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Chapter 24.20 Life has nature, wisdom knows the number of days

 Wei Keng’s greatest recognition during the Gupan mission of “Quasar Plane” is the “double cultivation of life and life”. Don’t suppress your nature, continue to develop it, and cultivate new nature in the process of development.

Human beings have "nature" at different stages of their lives. People who are three or four years old like to eat sweets, and those who are twenty years old like to eat meat.

Wei Keng defined many states of life under the human base system: five years old, ten years old, twenty years old, forty years old, sixty years old, eighty years old, one hundred and fifty years old (nano injection), two hundred years old

Age (ionic carbon base), thousand years (energy band of star ring)

"Sex" is different in different states. For example, if you are twenty years old and look at Lulem, you will notice her good skin, big eyes, and other cute things. But if you are a forty year old natural person, you will notice her cuteness.

To the length of legs, waist and waistcoat line, cup, and buttocks, these are the directions for a woman to be healthy and strong.

Well, Mr. Wei specially encrypted the above-mentioned “pay attention” directions to all the supervisors during the natural person period, but he would inadvertently reveal this standard when explaining the science of “life” to male time travellers.

Since what he was talking about was not a system and was quite boring to the supervisors, they would sometimes hear it, but they would automatically avoid it, completely unaware that Mr. Wei had this "academic" system.

After the unnatural human state, when human life is loaded with technology and develops into an energy individual more suitable for activities in space, Wei Keng still builds a "nature" that is conducive to his life goals, and is not a cold inorganic substance.


Even now, Wei Keng still feels "excited" when he sees Lulem in space.

From the slender hull, in the inner diameter of the gun barrel, the polycyclic patterns that allow energy to be stably focused are like the wriggling core of life.

I will be excited about the symmetrical mathematical beauty of "no more particles, no less, all reactions are completed" when she controls the sun's nuclear reaction, especially when she introduces various particles in the star reaction into different "energy cores" of the ship.

"Line Pipe" is the pleasure of seeing a hot and delicate body and elegantly opening up the secret realm with your own fingers.

And when she saw her transforming her energy nervous system into silk threads to connect to the battleship, control the energy furnace, material smelting, energy conversion, and form a heavy armored force, struggling to support it, she was like a woman wearing a knight uniform.

The Cavaliers (uniform control) are struggling.

Of course, in this adjacent plane timeline, among the Shuoyuan Legion, the Wei Keng individuals among them defeated these armored warships, stripped off her "nerve" energy with their own hands, and then tightly controlled it.

The joy of conquering and resisting beatings.

By the way, Wei Keng, this kind of interest in mature machinery is a sexual habit that only occurs after the age of 200. When you have this kind of interest, you will no longer have the same thoughts about carbon-based heterosexuals. Just like you have a desire for tablets.

Loli only has the mentality of taking care of her children.

…As human beings continue to advance with intelligent civilization and their individual life spans exceed the carbon-based limit and transform into another form, they must also study and determine their “nature” in this state…

Wei Keng emphasized: As a living being, you must have a place where your nature is stimulated. It is not about mechanical ascension. After spiritual ascension, there will be no desire.

Among those who currently travel through the 33rd century in the main world, the biggest feature of Wei Keng's "Dual Cultivation of Life and Life" system is that while he is a more advanced life, his "sex" will be stronger.

Wei Keng: Only by continuing to maintain the "nature" of survival and allowing the next generation to maintain the same tendency during this stage of development can we be considered a species and have the vision of "expanding and discovering the world in which we live" inscribed in our instincts.

As for why no other travelers have attempted this road before. - The people from Wei Zhong didn’t think that other geniuses would have thought of it at first.

Wei Keng: It should be that my previous time-travelers saw the drawbacks. That is, the more powerful the existence is, the collapse and chaos will be terrifying, and it will look more destructive.

When human nature is lost, it is much more terrifying than animals. What about humans who have evolved into the starry sky? What will happen if nature is not controlled?

For example, when the "playful" nature of human beings in natural life is released, the phenomenon of "poking ants" occurs. It is assumed that this "nature" will continue to the next life stage without correction and become out of control!

Think about it, "advanced life forms maintain a strong playful nature of poking ants" and come to a steam age or electric age civilization. It is also possible to suddenly drop a nuclear bomb and let these civilizations fight each other.

"Poking ants" is just the simplest. Wei Keng here has the law enforcement information of "the planes of heaven" on some illegal travelers sent by Qin Tianfang. Those high-level travelers who are not controlled by the Space-Time Administration are in the dark.

The causal line (the special plane of the heavens) turned into an "evil god" and came to play "indescribable" against lower civilizations.

Narrator: Qin Tian issued such a case to warn Wei Keng not to engage in illegal crimes, and those who break the law will be punished.

Wei Keng is judging the dilemma of the life evolution of the time traveler at the end of his life: This kind of evil god time traveler who exists aloof from above controls the lines of cause and effect in the planes of the heavens: allowing the consciousness of the chosen ants and mortals in the planes of the heavens to be destroyed in multiple times.

Traveling back and forth online, humans in several timelines went crazy and started killing people and pooping on the victims' organs.

Wei Keng objectively admitted that if he loses control of his increasingly complex nature, great evil will indeed occur.

Just like: there will always be one or two perverts in human beings who like to "kill". This is the sense of destruction that was originally directed towards "rats, snakes, cockroaches" in nature, and it has been mistakenly developed to a goal that should not be developed.

This is the reason why Wei Keng has determined that his "dual cultivation of life and life" route will have a certain chance of victory in the face of the systems of the heavens, but he has been hesitant - he is worried that his successors on this route will, once controlled,

Don’t live with your nature and become a pervert!

Looking back at the aftermath of the Third Plane War, the end of the liberal faction. At that time, on the multidimensional planes, there were "god" level travelers with powerful consciousnesses equivalent to the third level of Shuoyuan. They used the "godhead" system to condense the nature of a powerful life state.

, but in the end it is hard to recover from such a nature. That is, "life is out of control."

What are the factors that cause ordinary people to lose control of their lives?

That is the concept of "unity of heaven and man" that was developed from the void twisting plane to the dark plane.

The theorem of "the negative entropic environment of heaven is symmetrical to the negative entropic environment of life". Once it is asymmetrical, it will easily become abnormal.

After the twenty-seventh century, humans living in spaceships, as well as in bases on Mars and the moon are prone to "aging" in terms of personality, because this growth environment is not in line with the genetic adaptation environment in the process of human evolution. These planetary bases have always been

It is impossible to maintain a large society with more than 100,000 people.

But even on earth, human beings are not necessarily in an easy situation. There have been many occurrences in the history of the earth where "the imbalance of heaven's law" has led to "loss of control of life."

Chinese history has clearly recorded the weather disasters of the Little Ice Age, which led to military chaos and madness. They killed good people and pretended to be meritorious, and a few days after the siege, they unleashed their anger without sealing the sword.

Some people think that the Little Ice Age was just a "food problem" that caused human madness.

Calculated from the sunspot cycle, the period from the 21st century to the 22nd century is also a standard "era of chaos".

Although the major powers have solved food problems through water conservancy projects, the social stability of "men farming and women weaving" has been destroyed. The confusion of social thinking still makes people in the "Eternal Era" speechless. At that time, gender cognition was confused, and the value of animals was confused.

Concepts that were clearly right and wrong a hundred years ago have been distorted by all kinds of sophistry.

On the contrary, "men farm and women weave" here is not the narrow economic division of labor between men and women in agricultural society.

Men farm, that is, they steadily undertake the "practice-heavy" work in society, while women weave, they undertake the "heavy sorting" work in society. Both men and women put their patience and attention into the stable accumulation of "surplus" social activities.

Men don’t farm and like to gamble (in recent times, they were obsessed with all kinds of venture capital, real estate, stocks, bonds, and currency speculation.)

Nubuwei, swagger, (all kinds of messy circle culture centered on self-emotional recognition.)

[Confucius's family: "After more than a month of residence in Wei, Duke Ling and his wife were riding in the same carriage. The eunuch Yongqu joined the carriage and came out, asking Confucius to take the second carriage and pass by in a swaggering manner."

The above-mentioned "natural imbalance" is just a small wrong step for an individual, which seems insignificant. However, when everyone's small wrong steps accumulate, it is a "violent entropy increase" in society, and the overall values ​​of civilization are rapidly out of balance during that period.

The chaos in the way of heaven has caused people in the world to lose control of their nature and no longer regard long-term goals as "accumulation of execution margins."

At the end of the ancient industrial age, as we all know, a great nuclear war took place. At that time, mankind claimed to have developed into a civilized stage, but the "crazy" events that occurred in the war were no better than those of the ancients. Roasting people on the bonnet of a tank,

They tortured the prisoners of war by disassembling the batteries of their electric vehicles. After defeating them, they cut off the cameras and began to indulge in unscrupulous behavior in the occupied areas.

Wei Keng: Life develops in a cyclical manner, cultivating one’s nature and saving one’s life, but wisdom requires understanding the number of days.

The main world now has both the center of the earth and the Dyson ring of the sun moved, and it seems to have reached a state of "chaotic era". However, Wei Keng believes that the observations of "Chasing the Number of Heavens" are not enough, and is currently taking a conservative stance.

...In order to fear that he would be led astray when he returned to the main world, Wei Keng had to repeatedly proofread himself, and now he has almost accumulated it...

While Master Wei was thinking, Lulem was waiting.

In this different time and space, she saw that when Taxi turned the helm, all her resentment rose like a tide and turned into grievances. Her dark energy halo was experiencing irregular energy fluctuations.

Wei Keng did not refuse, and used his dark energy to slowly hug her and comfort her in space.

Wei Keng has been waiting for Lulem to come out of her shell, but now he admits that he has ignored that he is her shell.

Even after the liberation, Wei Keng began to become sunny and began to have a sense of justice. This sunshine was also in dealing with boys, such as Zhang Wei and Yan Ming. He was patient enough with them and kept the truth at the same time. But for girls? Well

, "naturally stunted" makes Wei Keng not good at this.

…After the end of the timeline in which Lulem replaced Hoshiri…

Wei Keng took her to the nearest brown dwarf civilization area, where the development of civilization has been completely "original".

The entire star sea area is maintained by energy geometries, and human energy bubbles centered on themselves are floating in space.

The crown part of the mechanical jellyfish is five kilometers, but its tentacles can stretch up to three hundred kilometers. This size is huge on the surface of the planet, but in space it can only be regarded as plankton.

This is the "new body" that the Shuoyuan Sect created for humans in the Dark Plane to enter the space relay production activities after a hundred years of development. This body can self-circulate, provide physiological stability for the core carbon-based body, and allow people's thinking and consciousness to

The artificial carbon-based tissue in this "jellyfish" has been further developed and improved.

Technically, this space jellyfish body has also gone from bloated to elegant. In terms of quality indicators, it has dropped from 140,000 tons at the beginning to 15,000 tons now!

This technology has also been developed in other enlightened star regions of dark energy users, but it has definitely not formed a complete industrial chain like the Human Alliance has today.

Most human beings after the age of seventy in the Human Physics Alliance have begun to evolve second organs in space. When muscles and nerves all correspond to the new carbon-based tissues in space, and are coated with high-energy nanomaterials, they can be used by humans on the planet.

Transformation is like a caterpillar chrysalis transforming into a butterfly. It evolves into a new form.

[All of this is exactly the direction of the evolution of space races in the superhuman world]

Due to the complete liberation of manpower from the narrow asteroid territory to space, the territory of the Human Alliance exceeds that of any old force's star sea area in the world.

Wei Keng brought Lulem here because he was ready to live with her here, of course, if the two parties could talk to each other in the future.

When Lulem stared at the world that she would destroy if she defeated it, she remained silent.

Wei Keng told Lulem about the advantages here:

In front of us are the bustling "plankton swarms" in space in the gravitational field of stars, and the chattering Wei Keng.

Lulem kept silent, like a girl who lost the game and sulked alone in front of a boy who was bragging.

She stared at Wei Keng, waiting for Wei Keng's plan. Obviously, Lulem's problem in this regard is: the problem of civilization development, you win, what do you like, I want to know what you want to do to me.

Wei Keng opened his arms to the "jellyfish" at the prosperous space construction site, just like a four or five-year-old child in front of a restaurant in front of a live fish tank. Then he turned to Lulem and said: "I'm sorry."

Lulem: "?" She was stunned. She really had never thought of this scene.

Wei Keng took a deep breath and said: "Since that time, the first time we met has been my problem. At that time, I was only more than ten years old in this world. I was young and frivolous, didn't understand anything, and didn't care about anything. So?

, unscrupulously, sneaking into various places, and then by mistake, I deceived you. Later, after I mistakenly "made up" for you, I did not really understand what you were thinking, and continued to walk in the sea of ​​​​stars. What is your situation?


Lulem was silent for a few seconds: "What did you say?"

Wei Keng: "I said I was responsible. I gave you no chance to get to know me. As a result, there were many misunderstandings between the two parties."

Lulem remained silent. What did she say?

Wei Keng's expression was particularly serious and he said leisurely: "I am not a genius. I can only focus on one of the reproduction and development of life. Can you accept mediocrity? If so, then marry me."

Lulem was stunned and at a loss. But when Wei Keng's spiritual language sent her a piece of information, she fell silent.

In the sea of ​​​​stars, there are a large number of "mediocre" Wei Keng. They are no different from ordinary people. They will not be as handsome as they are today, nor will they be motivated. They will have responsibilities to their families, but they will not be aggressive and will do their best for their children.

Good guidance. But at the final moment of life, one will choose regeneration rather than transformation.

With a calm expression, Wei Keng expressed his request very uneasily. If he gets married, Lulem will accompany an ordinary person who will die in a hundred years.

Wei Keng (one of the splits) is willing to be such an ordinary person. He describes his life in detail, making fried rice with eggs, reading books, looking at the stars, listening to the distant wind, and then staying in his hometown.

Wei Keng: "I can devote my whole life to you. But I hope we can look forward to the hope together." (In other words, it is impossible to live for you forever.)

Lulem suddenly hesitated and thought about it. The Taxi Qiduo she liked was the one who looked proud in the sea of ​​stars and looked at the world with disdain.

Taxi Qiduo has a unique kind of love for her, which is what she wants.

But the ordinary Wei Keng focuses on her and not on the world. He has no brilliance and no glory. Is there really "love" in such a life?

Lulem couldn't understand Wei Keng's values ​​​​at this time, so he laughed: "You are perfunctory, you have no responsible attitude at all."

Wei Keng took a breath and said leisurely: "If I pursue progress, you can't be in my perspective now.

Speaking of this, Wei Keng looked at her regretfully. It was confirmed that Lulem actually "looked down" on herself without the mythical bonus and could not coexist with "earth" in the world.

...If Wei Keng had said it more harshly at this moment: You are not worthy of me who works hard to succeed, and you look down on me who has not succeeded without working hard. How can I deal with you...

Wei Keng, a super straight man, not only silenced Lulem with his sugar-free proposal words.

It also made the entire supervisor space speechless.

The reality for men on earth is that the driving force for pursuing greatness and success is never for love.

Women, on the other hand, look forward to being with successful men who have leadership qualities, and believe that they can use their emotions to drive their partners to success.

Most rational women actually know that their emotional restraint does not play a big role in the success of their male partners. Most of the time, they just let their partners concentrate on their affairs and not be bothered by matters in the inner court.

For example, Qin Xiaohan is silent in space now.

But almost all women (the supervisors in the space whose lives are desolate due to work) more or less still hope that the man they like will say "I did all this for you" after he succeeds, and use the so-called "the world is in the world".

"Under the pomegranate skirt" to coax her.

Narrator: Such lies and sweet words are a small tacit understanding between men and women that have existed for thousands of years. Knowing that they are lies is similar to what men talk nonsense at the wine table, but they need to liven up the atmosphere on specific occasions.

But the problem remains, Wei Keng, as a male with ancient thinking in the 21st century, is "disabled" in this regard.

Narrator: In modern times, girls aged 11 or 12 were too precocious. Before their world view was formed, they came into contact with Danmei comics and took the beautiful "lies" seriously. As a result, when they reached the age where they should listen to "lies", they could not get excited.

One by one, they are slowly warming up, and that generation of men who did not have childhood sweethearts in the first place simply cannot tell nice "lies".

Mr. Wei seemed to feel that he was getting a chill from the system space.

Wei Keng realized that he had offended the person behind him again, and immediately gave a second-rate explanation in the space:

In the space, Wei Keng told the supervisors with a smile on his face, "We share the same experience of adversity, we have deep feelings, we are not responsible for each other, and we will never be apart until the end of our lives."

But the people in the space didn't seem to buy it. "Hmph" and "keep talking." A group of supervisors began to lose their temper. But the supervisors were obviously very pleased with Wei Keng's submission. The supervisors said: Next

Don't do it again.

Wei Keng was waiting for Lulem's answer. What he meant was very simple. He was not a perfect god, but just a middle-aged person walking on the right path.

Ten minutes later, Lulem seemed to have woken up and understood her wrong "fantasy" over the years.

Lulem began to look back at the root cause of her mistake: "I just didn't complete the experience of seeking pleasure in my carbon-based body, and I have always been worried about him. He, well, I didn't expel him from me."

heart of."

Lulem understood where she was wrong, but in the end she was still upset.

So in the end, Wei Keng invited her to live an ordinary life together. In fact, the root of her inner reluctance was that she did not dislike Taxi Qiduo for being ordinary, but was afraid that she would expose various flaws in her ordinary life and make Taxi Qiduo dislike him, so that


Wei Keng, who "also fails in love", has not fully understood the complex mood of Lulem, a woman from Promise Star.

As a straight man on earth, I stopped continuing this topic and changed the topic to cooperate with her.

Oh, dimensional axis cooperation.

Hearing that there was a cooperation project on the neutron star, Lulem nodded quickly and agreed.

As they walked together, Lulem looked back at the stars behind her, and Wei Keng responded: The second human war is about to begin.


Wei Keng looked at her tenderly: Pull Neng away from this conflict, and then you can watch this historical evolution from the sidelines without any distractions.

When a raging fire burns, the rising temperature will cause wisps of smoke to precipitate. A lot of smoke will fly into the air before being ignited by the flames.

This chapter has been completed!
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