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Chapter 24.08 (3) Plane Elevator

 The Star Sea Council and Shuoyuan are fighting a war, but in fact the intensity involved is just "playing house" for the real high-ranking dark energy in the Star Sea.

Dark energy tools in the Dark Plane are much easier to control stars than in other planes. Let Wei Keng deduce that in the future, advanced wars here will involve high-energy beams between stars bombarding each other in space, and hundreds of planets between them.

Kilometers per second Sky Knights compete for information rights, and planet occupation means Dragon Guards quickly seize nodes and spread them on control stations like potatoes. The ultimate battle is to find methods for "fast", "accurate" and "fine" goals.

Wei Keng lamented: It would be boring if I ended up, unless there was someone to accompany me.

Qingsu Yi and Zhenxun heard this and tried to avoid it, but Wei Keng's words were not meant for Qingsu Yi and Zhenxun. Instead, he recalled that he was concerned about the field of fighting with the Holy Great Wall sparring partner.

Headwind situation.

Although Zhenxun didn't understand Wei Keng's meaning, he understood that Wei Keng was just talking and would never end up now. The unruly people were working hard on her "Time and Space Dam" construction site. An earth man who was working was not aggressive.

As an "earth expert", Zhenxun has gained an experience in controlling husbands: Male humans on the earth will be stable when they have family business to do, and they will cause destruction only when they are unemployed.

After Wei Keng finished traveling through the great black hole of creation, the dimensional axis had penetrated multiple black holes in the dark plane.

The current most important project of this axis is to open up a large number of adjacent timelines in the dark plane, and prepare to disperse the variables that have been eliminated in this era of great tides to these adjacent timelines and fully release them.

But this axis can also follow the "constant change trend" and enter the alien plane.

During most of the timeline of the Dark Plane, the Shuoyuan Sect variables began to spread like a torrent towards the entire Promised Star civilization.

Wei Keng, who is in the field, is completing the "singularity collapse" and entering more natural black holes.

Singularity collapse means turning yourself into zero dimension before entering the black hole.

At the same time as "the Shuoyuan Sect won the victory in the Human Nebula" on the core timeline, Wei Keng had completed the first "plane elevator".

Wei Keng constructed a limited space in the twin black holes of Promise Star. This space is like an elevator room.

The "elevator room" can travel to the past and future of certain planets in the dark plane, to the immortal cultivation plane of the quasar, or to a conceptually "magical" or "sci-fi" plane where the laws of physics are inconsistent.

In this "elevator space", there is an excellent life repair system.

When Keng built this plane elevator, he first opened up the multiple planes he had traveled through.

The first passengers of the plane elevator: members who died in the dark plane,

Wei Keng also recruited personnel from the "Shenzhou Plane", "Void Twist Plane" and "Pandora Plane" (those branch timelines opened by Luo Hongxing and Ke Feijia) for testing.

1. Shenzhou Plane: Because the timeline that Wei Keng traveled through that year, the time flow rate is two or three times that of the main world, and the starting point is equivalent to the late twentieth century. Therefore, the current 33rd century of the main world is at the same time

, China has developed to the point of Qin Tongli 2800-3100 and entered the interstellar era. At the same time, these timelines are also facing the dilemma of interstellar wars culturally.

2. In the Space Twisting Plane: After Jidian Keng left, it went through several rounds of changes and entered the era of the Starry Sky Republic. The development of productivity greatly opened up various planets in the galaxy, allowing the Sword Ranger culture to spread in the star sea.

3. Pandora Plane: These are mainly the branch timelines maintained by Bai Linglu back then. In these timelines, humans have not become wise people, but at this point in time in the main world, these timelines have also developed into the sea of ​​stars.

, facing a tug-of-war with the insect swarm for organic matter.

After hundreds of years, Wei Keng finally began to sort out the planes he had cultivated under the prompts of Bai Linglu and other supervisors.

Just like before time travel, when he was a teenager, Wei Keng always took extra classes in the summer after the semester to keep up with the pace.

After the trip to the Great Black Hole of Creation, in the main world, Wei Keng and Qin Tianfang maintained their shaky balance, and Wei Keng will add enough margin for "equality" next.

Wei Keng clearly felt that during several public contacts, Qin Tianfang's assistant (He Chongyun) and a number of people in Haotou did not want to see him. When he asked Qin Xiaohan, Qin Xiaohan looked embarrassed.

He said that the information about these people is highly confidential in the vast land.

This act of building a "new time travel center" is currently a "personal experimental project" that is kept secret.

After the main world's Space-Time Management Bureau failed to achieve absolute suppression in the first wave, the situation in favor of Wei Keng has quietly opened up. Those time-travelers who have done missions with Wei Keng, and now their descendants and branched consciousnesses after regeneration, have been

Bai Linglu got in touch again.

Jing Guyu and other supervisors are conducting a complete set of "legal defense" and "technological patent protection" for this behavior.

The "Plane Elevator" is incomparable in terms of technological integration content with Qin Tianfang's "World of All Heavens" in the main world.

But Wei Keng has independent intellectual property rights.

Under this plane shuttle system, Wei Keng can execute his own "route", clarify the goal of "self-life meaning" and develop "moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor".

On the other side of the vast land, the "Zhutian World", which is also a masterpiece of dimensional technology, is more than happy to be accepted by novices in space-time exploration in the main world. Although this is also pursuing the ultimate dimensional technology, at the moment, the helmsman of the "Zhutian" system has not

Wei Keng persists in this goal.

This is like computers based on two-hundred-nanometer integrated circuits, which are still obsessed with the analysis of natural cognition such as "nuclear physics", "weather" and "ocean", but supercomputers using three-nanometer technology are engaged in the "metaverse"


Wei Keng's current technology is not as advanced as Qin Tianfang's, but Qin Tianfang's world technology has different development goals from Wei Keng's, so Wei Keng can only develop his own technology.

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