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Chapter 24.21 (Part 2) The outcome is determined by long-term calculations, and success or failure is revealed at the last moment.

 The Human Alliance relies on brown dwarfs and a series of large planets to establish infrastructure that can transport troops. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the browser directly.\nCOM website to watch the fastest chapter updates)

On the larger starry sky battlefield, the Dirty Bubble Star is now in the hands of the Human Alliance, which is related to the stability of hundreds of brown dwarfs. Once this node fails, a series of chain reactions will occur.

The interstellar war soon spread from space to the surface of this dirty planet.

Regardless of the damage, Yuesu's flagship was forcibly torn apart by the tidal force of the dirty cloth star, and launched a low-orbit assault.

This adventure of Yuesu is like letting his flagship lay eggs, sowing the seeds of "stellar plates" one by one. These projected "landing energy blocks" are just tens of kilometers of "quark field" at first, and when they arrive on the surface of the star, they immediately resemble

The oil film spreads out on the water surface.

A geometric light field appeared in this yellow dwarf star, and then it quickly turned into a continent composed of force field material, just like an integrated circuit carved on the surface of the star.

This "artificial land mass" attached to the surface of the star is like a super large aircraft carrier. On the surface, the factory produces fighter jets that surround the star's atmosphere, as well as combat weapons to protect the land mass.

Four astronomical units away, there was a thousand-kilometer-level space battleship, Yuesu (the seventh-level master of the Star Sea Alliance). She watched her successful first step, gritted her teeth, and suppressed the excitement in her heart.

Meteor speed: With a flick of the palm, dark energy glowed smoothly like a thousand-kilometer-level battleship. Then, at the radiation port of the battleship chassis, filaments connected the continents on the star. It was like a marionette filament connecting the stars.

On the giant surface of the star below

For Meteor Speed, as long as eight continents are produced in succession, covering the entire planet like a layer of skin, then her ability is the gravitational system, which can superimpose the internal gravity of the surrounding celestial body on the dirty cloth planet, and it will

can destroy this strategic node.

The Human Alliance's complex, blood-vessel-like negative entropy facilities in the Zangbu Star will be destroyed by out-of-control energy and material spewing.

Of course, in war, all plans must consider the opponent's destruction, and if the opponent destroys the plan, it can also be destroyed, infinite matryoshka dolls...

The war to seize the plate has begun. Since the outer surface temperature of the dirty cloth star is not high, it is between one hundred and five hundred degrees Celsius. (The dirty dark area of ​​the dirty cloth star even has liquid water clouds.


At this time, the temperature directly above the plate is already similar to ecological star conditions.

The outermost surface of these man-made continental plates is composed of layers of metal plates with a thickness of tens of meters. The area is very large. The heat dissipation vents are arranged to spray heat from the bottom of the plates, thus becoming a very good energy point.

A war similar to that on the surface of the earth started with fleets flying all over the sky and millions of kilometers of material field positions watching.

Due to the very short time limit of the war in this star table, both sides projected very few personnel, and the various types of mechanized troops dropped were commanded by very few commanders.

Compared with the ravines and bulges on the surface of normal natural stars, the steel plate continent on the upper layer of this force field block is very flat, with regular and orderly undulations.

The Human Alliance's mission is to land and occupy a predetermined area, then drill holes and detonate nuclear bombs to break up the continent.

The Star Sea Alliance is doing node defense on this temporary continent.

Due to the special environment and special tasks, the characteristics of the battle between the two sides are also very distinct.

Just as Jackie Chan is the strongest in kung fu in a furniture store, and European and American strongmen are the strongest in physical combat in prisons, they must follow the same fighting style wherever they go.

The two sides are racing against time. They are constantly projecting troops on the surface of Zangbu Star, quickly seizing the energy points of the land plate, and then driving mechanization to the next node.

On this man-made plate, both sides do not lack materials to build troops, but they lack energy to drive troops.

Compared with the "space knights" outside and warships with hundreds of kilometers or thousands of kilometers, all kinds of weapons on the artificial continent are very traditional, such as tanks, self-propelled missiles, artillery vehicles and even airships.

Since it is a temporary continent, weapons are also developed temporarily and cannot be tested like on Earth, so it is full of early punk style, and all kinds of welded rivets can be roughly connected.

Refinement is impossible. There is not enough time. By the time you finish the refinement, these temporarily created land plates will have completed their "battle mission" long ago.

At this time, the gravitational force on the surface of Zhengbu is more than ten times that of the Earth. If the plates float to extremely high altitudes, the gravitational force will decrease, so some of these man-made plates are high and some are low.

Back to the global perspective, there are different arms on the low and high plates of the continent.

The atmosphere on the high plate is thin, the gravity is small, and heavily armored ground units are prevalent. Land cruisers with one or two thousand tons, missile launches from both sides will encounter laser interception, and there is only a monotonous pattern of heavy artillery against heavy armor.

On the low plate, the gravity is high, but the atmosphere is dense, which makes light units with power to float close to the ground and high-altitude airships prevalent. What kind of aerodynamic aircraft? The airflow density is too high, and the aircraft cannot use its high speed and cannot escape.

Out of the airship's information lock.

…The gap in military quality between the two sides from the bottom up is determined by the educational philosophies of both sides…

"Learning the history of war and understanding the characteristics of armed conflicts in various eras" has been an essential course in the compulsory education of the Humanities Alliance for a century.

Information interference and counter-information interference, bombing and counter-bombing of tank clusters, and aerial cutting control to attack ground clusters are all compulsory.

The size of the torrent of steel on the surface of a natural planet is only a million at most. And such wars rarely occur on any planet in the universe.

Now the confrontation on the Dirty Cloth Planet plate has truly seen tens of millions of steel collide with each other.

Tens of thousands of air force sorties presented scenes of cavalry waves charging each other, and the entire continent was filled with maglev Apocalypse tanks and airships.

Sixteen hours after the battle, the new generations of the Human Rights Alliance were still at a disadvantage despite landing on all sectors. The enemy had too many troops.

These plates are not faces, but layers of eggshells surrounding the dirty cloth planet.

These rings began to exert influence on the center of gravity. Nuclear explosions from the Alliance of Humanities did not destroy enough energy points of the plates to cause the plates to fall, but could only deflect the plates weakly.

Just when the commander of the Star Sea Council Yuan Su smiled, thinking that the destruction was about to be completed, Mu Changxu showed a "calculated" smile on his face.

Mu Changxu had always been cautious, watching for the opportunity to make sure that the enemy had finally played out his cards, just like Bai Qi was sure that Zhao Kuo would rush into the encirclement with 400,000 people during the Battle of Changping.

Mu Changxu gave the order, and the fleets around Zinbu Star were dispatched, grazing the surface of the star at high speed.

Thirty minutes later, the Promise Star received news that the continental systems on the entire Zangbu Star collectively gave out violent alarms. At this time, standing outside and looking at it, the Mu Changsu fleet had just harmlessly passed by the periphery of the Zangbu Star.


But there were a total of sixty-eight man-made continents surrounding the plate. Just after Mu Nagasu's back-up fleet passed by, they began to tremble collectively, and all the continents resonated under the gravitational tide.

Missing a single calculation in this kind of battle is like typing the wrong decimal point somewhere in a rocket launch.

…In mathematical operations, the best solution is not to destroy one subsystem, but to disrupt the entire system…

Back to half an hour ago, Continent 13 was a key node. In the eastern region, as thousands of 100,000-ton heavy-armored warships ended up in the area, a large amount of metal debris was melted by rays.

Next, they become black spots on the road just like chewing gum residue melting into the asphalt road.

On the Human Alliance side, beams of light descended, and soldiers in mechanical battle suits landed on the mainland. They looked at the time and the amount of interference that might occur during this time period. They determined the arrival time of their extraterrestrial fleet and started

Start the task.

As the high-altitude fleet that had been ordered by Ki Nagasu passed by, the commander of the Human Rights Alliance, who had just completed the death order to occupy the area, activated dozens of kilometers of radiation facilities, and conducted a powerful "magnetic pull" with the flyby battleship, and the entire continent orbited

A slight deflection occurred.

The Human Alliance reported: "Gravity 2, atmosphere scale 1...stealth command has been activated."

Half an hour later, the Star Knights of the Star Sea Alliance also arrived. These Star Knights penetrated the temporary metal positions of the remains of the mechanical corps.

The fourth-level and fifth-level interstellar alliance dark energy users, and the first-level Shuoyuan of the Human Alliance, on this battlefield where "no seconds can give way", flashed each other instantaneously at a speed faster than the human eye, and encountered each other in subsonic maneuvers. Only

Pieces of metal fragments burst into flames.

As a side of the Galaxy Alliance, the Star Knights wanted to complete the mission of destroying the magnetic field gravitational zone of the Human Alliance. However, due to the stubborn resistance of the Human Alliance, they were unable to escape. They could only watch the Human Alliance launch huge energy from the horizon.

When I reached the sky and the earth, I immediately felt that the ground under my feet began to slowly tilt at an angle.

Fifteen minutes later, rows of nuclear bombs exploded on the east side of the mainland, and the Humanitarian Alliance's military mission was completed.

And on the entire dirty cloth planet, dominoes began. Continent 13 deviated from the orbit and completely cut diagonally towards the east, 03 degrees.

At this time, Continent No. 13 happened to overlap with Continent No. 9, and the airflow between the two continents began to move rapidly, forming a low-pressure belt that was sucked directly up.

An Neng, who was on the continent below, looked up at the oppression of the "sky falling" falling from above and could only sort out his remains.

In this way, these two plates covering hundreds of millions of square kilometers collided together. The shattering was not like glass, but more like the bursting of a soap bubble.

This energized continent exploded like a balloon film three seconds after the collision. The rapidly oscillating energy on its surface generated a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees in several fault zones.

Immediately afterwards, other continents in orbit were also affected and swayed directly. A few hours later, these man-made plates collectively rolled and collided, followed by violent tidal effects like a chain reaction, affecting other continents.

In outer space, just as he was about to start the "destruction" of the center of Zangbu Star, his mood began to "fall back". Although his face was still deserted, the dull hair that was originally raised drooped down.

She stood on the energy platform, and the energy beam in her hand was being activated. The twenty-three continents on the dirty cloth star on the front screen, which were originally blue-green, suddenly turned red under the alarm, and then disappeared completely, and then the warning sounded,

Other sections (the green ones on the screen) have also turned yellow due to energy imbalance.

Five hours ago, Yuan Su, who felt she was about to win, now had a stiff face. This failure was not fatal, but was just such a slap in the face that it would affect her rational decision-making in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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