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Chapter 842: One leaf blinds the eyes

Although the magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield generator has been successfully tested.

But there is still a long way to go before plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology.

However, the phased results already have certain application value.

He led a group of people back to his office. As soon as he sat down, Academician Wang Yong couldn't wait to grab Xu Chuan and asked: "If it's convenient, can you tell me about this magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield generator in detail?


"How do you achieve the generation and stable control of magnetic polaron fields?"

Xu Chuan smiled and simply replied: "Unified framework theory of strongly correlated electronic systems!"

Hearing these four words, Academician Wang Yong was obviously stunned for a moment, frowned and thought hard for a while, and then said uncertainly: "It's not that I haven't read the theory of strongly correlated electron systems, but...

.Is there such a theoretical point in it?”

On the side, Academician Wang Enge also cast a doubtful look.

They must have read the top paper in physics such as the unified framework theory of strongly correlated electron systems.

Not only have I read it, but I must have read and studied it more than once.

But they can be sure that the paper they read does not contain the theory of how to verify and create magnetic monopoles and magnetic polarization fields. Is there another version?

A smile appeared on Xu Chuan's lips, and he simply answered the question: "Quantum spin!"

It is impossible to have another version, but the unified framework theory of strongly correlated electron systems is not so easy to be completely understood, even if the target is an academician in the field of physics, even if this theory has been available for several years


Just like Einstein's gravitational field equation in general relativity, its mathematical solution is still a very difficult problem so far if the energy-momentum tensor is taken into consideration.

Even Einstein himself could only derive multiple predictions using approximate methods.

For example, in 1917, Einstein applied the gravitational field equation to the entire universe, creating the field of cosmological application of the theory of relativity.

Although Friedmann and Lemaître later obtained the solution to the expanding universe from the gravitational field equations, Hubble observed the expansion of the universe, making this result the biggest mistake that Ai Lao thought he had ever made.

But this does not affect the importance of the gravitational field equation at all.

In addition to the cosmological applications of relativity, general relativity also predicted and verified the precession of Mercury, the bending of light by gravity, explained the expansion of the universe, discovered black holes, predicted gravitational waves... and so on.

To this day, the physics community is still continuously studying this paper, which can be called the greatest paper of the 20th century, and has successfully verified the predictions it made from time to time.

If general relativity is a masterpiece about gravity, then the unified framework theory of strongly correlated electron systems is the core theory of condensed matter physics.

Pulling out a blackboard from the corner, Xu Chuan picked up the marker in the pen basket, scrawled a few lines of calculations on the blackboard, and then continued.

"...Suppose the quantum state ψ can be obtained by another state φ after being operated by the operator L....."

"In condensed matter physics, the behavior of the electronic system can usually be regarded as a gas (free electron gas). The "electrons" here can be quasiparticles."

"For example, conduction band electrons in crystals, or single particle excitations in other interacting systems - that is to say, it is originally a liquid, but it can still be regarded as a gas through a simple approximation.

"Therefore, when the interaction is small, it can be approximated by free electrons; when the interaction is large, a Mott insulator will be formed, and the degree of freedom of electron or quasi-particle motion is frozen, leaving only the degree of freedom of spin. At this time, large freedom can be achieved

An effective spin model can be obtained by expanding the degree..."

After staring at the calculations on the whiteboard for a long time, Academician Wang Enge frowned and said:

"Is this...a corollary to the quantum spin of the unified framework theory of strongly correlated electron systems?"

Although he is not a mathematician, he is mainly engaged in condensed matter physics research, so he has naturally read countless times about the unified framework theory of strongly correlated electronic systems.

But for the derivation of electronic systems, or quasi-particle systems, I have never thought that it could be developed in this way.

Looking at Academician Wang Enge who was deep in thought, Xu Chuan nodded slightly and said with a smile: "That's right."

On the surface, the improvement of the magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield generator is due to solving the Zeeman split and improving the cyclotron resonance frequency of the magnetic polaron in parabolic quantum dots.

But in fact, the core reason is the magnon lattice excitation device based on the unified framework theory of strongly correlated electron systems.

Without this, even if he knew that the magnetic monopole was a quasi-particle, he would not be able to excite it to form a magnetic polaron electromagnetic field.

While Academician Wang Enge was still thinking, Gao Hongming on the side couldn't wait to ask: "Can this magnetic field shield be installed on equipment such as aircraft carriers and space shuttles?"

Xu Chuan thought for a moment and said, "If what you want to ask about is a comprehensive defense application, I'm afraid it's not possible yet."

"Although the magnetic polaron electromagnetic field is pretty good according to the current laboratory test data. But for high-power microwaves and electromagnetic attack protection, it is not the magnetic polaron electromagnetic field, but the plasma wall that is effective."

"But the plasma wall technology is still under research, so we can't lay a layer of plasma glow panels outside the aircraft carrier."

Gao Hongming quickly asked: "If it's a comprehensive one, what about a local one? For example, it should be feasible to partially deploy such a system in an important area, right?"

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said: "Judging from the current situation, there shouldn't be any big problems."


After a slight pause, he continued: "However, when the magnetic polariton electromagnetic field is operating, it will not only intercept external electromagnetic attacks, but also intercept internal communications."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "In short, its electromagnetic shielding is comprehensive and does not distinguish between friend and foe. There is currently no way to solve this problem."

Hearing this, Gao Hongming frowned. This was indeed a difficult problem.

The shielding method that does not distinguish between friend and foe is indeed a very troublesome thing for electronic equipment.

On the other hand, Academician Wang Yong on the side smiled and said: "This is easy to solve."

Hearing this, everyone in the office looked over. Gao Hongming asked excitedly: "Academician Wang, do you have any idea?"


Academician Wang Yong shook his head and said with a smile: "You have entered a misunderstanding. If it is a comprehensive protection problem, it is indeed difficult to solve."

"But local protection is only partial. The radio electromagnetic signals are shielded, and the information in the protected area can be transmitted through wired methods and transferred to other unprotected areas."

Hearing this answer, Xu Chuan was slightly stunned.

This is really a blind eye.

Wireless electromagnetic signals are intercepted, and they can transmit signals in the protected area through special data lines.

Of course, this method is limited to local protection.

If it is a comprehensive defense, this method will be useless. After all, they cannot connect a network cable to an aircraft carrier or a space shuttle.

So this solution is only temporary, and the best way is to solve the problem of wireless communication.

After all, the original purpose of this technology was to apply it to the space shuttle so that it could deal with various cosmic rays, fine dust, etc. that would be encountered while sailing in space.

And wireless communication is too important for space navigation.

Hearing this method, Gao Hongming's eyes lit up, he took a deep breath, stood up, looked at the academicians in the room and spoke solemnly.

"Thank you for your hard work, academicians. On behalf of the country, I would like to say thank you."

The importance of plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology is no exaggeration to say that it can directly change the shape of future warfare.

Regardless of the purpose for which it was developed, in order to protect the spacecraft from the effects of cosmic radiation and dust in space, it provides important safety guarantees for future moon and Mars exploration missions;

Whether it is used to protect military equipment, important military facilities and critical national infrastructure from the threats of "invisible killers" such as electromagnetic pulse weapons, it is crucial.

Xu Chuan smiled nonchalantly and said, "You don't have to be so polite."

Although he is not very interested in equipment research and development in the military industry, he would still be happy to see it if his research could contribute to the national defense industry.

After all, only when the motherland is strong can it have more say.

Whether it is the miniaturization of controllable nuclear fusion technology, or plasma and electromagnetic deflection shields, etc., although they can be used for civilian purposes, to be honest, these technologies are more for military purposes.

Of course, for him, he is usually only responsible for theoretical and technical research and development.

As for how to apply these technologies to equipment such as aircraft carriers or space shuttles, that is the task of the Military Equipment Division.

In addition, another point is that the patents and intellectual property rights related to these technologies are in the hands of Xinghai Research Institute, that is, in his hands.

Although the military profits are far less than the benefits brought by controllable nuclear fusion, for the research institute, this is already a considerable amount of income.

Although the purpose of studying these technologies itself is not to make money.

Gao Hongming looked at Xu Chuan and said sincerely: "Academician Xu, I leave it to you to develop the plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology."

"If you need help with anything, please just ask."

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "Yes."


The breakthrough in magnetic polaron electromagnetic field technology almost caused two academicians, Wang Yong and Wang Enping, who had traveled thousands of miles to forget their purpose and leave with Gao Hongming.

Fortunately, before leaving, I remembered the mathematical problems related to the electromagnetic rail gun and stayed.

As for Gao Hongming, although he himself came with us to promote the research and development of electromagnetic railgun-related technologies, the breakthrough of the electromagnetic shield and magnetic polaron field forced him to leave early.

This kind of important news related to the national destiny must be kept strictly confidential, and the fewer people know about it, the better.

Therefore, he could only go to the capital to report this matter to the leaders in person.


At the same time, in the Xinghai Research Institute, Xu Chuan summoned the researchers of the magnetic polaron and electromagnetic shield technology project team to the conference room and held a brief impromptu meeting.

"...First of all, congratulations on the breakthrough of magnetic polaron and electromagnetic shield technology. You have worked hard during this period."

"However, regarding the magnetic polaron and electromagnetic shield technology, it has been completed so far, but the related thesis theory may not be made public in the short term."

"After all, things involving national security are not suitable for public publicity, including commendation meetings, and there may not be any."

In the conference room, Li Kaichang, who is responsible for the research and development of magnetic polaron and electromagnetic shield technology, smiled and said: "It's nothing. The overall situation is more important. Papers and the like are not important."

On the side, several other researchers also nodded and expressed their understanding.

When they were invited to participate in this project, they had considered what would happen after the project was completed.

After all, the importance of plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology is a key point of confidentiality for any country.

Although it is a pity that I cannot write this honor on my resume, being able to participate in such historical research is something to be proud of for a lifetime.

Xu Chuan's eyes fell on the research team headed by Li Kaichang. Looking at this group of middle-aged men, he smiled and said:

"Although things like honors may not be available in a short time, the relevant rewards will definitely be there, whether it is bonuses, wages, or other things. Everyone can rest assured."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Hearing this, several major core researchers in the conference room also had smiles on their faces.

Although everyone has made relevant preparations for a long time, scientific researchers are also human beings and have families and lives. Naturally, they will be happy to receive higher wages and bonuses.

After a slight pause, Xu Chuan continued: "In addition, although the research and development of magnetic polaron and electromagnetic shield technology has come to an end, the plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology is still in progress."

"So I will give you two choices regarding where everyone will go next."

"One is to continue to participate in the research and development of plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology and cooperate with the work of researcher Zhang Ming."

"The other is to return to the original position, continue research work or take a break, or prepare to apply for new projects."

"The institute does not force you to make choices in this regard. It is up to everyone's wishes. If you want to stay and continue to participate in the research and development of plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology, you can also take a break for a while..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Kaichang raised his hand first and said without any hesitation: "I choose to participate in the research and development of plasma walls."

For him who has already participated in the research and development of magnetic polaron and electromagnetic shield technology, it would be a pity if he did not continue to participate in the research and development of plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology.

This kind of technology can only be encountered once in a lifetime. If you miss it, it would be a pity.

With Li Kaichang taking the lead, several other core researchers also raised their hands, expressing their desire to stay and continue to participate in the research and development of plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology.

Xu Chuan smiled, not surprised by these people's choices.

"In this case, I will inform Researcher Luo Ming to integrate team resources as soon as possible, and hope to complete the research and development of plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology as soon as possible."

As he spoke, he looked at the only researcher in the conference room who was not a researcher at Xinghai Research Institute, Academician Ming Chengbi.

The old academician from the Naval Equipment Department raised his eyebrows and said, "What, you're going to drive me away before the research and development is completed?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Now that Academician Ming has a choice, let's go with Li Kaichang and the others. I can rest assured that you will always be in charge."

He knew that Mr. Ming would not leave until the plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology was fully developed.

This is his mission, and it is also the mission that he has always taken the initiative to shoulder.


This chapter has been completed!
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