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Chapter 24.07 (4) Space Position Battle

 1: "How to fight an interstellar war?"

2: "Why do other forces in the Star Sea Council choose the fleet model?"

The above two questions are the two core questions that Wei Keng raised after entering the dark plane and when he was wanted in the dark tunnels of the Iron Pattern Star. These two questions were not problems before, because everyone thought that "space

Isn't the battle just a fleet battle?" The person who asked this question was very boring.

Narrator: It's as boring as Newton asking "Why did the apple fall to the ground?"

Wei Keng, a 2,000-year-old self on the white dwarf star of the Behemoth Nebula, concluded: All this comes from the incompatibility of the planet's surface culture when it enters the starry sky.

General Wei Keng (Promise Star) reports on human beings in the center of the arboreal era. At the top of the palace hive, a series of "party" activities that are always recorded are all shown in the animation. This girls' party activity that has begun since ancient times has arrived.

In the era of Star Fleet, "nature" is still clearly reflected. So far, the planetary masters still have to have a circle around them that can adapt to their own wishes.

As an earth historian, Wei Keng concluded: The ruling culture of the star table era has continued to the interstellar world, and it is still economically accustomed to limited land, limited resources, and control of people.

Therefore, a hereditary culture was born. And then the starry sky was still organized according to the hierarchical system.

Butts are sitting here: So in the early days of interstellar civilization, the superstructure brain tended to develop a large but stable combat platform. This is the direction of interstellar battleships.

But the reality in the starry sky is: infinite space and infinite energy.

In a battleship system, calculated on the planet cycle time scale, the entropy increase problem is also difficult to solve. The conditions for metal ships to maintain internal stability are very demanding.

…What if we get rid of the above constraints and rethink space development, and even intelligent construction activities in the cosmic environment?…

Shuoyuan's answer is to carry out "well field" manufacturing in space

That is to establish a large number of stations, directly absorb the "energy" negative entropy from the star system, and then replenish the negative entropy to humans in space.

Instead of confining a large number of people into one ship, people are bound to the facilities of the star sea.

Perhaps the latter is still not free. Once high-value stellar surface facilities such as Dyson rings are not maintained by humans, they will be destroyed like a piece of rotten meat. After humans enter space, they will have to bear even greater burdens.

work mission.

However, wisdom naturally yearns for "vastness", and being in an open field is far more in line with human nature than a small cabin.

…In the cabin, the “Son of God” and “Lord” will be born, while in the fields, it is the Human Emperor who leads the “death in heaven”...

Therefore, in large-scale interstellar operations, the Human Alliance does not need the war capital of "large battleships" as the core of the organization. It has moved towards another fighting method.

Shuoyuan faction: We use "carbon, hydrogen and oxygen material clouds" to build a position. This position does not need to be as eternal as a battleship. It only needs to be enough for the combat time of months, and there is no need for the material density of the defense line to resist naval guns. It only needs

We just need to hide in it so that we can't hit it from the other side. Once the position is encircled, the star launch energy will load us with high energy and directly attack the warship at close range.

At the moment, Commander Xingli has not realized that she has encountered a brand new system.

The battleship serves as the center, and the chain of command for the war on the star surface below is too long.

Under the ever-changing tactics on the surface of the Chicken Maw Star, all of her commands are outdated.

Even the grassroots commanders and fighters of the Shuoyuan faction on the planet took the initiative to trick the Star Sea Council fleet into issuing a certain order, and then suddenly turned around and attacked the other side.

Not to mention the starry sky, a misty "nebula belt" began to surround the entire fleet. These belts of material, probably only as dense as the tails of comets, may be floating cannons or other things hidden in them.

…For the evolution of “life”, the unreasonable layout of the nervous system is a flaw.…

On the main nebula battlefields of the Human Nebula, fleet battles have completely lost touch with the hot spots of confrontation.

On the outside of the encirclement, the Galaxy Council also discovered that the war zone was isolated.

In the 127th year of the Shuoyuan calendar, after a brief discussion, the Galaxy Council decided to mobilize a reinforcement fleet from Jiulan Star. But where is Jiulan Star? It is a proper old revolutionary base.

When the Jiulan Star fleet was preparing to set off, it immediately encountered an obstruction from the Shuoyuan Jiulan Star area.

According to the report of Hengguang, a newly promoted seventh-level dark energy user: "Before my fleet was ready to set sail, they (Shuoyuan people) set up a "space symmetry field" system on various space positions within a range of hundreds of light seconds.

, block the outer reinforcements of the Galaxy Alliance.

My fleet had to waste time leaving the inner circle of the star to jump.

Moreover, the location of the jump cannot be close to the hot spots of war within the star, and must also be on the periphery of the star."

The Galaxy Alliance is not sure whether this is the Jiulan people trying to shirk "support" or whether this is really the case.

Anyway, every time the Jiulan Star fleet sails, it must first start a jump out of the planetary belt of the star, and then jump out of the periphery of another star and get close to the star. This goes back and forth, slowly,

A lot of time wasted.

In the newly established Galaxy Alliance, the contradiction between the Jiulan Star faction and the Liling Star faction became increasingly obvious in this battle.

Xingli has discovered that the "fog" in the surrounding interstellar space is getting thicker and thicker. a>vas>div>Scan the code to download Red Sleeves and Xiaoxiang to receive benefits. Newcomers can read for free for a limited time div>div>div>

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