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Chapter 992 Weasleys new trick

After soaking in the hot spring, Albert slept soundly, but maybe he was too tired. Isobel was more enthusiastic than expected, probably because they were about to be separated again!

For lovers who are passionately in love, being separated for a long time is difficult to endure.

After all, this is the wizarding world, not the world in the previous life where the Internet was developed and everyone was relatively indifferent to many things.

"Bit has confirmed that there is no problem in Hogsmeade Village. You go there first and be careful on the road!" Albert glanced at the parchment, which showed the map of Hogsmeade Village. He had already confirmed that there was no one near the safe house.

You can apparate directly to the door.

"The same goes for you, and you, please be safe on the road."

After Isobel kissed the cheeks of Albert and Katrina respectively, under Katrina's complaining eyes, she walked into the box and asked the house elf Dobby to help send it to Hogsmeade Village.

"She looks more and more like my mother now." Katrina sighed.

"She's just worried about your safety."

Albert looked at Katrina who took out a handkerchief to wipe her face and said: "We should go to the station. As for our luggage, Dobby the house elf will help us take it to school."

At this moment, both of them had put on wizard robes, and then disappeared into thin air under Albert's wand.

"After passing by, go directly to the prefect's carriage." Albert instructed.

"I'm not a child." Katrina didn't like to be treated like a child.

"In her eyes, you will always be a child, just like I think of my sister." Albert didn't pay much attention, and stretched out his hand to Katrina: "Let's go too!"

"In your eyes, I'm just a...little girl?" Katrina was a little dissatisfied.

"of course not."

Albert directly apparated to platform nine and three-quarters. Their sudden appearance shocked the wizards around him.

However, when people followed the crackling sound, they found that there was nothing there, because Albert and Katrina, who had used the Disguise Curse, had already left their place and walked towards the train next to the platform.

After entering the carriage, Albert lifted the illusion spell on the two of them.

"Your Illusion Charm is really clever."

Katrina found that no one noticed anyone passing under her nose along the way.

"If you want to learn, I can teach you. However, we'd better go directly to the prefects' carriage now." Albert turned around and walked through the corridor towards the prefects' carriage. He found that many people were looking at them curiously.

Many girls even stared at Albert unabashedly, and some even pressed their faces against the glass window of the carriage just to have a look at the legendary youngest duel champion.

Although the news that Abbott won the championship was suppressed by the Daily Prophet, the Daily Prophet is not the only newspaper in the UK. There are still many newspapers willing to report the news of his victory.

Of course, there are also reasons why some people spread it deliberately.

The youngest duel champion in history.

They passed through several carriages and soon came to the prefects' carriage. Albert took out the student union president's badge from his pocket and pinned it on his chest.

Then, he reached out and pushed the door open.

After hearing the door opening, the entire carriage suddenly became quiet. Everyone turned to look over, and some of them smiled and greeted the two of them.

Albert and Katrina went to the front row of the carriage, where it was more convenient to talk to other prefects later.

To be honest, he regretted not bringing Tom with him, otherwise he could tease him to pass the time.

After waiting for a while, the two people finally arrived in a hurry. They were Gryffindor prefects Hermione and Ron. They dragged their luggage into the carriage and sat down in the free seats.

"Okay, everyone is here."

Albert took out the parchment, cleared his throat and said, "Now, let me talk about the powers you have and the responsibilities you should perform after becoming prefects."

In fact, when they became the President of the Student Union, Professor McGonagall added a few more pieces of parchment to the letter.

The above are all instructions given by the male and female student council presidents to the prefects below.

Albert waved his magic wand and directly transformed a dozen copies, letting the parchment float in front of the prefects.

"I will just talk about a few key points, and you can read the rest by yourself. If you have any questions, I will leave time for you to ask questions after I finish speaking."

Albert didn't care about other people's whispers and began to talk about the responsibilities of prefects, such as patrolling on the train, maintaining order, stopping students from fighting and playing in school, and using prohibited items when necessary.

Provide help to the professors at Hogwarts, and the new prefects of each house need to guide the new students in their respective houses.

After talking about his responsibilities, Albert casually mentioned the rights that the superiors had, such as having their own conference room, being able to use the prefects' bathroom in the castle, etc.

All the prefects were stunned. They originally thought that Albert would speak for a long time, but it ended in less than five minutes.

This is too short, it’s just perfunctory!

"Okay, let me mention one last thing." Albert paused deliberately, glanced at the prefects in the carriage and said: "Our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is from the Ministry of Magic, which means that the Ministry of Magic intends to interfere with Hogwart

This is not a good sign, there is almost no similar precedent before."

Albert ignored the whispers below and continued, "I hope that when you return to your respective colleges, you will remind the students in your colleges not to have any unpleasant conflicts with our Defense Against Dark Arts professor, and not to give her any trouble for you.

Don't try to reason with the other person, because she is a professor and you are students. No matter whether you are reasonable or not, you can't reason with her."

"Okay, I'll be blunt. My friends at the Ministry of Magic revealed to me that our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's reputation is not very good. Do you understand what I mean?" Albert glanced around, calmly.

He said, "Anyway, no one has taught this course for more than a year."

After speaking, Albert looked at the positions of Hermione and Ron, and his meaning was already obvious.

"Finally, I would like to give you a kind reminder. If someone deliberately reveals what I just said to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, I will curse him to have ugly freckles on his face, the kind that can never be cured." Albert

He looked at the Slytherin students with a smile and said, "If you don't believe it, you can try it."

"Okay, if you have any questions, just ask!"

"What about our Defense Against the Dark Arts class?" Ernie MacMillan from Hufflepuff raised his hand and asked: "We have the O.w.Ls exam this year. Can you tell us the key points of the exam?"

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid not. I also have a lot of things to do this semester. You can only ask questions about prefects. I won't answer other questions."

"What if the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor takes the initiative to cause trouble for us?" Hermione raised her hand and asked. She was asking for Harry. The meaning of Albert's words was already obvious.

"I think as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic, she will not be so shameless and cause trouble for students." Albert paused and continued, "Of course, if that happens, I suggest you take the initiative to stay away from her.

Ignore her. Well, you can also ask Professor McGonagall to solve the problem, but don't expect any results. During the semester when the Ministry of Magic interferes with Hogwarts, a lot of unpleasant things will definitely happen."

"Okay, if you don't have any other questions, I suggest that the new prefects patrol other cars to let everyone know you."

"Also, I think that for you who can become prefects, this situation should not exist, but I still have to remind you not to bully others based on your status as a prefect. The status of prefect means more responsibility than

that power."

"You really like to be lazy."

Katrina complained that this guy only took a quarter of an hour.

"You talk too much and people don't like to listen. If you don't understand, they will naturally look at the parchment. If they still don't understand, they will naturally come and ask us." Albert said lightly.

Hermione hurried over, stood in front of Albert, and asked in a low voice, "Do you think the Ministry of Magic sent professors to Hogwarts this time to target Harry?"

"It's aimed at Dumbledore, Potter is just incidental. The Ministry of Magic has actually wanted to get involved in Hogwarts for a long time, but Dumbledore is too strong. Now is an opportunity for them. I think she will probably fight hard.

Drive Dumbledore away, and then pass the laws of the Ministry of Magic to make yourself the new headmaster."

"Anderson really said that."

After finishing patrolling the carriage, Hermione told Harry about the conversation they had just had.

"Well." Hermione nodded and said, "Harry, it's best not to cause trouble when you get to school. This is Anderson's reminder to you."

"I never wanted to cause trouble on my own initiative. Things always come to me on their own." Harry protested angrily.

"Did Anderson say what to do?" Ron asked worriedly.

"Drive away the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, or send him to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries." Hermione hesitated for a moment, then spoke with a twitching face and the solution given by Albert.

Harry, Ron and Ginny all looked at Hermione with their mouths open.

"That guy is really cruel," Ron muttered. "How long do you plan to keep her there?"

"He is a good man."

A girl's voice came from the side, it was Luna who was flipping through "The Quibbler."

"So good that I want to send him to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies." Ron said angrily.

"The Defense Against the Dark Arts professors at Hogwarts are not very good. Maybe she can escape by going to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Maladies." Luna said casually, "Albert must have thought of this, he is really

A good man."

Ginny looked at her friend, not knowing what to say.

"Are the people at the Ministry of Magic crazy, or is the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor really not afraid of curses?" Harry muttered.

"I think you are crazy." Malfoy appeared at the door of the carriage at some point, "Everyone knows that there is something wrong with the famous Harry Potter."

As he said this, Malfoy pointed to his head, and laughed together with his surrounding friends Goyle and Crabbe.

"Oh, did your father help me convey the message to Voldemort?" Harry didn't care about Malfoy's ridicule, but asked expressionlessly.

The smiles on the faces of the three people froze.

"It seems not. Remember to write a letter to Lucius for me and ask him not to forget to tell me." Harry said calmly.

"How dare you..." Malfoy was trembling with anger at Harry's words.

"Why, do you have anything else to do?" Harry turned around and asked.

"How does it feel to be defeated by Weasley, Potter?" Malfoy sneered.

"Shut up, Malfoy," Hermione snapped.

"It seems I've touched a sore spot." Malfoy said with a proud smile, "Okay, Potter, can you..."

"you're so boring."


"I said you're so boring." Harry said with a look of disgust on his face, "Don't disturb others here if you have nothing to do."

With that said, Harry took out his wand, waved lightly towards the Malfoys and the other three, invited the three of them out of the carriage, and then closed the carriage door.

"Harry!" Hermione said dissatisfied.

"As you can see, Malfoy deliberately stirs up trouble, even if I ignore them, it's useless." Harry put the wand back into his pocket, shrugged at Hermione, "Trouble usually comes to you.


"Okay Hermione," Ron agreed, "That's not Harry's problem."

"Yes, that's not Harry's problem." Ginny agreed.

"Harry, promise me to stay away from the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor after you go to school." Hermione was a little helpless and worried about Harry's situation at school.

"I will."

Harry turned his head and looked at the rain outside the window. Although he said this, he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

Sirius also warned him to stay away from the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor named Umbridge.

But...why did Fred and George say this year will be fun?

Harry stood up and walked outside.

"Harry, where are you going?" Hermione asked immediately.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Go find Fred and George." Harry said.

"What do you want from them?" Ron asked puzzledly.

"Inquire about something."

Seeing Harry walking outside, Hermione and Ron looked at each other and stood up to follow him.

They soon found Fred's carriage. Albert was not here. Fred and Lee Jordan were playing wizard cards, and George was flipping through a magazine.

"Is something wrong?"

"What are you going to do?" Harry asked straight to the point. He was sure that the group of bold guys in front of him must be planning to do something.

"We're not going to do anything." George smiled more and more kindly.

"Is there any way to get Umbridge away?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you have a grudge? Oh, you do have a grudge." George nodded and said, "It's difficult. It's best not to do that."

"If you don't want that guy to cause trouble for you, give her a forgetting spell to make her forget to cause trouble for you." Li Jordan suggested with a smile.

"Okay, I was just joking." After seeing Hermione's eyes, he changed his words, "But Umbridge is not a good person."

"If you don't want to go to her class, I have a good idea." George took out a few candies from his pocket and introduced them to a few people, "Quick-acting skipping candies, after eating them, various symptoms of illness will appear.


"Various symptoms?" Ron asked as he picked up one.

"Yes, there are about seven or eight kinds of symptoms, including diarrhea. Of course, we don't recommend diarrhea." Fred laughed maliciously, "If Umbridge wants to cause trouble for you one day,

If you just eat this and faint in front of her, or suddenly vomit all over her, I think her expression will be quite wonderful."


"Don't worry, the quick-acting truant candy is very safe. We have tested it ourselves, and there is an antidote, so there will be no problems." George's smile became more and more unscrupulous.

Hermione suddenly had a hunch that in the future, Hogwarts School might often see people falling ill in class and being sent to the school hospital.

This chapter has been completed!
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