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Chapter 4.02 The Sword in the Interstellar

 "Welcome to the air twisting plane area."

When Wei Keng stepped into a new dimension again and saw every plant and tree, he was introduced to this system endlessly.

This plane was originally an interstellar plane, located in a large star sea environment.

But about a thousand years ago, eighteen planets suddenly broke away from the original interstellar empire and fell into a world without light. This process lasted for about twenty-eight days. When starlight was seen again, the planets on these planets

Humanity discovered that the planet where its own region was located was suddenly moved to an unknown interstellar space.

It's like an ant nest cut out by a child was suddenly transported to the grass a kilometer away and buried.

These eighteen planets were administrative planets in the Star Sea Era. They are characterized by a very good natural environment. They have a lot of technological reserves, gather a large number of human consumers, and have a very high tertiary industry, which is supported by the surrounding sparsely populated space industry planets.

However, after the shuttle, these prosperous administrative planets suddenly lost their central effect.

Although it was later discovered that many industrial planets with automated mining had also been teleported over, it was no longer as convenient as before the shuttle.

This is equivalent to big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou suddenly moving to the vast northwest. The original central city effect is lost.

What's worse is that the original barrier of the center, that is, high technology, has become different due to the drastic changes in physical rules. As a technology center city dominated by the tertiary industry, it is necessary to adjust the industrial structure to ensure that the upper level

On the premise that the rentier class is stable, production will be resumed.

System introduction: "These planets experienced initial chaos after the jump 1080 years ago, and redeveloped steel smelting, electronic industry, and modern tanks and mechanical combat troops. However, it was later determined that the power system in this world had changed.


Before Wei Keng could turn the page, the system had already opened a series of interfaces. When he clicked on these interfaces, the interface immediately enlarged, surrounding the surrounding perspective, allowing Wei Keng to enter an immersive experience.

In this plane, the space is allowed to twist by the action of consciousness. When consciousness twists the space, it can accumulate energy, such as electrical energy. Energy accumulation also facilitates human consciousness to twist the space.

Subsequently, these humans who came to the New Star Sea began to evolve their cultivation culture.

Wei Keng: "Wait a minute, what cultivation culture can't be solved by barrage fire? If one warhead can't solve it, then let's do it a hundred times."

The coronal plane has just ended, and a whole set of industrial systems are stored in the space bubble. It is unbelievable, common sense in this world.

The system displayed the information, and the picture showed a swordsman!

In a three-dimensional big city full of cyberpunk style, there are drones shooting in the sky and patrollers riding motorcycles on the streets.


When the drone's scanning angle was aimed at him, he suddenly disappeared.

After the viewing angle is enlarged, you can see him flickering in the city space. Each flash is a hundred meters away, just avoiding the blind spot of the viewing angle.

After it flashed ten times, he reached the target vehicle, raised the lightsaber in his hand and struck it suddenly.

Since Wei Keng happened to be in the car when the sword fell, he saw the lightsaber coming towards him and retreated unconsciously.

However, the video ended at this time. Wei Keng had retreated from Cyber ​​City.

Wei Keng exhaled and realized that he had just taken a breath of cold air.

System: "In this plane, the personal system can jump in space. When the distance can be quickly shortened to zero, the long-range advantage of firearms has no effect, and martial arts has become an extraordinary power."

Wei Keng said in a low voice: "This is a metaphysical world, right?"

System: "It doesn't really count. It should still be considered a world of science and technology."

Wei Keng: "Can humans shatter the vacuum, or the world of science?"

System: "In some planes, millions of tons of warships can also jump. Please calm down. This plane has phenomenon summary, industrial production, and is basically a scientific territory. No invaders have appeared here yet."

The word "invader" was a bit unfamiliar, but Wei Keng then checked it a little and found that he had seen it before coming here and had forgotten it. He didn't pay attention.

Invaders: That is, the small resistance encountered by the two major time and space administration agencies in the main world when they are currently marching towards the depths of the alien plane.

These are native existences in areas where life is not strictly sealed by physical rules. They can also break the crystal walls of time and space and move around in the unstable space-time plane defined by the main world.

But, they can't reach the main plane, or in other words, it's useless to try to reach the main plane.

The physical laws of the main world, no matter how inexplicably the electronic computer makes data errors, do not allow life to exist. Even if these alien planes are gods in their origin, they have to lie down when they come to the main world!

As for taking away the living thinking body of human beings!? That is even more impossible.

In the process of human dreaming, the refraction of information from parallel planes is subject to many restrictions. It is extremely difficult for gods to project the amount of information that can form thoughts.

If it were so easy to project life-level quantum information, would it take four billion years for life in the main world to evolve?

The main world is now expanding externally, and when it encounters a plane that is too backward and culturally anti-social, it defines "specific elements" for it.

For example, when the New World of North America was developed, Indian elements often appeared in North American cowboy movies.

Just like the North American colonists who claimed to be a civilized world in the 18th century, they regionally defined the civilization structure of this backward region.

When the contemporary main world faces these opponents that it has crushed, it calls itself the scientific territory! Those areas that can still be defined by the attackers are designated as "mysterious territories".

Wei Keng was not interested. The more he heard about the system's cheats, he felt that this strange world was too dangerous and wanted to go home and eat potato chips.

It's just that Wei Keng didn't know that this plane was chosen by the Space-Time Management Bureau for him. He wanted to cure the problem of "brain congestion and stunned head".

System: "Main mission, please get to know the individual combat system here in this world. After you understand the swordsmanship system in this world, please submit a 60 million-word experience."

Wei Keng: "Six thousand words, that's easy to handle, I'll immediately... eh? What did you say, 60 million words! I'm going to... uh, cough, hey, hey, hey, this is unreasonable." (After seeing the system,

It suddenly jumped from 60 million words to 80 million words. Wei Keng began to argue)

System: "The 80 million words of experience can be replaced by the tactical system summarized by you alone in this world. Please complete the task well. Friendly reminder: Don't delay. The time flow rate in this plane is 20:1 compared with the main world. No matter how much you

Slow down, I'm waiting for you to cross the finish line."

With a click, Mr. Wei shut down the system because he was sure that the following was nonsense.

Wei Keng carefully opened the map of this world, its humanities, its technological level, and the energy system he could utilize.

The production system in the space bubble that I currently carry cannot be deployed in this world. The Tesla reactor does not comply with the physical rules of this world. However, after finding energy, materials and material information can be sent to the space bubble. Then

After the space bubble processes the material, it returns it.

Now Wei Keng has a portable factory. Now he can take the materials from this plane and create the ability of the drone.

It's just that a guy like Wei Keng, who tightly holds his money bag, is now calculating the initial energy carefully, without a clear plan, and will never squander a penny.

One afternoon passed, and Wei Keng determined that the name of the planet he landed on was "Purple Jupiter", and it was located on the northwest coastline of the triangular main continent.

Four hours have passed since we crossed under the big tree by the river.

Wei Keng let go of his legs that were sitting cross-legged and straightened them. Wei Keng simply lay down. He pinched off the grass around him and smelled the fragrant grass juice.

Wei Keng just stared at the sky in a daze, and the whole afternoon passed like this. When he got up, flying insects had already begun to attract around him.

"It's been a long time since I've been this quiet." Before the sun set, Wei Keng ended his daze. Where he placed his hands, a hole was dug out of the soil, revealing the deep veins of a large tree.

Year 1081 of the Dangxing Calendar.

In Purple Jupiter, this inconspicuous village in the west, it is very peaceful today. Pack oxen weighing seven to eight tons are plowing in the fields. The roads in the village are paved with rocks, and horse-drawn carriages assembled by manpower are pulling goods.

The creatures that work in the fields are interstellar species. They are huge in size and have high digestion ability for forage. They wake up with the arrival of the sowing season. After the busy farming world is over and the forage is changed, they can sleep for a week to streamline their energy.

Like tractor maintenance, sufficient energy can be obtained simply by eating straw.

As for the nutrients needed by crops, they can also have genes similar to biological nitrogen fixation to achieve high yields. Compared with this, the thousands of years of domestication of cattle and horses by humans on Blue Star are still in a very primitive state.

The bluestone bricks on the streets here seem to have stayed in the Middle Ages.

But the huge mechanical clock tower in the city seems to have stayed in the early days of the industrial revolution.

The satellite phones in some shops also indicate that there is modern civilization here.

The tourist towns in the East in the 21st century are like this, but there are no ostentatious signs of the tourism industry here.

On Earth, when the industrial wave began, it was impossible for every village to remain simple in the face of material trends. Even in India, which has the highest degree of belief, young people still attach great importance to money.

But it took Wei Keng a full month after coming to this world to find the difference between the civilization here and the earth.

There are no Internet cafes or WiFi here. But there are martial arts halls in every city.

Martial arts and combat skills are the steps for people to become superior in this world, so this has become the pursuit of people here.

In the training ground of the village, Wei Keng, who had lifted his leg 400 times, heard the teenager next door talking enthusiastically about "lifelong pursuit of martial arts" and so on, and his heart skipped a beat.

Mr. Wei, who does whatever he does to earn a living, never believes in the authenticity of the term "lifelong pursuit".

After all, I have seen the 21st Century Entertainment auditions and watched a bunch of folk singers describe that "acting is a lifelong pursuit" and "singing is a lifelong pursuit." In the end, they are all attractive.

Wei Keng: If all positions and professions have lifelong pursuits, why don’t you see some guy say, “Doing a good job digging shit and serving the people is my lifelong pursuit?”

Wei Keng is extremely ungrateful towards martial arts. Of course, he may also feel that this world is not suitable for him, and he has a disdain for the profession of individual soldiers in this world.

Wei Keng came to this plane as an adult, 23 years old.

After joining the martial arts training hall in this small town, the martial arts trainer glanced at Wei Keng and pointed at the internship position for Wei Keng to practice by himself. He did not look down on him, but simply ignored him and refused to pay attention.

In terms of root bone, Wei Keng is average.

Adult age, weak plasticity,

The reason why I am still willing to take in Wei Keng is just to make up for my losses. I can start recruiting workers in the future.

And when Wei Keng made a perfunctory decision about the world's martial arts system because of his root bone assessment, the time and space management system came over and gave a special explanation.

Qin Xiaohan: Gengu is comprehensively evaluated based on explosive power and physical endurance.

This assessment is only relevant to the swordsman stage. In the later stage, it is important to look at the "wisdom root", which is the spirituality of space perception.

When it comes to testing your brain's ability to model space, you are absolutely top-notch. And even at this stage, you are malleable (with some flaws).

In Wei Keng's vision, the system inspector, who did not want to be named, directly called up the spatial modeling of the body. On it, groups of dynamic data were annotated, which was so dense that it made people dizzy.

Wei Keng looked familiar at first glance, but then he paused and realized, isn't this a big data collection of various parts of himself in the Pandora plane?

System: "In terms of time, you don't have to worry. Your cell activity has been modified. Your bones are constant at 23 years old, but the cell state is constant at 15 years old. There will be no physiological decline even for a thousand years. Your

The brain's memory and forgetting mechanism also ensures that you can still remember things you have been learning for twenty years and respond quickly."

However, despite Qin Xiaohan's good talk, Mr. Wei Keng still showed no interest in this new world.

At the end, Wei Keng began to preach in reverse: "There is an upper limit to the martial arts that you can do alone. There is no need to send yourself to this world to kill time after you have passed the age of fighting."

In the space bubble, Qin Xiaohan, who was originally in a good mood, felt that "Sergeant Wei is indeed capable of annoying people." She casually changed out of her maid uniform, snapped her fingers, and transformed back into the uniform of a space inspector.

On the empty twisting plane, in the Wei Keng interface

Qin Xiaohan issued a "helpless" suggestion: "If you think that the highest force is war, I will arrange a scientific battlefield for you, the kind of nuclear cleansing."

Wei Keng suddenly felt that the air in this empty plane was quite good, and he should take a walk under the starry sky to take a look.

"You, Wei Keng, come here." The martial arts master saw that Wei Keng seemed to be free and asked Wei Keng to stand up. Then with a flash of his hand, a four-meter-long hollow aluminum rod was twisted out of the space tool in his hand.

He stuffed it into Wei Keng's hand and said: "Duanping, then practice stabbing."

Wei Keng held it honestly, instead of chatting with the system and arguing with the martial arts master: "Why do you practice this?"

As a guy with mediocre talent, the leader of the martial arts gym would generally not reply to any inquiries. Even if he asked, he would seem to scold him with "Too much nonsense. Just leave if you don't want to do anything."

Now, Wei Keng still wants to work here, taking care of the food, and there is one silver coin in the martial arts hall every month. He has to save it.

However, precisely because Wei Keng behaved like Meng Hulu, the middle-aged martial arts teacher often gave extra instructions.

The master of the martial arts school looked at Wei Keng's posture holding the big gun and said: "You have to hold it steady. When I train those boys next week, you have to poke them hard."

Wei Keng complained in his heart: "Come on, you treat me like a human-shaped automatic stake."

This chapter has been completed!
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