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Chapter 889: The real purpose of Xiaomi

In the office, Mr. Lei from Xiaomi Group had some curiosity and interest in his eyes.

The national treasure scholar in front of him invited him over. It was related to carbon-based chips but had nothing to do with research and development. He had more or less guessed what it was about.

If he guessed correctly, it should be related to the subsequent marketing and promotion of carbon-based chips.

Of course, this is a good thing for him and Xiaomi Group, and it is also what they are best at.

Opposite the sofa, Xu Chuan thought for a while, then organized his speech and said: "According to my plan for carbon-based chips, the first chip that can be commercialized will be available within half a year at the latest."

"Its performance does not exceed that of the current mainstream chips. As long as it catches up to the previous level or even the second level, its domestic market is destined to expand rapidly."

"But I think Mr. Lei, you should also know very well that the expansion of related industrial parks and production lines will take time."

After a slight pause, he looked at Lei Jun and continued: "To be honest, Xiaomi was not in the original plan."

"Mr. Lei knows that even if carbon-based chips are commercialized, the first batch of supplies will only be related companies involved in research and development, as well as those responsible for procurement by agencies."

"Whether it is the domestic or foreign mobile phone market and the expansion of chip-related markets, it will not start until the second or even third batch of supply chains are completed."

Hearing this, Lei Jun was keenly aware of the meaning of these words, and asked with some surprise and excitement: "Do you have any ideas to promote Xiaomi into the supply chain of the first batch of carbon-based chips?"

Naturally, he knew what Xu Chuan said.

Even if carbon-based chips mature, it will be difficult to deploy them in a short period of time like silicon-based chips.

Because this requires building supply chains and production lines.

Just like Qualcomm and MediaTek, when every chip is updated, it is impossible to supply chips to all mobile phone manufacturers without restrictions. There must be a first-come, first-served basis. This is normal.

Generally speaking, good chips will be given priority to partners with long-term cooperative relationships, great market influence, and strong supply chain management capabilities.

But this is when the chip market is stable.

Carbon-based chips are an exception. They are another product that breaks the stability of the current silicon-based chip market, especially in China.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as carbon-based chips are available and their performance can meet the usage standards, various actions will be taken to prioritize the removal of silicon-based chips from domestic agencies.

Not to mention all, at least some sensitive ones will definitely be replaced first.

No country will allow its information lifeline to be in the hands of other countries if it chooses.

This is a huge market, but in theory, only the first batch of domestic manufacturers with carbon-based chips can eat this cake, or eat the biggest bite.

Originally, Lei Jun had no hope for these things.

He knows better than anyone what Xiaomi's strategic positioning is. Even if the commercialization of carbon-based chips is successfully completed, Xiaomi should be in the second or even third batch of carbon-based chips.

But now the situation seems a bit beyond his expectation?

Xu Chuan nodded slightly and said, "I do have this idea. This is also the purpose of me looking for you, Mr. Lei."

Taking a deep breath, Lei Jun forced himself to calm down a little, looked at Xu Chuan and asked: "If Xiaomi can enter the first batch of carbon-based chip supply chain, what should Xiaomi pay?"

There is no free lunch in the world. If Xiaomi is only allowed to join the first supply chain of carbon-based chips, there is no need for the person in front of me to talk to him about it in person. A notification is enough.

Even from another perspective, this kind of thing should be taken the lead by the National Development and Reform Commission and gather domestic manufacturers to hold meetings and discuss it, rather than going through the channels of Xinghai Research Institute.

Therefore, when the person in front of me came to him, there must be other exchanges.

Xu Chuan smiled, looked at Mr. Lei from Xiaomi and said, "Two things."

“First, after carbon-based chips entered Xiaomi, Xiaomi used the group’s marketing capabilities, including Mr. Lei himself, to comprehensively promote and promote carbon-based chips.”

Upon hearing the first request, Lei Jun did not hesitate and nodded directly in agreement: "This is no problem at all. Xiaomi and I can promote and market carbon-based chips in the best possible way."

If Xiaomi can join the first-tier carbon-based chip supply chain, promoting carbon-based chips is actually promoting Xiaomi.

This is actually not much different from their current promotion and marketing, it is just a change from Qualcomm and MediaTek chips to carbon-based chips.

And it will be more suitable, because carbon-based chips are made in China, which has a natural bonus for Chinese people.

As for foreign marketing methods, they are more diverse.

For example, what he just saw in the laboratory was a very prominent advantage in terms of power consumption that was first confirmed.

Stronger performance at the same level, lower power consumption, more advanced technology, etc. can all be used as marketing priorities and plans.

Moreover, carbon-based chips themselves are a huge marketing point.

When all chip manufacturers around the world are looking for ways to surpass silicon-based chips, the birth of carbon-based chips itself brings unparalleled popularity.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, there are conditions attached to promotion and marketing."

"You said."

Xu Chuan: "The introduction of carbon-based chips will inevitably encounter pressure from silicon-based chip manufacturers, such as the chips from Qualcomm and MediaTek that you are currently using."

"Xiaomi may be forced to choose between two options. What will you choose?"

Upon hearing this question, Lei Jun frowned.

Indeed, for Xiaomi mobile phones, which are currently extremely dependent on chip companies such as Qualcomm and MediaTek, they will be quite passive if they are forced to choose one of the two.

Xiaomi is not Warwick, and Warwick has no choice. It can only go as far as self-development or carbon-based chips.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! But Xiaomi is different. Although Xiaomi can indeed be said to be working for Qualcomm and MediaTek, there are still choices.

Especially since carbon-based chips have just come out, performance and other aspects may not necessarily be comparable to top silicon-based chips.

For Xiaomi's current strategic positioning, this is a gamble.

Moreover, the stakes are huge. If a mistake is made, the mobile phone business that took more than ten years to build may be completely destroyed.

Of course, if the bet is right, Xiaomi will definitely be able to take a step further and gain a head start in the global mobile phone market share.

With thoughts flowing in his mind, Lei Jun looked at Xu Chuan, took a deep breath, and said: "Xiaomi will choose to stand in the direction of carbon-based chips!"

Xu Chuan smiled and asked, "Are you sure?"

"You have to know that you haven't even seen a complete commercialized carbon-based chip at the moment, let alone what the carbon-based chip will look like in half a year, and whether its performance can catch up with silicon-based chips."

"If you make a mistake, it may ruin Xiaomi's entire mobile phone business. Don't you think more about it?"

"Anyway, what happened today is just a conversation. It will take half a year for carbon-based chips to be officially launched. Mr. Lei can think about it carefully when he gets back, and then he can reply to me after he is sure."

Lei Jun shook his head and said: "No need, Xiaomi will unswervingly stand on the side of carbon-based chips."

"I believe in my own vision and your ability, Academician Xu. You will not let me down."

With the absolute advantage of carbon-based chips, it no longer matters who has the initiative.

If Xiaomi really wants to develop, its only chance is to board this giant ship of the times.

If we are left behind by the times, the original Nokia will serve as a warning.

And not to mention the team, even if this person wanted to invest in Xiaomi, he would agree.

"Academician Xu, let's talk about the second thing directly."

Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, the second thing is actually my personal matter."

Hearing this, Lei Jun glanced at Xu Chuan with curiosity and surprise. What ability could he have to help this person in his personal matters?

It doesn’t seem like there is?

Xu Chuan ignored the curiosity on his face and continued: "This is why I first asked whether Xiaomi's strategic positioning would change in the next ten or twenty years."

"To put it simply, after the emergence of carbon-based chips, I am sure that they will definitely become the most high-end mainstream chips, but I need Xiaomi to continue to be a catfish."


Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, just like Xiaomi's current positioning, it is taking the best cost-effective route."

After a pause, he looked at Xiaomi's CEO Lei with a smile, and continued: "They say Xiaomi is a disruptor. No matter which field it enters, it can quickly bring down the price of products in this field."

"Maybe Xiaomi is not the best product, but at least it provides a relatively low price while ensuring product quality."

"I'm not a businessman, so I don't know how other people evaluate these things. But from the perspective of an ordinary person, I would rather have a disruptor like Xiaomi."

"So the second thing is very simple. I hope Xiaomi will continue to be a disruptor in the future and leave a path for most ordinary people to choose."

"Of course, this does not mean that I am restricting Xiaomi from going high-end or anything like that."

"Xiaomi can also compete in high-end products in the future, but I hope Xiaomi can retain this cost-effective, low-profit model. And it is not just a retention, but a relatively mainstream one, not one or two products.


After hearing the second condition, Lei Jun was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses.

He glanced at Xu Chuan and said with some surprise: "You are..."

He really didn’t expect that this person’s second condition would require Xiaomi to retain its cost-effective and low-profit products and models, leaving a path for most ordinary people to choose, and allowing Xiaomi to become a catfish in the industry.

Xiaomi was actually forced to take this path.

Because when Xiaomi joined the mobile phone industry, other brands such as Samsung, HTC, and Apple all started with mobile phones around 5,000 yuan. The brand reputation was also established, and the price and workmanship were all available.

Xiaomi wants to join, not to mention whether it can succeed, at least it won't be possible in the short term. Therefore, it can only break through the tight encirclement by lowering the price and adopting the route of high configuration and low price.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "If you are poor, you can live alone, and if you are rich, you can help the world. Just think of it as a choice I made from the perspective of an ordinary person."

"I think Mr. Lei should know very well that I really came from the countryside."

"Capital pursues profits and lies on the bodies of ordinary people to suck blood and eat flesh. In many cases, the real bottom has no choice."

“And the only thing that can change this phenomenon is a capability stronger than capital.”

"It just so happens that I now have the ability to do some such things."

"So I need Xiaomi to be a catfish and an anchor to stabilize the conscience of domestic capital."

Lei Jun asked curiously: "Does Academician Xu trust Xiaomi so much?"

Xu Chuan shook his head and said: "No, this has nothing to do with whether I believe in Xiaomi or not. It's just that Xiaomi is suitable."

"And for these things, after the carbon-based chips are released, I will formally arrange for people to discuss with Xiaomi, let people draw up a contract, and write these requirements and conditions into the contract to ensure stability."

"What I want is not a simple promise, what I want is the provisions and guarantees within the law."

After hearing these words, Lei Jun didn't think too much, and said with some emotion: "You remind me of a sentence I read when I was in school."

"Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the living and the people, carry forward the unique teachings of the past saints, and create peace for all generations!"

"If there is a saint in this era, you are the one."

Hearing this compliment, Xu Chuan smiled sheepishly.

Since the introduction of Hengqu's Four Sentences, it has been regarded as an ideal pursuit by intellectuals of all ages and serves as a spiritual guide for scholars.

Shaking his head, he said: "I am not a saint. I just want to do something within my ability."

Lei Jun smiled and praised: "But what you have done is famous all over the world and has an eternal charm. It is enough to rival the saints and leave your name in history."

Xu Chuan smiled, shook his head gently and said, "What about your choice, Mr. Lei?"

Lei Jun nodded and replied seriously: "Xiaomi is willing to be this catfish! Be the disruptor!"

"I don't know if I'm an idealist, but if I could, I would at least give it a try."

After a pause, he looked at Xu Chuan with a smile, a hint of helplessness in his tone, and continued: "Besides, in fact, Xiaomi doesn't have many other choices."

"The value for money approach has been deeply ingrained in our customer base, and our strategic positioning has determined Xiaomi's future from the beginning."

"It's not like we haven't tried high-end products, but they ended in failure every time."

"Perhaps carbon-based chips are an opportunity this time, but even if they are made, as you said, Academician Xu, Xiaomi can only separate a high-end series and give it a try."

"The overall positioning of Xiaomi Group can only be products with high cost performance."


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