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Chapter 22.35 (Part 2) Overcoming the difficulties

 In the south of the dome, the last group of demons and demons in Lingnan couldn't get through the territory of the spirit demons, so they began to go north through another path through the territory of the human race.

So in this area called Huyue Gorge, the conflict between humans and Lingnan demons began

The demons advanced along the mountain forest trail, gray and black swarming like ants across the rock face, and began to pour into the valley in a mighty manner.

The demons soon discovered that the scouts they sent had disappeared on some highlands.

The martial arts monks occupied high ground in various mountains in advance, carrying big bows and long steel arrows to shoot at the monsters one by one.

These arrows are not rune arrows and have no self-destruct function. However, after being shot, the mechanical structure will open four blades on all sides, which will crush the Qi-level flying monsters in their guts.

These little goblin scouts with their wings spread were harvested one by one by the human race's Ye Bushou archers. These human race foundation-building scouts quickly evacuated before being alerted by "Gaode" Xinggang to the presence of demonic elixir level beings escaping.

In war, surprise attacks are commendable. For example, like the Three Kingdoms, they suddenly set up ambushes in places such as Huarong Road, Mumen Road, and Shangfang Valley to kill the enemy.

However, the prerequisite for an ambush battle is based on the enemy's negligence or ignorance. In short, it is necessary to force the opponent until he becomes impatient. Only by "surprise attack" can he win.

Therefore, the main chapter of Wei Kengbing's book places great emphasis on regular warfare and not opportunism.

How to ensure the logistics of various supplies for the mobile army of our own army, and how to maximize the use of scouts to continuously attack the opponent's "eyes" in motion.

…Wei Keng: The matter of war, well, should be very complicated. I have to look for information.…

Finally, at the last pass of Tiger Leap Gorge, two thousand martial arts monks from the True Yuan Realm, led by twelve Tempering Realm warriors, marched faster than the demons.

The demon army marching scattered on the right side.

In this battle, the Taihe human army's choice of time to attack was commendable. It was in the early morning, because this monster was a forest python monster, and this type of monster is the most sluggish in the early morning.

So, just like this, after killing all the scouts in the air of the bat demon tribe that had just finished their night shift, the humans immediately turned their guns and pounced on these snake demons.

When the human martial arts monks arrived and clusters of spears protruded, these demon soldiers, large and small, ran away and cried like the humans who were suffering from the disaster in the North. The only difference was that humans ran with their legs, while these snake demons twisted and twisted.

He stretched out his body and breathed out the letter, climbing up the tree and down the river.

If this area wasn't the only way for the demon clan to swarm towards humans, looking at the humble appearance of these snake-human clans bleeding like rivers of blood, the human martial arts cultivators would actually look like cruel perpetrators.

In fact, if they swarm into human areas and are not contained, they will massacre human mortals, which is what they will do.

After the martial arts cultivators swept away, among the snake corpses everywhere, only a tiny bit of snake demon was left in the innermost circle.

The martial arts monks gathered around these snake demons and did not make a move, because these remaining snake demons were all female. They wore laurel wreaths on their heads and hugged each other quietly. Their snow-white arms and human faces, with oval-seed faces, were life-like.

It was a sign of affection, but the tail was trembling slightly.

The hot-blooded young men in Taihe Mountain have been tricked to some extent, and now I can't do anything to them. The charming half-human and half-temptresses hugged each other. They looked at the weapons and iron fire around them with tearful eyes.

"These humanoid monsters should not be killed unless they actively attack humans cunningly." Some martial arts cultivators who 'loved the beauty and cherished the jade' thought this way.

In response, the martial arts monk who planned the battle, Xu Luzhang (Quenching Realm), came here and coldly swept away the demons trapped in the battle formation, saying: "A demon is a demon, and the charm confuses the mind.

, should be killed.”

However, just when he was about to take action and the large ice crystals in the sky had condensed and were ready to sweep away, Wei Keng came to warn him.

Wei Keng: "It is true that you should be killed, but your descendants took action without understanding. What you are preaching is not truth, but your power! Promoting personal power may help you to be firm in martial arts, but for your comrades,

For Taoists, this is incomprehensible."

Chief Xu raised his head and said very respectfully: "Master, soldiers are valuable and quick, so what should we do?"

Wei Keng: "Since there are people who don't want to be killed, just cut off a small section of their tails so that they can't move this time."

Wei Keng thought silently in his heart: If the tail is not willing to be chopped off, it means that he is really seduced by the charm, his lust has aroused, and his true nature has been lost. You may not kill the weak on the battlefield, but you must not look down on the weak.

Just like that, Xu Luzhang threw out a guillotine and asked these Zhenyuan warriors to use iron hooks to hook these demonic snakes out. The guillotine cut off their tails one by one, and when they cut out the tails, they pressed their heads into the pool.

, to prevent it from screaming.

A quarter of an hour later, only these trembling monsters with coiled snake bodies were left in the valley.

The human monks moved towards the next place, and a few hours later, on the other side of the valley, blood was shining into the sky again.

Wei Keng looked at those "charming" snake demons and young men, and said to these young men, "People are soft-hearted until they make mistakes." - Of course Wei Keng understands that young men are soft-hearted, but he will not let them make mistakes.


...Wei Keng issued a decree and asked Triton Menghong to come and pick up these banshees. Oh, and then build a daughter's kingdom in the mountains...

In the 10th year of Zhide, the war in Qiongdi ended within fifteen hours. Three thousand True Yuan realm warriors killed a team composed of hundreds of thousands of spirits and one hundred and three great demons in the pill formation stage.

It had to be defeated for three hundred miles.

The plan of coming to the human territory to obtain blood food turned into bleeding on his own. The human race organized an organized action and killed nearly four thousand monsters (foundation period). As for the little monsters, they were countless, conservatively estimated to be tens of thousands.

.Oh, this is mainly because the martial arts monks have no interest in killing these little monsters at all. They just sweep them away. As for them burrowing into the soil holes, if they can hit them, they can shoot them at will. If they can't hit them, let them go.

But this does not mean that the little monsters can escape. The monsters killed by the martial arts monks in the sky were only a quarter of the total number of monsters this time. As for the casualties other than the human assault, where were the casualties?

Demons want to devour blood food. As for who the blood food is? It doesn't matter. When the fleeing demons wait until the humans leave and their mouths are dry, they look at the tempting blood of the bleeding demons of other races, and then their desire begins.

Can't contain it.

The pig demon tore the body of the snake demon into pieces and chewed it into pieces. The wolf demon bit off the pig demon's hind legs and drank the blood greedily. They each ate their own food. The law of "the weak eats the strong and the strong survives" was displayed in this blood feast.

of vividly.

This bloody scene of hundreds of thousands of monsters eating each other is even bloodier than when the humans came to kill them.

Wei Keng, who was watching all this, said with emotion: "If you believe in Sheda, you have to 'enjoy' Sheda."

Then Wei Keng seemed to care about Li Menghong who was standing aside, and added: The demon is not wrong, but if the demon takes the demonic path as its own path, then it must be wrong. There is no natural way of thinking, only the way of death.

On the Nanli Ancient Road, the battle of slaying demons allowed martial arts monks to officially prove in the world of cultivation, proving that this is a powerful cultivation inheritance. Weak martial arts cultivators, lacking spells and the like, will be defeated without attack. Suitable armor

, Eighteen kinds of martial arts, there are fighting methods that are not weaker than Fa Xiu.

For a time, martial arts practice surged across the land and spread to other parts of the Liang Dynasty.

In this troubled world, the morality of benevolence and righteousness has been exposed. It is true that the monks do not care about the life and death of mortals. With so many fists, feet and sticks, they can still stop some little monsters.

However, only the "rich" can practice martial arts. Even when martial arts flourish, it is still impossible for all mortals to have equal opportunities to practice martial arts.

In a traditional family, fifty acres of land would be required to support the food required by a martial artist in the early stages. And high-end martial arts was something that only princes could not practice.

Qiongdi is becoming increasingly prosperous, which only lowers the threshold for princes who practice martial arts to the middle-level wealth.

…Sow the millet with salt and make the camp.…

In the 14th year of Zhide, the earth spirit began to surge, and springs gushed out in some mountains and rivers. This was a sign that the spirit energy of this place was flourishing.

The "Earth Wellhead" drilled underground by the monks of Mount Taihe was pulled out to the surface along with the permanent spirit gathering array, and poured into the city and a piece of machine puppets in the countryside.

Martial arts cultivation allowed Han Clan to rise, and after the rise of Han Clan, it also promoted the "economy" and pushed the human race to begin to "cultivate life" in certain projects for a long time. Among them, the art of mechanism began to become popular!

Large waterwheels rotate on the shore, filling the farmland canals with water one by one, while wooden cows and horses plow the fields and harvest.

In the city, the "Water of Wood Yi" refined in the mortal furnaces was put into bottles sealed with runes, and was sown in the fields with the flying mechanism puppet birds, allowing the mulberry crops to flourish and grow.

Several times faster than before.

"Industry" and "chemical industry" here refer to "organism" and "spiritual refining".

Spiritual refining is a major discipline developed from alchemy. Nowadays, we are refining the spiritual liquid that makes agricultural production prosperous, and also refining "Animal Pregnancy Powder". After feeding these, the five animals begin to prosper.

In the mortal world of Qiongdi, those chambers of commerce alliances, in accordance with the humane time sequence set by the Taihe Sect, lead the people to continue to invest resources in the application research of "Tao" in their spare time after the completion of the annual and quarterly work.

If you sow beans in a room, you will get beans; if you sow melons, you will get melons.

During this transformation, the number of wealthy households in Qiongdi increased year by year, and the proportion began to be higher than that of the outside world.

Although it is not possible for small families to practice martial arts, it is by no means a monopoly of aristocratic families.

In the mortal world, this kind of "modernization" develops quietly, disintegrating the foundation of dynasties and aristocratic families in terms of people's hearts and minds, and even drawing a line in Confucianism.

In the 13th year of the reign of Emperor De, the Daliang dynasty failed in the Battle of Hejin, completely losing the confidence of the people in the dynasty.

The dynasty also gradually lost support from various sects.

After many opinions from the great scholars in the court, the court had no choice but to start distributing "names" and began to ennoble various vassals and towns as marquises. Among them, there was also a canonization in Qiongdi.

For example, a monk from the Xue family in the Chamber of Commerce who was in the True Yuan Realm was canonized as the King of Shu.

For such a canonization, Xue Ziji directly made the decision, replacing the nephew of the family, and refused to grant it. He gave the crown and uniform sent by the imperial court who fled south to the organization, um, Taihe Zong.

Just kidding, although he is the eldest brother in the sect, his virtue and prestige are not enough to support his family to become the king of the sky. What's more, Master Wei Keng has not said a word. As a member of the Taihe Sect, how can he be with

Dynasty chatter.

As for his cousin, he was not familiar with him when he defected to the imperial court in his early years. Now that the imperial court has collapsed, he is still being used. He really wants to clean up the family.

Three days later, he brought his cousin into the Zhenwu Hall and begged his master for punishment.

(System Wei Keng: Oh, they saw that I was soft-hearted, so they crouched on the defensive. But Wei Keng said: Well, rather than never admitting my mistake, in the end, it is better to just make the same mistake again and again. Who told me to sit in the position of reward and punishment?

, so it must be 'lost temper')

In the main hall, Wei Keng did not let them kneel down, but a force of energy lifted them up.

Wei Keng looked at Xue Leng (True Yuan Realm) who had returned from defecting and just encouraged him: "Practice your martial arts well when you come back."

After seeing Xue Leng off, Wei Keng looked at his back, exhaled, sighed, and enlightened Xue Ziji: "The world of mortals is rolling, and you can't help it. Each of you has to jump over the hurdles yourself."


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