. After the two drank some black tea to replenish water, they began to stretch each other's bodies and then jog along the yard.

Albert was not lazy either and followed Isobel in running circles along the yard. During this time, Katrina also joined the jogging team.

Ever since Katrina was convinced by Isobel's theory that exercising more would help maintain youth, Katrina, who also didn't want to age quickly as an adult, also became a fan of exercise.

Mainly because of the precedent of Isobel.

In Katrina's eyes, Isobel now has rosy cheeks, a slender and perfect figure, and her whole body exudes youth and vitality. Coupled with the girl's unique temperament, she looks beautiful.

After finishing his run, Albert took the towel from the house elf and gave it to the McDougal sisters who were panting slightly.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead a little, sat in the sunroom to rest, listened to the music on the radio on the table, and flipped through the "Daily Prophet" on the table.

Isobel pulled Katrina to the soft mat next to her to do yoga.

To be honest, it looks quite eye-catching.

Albert withdrew his gaze and continued reading the headlines of the "Prophet Newspaper".

The original article about Harry Potter being suspected of being attacked by dementors has all disappeared, as if someone had erased the incident from the source.

The Ministry of Magic, no, it should be Fudge who doesn't want others to know about this.

However, the situation is not optimistic.

Sirius's radio broadcasts and magazines have quietly spread in the British wizarding world. Compared with the "Daily Prophet" which is unwilling to provide useful information, the "truth" published by Sirius's magazines and radio stations is sought after by some wizards.

In such a huge magical world, it is impossible for everyone to be a fool.

Anyone with any brain can see that there is something wrong with the content of the Daily Prophet.

Someone is deliberately targeting Dumbledore.

In fact, everyone doesn't mind having fun, but when the daily reports are all about smearing Dumbledore and Harry Potter without giving any useful reports, people are disgusted.

Although some people are confused by the news in the Daily Prophet, there are definitely others who are tired of it. They are the most loyal fans of the Defense Guide magazine and Wizards Lookout Radio.

In order to save the declining sales of the Daily Prophet, a lot of extra advertising space was added to the newspaper.

Albert saw Fred and George's advertisement on it, and even Lee Jordan put the Wizard card on the advertising column of the "Daily Prophet", but Albert was very doubtful about the conversion rate of the advertisement because he himself

I almost never watch ads.

"Well, it's time to give the store a name." Albert put down the newspaper and picked up the "Defense Express" lying next to him.

Most of the content in this issue of "Defense Guide" is information obtained from Spain.

Sirius even wrote about Fudge's recent crimes in a magazine. He was obviously disgusted by the Minister of Magic's actions.

Unlike Sirius in the novel, Sirius was happy to have fun for Fudge after receiving some advice from Albert.

According to the intelligence received by the house elf Dobby, the Ministry of Magic has been discrediting the "Defense Guide" and has people secretly recover and destroy those magazines. They even tried to capture Sirius and Lupin, but unfortunately they never succeeded.

"How about Wizard's Lookout?"

Albert asked the house elf Dobby again. Unlike Kara, Dobby was better at running around and could help Albert collect intelligence from the outside world.

"Not many wizards know about this radio station." Dobby, the house elf, said sharply, "However, the Ministry of Magic already knows about the radio station. They have also tried to shut it down, but they have never found the source of the radio broadcast."

"Protected by the Loyalty Charm, it's really a ghost if you can find it." Albert was not surprised at all by this.

"Mr. Abforth from the Hog's Head pub really likes this radio channel." Dobby continued, "He often plays it in the pub."

"However, people outside are more interested in the master becoming the youngest duel champion. It is rumored that the master defeated a very powerful and cruel dark wizard and ruined the duel stage." Speaking of this matter, the house elf's

My eyes shine brightly, because those contents are basically true.

"Master, here is your urgent letter."

Kara hurried over and handed the letter stamped with the "w" seal of the Ministry of Magic to Albert.

This was a letter from the Ministry of Magic, and of course he knew what it meant.

Albert put down the "Defense Letter", opened the letter, quickly glanced at the content above, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

There is no doubt that this letter comes from the Wizengamot. The content of the letter is to ask Albert to go to the Ministry of Magic to participate in a trial. As for whose trial it is, it is naturally the famous Harry Potter.

This is the benefit that becoming a duel champion brings to Albert, otherwise the Wizengamot would most likely not send him an invitation letter.

According to Bard, Albert's replacement position in the Wizengamot has been secured, and no one will openly oppose it, especially after knowing that Albert defeated an extremely threatening dark wizard in the duel competition, even if he

Even a fool knows it's time to shut up.

It's just that he is strong, has many titles, and doesn't care about the Wizengamot title.

Of course, politicians can shamelessly ignore these halo titles, but Abbott also has people to help him.

Albert took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, then said hello to the girls: "I have to go out."

"Where are you going?" Isobel asked with a frown. She didn't like Albert running around for fear that he would do something dangerous again.

"The Ministry of Magic, the Wizengamot sent a letter inviting me to attend a trial." Albert said happily: "I have no reason to miss Harry Potter's trial."

"Be careful on the road." Isobel kissed Albert's forehead and asked, "Will you come back for breakfast later?"

"If you haven't come back before nine o'clock, you don't have to wait for me to have breakfast,"

Albert stood up, took a piece of bread with blueberry jam from the house elf Kara, and prepared to go to the bathroom to take a shower before heading to the Ministry of Magic.

"However, I think it won't take too long. Maybe I'll be back while you guys are having breakfast."

It doesn't take much time to take a cold shower. Albert picked up the wand and waved it over his body. All the liquid on his body evaporated, and his clothes automatically flew to him.

Before he left, Dobby the house elf was waiting outside.

After changing the place, Albert directly apparated and appeared around the Ministry of Magic's guest phone box. He had been here once before and was familiar with all the procedures.

Albert did not wear the badge provided by the phone booth, but pinned a delicate silver "W" badge on his left chest, tapped his clothes with his wand, and changed into the purple-red of the Wizengamot in the blink of an eye.

Standard robe.

There was a ding, and as soon as Albert stepped out of the elevator, he saw two acquaintances.

"Long time no see, Mr. Budd, and Mr. Serra." Albert greeted the two old acquaintances in front of him skillfully.

"We were just betting on whether you would be late." Bud put his pocket watch back into his pocket and said to the old man beside him with a smile, "Old man, don't forget your wine."

"Okay, remember to come to my place in two days." Sierra didn't care, because the bottle of wine was the one he won from Bud last time.

The two old men were so bored and just wanted to have some fun with each other.

"I actually don't really want to come today." Bud winked at Albert and said, "But I heard today's trial will be interesting."

"Then don't come. I originally wanted to be Albert's guide into the Wizengamot." Sera muttered dissatisfied.

"I don't think he needs that."

"I've heard a lot about your deeds recently." Sierra smiled and took off the communication bracelet on her hand and said, "Well, by the way, this thing is quite effective. If more communication bracelets can be linked in the future,

If so, I think it is definitely a great invention.”

"This is not my invention. Muggles have similar things." Albert didn't have the habit of taking all the credit on himself. "Besides, if you want to improve it, it's up to me alone."

It is definitely not enough and more people need to work hard for it.”

"I like your modesty, but excessive modesty is not good." Sierra was very satisfied that Albert was not complacent because of this: "However, you are right, this thing is already very perfect. If you want to improve it further,

More wizards need to put more effort into it."

"Come on, stop complimenting each other and making people laugh. Let's go over and see what Fudge called us here to do." Bud looked at the two people speechlessly. However, he did not deny that the communication phone invented by Albert

Rings are indeed very practical, at least for conveying short messages.

Three members of the Wizengamot wearing purple robes together are still very conspicuous in the hall of the Ministry of Magic. Another reason is that Albert is too young and actually wears a symbol of the Wizengamot members.

The robes and wizards were all stunned by this scene.

When several people were riding in the elevator, Albert met an old friend again; Huttok Dagworth.

After Huttok looked up and down, he smiled and said to Albert: "I dare say you can break Dumbledore's record and become the youngest member of the Wizengamot."

"I just hope the trial can go quickly. I was just getting ready to have breakfast." Albert greeted the old friend in front of him.

"By the way, thank you for your notes. I think I should be able to cook it successfully in one go."

"When you're done, you'd better show it to me." Hutok teased, "But I thought you would be very excited."

"If you have paid special attention, you will find that there are countless halos on my head, which are so piercing that everyone can hardly open their eyes." Albert raised his finger and pointed to the top of his head, saying in a joking tone, "

By the way, this is for you."

"What is this?" Hutok took the silver card in confusion.

"If I hold a wedding next year, I will use this thing to inform you of the specific time and location." Albert said in French, "You must have heard some rumors, it will not be safe next year."

"Really?" Hutok was a little surprised.

"Anyway, I've already hidden myself. Please take care of your own safety." Albert said, it's up to you whether you believe it or not. I've already warned you."

"No, I'm talking about you getting married?" Hutok is still single.

"Maybe. Anyway, I've informed you in advance, probably next summer."

The elevator had reached the ground floor. They were the last group of passengers. They got off the elevator and walked along the corridor for a while before arriving at a gloomy black door.

"It seems we are lucky, the trial has not started yet,"

The four of them crowded in and found a seat in the corner to sit down.

Albert met many old friends here, some waved to welcome him, and Albert waved back to them with a smile.

Of course, he was not Galleon and could not be liked by everyone. After he came to the trial room, some people gave him unfriendly looks.

Albert didn't pay attention, but looked up in the direction of Fudge, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, Albert is still looking forward to the day when Fudge will sit here and be judged, and there is someone who is more diligent than him in this matter.

Several people quickly figured out the reason for using the courtroom today.

"What the hell, the courtroom was actually used just for this kind of thing." Hutok muttered, obviously the unlucky guy who was called here early in the morning to attend the trial.

"Actually, I think that person would rather Dumbledore sit there and be tried!" Albert said softly.

"I heard that you destroyed the duel venue in Spain." Mog came over and greeted Albert.

"That's pure slander."

"However, the title of the youngest duel champion is very cool. When it was passed back, I almost shocked a lot of people." Mog said with a smile.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and the door of the trial room was pushed open again.

This chapter has been completed!
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