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Chapter 22.42 (Part 2) Suppression by Heaven and Earth

 In the 32nd year of Tianxian, Wei Keng arrived at Daomen and directly found Lu Xianren. The space on the Daomen Holy Land was connected to form a "space elevator" that entered the Gangfeng vertically. All the Daomen Yuanying raised their heads and saw this great magical power.

And the Taoist ancestor in his sect was invited to leave the mountain gate.

On the ascension platform where Xing Gang Zhongwei Keng was refined, Immortal Lu was forcibly invited here, in this space of less than a thousand feet.

The Tongtian Lingbao in Lu Daoren's hand, which was a long sword, was quickly pushed away by Wei Keng. He took his hand with his backhand and forced him to put down the sword with a slight force.

Wei Keng: "Fellow Taoist, go and ascend. This place is left to me."

Lu Xianren: "Fellow Taoist, there are too many grievances and grievances involved in this place. It is really unwise for you to fall into this world."

Wei Keng laughed and threw him into the stars: "I have trapped many others, so I have been prepared for it."

Wei Keng sealed him in space, which was a circle, and said: "You are not allowed to leave this circle within three days. Everything will be known after three days."

…The sun and the moon belong to An Chen? The stars are An Chen? They come from Tanggu, second to Mengsi.…

When Wei Keng arrived at Qingqiu, Qingqiu was already shaking. The black and white energies were intertwined with each other and skyrocketed ninety thousand miles away.

At the same time, all the demon clan in Qingqiu have fled in panic. The originally prosperous and luxurious life in the underground palace has been corrupted overnight. Those fox demon concubines who had not had time to escape from the ghost city have been destroyed by this black and white together with the dead bones in the tomb they served.

The two qi mixed together and turned into pieces. Everyone in the Fox clan looked at this soaring evil spirit in panic.

The Sky Fox King, who had fully transformed into Great Perfection, looked up at this scene and used his magic power to protect his own fox demon. His four tails covered the sky and the earth, and pulled his children out of this entanglement of black and white.

However, at this time, a pair of eyes appeared in the sky. The four pairs of eyes on the upper and lower sides of the fox were scanning the fox clan at the same time. The fox king, who had transformed into the Great Perfection, suddenly left his body. At this time, in the mountains, all the fox clans felt a strong

of uneasiness.

The entanglement between the Fox clan and the Daliang royal family is too deep. During the lifetime of the Daliang royal family, they sneaked into the palace to confuse their master.

After the king died, they dug holes into the tomb to absorb the Yin Qi, and continued to occupy the glory and wealth of the ghost emperors. But now that a disaster is approaching, the Qingqiu Fox Clan wants to escape unscathed? Is it that easy?

A pair of big black hands came directly towards the Fox King and immediately chewed his body into pieces. The black energy surged in an attempt to compete with the white energy.

But at this time, a figure flew from the sky: "Hey, two puppies, are you mating?"

Master Wei's tone was very calm, but the system commented: "Hey, my (key lai) skills have not deteriorated."

Mr. Wei himself quibbled: "Putting aside the facts, what is the difference between this low-level love and killing now and when I saw two puppies on the roadside fighting each other on the university campus."

As Wei Keng's unruly tone resounded throughout the world, Yaozhu immediately withdrew his attention from the Qingqiu demon and stared at Wei Keng with soul-stirring eyes.

Exuding supreme fierceness, he said: "Are these your last words?" Bai Ze, who was fighting against Yongzhu on the side, suddenly stopped, because at this time, the position of the star in the starry sky happened to be just right.


Wei Keng looked at the increasingly obvious signs of Yao Zhu's attack around him, as well as the master's movements of looking at the sky, and asked in a very polite tone: "Are you ready?"

The Master let out a long sigh: "After fighting for thirty thousand years, the layman was left with the last son! This is God's will."

Wei Keng said leisurely: "You two have been playing chess pieces on all living things, and it's time to return to your respective chess boxes today."

When Wei Keng spoke, Yao Zhu was making reckless plans, and a mass of black energy quietly rose up under Wei Keng's feet and turned into a cage. At the same time, a large number of ghost cultivators from the ghost city were also enveloped in this area. These groups

Seeing that the ancestors were casting spells, the ghosts began to beg the ancestors not to turn their souls into fuel for the sake of being of the same lineage.

Yao Zhu looked at Wei Keng, who was motionless, as if he sensed something was wrong, and said to Wei Keng, "Why don't you struggle a little?"

However, a moment later, it saw what Wei Keng had done: "No!"

It followed Wei Keng's finger and stared at the starry sky above, its expression changing drastically.

Wei Keng dispersed his Daoji, and wisps of space fluctuations spread into the heaven and earth.

Yaozhao: "You want to damage your own Dao foundation!?" - Wei Keng stared at the monster: "What Dao foundation? As long as you have the Dao, anything is possible."

Wei Keng has seen life and death, and does not seek immortality. Cultivation is just accumulation, a bargaining chip to step outside the normal rules.

And these chips should be used when they should be used, especially when dealing with conflicts like the current one. Wei Keng knows what to exchange for.

A wave of spatial fluctuations spread from Wei Keng as the center. Moreover, it was very regular and densely packed, as if tens of thousands of system sub-organizations were reporting and counting.

System: "The solidification of space has been completed, and the information topology has been completed. Photons are locked, the top structure is determined, the upper structure is determined, the lower structure is determined, the odd structure is determined, the charm structure is determined. The bottom is determined..."

After a series of reports, a space array spread across the starry sky and was endless to the humans of Leiyun Continent.

Finally, after the system reported the last physical parameter that could identify the "macroscopic changes in the stars," Wei Keng finally pressed the OK button: "The direction of the boson is determined, and the space transition begins."

Wei Keng: "Start!"

Somehow, all the lives in the entire Leiyun Continent raised their heads and looked at the sky. At this time, the vitality of the heaven and earth suddenly changed, as if it had changed its "color".

Then the entire continent began to tremble. The tremors were very regular, and they were actively opening a gap, as if to facilitate the arrival of something.

...Even in the quasar universe, there is a possibility that the orbits of celestial bodies coincide with each other...

Wei Keng is a Taoist, and Taoism is the process of identifying trends and then following the laws of the big trends to build small trends.

For example, on Earth, the general trend is for solar energy to enter the ground and turn into plant food. Human civilization controls this process, from collecting food to actively growing food, and then using other resources for construction.

In the universe, the general trend is that the most substances are hydrogen and helium, but so much hydrogen and helium are changing in the direction of carbon and silicon, so humans are following this general trend to master nuclear fusion step by step.

, gain the ability to make decisions on your own, control the voyage of stars, or break through the physical membrane,

What is the general trend in the current plane? In this quasar environment, the matter on all continents is a superstring structure in a heat death environment. This is the upstream of the universe! And the physical situation of atoms forming a planet is the downstream


In the current environment, all basic particles have extremely short lifespans and are unstable. However, it is undeniable that in the very distant future, the foundation of the universe will change in that direction.

…If the rules are affected, the two continents of immortal cultivation will intersect.…

The Zhengzhou Continent and the Leiyun Continent where Fang Juemen is located are twin continents, and there are slight differences in the spiritual grass and monsters between the two.

This difference means that the "superstring groups" possessed by each of the two continents are different and have corresponding effects. Under the general trend, this effect will allow some secret realms to travel back and forth, which will be relatively cherished by the other party.

Spiritual grass, let the other disciples in the Qi refining stage see it.

Wei Keng passed the magic circle on the two continents at the same time and adjusted the "string group" categories on both sides. This has quietly tipped the balance, allowing the two continents to merge at a speed that might have taken hundreds of thousands of years.


The two continents are about to come together to form a new world of immortality. Of course, the continents in this world of immortality will be separated by oceans.

…Of course, after the new world of immortality merges, it will split under the tide of gravity in millions of years. That is another story…

Wei Keng's weak efforts led to the current result. Under such changes in the world, all living beings are like ants. In the entire world of cultivation, all monks seemed to have lost their magic power in an instant.

In front of the sword pass, the human race felt that the magic power in their bodies had disappeared, and they truly became mortals without any power.

And those demons were not much better, they were forced to transform into animal forms, with countless radiating energy from their bodies, causing the surrounding rocks to scorch.

Yaozhu still doesn't give up, it just looks at the formed space, with a beast's face, mixed with timidity and enthusiasm. Yaozhu: "Field!? Territory, you have touched this in this realm, ha, haha

, if you get distracted, I will go around immediately. Now!"

Yaozhao wanted to say a few harsh words, but what he saw was Wei Keng's still calm expression, and the courage he had once weakened once again. He looked at Wei Keng: "Who on earth are you!"

Bai Ze seemed very quiet at this time, as if he was a little impatient with Yaoshu jumping up and down, and said slowly: "Such methods are not only magical powers, but also true nature, maybe a real immortal coming to the world."

Wei Keng glanced at Bai Ze, shook his head, and denied Bai Ze's confirmation of his "true immortal" identity.

Wei Keng firmly refused to admit that he was a god.

But in fact, according to the evaluation criteria of the Main Plane Space-Time Management Bureau: Earthlings who were born in the early days of the Great Time Travel have accumulated hundreds of years and have always adhered to the original concept. They have explored frontier planes and opened up high-tech areas.

Value time and space, Wei Keng is regarded as "immortal", but it actually doesn't matter.

...For Wei Keng, this merger of stars is a big experiment, and he will have a clearer understanding of the universe model...

Under the great merger of heaven and earth, Wei Keng's suppression was endless. Master's cultivation in the late stage of becoming a god had collapsed, and the true spiritual power emerged.

Yao Zhu and Bai Ze were continuously compressed in Wei Keng's domain. Layers of space barriers suppressed them from their original earth-shattering size to the size of soybeans. In the future, they may only be the size of grass and mustard.

Their ultimate fate in the future will be that after the long-term merger of the entire continent, they will be pressed into the land merger point as a long-term suppression.

Bai Zezhenling accepted this fate fifteen hours later, seemingly acquiescing to the outcome, and began to let the space collapse.

But Yongzhu still couldn't accept it, and kept mobilizing the power of laws from the upper world to fight against Wei Keng, but to no avail every time. He could only say angrily: "You won't last long. When I break this place, I will kill you."

Extract the soul and refine the soul.”

Wei Keng said leisurely: "You have been making trouble for tens of thousands of years. Tens of thousands of years is very long for mortal beings, so it is impossible to imprison you for tens of thousands of years. Otherwise, let's give it a try and endure the great season of changes in the vitality of heaven and earth together.

”——Wei Keng’s so-called “big season” is the time when the immortal energy and mysterious energy interact. Only Jianmu in the upper realm can survive such a ‘spring and autumn’.

This chapter has been completed!
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